Emergency hotline. Hotline of the Ministry of Health of Russia: 24-hour telephone number of the Ministry of Health. Toll free health hotline number

Ministry of Health Hotline and social development of the Russian Federation" Healthy Russia" together with the project "SO HEALTHY"! conducts educational activities among the Russian population on issues of a healthy lifestyle. Key health issues are the refusal of Russian citizens to tobacco, drugs, treatment of alcohol addiction. Together with the Moscow government, the Department of Health, medical centers were opened where any Muscovite can contact for consultations. There is also a hotline of the Department of Health, where you can consult with a specialist, make an appointment with a doctor, sign up for tests. In addition to issues of relieving addictions, the topic of healthy eating and promoting a healthy lifestyle is even more relevant.

City clinics

The main purpose of city clinics is to provide comprehensive medical, preventive and advisory assistance to the population of the area assigned to each of the clinics.

The clinic consists of the following structural divisions, which ensure the efficient and coordinated operation of the entire clinic. The registry books patients for appointments with a doctor, using the healthcare hotline, and registers calls from doctors to their homes. In addition, the reception staff carries out timely selection and delivery of documentation to the offices of receiving doctors, as well as informing the population about the time of doctors’ appointments and issuing sick leave.

The prevention department carries out pre-medical control. The medical department consists of local therapists and doctors of “profile” specialties. The diagnostic department deals with laboratory tests, ultrasound diagnostics, and fluoroscopy. In the statistics departments of city clinics, documentation is processed and recorded, and the performance indicators of all departments are analyzed. And lastly, the administrative unit carries out a leadership function in the clinic. It is worth noting that the administrative unit includes: the chief physician and his deputy.

Speaking about city clinics, one cannot fail to mention the importance of the local doctor in them; it is the local doctor who plays the main role in the general health care system, who can always be called by calling the health department.

Toll free health hotline number.

By Department of Health hotline number you can find out the address and telephone number of the health center or clinic closest to you, make an appointment with a specialist, learn about proper nutrition and the norms of life for a healthy person. In addition, using the hotline you can find out the addresses of sports facilities for a healthy lifestyle!

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The most popular hotline numbers!

The hotline of the Moscow Department of Health will allow you to ask questions and complain about the medical services provided. In this article, we will consider the main purposes for contacting an institution and provide telephone numbers for communication.

The Department of Health is an organization that manages health care facilities. It has several functions:

  1. Development of basic provisions and orders.
  2. Regulation of institutions.
  3. Monitoring the quality of services provided.
  4. Improving the functioning of institutions.
  5. Property management.
  6. Punishment of employees who grossly violate the rules.
  7. Organization of inspections.
  8. Receiving proposals from the public.
  9. Processing incoming complaints, studying them and preparing an official response.

These are the main tasks of the Department of Health. That is, he controls the functioning of institutions and interacts with citizens. This organization is a fairly important link and takes upon itself the solution of major issues.

Hotline of the Moscow Region Department of Health

What questions can you ask:

  • Related to the provision of preferential medications.
  • On vaccination.
  • Health related.
  • Questions about the provision of medical care.
  • Providing vouchers for treatment in a sanatorium.
  • You can leave your suggestions for improving the work of medical institutions.
  • Complain about poor quality help.
  • Report violations in medical institutions.
  • Provide information about identified cases of corruption in hospitals and clinics.

Hello, dear friends. In this article we will look at what the 24-hour hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is and how it works, who can use it and when, and how long it will take to resolve your issue or prepare a response to a complaint.

Hotline number – 8-800-200-03-89. It is free for all residents of Russia and works around the clock. Very often questions arise about the provision of medical services that the doctors around us or their managers cannot or do not want to answer. Then the only option left to obtain the necessary information is to call the indicated telephone number to the Ministry of Health.

Getting ready for the call

In order not to mumble into the phone, we formulate clear questions in advance that we are going to ask the operator taking the call on the hotline, or we write a communication plan if we are going to talk about the problem.

If possible, find out the correct name of the medical institution against which you are going to file a complaint, the name of the director and his address. If the complaint concerns a specific medical worker, find out his name and position, as well as the necessary information about the medical organization where he works.

Preparing documents

Since all complaints and appeals are personalized, prepare your personal documents - passport, SNILS and compulsory health insurance policy. If your appeal contains a link to any documents (referral for treatment, prescription, order, etc.), prepare them too so that you can name the necessary data from them.

Statistics show that most of the questions and requests currently concern the legality of prescribing paid examinations and specialist appointments. These questions can always be answered by a trained employee of the Ministry of Health who receives calls from the hotline.

Area of ​​issues to be resolved

In addition to questions about payment for medical procedures, specialists in Moscow will answer your following questions and give brief consultations:

  • About a healthy environment and maintaining your health: smoking, stressful situations and getting out of them, dietetics, etc.
  • About the possibility of obtaining information in the field of healthcare: addresses of the clinics you need, a list of services provided, the possibility of enrolling in highly specialized medical centers, etc.
  • About the possibilities of obtaining high-tech services: which clinics perform the procedures you need, is it possible to sign up for free examination and treatment, etc.
  • On issues of violation of medical ethics, poor quality of medical care or incomplete provision.
  • About the availability of medicines in your city and region, telephone numbers and addresses where they can provide the necessary information, about the shortage of medicines provided by budgets of all levels for privileged categories of citizens.
  • About issues resolved with the help of compulsory health insurance (CHI) authorities, problems with registration of compulsory medical insurance.
  • On extortion of bribes for the provision of services by health workers.

You don't have to call

You can communicate with specialists from the Ministry of Health not only by phone. You never know, maybe you stutter, have trouble hearing, or don’t know Russian well. There are alternative communication options.

For example, you can go to the Ministry of Health website rosminzdrav.ru, where in a separate window you can leave your written appeal. You can also write an email with scanned documents attached to the following address: [email protected].

This is very convenient, because in response you will receive a notification that your request has been registered and an approximate response time. Also, after some time (from 10 to 30 days), the answer itself will be sent to your email.

How to write an appeal

If you are outside Russia, the hotline number is +7-495-627-29-44. Also, if you doubt whether your issue will be resolved by the Ministry of Health or you just want to find out about specialized assistance services, you can call the helpline - 8-495-628-44-53.

If you have a complex question, then it is better to use the capabilities of an email, because the message on the site should not exceed 2 thousand characters (letters and punctuation marks). Sending a message on the site is convenient for a simple question-answer format.

If you are going to attach scanned documents, their total size should not exceed 5 MB. Files in Word, Excel and PowerPoint format are not accepted or considered.

In Soviet times, we could also file complaints, although mostly by mail or by telephone; there was no Internet then. Increased opportunities for feedback and increased communication are a definite plus that will help the leadership of our Ministry of Health keep their finger on the pulse and quickly respond to all kinds of violations by health workers.

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