How to switch between tabs. How to switch tabs in the browser using the keyboard? Switch to another tab using keyboard

Let's look at several ways to switch between tabs in the Google Chrome browser.

Switching tabs using the mouse

This is the simplest and most common method of switching between tabs in our favorite browser. To switch to a specific tab, simply point the mouse at it and press the right button. That's all, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it.

Switch keys using a keyboard shortcut

This is the second way to switch. It is used extremely rarely, since it is much easier to do this with a computer mouse. But in some situations, for example, when the mouse does not work or is not there, this option can be very useful. Clamp CTRL+TAB and it will move to the next tab from left to right. If you run out of tabs, you will return to the very first tab.

To switch to the previous tab use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+TAB.

How to return a closed tab toChrome?

If you accidentally closed the desired tab, you can return it. To return a closed tab in Chrome, click Shift + Ctrl + T. Another way is to open a new tab and right-click on it and select “ Open closed tab”.

Hello! Tell me how to switch tabs in the browser using the keyboard?

Master's answer:

Hello. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a person who is not familiar with the Internet. Often a user uses more than one browser and views more than a dozen sites at once. Browser creators tried to make traveling on the Internet as convenient as possible and developed a simple ability to navigate between tabs, without using a mouse.

In most modern browsers, the ability to navigate between tabs is implemented using the “Tab” + “Ctrl” keyboard shortcut. Using the specified keyboard shortcut, you can sequentially navigate through all the tabs of the following browsers: Google Chrom, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera. The Google Chrom Internet browser has more web browsing capabilities than any other program. Your options depend largely on what browser you are using on your computer.

In order to go to any specific tab, you must use the keyboard shortcut 1..9 + “Ctrl”. Consequently, there is no possibility of switching to tabs following the ninth one. At the same time, if there are more than ten tabs, it may be difficult to determine their number in order. In such a case, it is convenient to use a computer mouse.

In addition to the “Tab” + “Ctrl” key combination, you can also use the “PageDown” + “Ctrl” combination to sequentially move through tabs in the browser. This variety was invented for the convenience of the user, since the layout of the keys on different keyboards may not be the same. For example, on some laptops “PageUp” and “PageDown” are conveniently located, as opposed to “Ctrl”, for this reason, browser developers have modernized the keyboard shortcuts for the convenience of all users.

To go to the previous tab, you must use the following keyboard shortcuts: “Tab” + “Shift” + “Ctrl” or “PageUp” + “Ctrl”. It must be remembered that on some computers, the “Shift” + “Ctrl” keys switch the layout, depending on the settings of the language bar. To avoid such confusion, the hotkey settings for changing the layout can be changed.

On the Internet it is possible to find modifications to browsers that allow you to expand the program management settings. Among such additions you can find digital switching between browser tabs, an integrated translator and other modifications. The need to use such add-ons depends on the needs of users and their ability to use a computer.

The days in which the average user felt insecure at the computer are long gone. Almost everyone has become so skilled in this matter that they are comparable to a novice programmer. As a result, having understood the system, people try to use their time as rationally as possible and not waste it on all sorts of trifles.

Such little things include switching tabs in the browser. This problem is quite relevant, because now everyone has access to the Internet, and that is where most of the time is spent. In this article we will talk about how to switch between tabs using the keyboard, thereby speeding up your work on the Web.

Sequential switching

So, let's figure out how to switch between tabs using the keyboard. The purpose of the key for this is quite simple. CTRL+TAB is responsible for this. As soon as you press this combination, the tab will switch to the right of the active one.

As you continue to press TAB, you will move further and further, and so on in a circle. It is noteworthy that all the hotkeys given in this article are universal. That is, you can use them in all browsers without exception.

Switch to a specific tab

The above is not the only way to switch between tabs using the keyboard. It allows you to switch them sequentially, but this is quite inconvenient, especially if there are several tabs and you need to get to a specific one. Now let's talk about how to switch between tabs using the keyboard so that you can switch to a specific one.

To do this, use something else - CTRL+1...9. By pressing a number from 1 to 9, you will switch to the corresponding tab. That is, the indicated figure is a serial number.

Switch to next tab

If you want to go to the next tab in order, then the keyboard shortcut CTRL+PageDown or the above-mentioned CTRL+TAB will help you with this. We figured out how to switch between tabs using the keyboard to the next one, but many may ask why such a variety. It's very simple: it's convenient to use different combinations on different keyboards.

Switch to previous tab

If you decide to switch to the previous tab, then feel free to press the key combination CTRL+PageUp. In the event that it is inconvenient for you to press these buttons, you can use another combination - CTRL + SHIFT. The essence of this hotkey layout is quite simple. It consists (as in the previous case) in the fact that on some keyboards it is inconvenient to reach, for example, PageUp, and on others, on the contrary, to SHIFT. This allows the user to decide for himself what is more convenient for him.


We have listed all the ways to switch between tabs using the keyboard. Using hotkeys may not always be convenient. This is why various browser add-ons have been developed. They are quite different from each other. Some allow you to assign hotkeys yourself, others introduce specific changes. It's up to you to decide which ones to use.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a modern person who is not familiar with the Internet. Often, a standard user works in more than one browser and views more than a dozen pages at the same time. Browser developers have made sure that surfing the Internet is more convenient and have provided an easy way to switch between tabs without using the mouse.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - keyboard;
  • - browser.


  • In any browser, the function of switching between tabs is implemented by the “Ctrl” + “Tab” key combination on the keyboard. By clicking these buttons, you will sequentially go through all the tabs of the following browsers: Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla and Explorer. In the Google Chrome browser, control options are significantly expanded. It all depends on what browser you have installed on your computer.
  • To switch to a specific tab, use the key combination “Ctrl” + 1...9 (numbers from one to nine). Accordingly, you will not be able to switch to tabs after the ninth one in order. But on the other hand, when there are two dozen tabs, it is more difficult to determine their serial number. In this case, you will need to use standard computer mouse tools.
  • To switch to the next tab in order, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “PageDown” or “Ctrl” + “Tab”. This variety is made for convenience, since the convenient key combination may differ on different keyboards. For example, not all laptops conveniently implement the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys, so the developers slightly modernized the keyboard shortcut so that no computer user experiences difficulties.
  • To switch to the previous tab, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “PageUp” or “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Tab”. Be careful, as the combination “Ctrl” + “Shift” switches the language layout on some computers. You can change the keyboard layout to a combination of other hot keys so as not to be confused when working with the computer.
  • It is also possible to find various browser add-ons on the Internet that expand program management capabilities. This includes digital tab switching, a built-in translator, and much more. It all depends on your needs and computer skills.
  • When working in a browser, sometimes you have to visit several sites at the same time, but constantly closing the tab and looking for another necessary site is very inconvenient. It is much easier to open several tabs at once and use them in parallel.

    But here the question arises: “How to switch between tabs?” There are several different methods that will help you with this. We will tell you about them in this article.

    What are tabs for and how does it help you work in the browser?

    Definitely, using several tabs at the same time will greatly simplify the use of the browser and the search for the necessary information. Instead of closing an already open tab with the necessary information and looking for a new one in the search engine, open another tab, this will make it possible not to lose the data necessary for work and study several sources at the same time. How to open a new tab? You can click on the parallelogram, or use this keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + T

    Pros of using multiple tabs:

    1. The first positive point is convenience.
    2. Quick access to the necessary information.
    3. Browser performance.
    4. Ability to study multiple sources in parallel.
    5. This makes it possible not to lose the necessary information.
    1. The only and main drawback is the inconvenience of switching tabs between each other. But this problem is very easy to fix, since there are methods to perform this task faster and more comfortably.

    Ways to switch between tabs

    Without using special third-party programs, Google Chrome knows the following options for switching between keys:

    There are several key combinations for switching tabs:

    Using these key combinations, you can also navigate to the desired tab in the order of left - right and right - left, but since the purpose of these shortcuts is mainly to scroll the page up and down, the process of selecting a tab can be difficult and quite inconvenient to use. But this method can also be considered as an option.

    If you need to open a specific tab and don't want to scroll through everything in a circle, these three methods will not be effective, since they will take you more time than simply clicking on the tab.

    But there are also several options to switch to the tab you need with just one click.

    How to switch to a specific tab using various keyboard shortcuts

    The following combinations exist on Windows: