What does anonymous survey mean? How and why to conduct anonymous employee surveys. How to make a poll in VK on a page

Where are surveys created? One of the options is on your personal page. Everything here is very simple: go to your place, click on "more" in the block "anything new?" and take a vote.

You need to write a question at the top, then put down the options. If more than two are needed, add. But be warned. that VKontakte limits the total number to 10. The survey can be supplemented with music, a photo or a document by clicking on the corresponding icons in the lower left corner. If you don't want it to be visible who chooses what, check the "anonymous voting" box. This way you will get a more reliable picture.

How to create a poll in a VKontakte group

But surveys are still most often needed by groups. They can be a good promotion tool, especially if you use them skillfully. Voting, for example, makes it possible to hold competitions and determine winners. Or choose which article/book/game will be translated next. Such publics are very popular because participants are involved in the active life of the community.

But not everyone knows that for some communities, not only the owner or administrator, but also a simple group member can create a survey: on the wall. Of course, if it is generally allowed to add any records there.

Technically, everything is quite simple: you again select additional options, and among them is a survey.

Then everything follows the already described algorithm. Again, no one bothers you to add an image, music or file.

If you wish and if the group owner does not mind, you can pin the survey in the community header. To do this, just click on the ellipsis at the top right and select the appropriate option.

Some argue that the most effective option is to post votes in the discussion section. This is very easy to do: on the wall of your VKontakte group you need to find and click the “add discussion” button. But keep in mind that some groups close discussions: in this case, you will not be able to add a poll.

If this is your VKontakte group, then click on the “community management” function located under the group photo on the right. The section we need will be highlighted in the list of sections. "discussions" it is located below. Click on it and select the function "open". If you need to close discussions so that no one except you can add them, then choose the option - "limited".

Next, you need to create a topic for our VK survey. On the voting window that appears, press the button "attach" located in the lower corner, and then - "survey", after which we come up with and write down its title. It is also necessary to add answer options, as happens, for example, on ballot papers with a list of candidates. After completing all the adjustments and corrections, you can click - "create topics", that's it!

Typically, administrators and group owners have this ability. If it is the creator who adds the survey, then he has the right to choose on whose behalf to publish it: the community or his own.

If you have a website, then you can also post your survey from VK on it too. To do this you will need to press the button "to get the code", then in the window that appears immediately after clicking the button, copy the HTML code that appears, which you can paste into the page of your site.

As you can see, it's not difficult to figure it out. And it actually takes a minimum of time, just a couple of clicks.

How can I view voting statistics?

Owners and administrators of public sites add surveys for a reason, but for a specific purpose. For example, they want to find out who liked a certain product the most and collect marketing data.

Then the “Show graph” button will appear. Just click to see how the voting proceeded chronologically. And if you click on the survey, you will be shown a picture by country, city, and age. You can also use a special filter to distribute users in some other way. If the survey was conducted openly (that is, not anonymously), then you will see a specific list.

There is also a button "Distribution of shares". Everything is shown there as a percentage. In general, studying voting statistics is very useful. It allows you to check whether there were any attempts to invert the survey in a specific direction. For example, this guarantees fair victory in various competitions.

How to re-vote on VKontakte?

You won't be able to change your voice through the regular interface. But mobile clients provide this option, as well as an embedded survey widget. So, in the iOS version you just need to select a different option. And if you want to completely cancel your participation, click again on what you previously voted for. With the Android application, you need to make a long tap on the survey. Windows Phone also allows you to recall your vote: just click again, and it doesn’t matter which answer option.

Changing your mind on the desktop version is more difficult, but possible. A “Get Code” button appears next to the survey after it is published. It is needed to insert a survey on another page. And at the top right there will be a “re-vote” button. Or you can use the application vk.com/repoll.

Create polls and grow your community with them!

VKontakte voting is a very convenient way to find out from users their opinion on any issue: which phone model they prefer, what they do in their free time, how much time they spend on social networks, etc. People like it and group/public administrators can get useful information. Recently, you can even share surveys on your wall, which can have a positive effect on group attendance. Here are some examples of surveys:

How to vote on VKontakte

You will see a form for creating a survey, where you can enter: Subject, answer options and enable anonymous survey mode:

By the way, you can attach pictures, music, video, graffiti, map, document or timer to surveys using the “Attach” button.

Voting efficiency

  • Relevant topic. If the group is about flowers, users will not be interested in discussing cars, and gamers will not even think about participating in a survey about dog breeds.
  • Decor. If necessary, add pictures, attract the attention of your visitors to the survey, and carefully consider the answer options.
  • Anonymity. Some surveys (on intimate topics, etc.) should be made anonymous (just check the appropriate box)

Now everyone can create their own choice: Open or Anonymous surveys! In public polls, each person or group member can view voting statistics and see who voted and for what answer.

Previously, you could only see the number of votes that were cast for one or another option. Open votes are created by default, but it is also possible to check the box and make any created vote anonymous. Anonymity is an additional feature.

To determine the type of voting and decide whether you will participate in it or not. To do this, pay attention to the inscription to the right of the survey title; it indicates what type of voting it is: “Anonymous voting” or “Open voting”.

All polls are visually the same and no different, but you just have to hover your mouse over any voting option, and you will immediately see pictures (avatars) of the first six users who have already voted for it. If you click on the number of votes in a poll, you can view more detailed information about all participants.

Create an open poll

On the wall, open the drop-down menu through the “More” button and select the “Poll” item. Enter the survey topic or question, fill out the answer options and click on the “Submit” button.

There you can also add an additional field with an answer option or erase the entered data.

It is possible to attach video, image, audio, graffiti, map mark and document to the survey. If you check the appropriate box, you can create a survey anonymously, but we’ll tell you about that. The ability to make a survey with photos has significantly added to the popularity of this tool.

The created post will be displayed in the news feed of subscribers just like everyone else. It, like all the others, can be pinned on the wall, edited, liked, commented on or shared with friends. You can post it either on your own behalf or on behalf of the community by inserting your signature.

It is also worth noting that once it has been published, there is no way to make it anonymous.

Above the survey itself, you can mark up another message with a background story or request. In the end, everything will look something like the image below.

Statistics on voters

Both options have slight differences in the generation of statistical data. We will look at each of them in detail here.


By clicking on the “All options” tab, we can view advanced statistics and select a specific filter to create a search:

  1. Location (country and city) of each survey participant.
  2. Age (if it is indicated on their page).
  3. You can watch only the voices of women or only men.

By clicking on one option, you will open a list of all pages that selected it.


Shows the total number of people who voted for each option, but you can’t see who voted. This number can be sorted in the same way as in the case of open voting: show the votes of women or men, set the sorting by age and city.

There is also a “Get code” button for displaying and inserting the script into the site’s HTML code. Likes, number of views, counter with reposts and comments.

Create an anonymous vote

The creation process is the same as for an open one, only when creating we put a tick "Anonymous voting."

Are you planning to register on the VKontakte social network in order to create a community on this site and actively promote your business or promote your own resource? Perhaps you already have an account and even a group here, but you are still a novice Internet user and have not had time to understand some of the features of the interface of this “social network”.

In any case, you need to know how to vote on VKontakte and what benefits it can bring. After reading this article, you will be convinced of the effectiveness of surveys. So, first things first.

How to vote on VKontakte?

In the first case, any respondent will be able to obtain information about other participants by visiting their page on this social network. In the second case there will be no such opportunity.

    open your page and write a message on the wall describing the problem or purpose of the survey;

    below you will see the “Attach” button, click on it and select the “Other” item;

    select the “Poll” option, write the topic in the appropriate field and indicate the answer options.

If you don’t know how to make an anonymous vote on VKontakte, then in fact everything is extremely simple - check the appropriate box. You can find it under the answer options.

Why create surveys?

Imagine a situation where your blog traffic starts to drop. However, you don’t know why this happens. It seems that you write interesting articles, add high-quality videos, adhere to the rules of SEO optimization, but visitors run away.

Perhaps the whole point is that you need to communicate more with your readers, at least sometimes asking for their opinion about your resource. Perhaps the reason for the drop in traffic lies, for example, in a boring blog design. This is where surveys can help you. You already know how to vote on VKontakte, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.

At the same time, you must correctly compose answer options, taking into account the interests of your audience, age and gender. Remember that ideally the interviewee should give a clear answer, and not something like: “I can’t decide.” It is also recommended that you attach an image to your survey.


So, now that you know how to vote on VKontakte, be sure to put this feature into practice. Moreover, you should not expect a drop in attendance or loss of participants in the group. Create an interesting or useful survey right now. However, do not forget that voting can be made anonymous if necessary.

It is better to regularly inquire about the point of view of your visitors (readers) regarding certain problems. Believe me, they will be pleased to know that their opinion is very important to you.

Anonymous surveys help assess the microclimate in the team and reveal management problems. They give employees the opportunity to speak out honestly, forcefully, and without fear of being fired for insubordination. This truth serum is good at breaking up stagnation in work processes. And if you make anonymous surveys regular, this will allow you to put the right strategic decisions on stream, which is what all managers strive for in one way or another.

We rummaged through open sources and found several examples of the use of anonymous surveys in management and business.


Thanks to Washington Post reporters and America's Freedom of Information Act, we can lift the curtain on how personnel decisions are made inside one of the world's most powerful domestic intelligence agencies.

Since 2007, the FBI has used regular anonymous surveys to assess the internal climate in all 56 regional departments of the agency. Inside the company, these surveys are called “smoke detectors.” The survey measures employee morale, commitment to service, leadership competencies, and level of cooperation with other federal agencies.

All FBI employees are surveyed - both operational personnel and support services. Quite voluminous questionnaires are compiled by psychologists and contain several dozen questions. They touch on all the main aspects and problems of the department’s daily work: the feasibility and feasibility of requirements, compliance with professional ethics, management’s ability to cope with negative phenomena, favoritism, and so on.

After analyzing the responses, each department is given an average score from “1” to “5”, where “1” means serious problems, and “5” means their complete absence.

In departments that score fewer points, mandatory personnel changes occur. No exceptions are made for anyone: according to the survey results, key employees of the largest departments in New York and Washington were removed in different years.


Anonymous surveys, coupled with a two-stage selection for the personnel reserve (also based on questionnaires), improved the quality of management decisions by 9.5%, according to department analysts. An assistant director of the FBI's HR division called anonymous surveys "a great measurement tool."


Earls is a large chain of inexpensive family restaurants operating in North America. During peak seasons it has up to 8 thousand employees. Its leaders made it a rule to regularly communicate with subordinates and give them the opportunity to speak out through anonymous surveys. The Wall Street Journal spoke about Earls' practice back in 2015.

In the fall and spring, Earls HR officers conduct scheduled anonymous surveys to monitor the work process, the work of managers, and opportunities for growth.

Regular surveys at Earls revealed that restaurant staff who had to arrive at work at 5am to prepare food in the kitchen felt socially isolated.

In addition to regular "seasonal" surveys, Earls managers often conduct "quick response surveys" for limited groups of employees. They are resorted to in case of failures in the workflow that need to be quickly identified and resolved.


HR Director of the Earls chain Brenda Rigney shares the successes the company has achieved after introducing an anonymous survey system:

  • Reducing personnel recruitment costs by $1 million;
  • Reduce legal costs by 90%;
  • Increased employee retention rate from 28% to 43%.


The large recruiting portal Glassdoor knows firsthand about the importance of anonymous surveys. Anonymity of reviews formed the basis of the work of their resource with more than 30 million users. On Glassdoor.com, any employee who registers through a profile on social networks can leave insider information about salaries and working conditions at their company. All data is published on condition of anonymity. This gives job seekers unvarnished information about companies, and gives companies the motivation to correct their mistakes before they become public knowledge.

So, a biweekly general meeting of Glassdoor employees ends with them asking management any questions through an anonymous service. Few people dare to express their doubts publicly, but the guarantee of anonymity encourages sharp and frank questions.

We don't have clear data on how this helps Glassdoor's business, we can only look at the overall metrics. The company is growing rapidly; by 2017, it had raised about $200 million in several rounds of investment. If Glassdoor goes public, experts estimate it at $1 billion.

How to conduct an anonymous survey?

The easiest way to do this is to use the Questionnaire cloud service, designed specifically for conducting online surveys and collecting results. This is a fast, convenient and economical solution.

Give your employees the opportunity to speak up!