How to register in OK without a phone number and other magic. How to register on Odnoklassniki for the first time How to open a page on Odnoklassniki without a phone

Hello friends! Odnoklassniki is a serious social network that covers the Russian-speaking Internet space. You literally can’t ask anyone - everyone knows that there is such a site, and almost everyone has an account there. Even I remember once registering there, when registration was still paid (yes, yes, it is now a free pleasure, but before you had to pay for it). True, I’m not very active there - it’s somehow not familiar and not convenient for me to communicate there. But previously, this site was very actively used to find friends and acquaintances with whom I had once communicated somewhere, but did not have contact information.

Why do you need accounts on Odnoklassniki?

Each person registers accounts in Odnoklassniki for his own personal reasons, enters his data there independently, and if he creates several accounts, he deliberately violates the rules of this social network. Some people just want to communicate without their wife finding out, while others find it more convenient to communicate from several profiles. Some people maintain an account for their store and its support, while others simply sell their products there.

Because of the simply huge audience, many people build their businesses there and look for their clients there - and in parallel with this, the market for demand for liking, following and other social activity services is growing. Accounts can be banned - which creates a constant demand for new ones, which are registered and defended for some time. Here is an example of services that can be ordered on one of the freelance exchanges - to perform them you need accounts in Odnoklassniki - which means that having accounts in Odnoklassniki you can also provide such services yourself.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to consider all aspects of why Odnoklassniki accounts are in great demand in this publication - but if you enter a key query on YouTube in the search bar “How to make money on Odnoklassniki” and watch a couple of videos, everything immediately becomes clear - people register Odnoklassniki accounts to earn money. And here is the question of scalability - to earn more you need more accounts. And if you buy SIM cards yourself only for such purposes, the cost of the account will be too expensive. Moreover, if, for example, you spend 2 minutes replacing a SIM card in your phone (until the phone turns off/on) and work for 8 hours (480 minutes), then you can only register 240 accounts per day. There is, of course, the option of registering with Odnoklassniki via a Google account, but registering them turns out to be even more difficult. However, in order not to bother, it’s much easier to either buy SMS activation (then we don’t have to buy SIM cards or change them in the phone) and if you really need a lot of accounts, figure out how to automate the entire process of their registration and activation.

Numbers for account verification in Odnoklassniki

An entire infrastructure of services has been built on the Internet that provide a number of services related to accounts in Odnoklassniki, and the first of them is SMS account activation. As far as everyone knows, account registration in Odnoklassniki is now carried out with confirmation of the phone number. And when you need many accounts, it is easier to rent a virtual phone number for activation than to buy a SIM card.

I note that to register with Odnoklassniki you do not need a phone (device) - you need any device into which you can insert a SIM card and receive SMS. I clarify this point because many people by SIM card mean a phone. But, on Odnoklassniki, no one checks the IMEI of the phone; the user only indicates the mobile number to which the confirmation code is delivered via SMS.

Services that provide SMS receiving services have equipment capable of automating the process of receiving SMS and an interface that allows the client to read the SMS code received on the rented number. And since there are a lot of different social networks on the Internet, by renting out one number to different users for different social networks, the owner of a SIM bank not only recoups his investment, but also earns money. However, we are of little interest to the scheme of their earnings - it is important to us that we can get phone numbers for mere pennies and confirm our account farms in Odnoklassniki.

Among the various sites that provide virtual numbers, I will mention the site It has been working for many years, has acquired a regular audience, and there is enough information on YouTube about how to use its services. In turn, I have already thrown a few rubles there - and it will be easier for me to demonstrate the process of registering an account in Odnoklassniki without using a phone (since I will use the virtual numbers that this site provides).

To be able to receive SMS to confirm accounts on Odnoklassniki, you first need to prepare:

There is no need to confirm our registration by mail - mail will be used only for notifications from the owners of the service - in case there will be some discounts or changes in the operating algorithms. If we already have an account on, then we need to go to the “Login” page and enter your username and password there.

So, when an account has already been registered, it is necessary to top up the balance with an amount that will be sufficient for our purposes. Here everyone decides how much they need - someone wants to register one account in Odnoklassniki, and someone needs to register 1000 accounts.

To top up your balance you need to buy a top up code. These codes are sold in many online digital goods stores. I myself buy from one seller, so here I will provide links to his items (he has sold more than 30,000 recharge codes on this service over the course of his time).

The process of replenishing your balance on the service consists of two simple steps - purchasing a replenishment code and activating it in your personal account. Depending on the purpose of using the service and the desired number of virtual numbers that we will order, it is necessary to select different replenishment codes. For example, the cost of an incoming SMS to activate an Odnoklassniki account costs 5 rubles. We need to register 20 accounts. Then 20*5 = 100 rubles. Thus, you need to buy a replenishment code with a nominal value of 100 rubles. Below are instructions in screenshots illustrating this sequence of actions.

    After going to the payment page, you will need to select the payment system with which we will make the payment and enter your email, which will receive the purchased replenishment code. Depending on the chosen payment system, the cost of the balance replenishment code on may vary.

    Payment is made differently depending on the chosen method. For example, when we pay through Yandex.Money, we are transferred to the Yandex.Money personal account.

    Here you need to click on the "Pay" button.

    After which we confirm our payment and when the payment is successful, you can return to the store page.

    After successful payment, returning to the store, we get to something like this page, on which there will be a replenishment code for the service. Of course, we need to copy it to the clipboard in order to later activate it in the personal account of this service.

    But it may be that we were distracted and accidentally closed the page with the paid product but did not copy the replenishment code. In this case, there is no need to be upset - just go to your email, which you indicated when paying for the goods - the service duplicates the paid item to our email, which means we can also copy it there. This is what a letter with a balance replenishment code looks like on

    In the "Finance" section of your personal account, you must select the method of replenishing the balance "Replenishment codes" - in order to be able to activate the purchased code.

    The code that we bought and copied to the clipboard we now paste into the input field.

    Then you can click on the “Enroll” button. After this action, this replenishment code becomes invalid, and its nominal value is credited to the account balance. We will see a red inscription Balance updated. And a corresponding line will appear in the balance replenishment history.

Now our account on the service is ready for further work - allocating numbers that will receive SMS confirmation of accounts in Odnoklassniki.

The process of registering an account in Odnoklassniki

    View of the service’s personal account immediately after authorization

    Since Odnoklassniki is blocked in Ukraine, you can access it from Russia. This means that to activate your account, you can immediately select the country Russia.

    Since we will be registering accounts in Odnoklassniki, we select this service in our personal account - then the service will give us a number that has not yet been used for registration in Odnoklassniki by other users.

    To get a virtual number to activate an account in Odnoklassniki, we need to click on the “Get number” button after selecting the country and service.

    Since many people can simultaneously request the same service, for example Odnoklassniki, receiving a free number occurs on a first-come, first-served basis - which means you have to wait a few seconds. If the number is not issued, click the “Get number” button again.

    To avoid making a mistake when reprinting the number, it is recommended to copy it to the clipboard so that you can later paste it into the form of the site on which we will use it

    Since we copied the phone number from the service to the clipboard, we can now paste it into the input field on the Odnoklassniki website and click on the button to send the verification code.

  1. To register an account in Odnoklassniki we do not need a mobile phone, since we can use the service’s virtual numbers it’s cheaper than buying a separate SIM card for each account.
  2. We looked at the instructions in the screenshots for registering an account on the Odnoklassniki social network and receiving SMS confirmation to a virtual phone number.
  3. Thus, this information is enough to register the required number of accounts right now. Naturally, when there is a need for a large number of accounts in Odnoklassniki, it would be more correct to automate the entire process of not only registration, but also filling them with data and conducting social activity. The Zennoposter program, which I have already talked about on the pages of my blog, can help with this. Out of the box it works with this SMS activation service via API - which significantly saves our time!

If you already have accounts on popular social networks such as VK, Instagram and Facebook, but have not yet mastered Odnoklassniki, then it’s time to do so, that is, create a username and password. At the moment, the number of audiences in this community has exceeded 330 million people and the number of users is growing every day. Below we will tell you how to register with Odnoklassniki without a phone number and whether it is even possible to do this. We will also consider what difficulties you may encounter if you create an account without using a SIM card.

Is it possible to create a profile in OK without a mobile number?

When Odnoklassniki first appeared, the page was created using an email address. Later, the management introduced registration by phone number, and removed the mail forever.

Linking an account to a SIM card is not only safe, but also convenient. It is more difficult to hack than an email address, which means that attackers will not get to your information. In addition, your mobile device is always at hand and you do not need to be tied to a specific place in order to carry out any manipulations with your profile.

According to the rules of the social network, the same phone number cannot be linked to several pages. One SIM card – one profile. In this regard, the question often arises: “What if you need another account?”

Buying a virtual mobile number

If a SIM card is already linked to a profile, but you need another page, you can always turn to services that offer to buy a virtual SIM card (read the article “ “). You can find them either through the Yandex or Google search engines.

What is this one? This is a special program that works automatically. The essence of the work is to receive calls and messages on fake SIM cards, and then redirect them to real ones. In addition, the service can offer voice messaging services, which greatly simplifies the work with clients.

Can I use email?

At the moment, creating a page using email is not possible in OK.

Those users who completed the registration procedure by email continue to use their data, but if they want to create a new account, they will have to use the phone.

How else can you register a page on Odnoklassniki?

You can always ask your friend for a mobile number. But this should be a person whom you trust a thousand percent: husband, wife, brother, sister, mom or dad. That is, you must be sure that if the opportunity arises, a trusted person will not steal your page.

What difficulties can you encounter when creating an account?

If you buy a virtual combination of numbers or ask for real ones from friends, then be prepared to face the following difficulties:

  1. Using virtual SIM cards there is a risk of running into an unscrupulous service provider. In this case, one day you will not be able to access your page in the community. It will simply be hacked and the identification data changed.
  2. When borrowing a number from friends, you will have to periodically pester them with a request to dictate the activation code. That is, if you urgently need to restore access to your profile at two in the morning, you will have to disturb someone’s sleep, and few people will like this.


As we saw above, you should only create an account on Odnoklassniki using a real phone number. You should approach the purchase of virtual SIM cards with caution. Even if you find bona fide suppliers, the service will cost you a lot.

Few of us today do not use one of the social networks. Some people like Instagram, others choose Twitter. But many people, especially adults, prefer Odnoklassniki. This article will touch on a topic that interests many: we will talk about how to register in Odnoklassniki without a phone number in 2018.

Sometimes it happens that it is simply impossible to link your page to a phone number. For example, we just don’t want to show it or the number was used when registering the first account. This is when it becomes necessary to register on Odnoklassniki without a mobile number.

How to register

Below we will discuss several ways to register on the website without a mobile phone. We will consider each option in detail, in addition, at the end of the article you will find video instructions.

Register without a phone number via Google

Yes, you can register a new profile on the Odnoklassniki social network without a mobile phone. This is very easy to do: you only need a Google account. If there is none, go through a simple registration on the official website of the search engine.

To register with Google, you need to follow the link above and fill out the registration form.

Attention! You do not need to enter your phone number when registering a Google account. Skip this field and click “Next”.

Open the website and click on the authorization icon via Google.

After this, you will be logged into your new Odnoklassniki account without a phone number.

Attention, if you are asked for your phone number immediately after registration, just click “Cancel” - the message will not appear again.

As a result, registration in Odnoklassniki without a phone number was successful. You can create as many Google accounts as you like and, accordingly, as many OK profiles. But we won’t stop there; we’ll look at a few more options.

How to register using a temporary number

If your phone number is busy and you can’t register a page on Odnoklassniki for it, rent another one. You can do this for pennies on one of the sites below. For example, we will show how this is done on

But before you get started, consider the following points:

  • if your page is hacked or you simply lose your login or password, it will be very difficult to recover them, because it will not be possible to reuse exactly the same numbers that were leased to you;
  • The speed of operation of such services is frustrating: sometimes you have to pay for the request twice or wait a long time for the response code, but for that kind of money it can be tolerated. Moreover, the procedure is not needed often;
  • and the third drawback is the most important: you transfer the login and password from your future page into the hands of third parties, which does not happen with standard registration. This means that your account could simply be taken away from you at any time.

If all the above reasons do not stop you, proceed directly to the registration instructions.

  1. Go to the service website and click on the button that we have indicated in the screenshot below.

  1. Now you need to fill out the registration form. Enter your login, password and email. Then click the button "Create an account".

  1. Once we are in our account, we need to top up our account. To begin with, let's put 10 rubles - this will definitely be enough for us. Click on the wallet icon.

  1. Then you need to select a payment method. For us this will be a bank card.

  1. Enter the amount (the minimum here is 10 rubles) and press the button "Go to the payment".

  1. When funds appear in our account, we need to click on the service selection button (we designated it with the number “1”) and then select "Classmates".

  1. Now you need to select the country to which the mobile will belong and receive it. There are corresponding buttons for this.

  1. Sometimes preparing a room takes a long time. It all depends on the selected country, service and server load. We are waiting for the process to finish.
  1. The number has been received and can now be used for registration.

  1. Register on Odnoklassniki and click the button to request a confirmation code.

As a result, the code is received and we can use it for its intended purpose.

Here are a few sites that provide similar services:


We talked about how to register in Odnoklassniki in.

How to create an account without a mobile number

If you do everything through a browser, you need to go to the full version of the site by selecting the recommended item in the menu. If we register through the Odnoklassniki application, we need to click on the Google authorization icon on the initial screen of the application.

If you know services that offer a phone number for rent for free, you can write them in the comments. Also write if you have any questions or suggestions. We will be happy to help you in any situation.

Is it possible to register with OK without a phone number: video tutorial

This video is intended to complement the picture and expand the material presented in the article.

If the user already has an active page in Odnoklassniki, he may need to create another one. At the same time, he may not have a free phone number to which he could accept the activation code, or he may simply not want to use any number and assign it to the page. In this social network, as standard, you can only indicate your phone number. But it is still possible to register without a mobile number.

In this article we will look in detail at several ways of such registration:

  • Through mail and other social networks;
  • Through third-party services for receiving SMS.

How to register with Odnoklassniki via Gmail?

When you go to the main page of, under the authorization window and under the registration button, you will notice three special buttons for other services. The first button allows you to log into the site through your Gmail profile, that is, using it you can simply use your email as registration.

How to create an account on Gmail?

For this method to work, you need to set up a Gmail account in advance. You can do this immediately in the login window on Odnoklassniki after clicking on the button with the Gmail icon. In the window that appears, select “Create an account.”

Here you need to indicate your first and last name one by one, and then come up with a new login for yourself, which will be the email address itself, as well as enter and confirm a password to log into your account. After this, you can click on “Next”.

On the next page you can enter your phone number (but this is optional), as well as an additional Email if desired. You must indicate your date of birth and select your gender, after which you can click on “Next”.

At the end, you need to agree to the rules for using the Gmail service by clicking on “I Accept.” After all these actions, the user will be taken back to Odnoklassniki, where he will also need to fill out his profile.

How to log into Odnoklassniki via Gmail?

After clicking on the Gmail button under the authorization field, a special window will open in which you need to select your Google profile.

After this, the site will ask you to enter your personal data (first name, last name, date of birth and gender). To confirm here, click on “Next”.

After all these actions, the user will be taken to his new page, for the creation of which he did not need to use his phone number.

How to register in Odnoklassniki via

To create a new account using your profile, click on the second button under the registration link.

How to create an account on

If the user does not have his own account on, after clicking on the corresponding authorization button, he can select “Register” in the window that appears.

On the next page you will need to enter your personal data and also indicate the desired new email address. After this, you need to enter a new password and confirm it. Next, the site will ask you to enter your phone number, but in our case, you can click on “I don’t have a mobile phone” to skip this point ( will ask you to enter an additional Email, but this is also not necessary). Finally, you need to click on “Register”.

After this, you need to enter the code from the picture to confirm that a real person is registering. Then you can continue registering with Odnoklassniki using your new account.

How to log into Odnoklassniki via

After clicking on the button under the authorization field in the new window that appears, you must confirm the site’s access to the user’s data on by clicking on the “Allow” button.

Next, a page will appear where the user must enter his first and last name, as well as indicate his date of birth and his gender, confirming these data with the “Next” button.

Upon completion, the user is taken to their new account page.

How to register in Odnoklassniki via Facebook?

You can also create a new profile through another social network, Facebook. To do this, click on the third button with the corresponding logo.

How to create an account on Facebook?

If the user does not have his own profile on Facebook, after clicking on the authorization button through this service, in the window that appears, you can select “Create a new account.”

In the next window, you need to enter your first and last name, and also enter your email address and a new password twice to log into your account. Next, the site will ask you to indicate your date of birth and your gender, after which you can click on “Registration”.

After this, the site will ask you to enter the confirmation code that was sent to the email address specified during registration. You need to copy it into the appropriate field and click “Go”. You can also confirm your new account through the link that will be sent in a letter to the specified email. After this, the user can continue filling out his Facebook account, or go to Odnoklassniki and complete registration there.

How to log into Odnoklassniki via Facebook?

To allow Odnoklassniki to use personal data from Facebook, in the window that appears, after clicking on the button with the Facebook logo under the authorization field, you need to select “Continue as (username).”

What follows is the standard procedure for filling out data about a new profile, after which you should click on “Next”.

After registering using this method, a person is taken to the page of his new account.

How to register in Odnoklassniki using virtual numbers?

If the user still wants to go through standard registration using a mobile phone, but does not have an extra number, he can resort to services that provide similar services. You can find them through a search engine on the Internet, and there are paid and free sites through which you can use virtual numbers. The difference between paid services is that here, most often, clients receive separate unique numbers that will not be used by other people, while on free sites all these numbers are public, that is, the messages sent can be read by anyone. An example is the free service

When using free services with toll-free numbers and receiving messages with an activation code on them, you need to be prepared for the fact that an account has already been registered for this number. Also, in the future, someone else will be able to create a profile on this number, which will cause the user to lose access to it.

After going to one of these sites, most often you need to select a number. It should be copied into the appropriate field in the registration window on Odnoklassniki, confirming it with the “Next” button.

After this, you need to go back to the site with virtual numbers and check your phone for a new message from Odnoklassniki. If the message does not arrive for a long time, it may be a non-working or blocked number, so you can try another one.

The received code must be pasted back on the Odnoklassniki website, confirming it by clicking on “Next”.

It is quite possible that a profile with this number has already been registered. In this situation, you should select the “No, create a new” option to delete this account and register your own (you need to understand that another person in the future can do the same).

After that, you just need to fill out a new profile to complete the new account registration process.


In this article, we have presented four working methods for creating a new profile in Odnoklassniki, which can be used even if a person does not have a mobile phone number. Thus, it will help to register a new account for any user and for any purpose.

Odnoklassniki is one of the first social networks in Russia, launched back in 2006. Initially, this service positioned itself as a resource designed to find classmates and fellow students, but over time it grew and was able to unite tens of millions of people of various ages and social groups.

At the moment, the site allows you to find old or make new friends with whom you can chat. Odnoklassniki also has an entertaining system for rating photos from 1 to 5+, from which the user’s rating is formed. To register a new page on this site, you will need a phone number. This is done to confirm that a particular user is not a bot or spammer.

But what if you are already registered on this site using your personal phone number, but you need another account, for example for work? You can ask for a number from a friend who is not registered on this service or go to a mobile operator store, wasting time and money. What if there is no such friend and there is no desire to go apply for a SIM card?

In this case, our website of temporary numbers for receiving SMS will help you.

Before you start following the instructions, make sure that you are registered on our website and have topped up your balance with an amount sufficient to purchase a virtual number for the service you need.

To register a new account, you will immediately be asked to enter your phone number and country of residence.

To get a phone number, go to our website, select the required service and click the “buy” button. In our case, this is Odnoklassniki.

After the “purchase,” our site will provide you with a virtual phone number for rent for 20 minutes, which you can link to your new page.

Go back to the registration site and enter the temporary number given to you and then click the “next” button.

For verification purposes, Odnoklassniki will send a special verification code to your phone number to make sure it belongs to you. Our website will receive an SMS confirmation code from which you can see by clicking on the checkbox on our website.

After some time, numbers will appear in the “code from SMS” column, which are your confirmation code for the new account.

Enter the received code on the classmates page and then click “next”.

Now all that remains is to come up with a password and enter your last name, first name, etc.

This completes the registration and you can safely use your new Odnoklassniki page.