Order by syntax. Sorting data in SQL (ORDER BY). Sort selected data

All articles in the current SQL tutorial category use examples and problems based on a training database.

According to the first normal form of relational databases, the order of rows in tables should not matter. But in practice, it is often necessary to sort information before displaying it on the screen.

The ORDER BY clause is responsible for ordering the rows loaded in the SQL query. It is located at the very end of the request:

SELECT<Перечень столбцов>FROM<Перечень таблиц>ORDER BY<Условие сортировки>

The sorting condition specifies the columns by which the resulting table rows will be sorted:

ORDER BY col1, col2

Sort order in SQL

There are 2 sorting options: ascending and descending. To indicate the sorting type in the query, after the column name, indicate keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending), which define ascending or descending order, respectively. The default type is ASC:

ORDER BY col1 -- the next clause will be equivalent to ORDER BY col1 ACS

It is also possible to specify a different order for different columns:

ORDER BY col1 DESC, col2 ASC

To consolidate the material, solve the problem on the educational database:

You need to get a list of employee IDs, sorted by group in ascending order and date of hire, newest to oldest.

SELECT id, Group, Hire_date FROM Employees ORDER BY Group, Hire_date DESC

Let's supplement the syntax of the SELECT statement with the ORDER BY clause (the vertical bar means that one of the options must be selected):

SELECT [TableName.]ColumnName[, [TableName.]ColumnName2 ...] FROM [[DatabaseName.]SchemaName.]TableName ColumnName [, [TableName.]ColumnName2 ...]]

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The ORDER BY clause in Access sorts the records returned by a query in ascending or descending order of the values ​​of the specified field(s).


SELECT field_list
FROM table
WHERE selection_condition
[, field2 ][, ...]]]

SELECT statement containing the ORDER BY clause includes the following elements:


The ORDER BY clause is optional. It should be used when you need to display data in sorted form.

The default sort order is ascending (A to Z, 0 to 9). The two examples below show sorting employee names by last name.

SELECT LastName, FirstName
FROM Employees
ORDER BY LastName;
SELECT LastName, FirstName
FROM Employees

To sort in descending order (Z to A, 9 to 0), add the reserved word DESC at the end of each field by which you want to sort the records. The example below sorts employee names in descending order of salary.

SELECT LastName, Salary
FROM Employees
ORDER BY Salary DESC, LastName;

If you specify a field that contains Memo data or OLE objects in the ORDER BY clause, an error will occur. DBMS kernel Microsoft Access does not support sorting by fields of these types.

The ORDER BY clause is usually the last element in an SQL statement.

You can include additional fields in the ORDER BY clause. Records are first sorted by the field specified first in the ORDER BY clause. Records with the same first field values ​​are then sorted by the second field specified, and so on.

When retrieving data, it can be important to obtain it in a certain ordered form. Sorting can be done by any fields with any data type. This can be an ascending or descending sort for numeric fields. For character (text) fields this could be sorting in alphabetical order, although in essence it is also sorting in ascending or descending order. It can also be performed in any direction - from A to Z, and vice versa from Z to A.

The essence of the sorting process is to reduce the sequence to a certain order. You can learn more about sorting in the article “Sorting Algorithms.” For example, sorting an arbitrary number sequence in ascending order:

2, 4, 1, 5, 9

should result in an ordered sequence:

1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Likewise, when sorting in ascending order of string values:

Ivanov Ivan, Petrov Petr, Ivanov Andrey

the result should be:

Ivanov Andrey, Ivanov Ivan, Petrov Petrov

Here the line “Andrey Ivanov” has moved to the beginning, since the comparison of strings is carried out character by character. Both lines begin with the same characters "Ivanov". Since the symbol “A” in the word “Andrey” comes earlier in the alphabet than the symbol “I” in the word “Ivan,” this line will be placed earlier.

Sorting in a SQL Query

To perform sorting, you need to add the ORDER BY command to the query string. After this command, the field by which sorting is performed is indicated.

For examples, we use the goods table goods:

(Item Number)
1 Mandarin50
2 Watermelon120
3 A pineapple80
4 Banana40

The data here is already ordered by the "num" column. Now, let's build a query that will display a table with products sorted in alphabetical order:

SELECT * FROM goods ORDER BY title

SELECT * FROM goods – specifies to select all fields from the goods table;

ORDER BY – sorting command;

title – the column by which the sorting will be performed.

The result of executing such a request is as follows:

num title price
3 A pineapple80
2 Watermelon120
4 Banana40
1 Mandarin50

You can also sort for any of the table fields.

Sorting direction

By default, the ORDER BY command sorts in ascending order. To manually control the sort direction, use the keyword ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after the column name. Thus, to display our table in descending order of prices, you need to ask the query like this:


Sort by ascending price will be:


Sorting by multiple fields

SQL allows sorting by multiple fields at once. To do this, after the ORDER BY command, the required fields are indicated separated by commas. The order of the query result will be configured in the same order in which the sort fields are specified.

column1 column2 column3
3 1 c
1 3 c
2 2 b
2 1 b
1 2 a
1 3 a
3 4 a

Let's sort the table according to the following rules:

SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY column1 ASC, column2 DESC, column3 ASC

Those. the first column is ascending, the second is descending, the third is again ascending. The query will order the rows by the first column, then, without breaking the first rule, by the second column. Then, also, without violating the existing rules, according to the third. The result will be a data set like this:

column1 column2 column3
1 3 a
1 3 c
1 2 a
2 2 b
2 1 b
3 1 a
3 1 c

Order of the ORDER BY command in a query

Sorting rows is most often carried out together with a condition for selecting data. The ORDER BY command is placed after the WHERE selection condition. For example, we select products with a price less than 100 rubles, sorted by name in alphabetical order:

SELECT * FROM goods WHERE price 100 ORDER BY price ASC

Often there is a need to display the result of a query in a certain order, for example, alphabetically. For this purpose, the DBMS has a special function in SQL language - sorting. In this case, the programmer can choose which fields and in what order it will occur in order to achieve the desired result, without using serious programming skills.

What is sorting in a database?

Working with databases is constantly associated with a large amount of information that needs to be organized. Currently, there are a number of DBMSs with a wide range of functions, the most popular of which are Oracle and MS SQL. Sorting information, as one of the main procedures in working with databases, is provided by a special built-in function in each of them.

Ranking data allows you to simplify the search process, and in some cases helps solve certain problems or optimize the operation of the program. SQL sorting is performed by a separately selected field, and if necessary, if there are identical values ​​in the elements of this field, you can specify additional parameters that determine the location of the rows.

Sort command

SQL sorting in the database is provided by using the ORDER BY function. So, when outputting information from a database, after specifying the columns and tables from which the reading will be done, the query must specify a sorting command, and then determine the field or fields by which the sorting will be performed.

For example, if you need to get data from the Name and Age fields from the People table, while displaying the result in alphabetical order by the Name column, then the following query will help: SELECT Name, Age FROM People ORDER BY Name.

How to set the sort order?

Modern conditions pose various tasks for programmers, and sometimes it is necessary to predetermine in what order the result will be displayed - in descending or ascending order, in alphabetical order or in reverse order? And to do this in SQL, the sort order is determined by adding a keyword to the query. After selecting the fields and tables from which the desired information will be obtained, you must add ORDER BY, and then specify the name of the column by which you want to sort.

To get the reverse order, you must specify the DESC parameter after the name. If it is necessary to order elements according to two or more criteria, then the columns are indicated separated by commas, and priority in ranking will be given to the field that comes first in the list. It is worth noting that the DESC parameter provides for arranging elements in reverse order only in one field, after the name of which this keyword is indicated, so if necessary, it must be specified in all selected columns.

Alternative sorting methods

If it is not possible to use the built-in SQL sorting function, you can write one of the well-known algorithms. If you need to achieve the fastest ordering of elements, you should use a method based on splitting the array of elements in half. Also very popular are the “bubble” ranking methods, in which two neighboring elements swap places in case of incorrect placement, "pyramid sort", which sends the largest element to the end of the list, and "insertion sort", which predetermines the location of each element in turn.

Writing an algorithm yourself will not significantly increase the sorting speed, however, it will contribute to the development of programming skills, and will also allow you to modify the process by adjusting the ranking scheme to a specific database to improve the efficiency of the program.

In the future, we may need to sort our selection - alphabetically for text or ascending/descending for numeric values. For such purposes in SQL There is special operator ORDER BY .

1. Sorting the selected data.

Let's sort our entire table by the amount of product sales, namely by the column Amount.

SELECT * FROM Sumproduct ORDER BY Amount

We see that the query sorted the records in ascending order in the field Amount. It is imperative to follow the sequence of operators, i.e. operator ORDER BY should go at the very end of the request. Otherwise you will receive an error message.

Also a feature of the operator ORDER BY is that it can sort data by a field that we did not select in the query, that is, it is enough that it is in the database at all.

2. Sorting by several fields.

Now let's sort our example additionally by one more field. Let it be a field City, which displays the place of sale of products.

SELECT * FROM Sumproduct ORDER BY Amount, City

The sorting order will depend on the order of the fields in the request. That is, in our case, first the data will be sorted by column Amount, and then by City.

3. Sorting direction.

Even though the default operator ORDER BY sorts in ascending order, we can also specify sorting values ​​in descending order. To do this, at the end of each field we put the operator DESC (which is an abbreviation for the word DESCENDING).

SELECT * FROM Sumproduct ORDER BY Amount DESC , City

IN in this example, value in field Amount were sorted in descending order, and in the field City- Ascending. Operator DESC applies only to one column, so if necessary, it must be written after each field that takes part in the sorting.