How to get likes on Instagram? Free boost of likes. Promoting your profile on Instagram: learning how to get likes Cheating or promotion - the main design and content

How to increase likes on Instagram: 5 reasons to increase likes + 10 tips for promotion without cheating + 3 ways to increase likes and subscribers + 10 best sites for increasing + real example with screenshots.

Have you ever found an ordinary Instagram account with inconspicuous photos that has thousands of subscriptions and likes? After this, a natural question arises in your head: “how?”

Most likely, there was some cheating here. Don't know what it is? Then you will be interested to know.

5 reasons to get likes and followers on Instagram

Before we tell you how to get likes and subscribers on Instagram, let’s figure out why this is even necessary.

Here are the 5 most popular reasons:

    Personal ambitions.

    No matter what they tell you, it’s fashionable to be popular now. And many people register on social networks (including Instagram) precisely for this reason.

    Just as kids used to measure themselves by the number of collectible stickers, now people measure themselves by the number of hearts under their Instagram photos.

    In addition, many people simply like to be known, to realize that someone is interested in them. In this case, a large number of likes and subscribers indicates a high level of popularity.

    Even if your page is interesting, it is probably not the first in its topic.

    But there is a rule, a pattern: most users are more willing to subscribe to a page with 10K subscribers than with 300. After all, if an account has more followers, it means the content is more interesting.

    Winning the competition.

    Very often, the requirements for participation in competitions on Instagram specify a minimum number of subscribers for the participating page. If they are not enough, you can cheat them a little.

    There are also competitions in which the condition for winning is the maximum number of likes. In this case, increasing the number of hearts will help you win.

    Attention: this method must be used with caution, as it may result in disqualification.


    Business has reached Instagram. Accounts here can be used for purposes in different ways:

    • Selling your goods and/or services.

      The page can be designed as a product catalog with prices and sales can be made through it.

      A promoted account is well suited for posting advertising posts.

      Partnership programs.

      Adding referral links to the description under the photo will also allow you to make a profit.

    Selling an account.

    A promoted Instagram account can be sold. Its cost will depend on the number of followers (on average, from 1 rub. for 1 subscriber).

10 tips on how to promote your Instagram account without cheating

Of course, you can promote your Instagram page through your own efforts, without resorting to artificial ways to gain popularity. What should you do for this?

Thus, by following simple steps you can independently increase likes and subscribers on your Instagram page. This, of course, will require effort and time, but you will get active and interested subscribers.

3 main ways to get likes on Instagram

There are other promotion options that give good results.

We offer you several ways to help you get likes on Instagram for free.

No. 1. Mass liking and mass following

This is the name of the process when you massively like other users and massively subscribe to target accounts.

The purpose of such actions is to arouse interest and curiosity.

The person you liked will most likely go to your profile. And even if he doesn’t like it back, he will at least know about the existence of such a page.

You can search for target subscribers yourself by tags and geolocation. Another good option is the subscribers of your competitors.

But it will still be more convenient to use special services:


They do everything automatically. All you need to do is set the criteria for selecting the target audience: geolocation, hashtag, user.

You can filter the generated list of accounts by setting the following parameters:

  • number of subscribers and/or subscriptions,
  • date of last publication,
  • stop words in the account header and others.

Thus, you will receive a high-quality base of the target audience to which mass liking and mass following will be applied.

No. 2. Competitions

Everyone loves to receive free prizes, and to do this you need to participate in competitions. Nowadays a variety of things are popular on Instagram. giveaway.

The point is that a separate page is created where information about the competition is written.

The main condition for participation is a subscription to the specified sponsors (+ liking). Then a winner is randomly selected from among the participants and awarded a prize.

Typically, the organizers of such “events” are business pages that give away their products (products, invitations to trainings, personal consultations). But in general there are no restrictions; anyone can create a giveway.

Become a sponsor of such a competition, and you will be guaranteed an influx of new subscribers and likes. The cost of such sponsorship is usually not very high - from 1,000 rubles. And if you organize it yourself, spend only on the prize.

No. 3. Cheaters

If you have already tried the previous methods, but you still don’t get enough likes, turn to cheaters for help.

In this case, you can get likes and subscriptions using bots. These are accounts that are created automatically and do not belong to living people. They simply carry out the operator's tasks.

There are also sites where you can get “live” subscribers. They work like exchanges, where you pay for subscribers (likes, subscriptions, comments), and they receive bonuses for this.

By the way, these bonuses can also be used for cheating. How to do this, read below.

10 best sites for getting likes and followers on Instagram:


A real example of how to get likes on Instagram

Let's look at how to get likes on Instagram for free using the example of a popular service

Only an unusual Instagram account can become popular.

Which one, for example? Watch the selection in this video:

If you didn't know before, how to get likes on Instagram, then now you see that there is nothing complicated about it...

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

One of the most important criteria for assessing the popularity of an account and the success of further cooperation with its owner is the number of “likes”. They are the ones who make the publication more significant and add status to it. Below are the most effective and efficient ways that tell you how you can get likes on Instagram.

Why do you need to twist?

Initially, Instagram was created as a social network in which people could share their own photos and observe the lives of users they were interested in (friends, family or any media personalities). However, during its existence, it managed to seriously evolve, becoming an effective tool for monetizing copyright content. Accounts with an audience of many thousands, advertising certain goods and services, are no longer the exception, but rather the rule.

People who want to develop and promote their own business on Instagram should not only strive to create unique and original content, but also somehow make their profile stand out from the rest. The number of “Like” marks is one of the primary criteria for determining whether a blog is interesting or not. So, if users like publications, it means that the material is good and relevant for the majority. Getting Instagram likes helps a lot in the early stages of promoting an account. Below are the most important and weighty arguments in its favor:

  • Allows you to select a profile.
  • Creates a feeling of activity on the page (which is important for attracting “live” subscribers and potential advertisers).
  • Helps display publications in the “Interesting” and “Recommended” categories.

All this affects the popularity of the blog and attracts new audiences.
You can achieve a large number of “likes” in different ways: look for interesting and controversial topics for discussion, take unusual pictures (which in theory could attract people), and hold sweepstakes among subscribers.

However, the most used method is to automatically get likes on Instagram. It can be provided both paid and free by various services, applications and programs.

How to get likes on Instagram from your phone

Owners of Android smartphones will be able to increase the number of likes under a publication using the following applications:

  • More Likes;
  • Get Likes;
  • Instaliker;
  • Like4Like;
  • Get Likes & followers.

They all have a similar principle of operation, they create interactions according to the same pattern. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to quickly gain likes on Instagram using any of these applications (using Get Likes as an example):

After completing all of the above steps, the photo will begin to collect “Like” marks.

It is noteworthy that it is not at all necessary to like the images of other users to earn Coins. Getting likes on Instagram without tasks involves buying a bag of money.

Using this method to promote your own account, you must be careful not to allow your page to be blocked by Instagram management. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  1. Increase the number of interactions gradually, rather than all at once.
  2. The number of likes should increase from publication to publication, demonstrating the development and promotion of your blog.
  3. Likes should increase along with followers.

By following these tips, you will protect your profile from being blocked.

Getting likes on Instagram using a link

You can increase the number of marks on a photo using special online services. They allow you to promote photos and videos published on your profile for free, without downloading and installing programs and applications.
Links where to get likes on Instagram:

Likes on comments: is it possible to increase them?

If earlier the Instagram news feed was updated in chronological order, today the algorithm for displaying publications has changed somewhat. First of all, you look at the photo and video materials of those accounts that you like the most and that you visit most often. Approximately the same situation is observed with comments. If you open discussions for a particular post, the comments with the most likes will be displayed first.

As practice shows, commentators who have established themselves in the top receive a certain amount of attention from the public: people visit their pages, their posts are viewed. This is important for profile promotion purposes.

A pressing question arises: “How to get likes on a comment on Instagram?” This can be done using the service It is paid, the starting price is fourteen rubles for twenty marks.
Below are step-by-step instructions on how to get likes on Instagram for free from your computer:

  1. In the first line, enter the name of the commentator (how he follows on Instagram).
  2. In the second - the text.
  3. In the third - a link to the post under which the comment was left.
  4. Enter the number of likes (minimum 20).
  5. Click on the "Add to Cart" button.

After completing these steps, payment must be made.

About alternative methods of winding

Currently, there is a huge variety of programs and applications that allow you to get likes on photos on Instagram (both for smartphones and computers). Their key advantage is high performance. You can earn more than a thousand likes on a post in a few minutes. True, most likely, all of them will be left from closed accounts.

However, this method is not always effective and gives the desired results. Sometimes getting likes on Instagram online can lead to:

  • Blocking a page - the social network system monitors suspicious activity and may put you under a filter.
  • Creation of distrust - interactions generated automatically cause distrust of potential subscribers and make them treat the blog with skepticism.
  • Large-scale unfollowing - if Instagram management figures out your actions, all the likes attracted by the winding method will evaporate.

Fortunately, there are more humane and effective ways to increase likes on posts. For example:

  • Profile optimization - develop your own content plan: think about what you want to communicate with your subscribers about, what the needs of the target audience are. In accordance with this, create posts and write texts. Interesting posts will attract an audience to the blog and, as a result, increase the number of interactions.
  • Official advertising from Instagram - promoting a post will increase its reach and the number of likes.
  • Advertising with top bloggers - it will attract new users to the page, who in the future will like the posts they like.

In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize all of the above and note that getting likes on the latest photo on Instagram using application programs is gradually losing ground. It allows you to achieve the desired results only partially. For example, with its help it is almost impossible to attract new subscribers or expand the target audience. That is why alternative methods are used to promote and promote accounts. They may require more time and investment, but they will also have a greater effect.

Modern young people now cannot imagine their lives without social networks and other Internet services. Although just some 10-15 years ago everything was completely different. And if the girl showed off only in front of the mirror, then the modern mademoiselle simply cannot leave the house without photographing her beloved in the mirror on her smartphone. in a word. What's next? That's right, we post our photo on one of the social networks. For example, Instagram. And the more likes the account owner gets, the better. So why do you need likes, and is it possible to get them in large quantities without investing real money? More on this later.
To like is not to like or why do you need likes?
It may seem that likes are needed only to show off. But this is not in all cases. It is important to understand that likes are needed for promotion on Instagram and getting into the TOP 9 best publications of your photographs. It is up to the user to decide what to do next. However, many now base their additional or even main income on this, so high publication ratings are very important here. Moreover, it’s more likely that another random user will be able to notice you by simply looking at the latest ratings and become interested in your tags in the description.
Thus, the more people are interested in your photos, the faster your account progresses. In addition, the number of likes shows the quality of each individual post: the more, the more interesting.
How to increase the number of such important likes?
It is important to know how to get likes on Instagram naturally.

It's not difficult, but it takes a long time:

  1. You need to take extraordinary photos, write interesting comments on them, indicating the places where you took the pictures;
  2. regularly post new works at least 1-2 times a day;
  3. communicate with your fans;
  4. You can also leave comments on other user photos - this way you can interact;
  5. It is important that your profile picture also attracts enough attention;
  6. Make your account public, add an extraordinary description about yourself, allowing you to distinguish your personality from others;
  7. Remember to use , but it is important to place them correctly.

This method is good because everything you do belongs exclusively to you. You honestly receive recognition from people for your work, expanding your online audience.
However, all this requires a lot of time. Of course, there is an alternative - the use of special services and programs.

Get likes on Instagram Online

Today, getting likes on Instagram for free from your computer is no problem. There are many applications and programs that allow you to do this. Many of them have been successfully Russified, so both a child and an elderly person can understand them.

Let's look at different options and specific examples of services.
Here is a small list of the simplest and most popular programs and sites that allow you to successfully promote your profile on Instagram, getting a lot of likes:

  • Pamagram
  • Social Gainer or Bosslike

The last two are especially clear and easy to use, although each program from the list above does its job.
On the sites you need to complete certain tasks for which you will receive points. Or simply by buying it for a certain amount of money. You can exchange the points you collect for likes and subscribers. The interface of the sites is more or less similar, so there is no point in giving a detailed description of the work of each. Let's take a closer look at these programs.
Bosslike or Social Gainer, as it is called, allows you to easily and without much difficulty gain the required number of likes.
We start everything with the simplest standard registration, which takes a couple of minutes. Next, go to your personal account.

On the left you can see a simple menu, where the “Create” and “Earn” tabs immediately catch your eye.
Points are earned through certain tasks that the user must complete. The tasks are different, as is the number of points for completing them. This includes subscription, comments, likes, reposts, retweets, adding to favorites and much more. Having accumulated a certain number of points, the user can exchange them for likes - to promote himself.

The method is good, but Instagram imposes certain restrictions on work: no more than 50 comments per 1 hour, up to 60 subscriptions per hour and up to 60 likes per 1 hour. This complicates the process a little, stretching out the collection of points over time. And for the points you can order promotion.

Pamagram is good because its main task is searching for real subscribers for a client, people who will continue to be interested in the account profile, comment, make posts and like. Moreover, all you need is registration. Then the program works in independent mode: it searches for people “with interests,” so to speak. Fake accounts and various types of spam are eliminated. The downside of the service is that there is a fee.

How to get likes on Instagram from your phone

Many people today spend more time on their phones than sitting at the computer. Getting likes using a modern smartphone or iPhone is the same simple procedure as with a PC or laptop. And all because modern models allow you to easily access the Internet and use the same services that you can use on a PC.

This includes completing tasks on the sites described above, and using specialized applications - the principle of working with them is absolutely no different: you complete tasks, receive points, and exchange them for likes.

The following applications are suitable for working with the Android system:

  • More Likes
  • Get Likes
  • Like4Like
  • Get Likes & followers
  • Instaliker

And many other similar services. They can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

See also video

Do you want to become popular on Instagram? Then you just need to have a lot of likes and followers. The ad-social service will help you get Instagram likes and followers completely free of charge. All you have to do is post the tasks. To do this, you will need points - the internal currency of the service. You can earn points by completing tasks of other users or winning in special games of our service. Also, the service for promoting social accounts ad-social provides daily bonuses to regular visitors.

Getting Instagram likes and followers is done by real users, not bots. Everything is completely mutual - you complete the users’ tasks, and they complete yours.

Creating a task to increase Instagram likes

To create a task to increase likes, you will need to log in through one of the social networks or use your username and password. Next, go to the “Add task” section - “Instagram” and select “Like”. You will see a screen like the image below

Filling out the form is intuitive and should not cause difficulties. If you encounter any difficulty, please write to our caring support team and we will be happy to help solve your problem.

Creating a task to increase Instagram followers

Creating a task to increase followers is similar to creating any other task in our service. Just go to the “Add task” section - “Instagram” and select “Subscribers”. You will see a screen like the image below

Carrying out tasks to increase likes and followers on Instagram of other users

The ad-social service is designed for mutual completion of tasks. To earn points you will need to complete tasks for other users. It's very easy to do. To do this, you need to go to the “Earn” section and select any social network that suits you. It doesn’t matter at all on which social network you perform tasks - your account is common throughout the entire service.

You can also “Buy points”.

The number of likes and subscribers is an indicator of the popularity of the page. This increases your credibility in the eyes of your clients, potential consumers and just people who look at you. Statistics have already proven in many examples that the target audience is more loyal and respectful towards accounts that have several tens, or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers. An important indicator of popularity is likes; this is a direct demonstration of your importance, as well as activity on your page. Today we’ll talk about how to get likes on Instagram, how to collect more of them, and how to turn your page into a very popular account.

No. 1. Specialized services

The first way will be the most obvious - use services that specialize in this. That is, you can get likes, subscribers, and comments from them. There are a great many companies offering such services, now we will talk about some of them.


A very simple interface where everything is clear. To order your likes, you need to check the likes icon, insert a link to the photo you want to like, enter the required number of hearts and click the “ORDER” button. Next you need to log in to the system. You can log in through any social network. And, of course, the main thing is payment. Choose a payment method, top up in any convenient way, now the process is started.

Like many other services, there is a way to make money. It's called an "affiliate". You send a referral link to your friends or acquaintances. They also use their services, and you receive your interest for this.

The price of one like is 2.5 rubles.

On average, your order will be completed within 24 hours.


A distinctive feature is that you can get likes for free. But how so? It's simple. This service has its own currency – points. You can buy them, or you can earn them. You get them by completing tasks of people just like you.

Once you access the site, you need to log in through any social network, then everything is simple. First, earn points, above is a screenshot of an example of tasks. You can choose any task, after completing which you will receive your coveted points. For the reward received, you create your own task.

The time until the end of your task depends only on the people who perform it. On average - 5 hours.


The same commercial service for promoting pages on social networks. The site is made clear with a pleasant design.

The prices are so sweet... but there are also more expensive ones, but that’s a real surcharge

The prices are quite cheap and variable. helps promote a page or group on almost any social network.


Another company that promotes accounts on a paid basis. The interface is as simple as others. But again there is a distinctive feature.

In you can complete tasks and receive real money for it. We don’t know how realistic it is to withdraw all the money you’ve earned.

The price for one like is 0.99 rubles, and all likes are from real people.


To increase your likes, you can use the offer. Bots like you, and the prices, let’s say, are not the lowest. 1 like – 1.4 rubles. But its advantages include a high speed of completing tasks and a low percentage of unsubscribes.


Interesting, but... Of course, everything is done on a paid basis, but the price is calculated not from one like, but from the number of days of subscription. But if you bought a subscription for 10 days and promote 2 accounts, then the service will work for exactly 5 days. Promotion occurs through automatic actions from your account towards other users who reciprocate your feelings.


In addition to the standard and even typical functions of all services, it can bring likes to Instagram by hashtags, by geolocation and by account. The prices are high, and likes are given by bots and real people. Low unsubscribe rate.


Another promotion assistant who will get you likes for your money. But the problem is that only bots give likes - this is a significant disadvantage. Prices are average, compared to others.


The next and penultimate command that will help promote the page is. The site frankly says that bots like it, otherwise the price would have increased several times. They justify this by saying that likes are never written off, that is, they stay with you forever. And their system of work is interesting. Let's say if you buy a subscription for 250 likes for 30 photos, then you can add 30 photos for two years, and their bots will like you for two years.


A famous promotion exchange, that is, they develop not only pages and accounts, but also applications. Very interesting, but we are only interested in likes and how much they collect from us for their services. We are very pleased with the prices here. 0.65 rubles for 1 like is very good. Plus, there is a “Support with likes” service, which means that you post a post and it is automatically liked. Very convenient and pleasant interface. You can also earn money on this site by completing various tasks from customers, which can bring you more likes on Instagram.

No. 2. Exchange of likes

Everything is very simple here, go to random pages in your city or region (preferably) and start liking. After the owner of the account sees your marks, he will most likely also want to increase his likes and will come to you and reciprocate your feelings.

This also has its own nuances; you shouldn’t count on mutual hearts from accounts that boast tens or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers, because such accounts usually just like to collect hearts and admire it. So, the page that received your marks will not even pay attention to you and, most likely, there will be no response. Profiles of ordinary people with an average number of subscribers are ideal.

No. 3. Hashtags

Many people won’t even come up with the meaning of hashtags, and this is very in vain. A hashtag is a kind of filter that shows only the necessary posts. For example, if you want to see photos of cats, you need to enter #cat, #kitten, and so on into the search. The result will be given to you only by those posts in which this mark was indicated. You can play on this. You can put a huge number of hashtags and people who enter the tag that you have will receive your photo, and if it is really good, then they will get their coveted like.

No. 4. Bots

Bots on Instagram are specially created accounts that are designed to create extras, likes or comments. They are usually programmed and given a specific task. If you collect likes using bots, then, on the one hand, it is profitable because bots are not tracked and their likes will not go anywhere (this is their greatest advantage), but on the other hand, they are of little use. As stated above, they are created only for extras. And if you are interested in increasing subscribers with their help, then sooner or later the system will notice them and simply delete them. So it's up to you.

No. 5. Mobile services for promotion

There are special services that help you get a large number of likes. They work very simply, you just need to complete the tasks. The special menu contains a list of tasks and prices for them. This is how you earn your points and for them you can assign tasks to other people and set the price. Those with the largest number of points received, of course, have their own benefits. These applications are very good for those people who have a lot of free time and are ready to work on their page. The tasks there are not too difficult, the same as yours. Like this, subscribe here, etc.

As an example, the application in the Play Market “Instagram Followers | Likes"

How to get likes for free?

After reading this, many will think: “How to get likes on Instagram? But it’s free!” There are also free cheating systems for them. For example, the Vtope program. All you need to do is install the application, enter your account and give the task. Almost all free platforms work on this principle. Their essence is that you don’t need to complete tasks or pay for each like. Everything is much simpler with them. You simply provide your profile and assign the task. At this time, your profile itself earns points, that is, it subscribes to someone, likes someone, and so on. You don't need to do anything, just check the results from time to time. And if you don't have any assignments, you can simply turn on the program to earn points. From your profile, the bot will subscribe to various groups and pages, and you will receive points for this.

Or take, for example, iLike. An interesting program, you don’t have to pay for anything. There is a chat where announcements are posted asking for likes or subscriptions. You choose one of them, discuss the terms and collect mutual marks. If someone removed the like or did not fulfill part of the deal, you can issue a fine and leave a report. By the way, you can download action statistics for both programs.


As a result, we can say that you can get likes on Instagram in a bunch of different ways. And which one you must choose yourself. If someone asks you: “how to get a lot of likes on Insta?”, then you can confidently show this article, because we have written all the ways to do this.