1s does not start after the backup is interrupted. Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited. Backup. How to properly backup databases

Having launched the 1C program once, at startup I saw the error “Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited. Backup". I was very surprised - I didn’t set any blocking myself. After a little analysis, the reason turned out to be a “glitch” of automatic archival copying, which is built into (one of the subsystems).

The error looks like this:

The problem turned out to be that when setting up the creation of archive copies of the database, the system automatically sets a block on the entrance to the information base. It prevents users from starting the program while the process is running.

But sometimes it happens that after copying the system cannot remove it. In this case, we get the error “Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited...”

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The easiest way to fix the problem is to delete the file 1Cv8.cdn(infobase lock file) from the database folder.

For example, in my screenshot above the location of the base is as follows:

You need to go to this folder, and then find and delete 1Cv8.cdn.

Unblocking the 1C client-server database

If you have access to the server console, removing the lock is very simple. Just go to the infobase properties and remove the “Session start blocking is enabled” flag:

In this article I will tell you about 1C launch parameters and how to use them. I will give several examples of how to use these parameters. After reading the article, you will be able to automate some everyday processes.

When starting 1C:Enterprise, you can use the launch parameters, which can be specified in the settings or in the shortcut that you use to launch 1C.

1C launch mode

CONFIG— 1C will start in Configurator mode.
ENTERPRISE— 1C will start in Enterprise mode.

1cestart.exe- a file for launching the 1C program, usually located in the “1cv8\common” folder. When launched, it automatically detects the required version of the client. When installing 1C, shortcuts on the desktop and in the Start menu refer to this file.

1C launch parameters for automatic user selection

  • /N"Username"
  • /P"User Password"

The username and password must match the username and password specified in the list of users in the Configurator. Users can be viewed in the Configurator, go to the top menu: Administration > Users. If the password is empty, then this field can be omitted.

These parameters can be specified in the settings when editing a database in the list of databases. In the "Advanced launch options" field.

Launch 1C and go to the infobase settings, the following window should appear:

Enter the parameters as shown in the figure, indicating your username and password, then click “Finish”. If you did everything correctly, then when you enter this database, you will not be asked for your username and password.

1C launch parameters for automatic database launch

  • /F “address” - the address to the database, if it is stored in a file version.

If your database is stored on a server, you need to set the launch parameters differently:

  • /S “address” - specify the address as follows: “Name of the server (infobase cluster)” \ “Name of the infobase on the server”

These parameters must be specified in the shortcut that you use to launch 1C:Enterprise. Go to the shortcut properties, at the end of the “Object” field, add the parameters you need.

If everything is done correctly, when you launch the shortcut, the database that you specified in the parameters should start.

For convenience, you can create a new shortcut, or copy the one you use.

Autoload 1C at system startup

If you need to launch 1C Enterprise when the system starts with the necessary parameters, you need to copy the 1C shortcut to the Startup folder.

If it contains 1C startup parameters, they will work when the system starts.

You can combine any 1C launch parameters. To do this, simply write down the necessary parameters in the 1C settings or in the shortcut.

Additional launch parameters 1C

  • /LogUI— recording user actions in the log. (Writing will be done in the user directory, in a file called “logui.txt”)
  • /DumpIB " Upload file address « — unloading the database. Suitable for creating automatic database archiving.
  • /Execute " External processing address" - the parameter is intended to automatically launch external processing after system startup.
  • /C“String parameter” - passes the parameter to the configuration. You can access it through the global context in the “Launch Parameter” configurator.
  • /DisableStartupMessages– the parameter removes system messages when starting 1C Enterprise.

When editing the infobase. You can specify the version of 1C through which to launch (suitable if you have several databases installed running under different versions of the client)

An example of using parameters for automatic archiving of an infobase.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe" CONFIG /F"С:\Base_Buh" /N"user" /P"111″ /DisableStartupMessages /DumpIB C:\Arhiv\Buh.dt / Out" C:\Arhiv\log_arhiv.txt" -NoTruncate

If you enter these parameters into the shortcut for launching 1C in the “Object” field, an archive of the database will be created, which is located “C:\Base_Buh” in the folder “C:\Arhiv” under the name “Buh.dt”. An entry will also be made to the log file “C:\Arhiv\log_arhiv.txt”. Indicate your paths, where the database is located, and where you want to create archives.

Configuring Application Debug Launch Options

When developing applications, it is often necessary to launch the 1C debugger under a specific user; to do this, go to the configurator: Help > Options

On the “Launch 1C:Enterprise” tab, in the “User” group, the current user is set by default (under which you logged into the configurator). You can change it to whatever you need. And debugging will start under the selected user.

Also, here you can specify which client to run the application under.

With these simple steps you can implement useful functions in the 1C:Enterprise program.

  • Firstly, it will help you better understand what happened. And in rarer cases, it can even help solve the problem yourself.
  • Secondly, if you couldn’t cope on your own, then first and foremost you should contact a specialist for technical support with the contents of the information and diagnostic window that appears.

Let's take a closer look at the contents of the received dialog message:

Line 1.A “Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited.” is a standard entry indicating that user entry into the program has been blocked. With such blocking, a special file with the extension “.cdn” is automatically created in the infobase directory (for more details: see the following sections).

Line 1.B usually indicates the reason, duration of blocking, as well as other useful information. Depending on who or what (in the case of a system) the entry blocking was installed, as well as for what purpose, the information in this block may be different. The line “Backup” is a standard entry for manual or routine backup (in this case the line “To perform a backup.”) of the information base using 1C Enterprise tools is also typical.

An administrator, in case of creating a block in the user mode of 1C 8.3 Enterprise, or a 1C programmer, in case of setting a block programmatically in the configurator, can come up with his own messages:

Line 2 provides a hint on how you can run the program from the Windows command line if you know the so-called “permission code” (see next step).

Line 3 explains the process and what the buttons do.

Step 2. Solution on how to remove the lock and enter the 1C 8.3 database

Session locks can be roughly classified as follows:

  • Planned. When a session lock was started manually or automatically, serving a scheduled process in the 1C database (backup, routine task, update);
  • Others, erroneous. When a lock is installed as a result of erroneous user actions or errors encountered by the system itself, when it does not automatically remove the previously installed lock. For example, a backup process was started, but the user interrupted it by forcefully closing the program.

Method 1

In both cases, when setting session blocking, as mentioned above, a file with “.cdn” permission is created in the storage directory of the current infobase:

Thus, a simple solution to the program launch error due to a session lock is to delete the 1Cv8.cdn file.

However, the user should first ask the question: “After all, if sessions are blocked, does this mean that this is due to something?” Perhaps another user with administrative functions (hereinafter referred to as the administrator) launched a really important task or processing in 1C 8.3 Accounting that cannot tolerate the presence of several users in the database at the same time.

Method 2

If such a situation is possible, then you should contact the administrator and find out whether you can enter the database and whether he has a special permission code, which was mentioned just above. In this case, we will use the second method - by entering a blocked infobase by launching the program from the command line, specifying the permission code in one of the launch parameters:

  • “C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe” – path to the 1C Enterprise 8.3 launcher;
  • ENTERPRISE – means that the program will start in user mode, i.e. in 1C Enterprise mode;
  • /F”F:\Bazy1C\Accounting” – denotes the file information base (parameter /F) and the path to it (the server database address is indicated in the /S parameter);
  • /C Allow Users to Work – an optional parameter: if checked, the system will not start, but the lock will be removed (the lock file will be destroyed), and subsequently users will be able to access the information base.

If the parameter is not set, then the specific user is allowed to log in, but the lock is not removed. This user can do a complete unlock in user mode by going to the Support and Maintenance panel (Section Administration - Program Settings command group - Support and Maintenance command:

And calling the form Blocking users by the command of the same name:

In the form that opens, you can unblock sessions by clicking the Unblock button, where /UC12345 – the /UC parameter specifies the permission code (12345). Parameter names are written in English.

For more information about command line parameters, see the 1C 8.3 Enterprise help.

Method 3

There is an alternative and even easier for the user method of using the above parameters for launching an information base (hereinafter referred to as IB) - it is possible to register the required ones in the properties of the database of interest.

1. In the launcher window (marked “A”), select the locked database and click the Change button, after which the window for editing information security properties (marked “B”) will open:

In property Additional launch options we write down the unlock code and, if necessary, a parameter to allow users to work (in this case, after the first launch and before the next launch, this parameter must be deleted). These parameters were described in more detail above.

Note: when an automatic backup occurs (directly or as part of another procedure, for example, during an automated update), the system blocks the 1C 8.3 information base and sets the standard unlock code “ Backup ».

Therefore, if the procedure fails and the database remains blocked, but there is no way to delete the cdn file, then you can use the parameter when starting the information security: /UCBackup.

3. Click the Finish button and return to the launcher window, where we launch IS using the 1C:Enterprise button. Thus, the error “Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited. “Backup” has been eliminated:

If 1C 8.3 Enterprise operates in a client-server version, but the user does not have access rights and the necessary knowledge to administer databases in this mode, then in this case you should contact the system administrator for help. We only note that in the client-server version, in addition to access via the command line with additional parameters, it is possible to remove the blocking using the 1C: Enterprise server cluster administration utility, namely, it is necessary to remove the flag in the properties of the desired infobase Session start blocking is enabled.

Anatomy of the 1Cv8.cdn lock file

The curious can look inside the file 1Cv8.cdn created when sessions are blocked - this is a simple text file that can be opened with the appropriate Notepad editor:

The text in the file is surrounded by curly braces that list the following locking parameters, separated by commas:

  • 1 (0) – sign of setting the blocking (1 – installed; 0 – disabled);
  • 20160706154700 – full date (date + time) of the start of session blocking, in our case it is July 6, 2016 20:00:00;
  • 20160706154700 – full date (date + time) of the end of the session blocking, in our case it is July 06, 2016 20:00:00 (if the end date is not specified, then by default the value 00010101000000 is entered into the parameter);
  • Next comes the text parameter, where the auxiliary text displayed to the user in the dialog box is placed in double quotes;
  • “123” – permission code is specified.

As you can see, the file contains all the parameters displayed in the information and diagnostic dialog box that appears.

On the website you can read other free articles and video tutorials on the 1C Accounting configuration (

Today I encountered a problem that appeared after the automatic backup of the 1C Accounting 8.3 database took place. I have configured a database backup when exiting the program. I successfully exited the program for a year, but apparently this time I exited somehow unsuccessfully :). But I couldn’t come in. My smart program wrote me a very clever phrase, which is intended more for a 1C programmer than for a simple user. So, let's deal with the problem not as 1C administrators, but as just an accountant :).

What to do if 1s 8.3 does not open after a backup and the message “starting a session with the infobase is prohibited, backup is prohibited...”

If, when opening a 1C database, instead of opening the database, the following message is displayed:

“Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited. To perform a backup...” What follows are instructions for the administrator on how to launch the database, but this instruction will be of little help to the accountant.

Easier solution:

You need to find the folder on the disk in which the 1C Accounting 8.3 database is located. Open folder. Inside the folder you will see the following:

In the folder you need to find the file 1Cv8.cdn. Need to delete file 1Cv8.cdn and start 1C:Enterprise again.

As you can see, everything is simple. And it’s great that my article was useful to you, I’m very happy to help you. Let it be easier for accountants to work so that they have more free time for themselves and their loved ones!

That's all for today!

Inna Izvekova was with you.

See you again on the pages !

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You've come to the right page! Most likely, in the morning you discovered that your favorite 1C 8.3 does not start with the message: “ Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited. To perform a backup...».

The first thing to do now is urgently allow users to work. After this, calmly read the article to the end and find out why this happened and what “Blocking and unblocking from the 1C 8.3 information base” is.

My experience suggests that you are a user (not a system administrator or a programmer), and your information base is file-based (if the database is SQL, specialists are already dealing with your problem). To start you need to understand which folder (directory) it is located in and delete one file in this folder - 1Cv8.cdn(you don’t have to save the file, it won’t be needed anymore).

*If you are an IT specialist, you can safely proceed to reading the section “Blocking and unblocking from the 1C information base.”

In the window with a list of information bases, find your base (number 1 in the illustration below) and click on it once (and only once!) with the mouse. Then click the “Change” button (number 2).

There can be only one database in the list, so this window may be familiar to you as the “1C launch window”. In this case, just click the "Change" button.

If you see that the information base is located on a given computer or on a local network, my experience did not disappoint – the database is file-based, and we are doing everything correctly. Copy this path ( numbers 3 and 4).

Now go to this folder.

Just in case, here are a few options for launching Explorer:

  • You have Windows XP or Windows 7. Click Start, Run, paste the previously copied infobase location. Explorer will open.
  • You have Windows 7. But there is no “Run” option. Paste the location immediately after clicking Start. Explorer will open.
  • You have Windows 8 or Windows 10. Click Start, click on the Magnifier in the upper right corner, paste the previously copied location of the infobase, press Enter. Explorer will open.

  • Find the yellow floppy disk on the taskbar and click on it. Paste the infobase location into the address bar at the top of the Explorer window. (Right click on the address bar, Change address, right click again on the address bar, Paste).

  • A universal method for all versions of Windows and its settings. Press the flag button on the keyboard and, without releasing it, press the Latin R (or Russian K) on the keyboard. The “Run” window will open, paste the previously copied infobase location there and click OK.

Using one of the proposed options, you will be taken to an explorer window with the location of the information base.

In the Explorer window, find the 1Cv8.cdn file in the list of files, right-click on it, select “Delete”, as shown in the previous figure.

Ready! Your “1C: Accounting” or “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management” or “1C: Trade Management” is starting again.

Blocking and unblocking from the 1C information base. We destroy myths.

In this section you will find unique information on working with blocking, and also receive a refutation of common misconceptions on the topic “Data blocking”.

How to set a lock?

The infobase blocking mechanism is designed to terminate currently open sessions and prevent new connections. The location of the lock functionality in the menu may vary depending on the configuration. For example, in UT, edition 11 ( this is master data and administration, [Service] Blocking user work. Alternative option: Research data and administration, Support and maintenance, Blocking user work. In UT, edition 10.3 ( this is Service, Users, Blocking connections to the infobase.

*There are industry-specific configurations in which the locking from an interface and mechanism perspective will look different from what is described in this article. Since we are considering a standard mechanism for most 1C configurations, we will not touch upon special industry configurations.

When you select this item, the “Blocking Users” dialog box will open, in which you must enter a message for users, the start and end time of the blocking, as well as the unlock code.

Since the start and end of the blocking action are entered, you must be extremely careful in this dialog and enter the information explicitly. If the dialog had the ability to enter the start of a block "in 15 minutes" with a duration of "20 minutes", or at least displayed these values ​​based on the absolute start and end times of the block, then it would be difficult to set a block lasting a year, like this may happen if there is an error in entering the date and time.

It is recommended to set the “Start time” parameter as the current date/time + the time required for users to prepare to exit and save edited documents. For example, now it’s 9:50 a.m., we give users 10 minutes to save their results. The total start time of blocking should be 10 hours 00 minutes.

End time – you don’t have to enter it, but the object will be blocked indefinitely (forever).

The unlock code is a one-time “password” to start from scratch, despite the established lock, which may be needed in some cases (will be discussed below). Be sure to enter and remember. In the case of the SQL version of the infobase, this parameter is visible in the “Administering 1C Enterprise Servers” snap-in and is called “Permission code” there.

In the case of the SQL version of the infobase, you will additionally need authorization from the infobase administrator or cluster administrator.

So, after clicking the “Set blocking” button and a positive response to the confirmation...

...you will return to the previous dialog box, the appearance of which has changed:

A message will appear in the lower right corner indicating that users are scheduled to be blocked. Only you will see this message.

Planned? Perhaps this has something to do with routine tasks?

Will scheduled blocking of user work work if routine tasks are blocked? Yes, it will work. The blocking mechanism does not use scheduled tasks.

What will users and myself see?

Until the blocking begins, active users will receive “polite” reminders to shut down. In this dialogue, the timeout is triggered by “Yes”, so users who are not at their workplace will successfully log out of the 1C session.

The lock initiator receives another message:

After the blocking begins, you will not be able to access the information database in the usual way. How to get in will be discussed below. Please note that the dialog does not automatically indicate when the blocking will end, so the task of informing users about the time to resume work falls on the Administrator. This information can be specified in a message to the user.

The bomb explodes exactly at the appointed time. The siren howls until it explodes.

Contrary to popular belief that active user sessions are terminated softly, after a warning that can be ignored and work continues, in fact, termination, or better yet, “cutting off,” of active sessions occurs exactly on schedule, hard and with the loss of all unsaved results. All warnings are issued in the interval from the time you click the “Set blocking” button until the start time of the blocking, after which the active session will end without any notification, and 1C will go into a cycle of trying to start the configuration again, with an interval of 1 minute.

There are no exceptions to modes for entering reference values, in which a value is entered that is not in the reference book - you cannot exit the input mode (for example, close 1C with a cross), but this will not prevent you from completing the work. The modal dialogue mode is of more significant interest, so it will be discussed in more detail.

*User sessions in old configurations end a little later than the appointed time, because... Users first receive a “System is shutting down” alert.

Will it really explode?

First, let's note that in older configurations, the lock may not work for the lock initiator. Now let's move on to considering the issue for platform 8.3.

A file information security user who decides, for example, to delete a document and then go to lunch, leaving the “Mark document for deletion?” dialog on the screen, will keep the connection to the infobase open. Of course, his session will end after lunch, after he answers "Yes" or "No", but until then you will see that there are active users. In this case, the blocking initiator will see the following message:

A runtime error message will appear in the log, which should not be interpreted as a runtime error, but as “not all users have completed their sessions”:

And this is not the only reason why the blocking may not work. (see further sections “By whose hours?” and “What about my users in Vladivostok?”).

Modal dialog in the SQL version of the infobase on managed forms

1C Application Server has the ability to delete a session despite the modal dialog mode. The 1C interface and the modal dialog will remain on the user’s screen, creating the appearance of an unfinished session, but in reality the session will be deleted, and the connection with the information security will be terminated in a timely manner. When trying to continue working, the user will see the error message “The session is missing or deleted” or “The session has been terminated by the Administrator,” depending on the nuances.

Modal dialog in the SQL version of the infobase on regular forms

User sessions are terminated.

After setting the lock, it is better not to exit the dialogue, because... When you re-enter this dialog before the blocking begins, an untrue message pops up stating that the blocking has already been installed (though only half), there are zero active sessions (not true). At the same time, the process of terminating users continues (contradicts zero active sessions + not quite true, since users “terminate themselves”). Although the user blocking code is not ideal, in the end it will not prevent you from setting a block and terminating active sessions, but it will confuse the Infobase Administrator.

Will the blocking work if I set the blocking and close the dialog?

Will the blocking work if you set the blocking and immediately exit 1C (that is, end the 1C session before the blocking begins)?

Yes. The mechanism for responding to an established lock does not provide for interaction between the initiator of the lock and other users. User sessions independently check whether they can work.

By whose clock will the blocking work if the time on the computers is slightly different?

Clock desynchronization problem

With file information security, each computer itself checks whether the information security has a set blocking time range and compares it with its local clock. The accuracy of its clock determines whether a given computer can terminate a session at exactly the right time. If the database is blocked from 10:00, for one computer this moment will come earlier, and for the other - later.

In a domain environment and if system administrators work flawlessly, the time on all computers is synchronized with the domain controller. But for various reasons, the time may be lost: time synchronization with the domain controller is not configured, time synchronization is configured with an external time server that is no longer available, failures in network or domain services, lack of rights to change the system time, etc.

It seems that we can talk about seconds, in extreme cases, minutes. But in fact, the computer may, for example, not have an operating system update installed that supports the transition to seasonal (winter/summer) time, and the error may no longer be seconds, but hours. It’s easy to carry out this experiment: schedule a block at 10 am for half an hour, and on one of the computers set the time forward an hour - the block will not affect it.

Therefore, before setting a lock, carefully check the time in the lower right corner of your computer with your wristwatch, and also contact your system administrator in advance to ask whether time synchronization works in your IT infrastructure.

What about my users in Vladivostok?

Absolute time problem with users from different time zones

The blocking time range is saved in the infobase. Look at the contents of the blocking file 1Cv8.cdn (which is created in the file version of IB), it records the start time of the blocking as 07/17/2017 13:59 in the format YYYYMMDDDHHMMSS without any indication of the time zone:

Without indicating a time zone, it would be clear what absolute time we are talking about if the time always referred to a specific time zone, for example UTC+0. But the database stores local time according to the clock of the computer that initiated the blocking. It is unknown what time zone this computer was from, which means the absolute time of blocking is unknown.

If in Moscow, in a centralized information security system, you set a block at 1:59 p.m., and this point in time for Moscow users is in the future, then for users of the same information security system in Vladivostok, 1:59 p.m. was 7 hours ago. And depending on the technical solution in accordance with which work is carried out with the information security of Vladivostok users, blocking these users will either work or not.

What technical solutions could there be in which blocking would not work correctly for Vladivostok users? Those in which the 1C client part will receive time in Vladivostok, and not in Moscow. For example, offices are connected to a local network via VPN, and the 1C client part is launched from a local computer, with UTC+10 time. But if they work with the database via an RDP connection or in RemoteApp mode on a Moscow server, running the 1C client part on this server, everything will be fine, because it will have UTC+3 time.

Are there problems with clock and time zone desynchronization in the case of the SQL version of the infobase?

No. In this option there is a “server clock”, which is taken as the standard.

Will I be kicked out of the Configurator if I was in it and the blocking began to take effect?

Will it be possible to access the Configurator after the blocking period begins?

It is forbidden! The ability to work with the configurator is checked only at startup and is not performed during operation. Therefore, if a block is set for subsequent work in the configurator, it is much easier to launch it first than to bypass the launch ban later.

How to remove the block?

In the same dialog in which the blocking was installed. We remind you that after installing a lock, instead of the “Set lock” button, there is a “Unlock” button.

In the case of the SQL version of information security, unlocking is also possible in the “Administering 1C Enterprise Servers” snap-in. (see below)

What is the unlock code for?

To enter the information security at the moment when the blocking is in effect. Situations in which this is necessary:

  • After installing the lock, the session with the information security has been completed (manually or as a result of the lock being applied to the initiator himself), and a new session needs to be started;
  • The blocking end time was mistakenly not filled in at all;
  • The blocking end time was entered incorrectly (for example, the next month or year was accidentally entered);
  • The infobase is in the SQL version, and to cancel an incorrectly set lock, it is impossible to delete the 1Cv8.cdn file in the infobase directory.

In this case, use the hint that is given at startup. Those. in the window with a list of infobases, click “Edit” and enter the following line in the additional launch parameters:

ENTERPRISE /F"Z:\Exchange\UT 11" /CAllow Users to Work /UC12345

... taking into account the location directory and unlock code.

It is better to copy this line to the clipboard and edit it in the “Edit infobase” dialog. If you mix up the type of quotation marks or the Russian “C” and the Latin one, you will see an error message:

If you enter it correctly and then start 1C in enterprise mode, 1C will automatically remove the lock and complete its work. After this, you can delete additional parameters and start 1C as usual.

What should I do if I did not set a lock, but the SQL database is blocked by someone? However, I do not know the unlock code.

The infobase can be blocked by the configuration itself for the duration of creating an archive copy. If the creation process was not completed normally, the SQL database may remain in a locked state. In this case, you need access to the console (more correctly, the snap-in) “Administering 1C:Enterprise Servers”.

Where to look for it?

The “1C:Enterprise Server Administration” snap-in is often installed on the same server where the SQL server is deployed, as well as where the “1C Server” itself (or “1C Application Server”) is deployed. Although this is not necessary: ​​SQL can be installed on one computer, 1C Application Server on another, and the equipment can be deployed on your workstation. You can most likely achieve success by doing the following:

  • Connect via RDP to the server specified in the Srvr=... line using your domain login and password. If you are unable to connect, ask your system administrator to add you to the Remote Desktop Users group. (If such rights are denied, deploy and configure the “Administering 1C Enterprise Servers” snap-in on the workstation);

  • On the server, find the “1C:Enterprise Server Administration” snap-in;
  • Launch the snap-in, expand the tree to the node with your infobase;

  • In the properties of the infobase, clear the checkbox “Session start blocking is enabled” or correct the start and end time of the blocking, or look at the “permission code” for entering the information security (also known as the “unblocking code” in the blocking setup dialog).

What to do if all users of the SQL infobase have logged out, but you still cannot start the Configurator because... are there active users?

In the “Connections” node of the infobase, on the right side of the screen, you can delete existing connections.

These are not all the questions related to the topic of information base blocking.

If you still have questions:

  • Is it possible to work according to Moscow time if you rent a server in Europe and do not want to depend on its time zone?
  • How to find 1C Application Server if you don’t know where it is installed?
  • How to deploy the “1C:Enterprise Server Administration” snap-in and how to configure it?
  • If there are several application servers on the same local network, what should you do?
  • What to do in the case of a cluster system? etc.

Our certified 1C technology consultants will be happy to answer them.