What are the ways to push and charge the batteries of a smartphone or tablet at home? Removing the battery from a deep discharge state, or how to “push” the battery Forced charging of the battery

In general, there can be only two situations:

  1. The battery seems to work, but discharges very quickly.
  2. The battery is dead and doesn't want to charge at all.

First situation: loss of capacity

In the first case, the battery capacity has dropped and you will have to come to terms with it. Complete restoration of batteries after a deep discharge is impossible (this applies to all Li-ion batteries: 18650, 14500, 10440, mobile phone batteries, etc.). Even theoretically, it is impossible to restore the capacity of a lithium battery.

A decrease in capacity is an absolutely normal process. This happens during every charge/discharge cycle, no matter how properly the battery is used. However, if during operation deep discharges are often allowed or, conversely, long-term recharges (more than 500%), then the rate of capacity loss can increase significantly.

Recent studies have shown that lithium batteries lose their capacity even if they are not used at all. For example, during normal storage in warehouses. According to research, the battery loses approximately 4-5% of its capacity per year.

Second situation: does not want to charge

Now consider the second case - the battery is not charging.

This situation usually occurs when a device (phone, tablet, MP3 player) has been left idle for a long time with a discharged battery. Or if the lithium battery has been subjected to deep cooling.

In principle, there should be no problems with charging such batteries. Inside each battery - between the battery bank itself and the terminals that we see - there is a protection module that disconnects the battery from the terminals when the voltage drops below a certain threshold. Outwardly, this manifests itself as a complete absence of voltage at the battery output (zero volts).

In fact, as a rule, at this moment the voltage on the bank itself is about 2.4-2.8 Volts.

If the battery is blocked due to overload (short circuit in the load), the protection module also blocks the FET1 transistor. It makes no difference what the protection was triggered from - from overdischarge or from short circuit. The result is the same - open transistor FET2 and closed field switch FET1.

Thus, during a deep discharge, the lithium-ion battery protection board does not in any way interfere with charging the battery.

The only problem is that some chargers consider themselves too smart and when they see that the voltage on the battery is too low (and in our case it will be zero), they believe that some unacceptable situation has occurred and completely refuse to issue a charger current.

This is done solely for security purposes. The fact is that if the battery has an internal short circuit, charging it becomes dangerous - it can overheat and swell (with all sorts of special effects like leaking electrolyte, squeezing out the tablet cover, etc.). If there is a break inside the battery, charging it becomes completely pointless. So the logic of operation of such smart chargers is quite clear and justified.

Read on to learn how to trick charging and restore functionality of a lithium battery after a deep discharge.

How to force it to charge?

In essence, restoring lithium-ion batteries after a deep discharge comes down to returning it to normal operation. You must understand that this in no way compensates for the loss of capacity (this is impossible in principle).

In order to still force a too cunning charger to charge our very low battery, it is necessary to ensure that the voltage on it exceeds a certain threshold. As a rule, 3.1-3.2 Volts are enough for the charger to consider the situation normal and allow charging.

You can only increase the voltage on the battery using a third-party (more stupid) charger. This is popularly called “pushing” the battery. To do this, simply connect an external power supply to the battery terminals, while limiting the maximum current.

For our purposes, any cell phone charger will do. Most often, modern chargers have an output in the form of a USB socket and, accordingly, produce 5V. All we have to do is select a resistor that limits the charge current.

The resistor's resistance is calculated using Ohm's law. Let's take the worst-case scenario - the voltage on the internal bank of a lithium-ion battery is 2.0 Volts (we won't be able to measure it without disassembling the battery, so we'll just assume that this is the case).

Then the difference between the power source voltage and the battery voltage will be:

Let's calculate the resistance of the current-limiting resistor so that the charge current does not exceed 50 mA (this is quite enough for the initial charge and at the same time quite safe):

R = 3V / 0.050A = 60 Ohm

Now we find out how much power will be dissipated by this resistor in the event of an internal short circuit of the battery (then the entire voltage of the power supply will drop across the resistor):

P = (5V) 2 / 60 Ohm = 0.42 W

Thus, to restore an 18650 battery after a deep discharge, we take any 5V power supply, the nearest suitable resistor is 62 Ohms (0.5W) and connect it all to the battery as follows:

The power supply will be suitable for a different voltage; it will be enough to recalculate the resistance and power of the limiting resistor. And you need to remember that in li-ion protection circuits, as a rule, field-effect transistors with a low drain-source voltage are used, so it is undesirable to take a power supply with a high output voltage.

Small neodymium magnets will help ensure reliable contact when connecting wires to the terminals of the 18650 battery.

If the charge does not go(the resistor does not heat up, and the battery is at full voltage from the power supply), then either the protection circuit has gone into very deep protection, or it has simply failed, or there is an internal break.

Then you can try to remove the outer polymer shell of the battery and connect our improvised charger directly to the can. Plus to plus, minus to minus. If in this case the charge does not go, then the battery is screwed. But if you do, you need to wait until the voltage rises to 3+ Volts and then you can charge as usual (with standard charging).

Of course, using this device you can charge the battery completely, but then you will have to wait a very long time (after all, the charge current is very small). In addition, in this case you will have to very closely control the voltage on the bank so as not to miss the moment when it becomes 4.2V. And, if anyone doesn’t know, the voltage towards the end of the charge will begin to rise very quickly!

Now the situation is different- the resistor, on the contrary, heats up noticeably, but there is zero voltage on the battery, which means there is a short circuit somewhere inside. We gut the battery, unsolder the protection module and try to charge the can itself. If it works, then the protection board is faulty and must be replaced. However, you can use the battery without it.

For a modern phone, the main and decisive criterion remains its autonomy, that is, how long the battery can last without recharging. The worst event for many is when the phone is so discharged that it does not respond to the charger. Why is this happening? How to revive your phone battery?


Each battery contains a power controller. It is thanks to him that we can see the battery charge percentage on the screen. The same element determines the device’s need to recharge. When the phone is discharged, the controller, after urgent demands to replenish energy reserves, goes into mode to protect the battery from complete depletion.

It is worth noting that the battery is charged through a charger, which has This information contains a way to revive the phone battery - by applying current directly. To ensure that this does not pose a danger to life, there are several simple ways, which are discussed below.

Elementary way

As surprising as it may sound, leave your device charging for a day. For some devices, the push will be one of the pulses received from the charger. Roughly speaking, at some point the battery will “grab” the current and begin to accumulate charge. Don't get mad if your phone responds to the charger with a dark screen. In this case, there is no need to rush. Other methods should be tried only after this method.

Power supply, resistor and voltmeter

For the second, more complex and time-consuming method, a power supply with a constant voltage of up to 12 volts is required. It is better that the voltage is from five or a little higher (it’s safer). You can use the power supply from the router and even the charger from the smartphone itself. As an assistant, a resistor is suitable, which is designed for a power of 0.5 watts and a nominal value of 330 ohms.

As for the voltmeter, this is more of a whim than a necessity. So its presence is by no means necessary, although it is very desirable.

The connection diagram is quite primitive: we connect the minus of the source to the minus of the battery, and the plus through a resistor to the plus of the battery. Where is the plus and where is the minus at the source? If you have a charger like a plug from a Wi-Fi power supply, then the plus is the inside of the cylinder, and the minus is the outside. For the USB charging type, you must first do a test with a multimeter. This will allow you to check where is the plus and where is the minus by ringing each channel.

After everything is securely fixed, you need to apply current. If you observe the voltmeter, then you should wait until the voltage rises to 3.5 volts - this is about 15 minutes of continuous operation. This is an ideal method for old-type batteries, but it will also work for smartphones. Again, take your time and remain calm. A mistake can cost your battery life.

Third way

A less time-consuming method for a phone is to use a power supply with a controller designed to restore and charge all types of batteries. Such blocks are used when restoring Ni-MH batteries. This device is similar to the Turnigy Accucell 6. How to use it? The same as with cables in the second method.

It is important with this method not to try to charge the battery completely through this device. Why? Over time, the battery wears out and its capacity decreases significantly. In order not to ruin the battery, charge it through a universal charger up to 3.5 volts, and then through the phone or tablet itself - the device whose battery we reanimated.

Fourth method

In terms of simplicity, this method can be compared with the first. Unfortunately, it does not work on all types of devices, but it does, since it does not require any additional equipment or skills. This method, at home, looks like this:

  1. Remove the battery from the smartphone.
  2. Connect the charger to the device.
  3. Insert the battery into place.
  4. Leave the phone on charge for 10-12 hours.

Why might this work? As mentioned earlier, the battery needs to be “pushed”. Such a sudden flow of current can become such a shock, and the battery will return to normal, starting to accumulate energy.

A simple battery will help

This method also does not always help, but nevertheless is extremely popular. To implement it, you need to take a fully charged battery or a powerful battery and connect it through conductors, observing the polarity. After ten minutes, you should try to insert the recoverable battery into the phone and connect the charger.

This method is based on the method that motorists use by letting them “light” the battery from another car. And, just like in cars, don’t let anything get hot!

Is it just to revive?

Another, no less strange way is freezing. Some who have already conducted similar experiments with the battery of their device claim that they were able not only to “resurrect” it, but also to increase its service life. The principle of operation of this method is to deceive the controller, which was mentioned above, because at a reduced temperature, chemical reactions in the battery slow down significantly.

Before you restore your phone's battery capacity, make sure it is not a lithium-ion battery. This type of battery may not survive such experiments.

The resuscitation process itself is as follows. To begin with, a battery discharged below the level is sent to the freezer for a period of no more than half an hour. Then charge it for a minute. In this case, turning on the phone is strictly prohibited. Next, you need to remove the battery from the device and let it warm up to room temperature on its own. There is no way to heat or rub the battery.

Once the battery reaches room temperature, it must be placed in the device and charged in the usual way. Such charging can last more than a day, in some cases even two.

What's better?

Before you revive a completely discharged phone battery, you should decide which method is most effective. All of these recovery methods are good in their own way, but some are not confirmed to be safe, others require special skill and tools.

Basically, the first and fourth methods are not only ways to revive your phone battery, but also a real guide for an emergency. Such methods will not harm or worsen the situation of the smartphone.

There is quite a bit of controversy about freezing, since low temperatures are what can cause the battery to swell. Some say that this is a way to give a “dying” battery a “painkiller” so that its death will then occur quickly and painlessly.

Even Ni-MH batteries are restored using the second and third methods. But if you do not have access to the necessary equipment and are simply far from electronics, it is better not to risk it and turn to the experts in this matter.

Whatever method suits you, the best solution to the problem is to prevent it. Try to ensure that your smartphone does not turn off because its battery is low. Carry a charger kit or remote battery with you and recharge the battery as needed. Try to avoid friction, shock and large temperature changes - this greatly reduces the performance of the battery and shortens its lifespan.

Nowadays, the tablet has become one of the indispensable assistants in life. However, even tablets have their flaws, just like any other electronic invention. In particular, many gadget owners are faced with the fact that over time, devices become outdated, and the battery in tablets runs out too quickly or even becomes unable to charge at all, not responding to the connected power cable. Why does my tablet battery drain quickly? What to do if the same fate befalls the owner of an electronic assistant, and the battery of his gadget suddenly runs out without any warning or does not charge at all? How to charge a battery that is not actually charging and extend the battery life without it happening? Let's try to figure it out together.

Primary sources of the problem

There are actually quite a few reasons for the rapid discharge of a device. First of all, these are various kinds of technical problems associated with the battery itself. For example, there is a possibility of a manufacturing defect, which is quite typical for fakes. It is possible that the tablet battery needs to be calibrated. It also happens that the charge rapidly drops due to the fact that the battery on the tablet is swollen. In such situations, of course, to extend service life and performance device, you should remove the battery and replace it as fallen into disrepair.

However, simply replace the unusable tablet current source directlywithout instructions, without knowing how to get the battery, It won't work. This could end very badly. It's worth thinking about: is it possible to change the battery V at home, extending the performance of the tablet?

Swollen battery

Of course, if the battery is swollen, it can be safely scrapped. A battery that looks like an inflated bag is as harmful as it is unsightly. Trying to charge such a device is, to put it mildly, a bad idea. It will not charge, and may even turn off forever. Therefore, it makes no sense to make any repairs if the battery on the tablet is swollen. It is necessary to change the current source, but you should first think about why this could happen.

And the reasons for swelling can be very different: factory defects, too long a life of the gadget itself, shorted contacts. How to check the battery: is it swollen or not? When the drive bulges, it is very noticeable even without checking: the back panel of the device will bulge under the pressure of the battery. If tablet users have swollen batteries, I can give them only one piece of advice: don’t do to eliminate defects. In such situations, immediately get the current source is removed from the device and a new one is installed.

Of course you can do it this also happens at homeconditions, but without knowing how to remove the battery from the tablet,Still, it’s worth contacting a specialist for help. To prevent the gadget discharged, but the source did not swell , you need to carefully choose when purchasing, store the device away from moisture and observe the acceptable temperature range for storing the device.

"Push" for batteries

It is possible that the tablet turns off as a result of a deep discharge, and charging the tablet directly seems hardly feasible. The device simply does not charge using the standard method - once the battery is discharged, it is simply impossible to turn on or start the device in the classic way. Although it is realistic in this case, as they say, to push the battery of the electronic assistant. But how to do that? How to push the tablet battery and bring it back to “life” after such a shutdown at home?

Here, owners of Chinese “frogs” can feel lucky. These devices have already gained notoriety during their existence. However, this cannot be said that they are no good: on the contrary, “frogs” are very good for pushing “sleeping” sources. To do this, you need to put the device, which is turned off, on charging in the “frog” - check and make sure that the drive starts charging faster and faster without any threats. After about half an hour, you can remove the charged battery.

Calibration method

A method to eliminate the rapid “eating” of charge can be to calibrate the tablet battery. Many people begin to wonder, how to calibrate the battery? Those who believe that there is no “home” option for performing such an action are mistaken: in fact, calibration is carried out quite simply using several alternative methods. For example, on Android devices you can reset the part usage data and create a new usage file.

You can also apply calibration using a special offer in the Play Market - Battery Calibration, which is extremely easy to use. How to calibrate the battery? You need to launch the application and follow all the instructions described. At the end of the procedure, we start the device again, and you can safely start checking - in this way we have updated the source, extending its life.

There is another really easy way to calibrate the battery.

For this you will need:

1. Turn on your gadget, be it a tablet or a smartphone, and charge it for at least eight hours.
2. After this time, turn off the power to the device.
3. Turn off the device itself and charge it for another hour.
4. Disconnect power.
5. Launch the gadget for two minutes.
6. Turn it off again and charge for an hour.
7. Disconnect the power and restart the device.

After this, the gadget should function as usual again, without consuming as much energy as before.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if the tablet begins to lose its energy reserves too quickly, then this is not a reason to throw the device in the trash, because there is always a way to get rid of this problem.

Method for restoring over-discharged lithium batteries

This circuit monitors the state of the lithium cell (or "jar"). If the voltage on it drops below 3.2 - 3.3V, then the protection circuit simply disconnects this “can” from the outside world. This is necessary in order to prevent deep discharge of the element and its failure.

When measuring the voltage at the battery terminals, it seems that it has become unusable. But that's not true!

If you measure the voltage on the cell before the controller, you will find that the element produces a voltage of about 2.5 - 2.7 volts. This is quite enough to “boost” the battery and bring it back to life.

Let's consider an example of restoring a Li-pol battery from a cell phone.

First, we disassemble it and disconnect the board with the protection controller. Sometimes the protection circuit is simply wrapped in transparent tape and is easily visible without disassembly.

The charge/discharge controller is slightly larger.

Unsolder the charge/discharge controller circuit board. We are left with only the 3.7-volt Li-pol battery cell.

Next we need a charger. I used a Turnigy Accucell 6 universal charger/discharger. The advantage of this charger is that it can be used to charge unprotected (that is, without a protective controller) lithium batteries. The whole process is controlled by a microcontroller and the device itself monitors the charging process according to the standard scheme CC/CV.

We connect the “jar” to the terminals of the charger.

Click " START". The following message will appear on the screen.

Short presses of the " START" select the charge parameter we need - the selected one will blink. Use the " buttons + " And " - " set the required value.

We set the charge current - better than 0.1 of the capacity ( 0.1C). That is, if you have a battery capacity of 1500mAh, then it is better to set the current to 150mA. In the Turnigy Accucell 6 charger, the charge current setting step is 100mA, so I chose 0.2A (200mA), although you can set it to 0.1A.

Important! The charger settings are usually set to the standard battery voltage. For Li-ion it is 3.6V, and for Li-pol - 3.7V). If you leave this parameter as it is, then after starting the process, the charger will display the message " LOW VOLTAGE", that is, low voltage and will refuse to charge the battery.

To prevent this from happening, you need to switch the battery voltage parameter to " AUTO"Next press the button for 2-3 seconds" START". In some cases, the charger will ask whether it needs to start charging. For some reason, it didn’t always ask me. Perhaps it depends on the voltage on the element.

Confirm your choice by pressing the button " START"(writes on the screen" ENTER") or " STOP" to cancel.

That's it, after this the charging process should begin.

After some time, you can see that the voltage on the cell is growing, and you can also find out the amount of charge “poured into the jar”. On the display it is the lower right corner (00001).

As soon as the voltage on the cell reaches 4.2V, the charger switches to voltage stabilization mode - CV and will supply a small current to the cell. This is the second stage of charging. When the charging process is complete, the Accucell 6 will signal that the charge is complete and a flashing message will appear on the screen. FULL" - full.

As you can see, the cell was “filled” with 522 mA(0.522A). Quite a bit, but it’s worth considering that the battery is no longer new and its capacity has decreased. It is also worth remembering that the charging process can take a decent amount of time, 3 - 7 hours or more. It is worth keeping an eye on the battery while charging.

After this, carefully solder the charge controller board and assemble the battery. If you measure the voltage at the controller output, it should be 4.2V. This indicates that the controller has reconnected the “can” to the outside world. Now the battery can be safely installed in a cell phone (tablet, MP3 player, portable speaker, etc.).

In this simple way, you can restore almost any lithium battery, for example, from a tablet, cell phone, portable game, navigator, DVR, etc.

It is worth remembering that if the device sits idle for a long time, the lithium battery may be discharged to a minimum and the controller will turn off the cell to prevent a deep discharge. If you then connect a standard charger to the device, the charging process may not begin. Many people consider this the “death” of the battery and replace it with a new one. But, in fact, it can be restored. True, after a deep discharge, the capacity, as a rule, decreases.

Yes, here is a good video about remanufacturing lithium batteries.

Any battery does not last forever and will fail sooner or later. However, I would like this to happen later rather than earlier. Especially if the battery has practically stopped holding a charge, and it is not yet possible to buy a new one. Fortunately, there are ways to temporarily revive even an almost completely “dead” battery. All these methods are not a panacea and only provide the opportunity to extend the life of equipment for a short time. Sooner or later you will still need a new battery.


Causes of death of a phone battery

Modern smartphones use lithium-ion (li-ion) or lithium polymer (li-pol) batteries. Their service life is approximately 500 cycles from full charge to full discharge. Depending on the intensity of use, this safety margin is enough for 2-3 years.

Active use of the phone simultaneously heavily loads and overheats the battery. It will be even worse if you put it on charge while playing games or watching videos.

Since a smartphone in our time is not only a means of communication, but also a device for working, accessing the Internet, listening to music, and entertainment, the battery may begin to weaken within a year or a year and a half. The first cause of battery death is too much load on it. To reduce it, you need to optimize the device settings, remove unnecessary applications and avoid running programs in the background.

Viruses. Mobile devices based on Android are very popular, including among those who like to create and run malicious programs. When accessing the Internet from a smartphone, you can easily pick up a virus, many of which degrade and slow down the device, force applications to run in the background, and quickly drain the battery.

Incorrect operation. Incorrect charging and discharging mode, constant plugging in, overheating and hypothermia, allowing discharge to zero, using non-original chargers - all this has a bad effect on the performance of the battery.

Low quality. A battery purchased from somewhere unknown may be counterfeit, it may have been stored in improper facilities and may not meet regulatory requirements. All this will lead to its rapid breakdown.

Modern batteries suffer worst from overheating, hypothermia and deep discharge.

In the cold, a smartphone irreversibly loses battery capacity faster.

How to understand that the phone does not start due to the battery

The capacity of a battery is its ability to deliver voltage. It cannot be constant and decreases over time. But how can you understand that a deteriorated battery is to blame for problems with your phone?

The first thing you need to know is how long this battery has been in service. Li-ion and Li-pol batteries usually retain their functionality for three years, after which the aging process is inevitable. So if the device is already old, it’s almost certainly the problem and it’s time to buy a new one.

You should also remove the battery from the phone and inspect it visually. A swollen, deformed or even cracked battery requires immediate replacement. Otherwise, it may ruin the entire mobile device.

If the external appearance of the battery is still quite good, and not that old, then it’s worth checking it. You will need a multimeter - a device designed to measure voltage.

The measurement process looks like this:

  1. remove the battery from the phone;
  2. in the multimeter settings, set the standard voltage for this device, most likely it will be 20 volts;
  3. Apply the contact of the multimeter first to the positive pole of the battery, then to the negative.

The results obtained will most likely be in the range from 0 to 4.2 volts and can be interpreted as follows:

  1. From 3.7 to 4.2 volts. The battery is fully charged and in good working order. In this case, the reasons for the rapid discharge need to be looked for elsewhere - for example, in the phone settings.
  2. From 2.1 to 3.5 volts. The battery is not fully charged; the lower the value, the weaker the charge. Despite this, the phone should turn on and charge without problems, although the battery is clearly not the first freshness.
  3. From 0.0 to 2.0 volts. The battery is in a deep discharge and without a push and swing it will not charge.

In the latter case, the battery will have to be reanimated; without this, it will not work.

How to restore your smartphone battery

You can restore the battery, or more precisely, its ability to hold a charge and charge normally, in different ways. The most common of them involve the use of current supply to the contacts, from another power source, through: another working battery, a frog or a Krona battery.

It is important to understand that all these measures are temporary and do not eliminate the need to change the battery. They just allow you to extend his life for some time.

Important! There are tips such as puncture or cut the swollen battery, release the gases accumulated in it, then seal it and use it again. This is quite dangerous, since when opened, an unpleasant gas will begin to be released, the battery will become very hot and may even catch fire.

How to push a battery when deeply discharged

More often there are recommendations to “push” an old battery by applying a short, strong discharge to it. This can really revive the “dead” in many situations. This will help if the battery is already old or has been switched off for a long time, and therefore refuses to start because it has gone into a deep discharge.

Here are the ways this can be done:

  1. By applying current to the contacts. This is a simple method that requires a native or universal charger, a pair of wires and a resistor. You need to connect the negative of the battery to the negative of the charger, and the positive to the positive, just insert a resistor into the positive circuit. Then apply power and bring the voltage on the battery to 3 V. During its operation, you need to check the voltage - if the indicator is exceeded or if the battery gets too hot, the procedure should be stopped. It usually takes 10-15 minutes for the battery to recover.
  2. From another phone battery. You can also try to “start” the phone battery from any other suitable battery. To do this, you need to connect plus with plus, and minus with minus using wires and electrical tape and leave it there. When the test person becomes noticeably warm, you need to disconnect it, check the functionality of the phone and charge it in the usual way.
  3. Using a Krona battery. A Krona battery is a special type of battery with two contacts with a voltage of 9 V. Charging with its help is carried out in a similar way: the positive contact must be connected with wires to the positive one, and the negative one to the negative one.

Important! Under no circumstances should the battery contacts be connected to each other. This can destroy the battery completely and it will not be repairable.

Universal charging frog

How to revive a battery using freezing

Craftsmen also offer a simple and original way to revive a battery at home. In any case, if it doesn’t work, then it won’t cause her much harm. After all, can a phone be in the cold?

To do this method, you need to put the battery in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator for several hours. Then remove it, wipe off the condensation, insert it into the device and charge for ~1 minute, then remove the battery again and let it warm up to room temperature. Insert into the phone and continue charging.

From a purely physical and chemical point of view, cold is detrimental to the battery, so this method can be used with completely faulty batteries, which will not suffer any worse. As a result of the cold, the controller must temporarily stop understanding what is happening and allow the battery to charge.

How to restore battery capacity

You can restore the battery’s ability to hold and replenish its charge, but the capacity decreases over time, and this process is irreversible. Otherwise, the batteries would last forever.

Due to capacity loss, modern lithium batteries last an average of three years. Therefore, all the tips on how to restore capacity are actually about how to restore the phone’s ability to hold a charge.

Smartphone battery calibration

In order to avoid problems with the battery, as well as when its capabilities deteriorate, it is recommended to periodically perform calibration. Typically, modern batteries are recommended not to be fully charged and, accordingly, not discharged. And to calibrate the charge (that is, to “remind” the battery how to behave correctly), a full discharge is used, followed by a 100% charge.

To do this, you need to completely exhaust the battery life so that the phone turns off. And then put it on charge. To be sure, you should add a couple of hours to the time it takes to fully charge. Then turn it on.

You can also use any mobile application to calibrate the battery, which can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store, depending on whether you have Android or iPhone. To do this, just write in the application search bar: “Battery calibration”. This method ensures that you download the most current and latest application, since the one we recommend may be outdated and not support newer phone models and OS.

When not to refurbish a battery?

All these temporary measures are capable of reviving for a certain period an old battery or one that has suddenly lost the ability to hold a charge. If the battery is completely useless for anything, let alone holding a charge, the only option is to buy a new one.

Also, if the battery is deformed and swollen, resuscitation will not save the situation. A swollen battery may burst, in which case the electrolyte will ruin the phone from the inside. To the point where it will be impossible to repair it.

In addition, the matter of battery restoration must be approached seriously and responsibly. Failure to comply with safety rules and regulations can damage even fully working equipment, and possibly harm a person.

Have you ever had to restore your phone battery? Did you use one of the above methods or some other? Tell us about your experience in the comments, this will help make the material more complete and interesting.