Which phones have a fingerprint. Inexpensive phones with a fingerprint scanner. Security of identification technology

Today they are repositories of important personal and even financial information. And this information needs reliable protection, guarded by a fingerprint scanner in a smartphone.

Fingerprint scanner – new data protection

In the future, our smartphones will only contain more personal financial data. Currently, most of our fellow citizens do not use virtual wallets linked to our mobile devices, but over time, the convenience of contactless payments will force them to take a closer look at them. Therefore, protecting the data of our bank cards, which will be stored in a smartphone, will become more relevant than ever.

Until recently, we relied on passwords, patterns or PIN codes to protect mobile devices from unauthorized access. These are truly reliable methods in modern conditions, but they can also be hacked. As an alternative to them, Apple at one time proposed using fingerprint user identification technology. Once in smartphones, the fingerprint scanner quickly gained popularity, so it is not surprising that major manufacturers of Android devices such as Samsung, HTC, Huawei and others also appeared with models with it.

However, 2015 was the most successful year for this technology. The fingerprint scanner is no longer an attribute of only premium, and therefore expensive, smartphones. This year, many Chinese manufacturers have equipped their low-cost devices with scanners, thus ensuring the technology's path to the masses. As of the end of this year, there are already smartphones priced around $100 with fingerprint scanners. That is why we can assume that in the future the scanner will become as integral an attribute of a smartphone as the camera.

Is it good or bad? We don't have a clear answer. Like any other technology, smartphone fingerprint scanners have their pros and cons. We decided to conduct a detailed analysis of what is good and what is bad about this technology. Those who use it or are just about to purchase a smartphone with a scanner may find this information useful.

Benefits of using a fingerprint scanner

Much has already been said about the advantages of using technology to identify the owner of a mobile device using his fingerprint. If we highlight three main components, they will be: ease of use, security and new opportunities. Let's take a closer look at each of these components.

Ease of use of the scanner

Those who first encountered this identification method note that using it on their smartphone is very convenient. You no longer need to bother with coming up with various passwords, graphic keys, or just PIN codes. Just one touch and the smartphone is unlocked. This, of course, not only saves time, but also has another undeniable advantage - you don’t need to remember anything.

It just so happens in our lives that passwords are often lost or forgotten. And our fingers are always with us, and the pattern on them does not change, so there is no need to be afraid of losing access to your smartphone and the important information stored on it.

New opportunities

Moreover, in modern conditions, the fingerprint scanner in a smartphone has ceased to be just a tool for unlocking it. Increasingly, manufacturers offer us to use this technology in order to log in to our favorite sites, without entering a login and password. More and more app developers are using a scanner to confirm in-app purchases. And contactless payment systems, such as Apple Pay or Samsung Pay, are generally built on the basis of this technology, which provides final confirmation of the required payment from a linked bank card.

Security of identification technology

Well, probably the most significant advantage of using fingerprint scanners in smartphones is increased security. Essentially, only the owner can access the mobile device and the information stored on it.

It is well known that no two fingerprints are alike, so unlocking a smartphone by another person is almost impossible. In addition, other methods of protection, such as passwords, PIN codes and graphic keys, can either be spied on or “hacked”, whereas this cannot be done with a fingerprint.

Of course, theoretically, there is an option, more like a spy story, with taking your fingerprint, for example from a glass, and applying it to a special film that is used for identification. However, in practice, it makes sense to use such methods only if you are a very important person, and information of “national importance” is stored on your smartphone. So, in many ways, a fingerprint scanner is safer than other methods of keeping information on a device safe.

But, like any barrel of honey, there is a fly in the ointment; the use of fingerprint scanners also has its drawbacks.

Fingerprint scanner: something to think about

And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the main drawback of scanners is that they are presented as their main advantage - safety. When you first purchase a smartphone with a fingerprint scanner, the first time you turn it on, it will ask you to leave your fingerprints. This information is digitized and stored in the smartphone’s memory. Apple specialists have done a much better job of protecting this data than Android OS developers, but not everything is so rosy here.

In fact, in Android smartphones, data about the owner's fingerprints is stored in the form of unencrypted files in the local memory of the device, which makes it very vulnerable to hackers. So, in fact, a smartphone may be less secure than its owner may imagine. Programmers from all over the world have repeatedly paid attention to this, and in the middle of this year information appeared on the Internet that hackers managed to “hack” some smartphones and obtain this data.

What happens if your password or PIN becomes known to attackers? You just change it and thus protect your data. If your fingerprint information is stolen, you will not be able to do anything, and your data will always be at risk of unauthorized access.

How to ensure the security of personal information?

Whether or not to use a fingerprint scanner in a smartphone is something everyone can decide for themselves. Moreover, this question, apparently, will confront most of us, since such scanners are likely to soon become commonplace and a familiar accessory of all smartphones without exception.

In our opinion, it is important to maintain a balance between ease of use and security. After all, many of us don't use any tools at all to protect our mobile gadgets, not wanting to waste time on additional steps when unlocking. Therefore, for them, the fingerprint scanner will only make unlocking the device even easier. For others, this is a reason to think.

For those who want to reliably protect personal information, we can advise using multi-level protection, especially since modern smartphones allow this. For example, after entering a password, pattern or PIN code, you can identify yourself using a fingerprint. Or vice versa, after placing your finger on the scanner, enter another key.

In the end, it is stupid to resist the development of technology and deprive oneself of the convenience and comfort that it brings. Armed with the necessary information gleaned from this article and taking a few additional steps with your smartphone, you can reliably protect it from access by unauthorized persons.

Do you use a fingerprint scanner on your smartphone? Share your experience in the comments to the article.

Identification using biometric data is something out of a Hollywood movie, but such dizzying technologies have come very close to average users. As a result, some smartphones have begun to use fingerprint scanners to improve the security of their owners. Although the system faces constant criticism, one cannot argue with the fact that placing your finger on the scanner is much simpler, more convenient and faster than entering passwords, which, moreover, can be forgotten, spied on, stolen, etc. . It is for the sake of increasing the security of users that leading manufacturers began to equip their devices with fingerprint scanners, and if a couple of years ago this was a rarity, available only in expensive smartphones, now it has become more common and affordable.

Using a fingerprint scanner, you can quickly unlock your smartphone and not worry that someone else could use the information stored in it: even if it is lost or stolen, in most cases a locked smartphone cannot be unlocked. The scanner also provides a lot of other advantages: it becomes easier to make purchases in app stores, manage your smartphone, etc. Let's see what choice the modern phone market offers today.

Apple was one of the first companies to use fingerprint scanning technology in its smartphones. The previous generation of gadgets also had a similar feature and caused a real stir among users. Here TouchID is built into the home button, traditionally located below the screen. Immediately after purchase, the gadget will prompt the owner to specify a fingerprint: as a rule, the thumb of the right hand is used, and the pattern is read not only on the pad of the finger, but also on its tip, so that the unlocking process in the future is as convenient as possible. After this, you can additionally enter a password or remember the prints of all other fingers. Scanning works very quickly, and significantly helps when registering and purchasing applications in the AppStore, as it saves time. The same can be said about the larger version of the smartphone – iPhone 6 Plus. In the future, the company intends to improve this technology and add new functions to the fingerprint scanner.

As for the rest of the parameters, one of the most desirable smartphones at the moment has an excellent screen, an incredible camera, longer battery life, and a stylish design. The gadget lies pleasantly in the hand and for many has already become an indicator of a certain status.

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  • 8-core processor, maximum frequency 2.1 GHz;
  • 3 GB of RAM and 32/64/128 GB of main memory, no slot for memory cards;
  • OS – Android 5.0;
  • display 5.1 inches, resolution 2560*1440 pixels;
  • camera 16 and 5 megapixels;
  • battery 2550 mAh;
  • thickness 6.8 mm, weight 138 g;
  • price from 30,800 rubles.

Before us is the main competitor to the Apple gadget, which in many ways surpasses it in terms of characteristics. And if we take the Galaxy S6 Edge, which has a curved screen, for comparison, the scales tip even more in favor of the Samsung smartphone. Among other advantages, the device received a fingerprint scanner: the company has long realized that it is much more convenient for users to place a finger on the sensor rather than enter passwords from numbers or display some sets of movements on the screen. True, in other smartphones where they tried to implement this technology, things were not very good: either you had to hold the gadget with two hands, or move your finger over the sensor, which caused a lot of inconvenience, criticism, and in the end such an advanced function was simply not used. In the Galaxy S6, everything is different, because the manufacturer took into account and corrected all its mistakes, looked at some of Apple’s operating features, and ultimately integrated the sensor into a key under the screen. To unlock your smartphone, you just need to touch this button, after which recognition occurs instantly and, accordingly, access is allowed or denied. In this case, the finger can be at any angle, the system recognizes the owner in any case. For reliability, the device will ask you to remember the prints of other fingers, as well as enter a password.

This device will delight the owner with many other useful functions, as well as advanced capabilities. The display here is beyond praise, one of the most advanced at the moment, it uses one of the best cameras and the fastest processor, everything just flies, all modern wireless technologies are supported and there is even a heartbeat sensor and many other bonuses. In terms of all its parameters, this is one of the most advanced smartphones on the modern market.

  • 8-core processor: 4 cores at 1.8 GHz, and another 4 at 1.3 GHz;
  • 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of main memory, slot for memory cards up to 64 GB;
  • OS – Android 4.4;
  • display 6 inches, resolution 1920*1080 pixels;
  • camera 13 and 5 megapixels;
  • battery 4100 mAh;
  • thickness 7.9 mm, weight 185 g;
  • price from 21,500 rubles.

An excellent answer to brands from a leading Chinese manufacturer. It may immediately seem that this is just an advanced modern smartphone, but if you look at the back panel, under the camera eye you can see another window designed specifically for reading fingerprints: recognition occurs very quickly, which allows you to unlock the smartphone almost instantly. The smartphone can remember five sets of fingerprints, with which you can set up user and guest modes with limited access to some information.

The sensor is highly sensitive, so it recognizes a fingerprint with high accuracy even during rain or frost. You can place your finger on either side, and recognition will be carried out at the same high speed, and the smartphone can be unlocked extremely quickly. The developer has endowed the sensor with one more function: it can be used to take pictures, which is especially convenient when using the front camera.

The device turned out to be not just excellent, but one of the best among 6-inch smartphones on the modern market. It’s almost impossible to find fault with it: perfect build, high-quality materials, good screen and cameras, capacious battery, modern technology, and the price is much lower than the previous two smartphones in the review.

  • 8-core processor: 4 cores at 2 GHz, and another 4 at 1.5 GHz;
  • 3 GB of RAM and 16/32/64 GB of main memory, no slot for memory cards;
  • OS – Android 4.4;
  • display 5.5 inches, resolution 2560*1536 pixels;
  • camera 20.7 and 5 megapixels;
  • battery 3350 mAh;
  • thickness 9 mm, weight 158 ​​g;
  • price from 18,600 rubles.

Meizu also pleased users with the appearance of a fingerprint scanner in one of its smartphones. The key feature of this device is its relatively low price, at which the presence of such a scanner is surprising. It is embedded in a large key located under the screen, and its functions boil down to the same faster unlocking of the smartphone. The sensor works quickly, and can also be used for more advanced navigation. So, in order to return “home”, it is not necessary to press a button or mechanical key on the device - you can only lightly move your finger over the sensor, which, according to many users, is very convenient and takes less time.

Other advantages of the phone include an excellent screen with the smallest possible frames around it, high-quality clear sound, incredibly productive hardware and a large supply of RAM, a good camera and its own shell, which makes the operating system even more understandable and easy to learn. In addition, the battery capacity is pleasing, and in terms of price-quality ratio, this model is one of the best offers today. By the way, the company recently presented Meizu MX5, which became an improved copy of the device in question, but is already more expensive.

HTC One M9 Plus

  • 8-core processor, frequency 2.2 GHz;
  • 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of main memory, memory card slot up to 128 GB;
  • OS – Android 5.0;
  • display 5.2 inches, resolution 2560*1440 pixels;
  • camera 20 and 4 megapixels;
  • battery 2840 mAh;
  • thickness 9.6 mm, weight 168 g;
  • price from 36,400 rubles.

An excellent flagship smartphone that embodies all modern technology achievements. In addition to everything else, there is also a fingerprint scanner, which, as usual, is built into the home key located under the screen. The functionality is quite ordinary: only unlocking the smartphone, without bonuses such as access to some applications, etc. But such a scanner works phenomenally quickly and accurately. It’s a pity that the manufacturer abandoned the feature used in One Max, where each finger could be assigned an entrance to a separate application: for example, the left little finger is responsible for launching the browser, and the index finger of the right hand is responsible for the camera, etc.

In addition, the smartphone is preparing to captivate users with a dual camera with a unique technology: after taking a photo, you can change the focus and other settings, take a three-dimensional photo, and apply all sorts of effects. One M9 Plus captivates with its perfect metal body, excellent shooting quality, stunning screen, stereo speakers and decent sound in headphones.

A fingerprint scanner is also appearing in relatively inexpensive smartphones with average specifications, which marks a trend for the next few years. The fingerprint sensor is located on the rear panel, it works well, and quickly copes with the task of identifying the user and unlocking the gadget itself. Otherwise, we have before us an ordinary smartphone in a plastic case with excellent parameters, sufficient to use any applications. You can praise the device for its speed, its autonomy, its good cameras, its compactness, and, most importantly, its cost.

The Chinese have begun to actively use fingerprint scanners, thanks to which some gadgets can become strong competitors compared to other smartphones in their class. And Elephone P7000 is no exception. This device differs from the previous smartphone in having more capacious batteries, a slightly larger screen, price and faster operation. Another difference is the protective glass and metal case, which externally brings the gadget closer to the flagships, and it’s more than pleasant to hold such a device in your hands. As a result, we get a phone with flagship parameters and a very attractive price.

The fingerprint scanner is located on the back panel and follows the outline of the camera lens. It performs the standard task of identifying the user, works very quickly and evokes only pleasant emotions. If we add to all this that the smartphone itself looks very stylish, we get a device that claims to be extremely popular.

A fingerprint sensor, which allows you to unlock a smartphone using a fingerprint, has recently become an integral part of any modern mobile device. To figure out which model equipped with such innovative technology is the most interesting, we have created our own rating, which contains the best phones with a fingerprint. Go.

No. 10 – Huawei Y6 Prime (2018)

Price: 8,190 rubles

Huawei Y6 Prime (2018) has a design that is quite typical for modern devices, but at the same time its body is assembled reliably - there are no backlashes or creaks. The screen installed in the gadget has a diagonal of 5.7 inches and a resolution of 1440x720 pixels. Looking under the hood of the Huawei Y6 Prime, you can find a Snapdragon 425 processor. Memory configuration is 2/16 GB. The sensor resolution of the main camera is 13 MP, the front camera is 8 MP. A battery with a capacity of 3000 mAh is responsible for autonomy.

Apart from the build quality, another important advantage of the smartphone is its screen. Although the resolution may seem low for such a diagonal, the image on the display is rich with sufficient levels of color rendition and contrast. Users who use their smartphone exclusively for surfing the Internet and simple games will be satisfied with the hardware of the Huawei Y6 Prime, but if you plan to play heavy games, it’s better to take a closer look at another model.

No. 9 – Xiaomi Redmi 6

Price: 11,990 rubles

Xiaomi Redmi 6 is a compact and thin smartphone with a fast fingerprint sensor. In addition, it attracts with its signature practical design from Xiaomi. The gadget is equipped with a 5.45-inch display with a resolution of 1440x720 pixels. Performance is guaranteed by the Helio P22 processor. The amount of RAM depends on the configuration - 3 or 4 GB, with built-in memory the situation is similar - 32 or 64 GB. The main camera with a dual module is 12+5 MP, the resolution of the front camera sensor is 5 MP. Battery capacity – 3000 mAh.

In addition to compactness and ergonomics, another important advantage of the gadget is the screen. For its price segment, it simply has no drawbacks - the picture is rich with a high level of color rendering, and the maximum brightness reserve is enough for comfortable use of the smartphone even under sunlight. You can also praise the hardware - the hardware configuration is not the top-end, but you can play almost any modern game with a comfortable FPS at medium settings.

No. 8 – Meizu M6T

Price: 8,900 rubles

Meizu M6T is an interesting offer from a Chinese company, made in a style familiar to all modern smartphones. The Meizu M6T screen has a diagonal of 5.7 inches and a resolution of 1440x720 pixels. The processor here is MediaTek MT6750. There are several memory configurations, including models with 2 or 3 GB of RAM, as well as 16 or 32 GB of storage. Photo capabilities are represented by a dual rear camera of 13+2 MP and a front camera of 8 MP. A good level of autonomy is provided by a 3300 mAh battery.

The Meizu M6T has no particular disadvantages. Not every representative of the entry-level price segment can provide its owner with a screen with a good matrix, to which there are no complaints and good filling. At the same time, I would like to praise the configuration with 3/32 GB on board; it will be enough to solve most problems. With all this, the smartphone has good autonomy, which became possible thanks to the screen resolution, which could have been higher with such a diagonal, but this had an insignificant effect on the image quality.

No. 7 – Samsung Galaxy A6+ 2018

Price: 16,590 rubles

The design of the Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 is made in accordance with the proprietary features of the company's devices, so we can say that it lacks originality. The screen has an AMOLED matrix, 5.6 inches diagonal and a resolution of 1480x720 pixels. The processor in the Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 is Exynos 7870 Octa. 3 GB of RAM are responsible for the speed of applications, and the storage can accommodate up to 32 GB of information. The resolution of the rear and front camera sensors is the same – 16 MP. Battery capacity – 3000 mAh.

Like most Samsung smartphones, the main asset of this model is the screen with an AMOLED matrix. The display is really cool - the picture on it is detailed and the colors are rich. Another object of admiration for the owner of the Samsung Galaxy A6 2018 will be the cameras - they take better pictures than most smartphones in this category and it will not be a shame to show the results of their work on social networks.

Samsung Galaxy A6+

#6 – Huawei P20 Lite

Price: 17,900 rubles

Huawei P20 Lite is a compact version of the flagship Huawei P20. If the technical component has become a little more modest, then externally the smartphone still looks stylish. The screen diagonal is 5.84 inches and the resolution is 2280x1080 pixels. The heart of the gadget is the Kirin 659 processor. Memory configuration is 4/64 GB. Autonomy is guaranteed by a 3000 mAh battery. Photographers will be pleased with both the main camera with a combination of 16+2MP modules and the 16 MP front camera.

In addition to the presence of an NFC module and a wonderful fingerprint scanner that responds to touch almost instantly, the smartphone has a huge number of advantages over its opponents. The first is the front camera. Perhaps many will be surprised, but it takes great photos - selfies do not turn out blurry, and the color balance is not disturbed. The second is the screen, the image on it is always juicy and detailed. And lastly, despite the large display diagonal, the overall smartphone is compact.

#5 – Nokia 7 Plus

Price: 26,400 rubles

The latest Nokia smartphones do not differ too much from each other, but this cannot be called a disadvantage - after all, they are all made in a rather pleasant style. The Nokia 7 Plus has a 6-inch display with a resolution of 2160x1080 pixels. The Snapdragon 660 chipset is responsible for performance, and 4 GB of RAM helps it with this. The amount of internal memory is 64 GB. The battery has a capacity of 3800 mAh. Photo capabilities are represented by a main camera with a dual 12+13 MP module and a 16 MP front camera.

In addition to the aluminum body with copper edging, which gives the appearance of the Nokia 7 Plus seriousness and reliability, the product of the Finnish developer can also be praised for its pure Android 8.0. Among devices from Xiaomi and Huawei that are sold with a proprietary OS shell, this solution looks advantageous. A more significant and important advantage of the Nokia 7 Plus is the cameras - they work very quickly, and the quality of the images will surprise even the most experienced photography fans.

No. 4 – Honor 10

Price: 24,000 rubles

Another product from the popular company Huawei, Honor 10, is one step away from getting into the top three. The gadget has a 5.84-inch screen with a resolution of 2280x1080 pixels. The role of the processor was assigned to the modern Kirin 970 chipset. There are several options for the volume of RAM and internal memory: 4/6 GB and 64/128 GB, respectively. The main camera boasts a dual module – 16+24 MP, the resolution of the front sensor is 24 MP. Honor 10 also has a 3400 mAh battery.

Considering that the design of the smartphone makes you pay attention to it, and all the technical components are at the highest level, it is difficult to choose the main advantage of this model. But still, in our opinion, the main arguments in favor of buying Honor 10 are the screen and camera. The display matrix is ​​calibrated almost perfectly - as a result, the contrast and saturation indicators are amazing, and thanks to the maximum brightness reserve, the owner will not have any problems even if he decides to use the gadget on the beach. The cameras are much better than those of the Honor 10's main competitors; they take high-quality photos, but, of course, they are far from the level of camera phones.

No. 3 – Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S

Price: 31,000 rubles

The bronze medalist of our rating was Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S. The smartphone was equipped with a 5.99-inch display with a resolution of 2160x1080 pixels. The role of the processor was assigned to the Snapdragon 845 chip, the amount of RAM depends on the modification - 6 or 8 GB. The situation is identical with the amount of built-in memory – 64/128/256 GB. Also, Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S has a dual main camera of 12+12 MB and a front camera of 5 MP. The battery capacity is 3400 mAh.

Among the main advantages of Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S, the frameless design stands out first of all, while it does not have the famous “bangs”, which is ambiguously accepted by users. The screen is also pleasing - the colors are rich, all parameters are at the highest level, viewing angles are maximum, the brightness range is wide - it will be comfortable both in the sun and in the complete absence of light. The hardware is top-end, you can easily run absolutely any game with the best graphics settings.

Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S

#2 – LG G7 ThinQ

Price: 48,000 rubles

Silver goes to the LG G7 ThinQ, which we feel has received an unfairly low response from the market. The gadget is equipped with a display with a diagonal of 6.1 inches and a resolution of 3120x1440 pixels. The Snapdragon 845 is responsible for performance. The amount of RAM is 4 GB, and the amount of internal memory depends on the modification - 64 or 128 GB. 3000 mAh battery, dual camera on the back side – 16+16 MP and front camera 8 MP.

Like most flagships, everything here is the best. The matrix, although not AMOLED, is elegantly calibrated, so even the most demanding users will be satisfied with the image quality. The hardware is state-of-the-art and will remain relevant for another year and a half. At the moment, you can play any game on it without drawdowns or lags. The LG G7 ThinQ is not positioned as a camera phone, but even despite this, the cameras in it are quite good and better than those of most other flagships, but they cannot compete with Samsung devices in this parameter.

#1 – HTC U12 Plus

Price: 55,000 rubles

Topping our top 10 list of the best phones with a fingerprint is the HTC U12 Plus. The smartphone is equipped with a 6-inch display with a resolution of 2880x1440 pixels. Looking under the hood, we find the top-end Snapdragon 845 processor, which is widely used in flagships. The amount of RAM is 6 GB, and the amount of internal memory depends on the configuration - 64 or 128 GB. The main camera is dual – 12+16 MP, the front camera – 8 MP. 3500 mAh battery.

HTC has been on the market for a long time, but it rarely produces truly successful gadgets and that is why it is not perceived as a competitor by Xiaomi and Huawei. The HTC U12 Plus shows that this is misleading. The main advantage of the smartphone, which led it to victory, is the main camera. The pictures turn out great and if you blog on Instagram or just love photography, then the HTC U12 Plus is what you need.

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Reliable protection from strangers and excellent quality of work are some of the main features of a modern smartphone. A completely civilized method is to have a fingerprint scanner on the device, installed even on inexpensive mobile devices. The price is small, but the need for such an element has become available since 2015, and by the end of 2017, according to the developers’ plans, up to half of the devices sold will be equipped with scanners. Below we offer a comparison of some popular budget phones with a similar option.

Offers from Xiaomi and other manufacturers

Surprisingly, not every gadget (Redmi Note 3 Pro from Xiaomi) can have a built-in memory of up to 16 Gb and RAM of 2 gigabytes with a 5.5-inch display. Moreover, the processor version is Qualcomm Snapdragon 650, and the number of SIM cards used is two . Both a powerful and cheap smartphone under 10,000 rubles, and also protected from simple inputs. It’s worth taking a closer look, especially for fans of Chinese manufacturers Xiaomi.

The cheapest option in the series under four thousand rubles can be considered the Meizu m3 note model. If there is a security scanner, its main characteristics (including a 5.5-inch display) are quite suitable for modern lovers of selfies, games and conversations. For the MediaTek processor version Helio P10, a convenient OS Android platform. The memory size for RAM is 2 gigabytes, and 16 GB are reserved for the main volume. The latter can be expanded, there are slots. There is also provision for the installation of not one, but two SIM cards, and operation is permissible in 4G networks. The excellent battery capacity (4100 mAh) allows you to maintain functionality for quite a long time.

A little more than four thousand can buy a good one smartphone from Elephone - S3. Its design also includes a fingerprint scanner as a security option. Having a 5.2-inch screen, the already familiar MediaTek processor with 3 (RAM) and 16 (ROM) amounts of memory, the device is quite in demand. Dual mobile communications (2 SIM cards), convenient controls and beautiful external design create a good feeling of superiority for the owner. Especially if you add a good quality video camera suitable for a special occasion.

In the range of seven to eight thousand rubles, you can buy a good LeEco Le Max 2 phone with a memory capacity of 32 gigabytes, which has the above-mentioned handprint detector. The device has a slightly larger screen than its competitors - 5.7 inches, and its resolution is higher. You don’t have to worry about the processor capabilities (Qualcomm Snapdragon 820) - the speed of the smartphone is good, because the 32 ROM and 4 gig RAM mean something. A powerful camera (21 megapixels) is also of interest, with which you can travel to various remarkable places.

Many smartphones are expensive not even because of what content is installed in them, but because of the brand. The presence of a finger scanner in the iPhone line began with the iPhone 5s and continued in the iPhone 6s Plus (smartphones up to 20,000 rubles) and iPhone 7 (over 20,000). The same basic indicators as the Redmi Note 3 Pro, only the native Apple A9 is used as the processor.

Of course, this is far from a complete list of inexpensive devices equipped with finger scanner security features. As they appear on the world market, all of them will be considered on the pages of the site, and the final choice remains with the client, who chooses the cost.

Review of phones with a fingerprint scanner

Phones with a fingerprint scanner have long ceased to be just another feature that gave status to premium devices.

Today this is a very effective mechanism for protecting information.

It allows you to protect your gadget from the curious attention of third parties.

It also takes the process of making purchases and paying for services via smartphone to a completely new level.

Xiaomi Redmi 3s

The first on our list is a smartphone from the Chinese company Xiaomi.

With its very affordable price, the device will delight its owners with decent technical characteristics.

They are enough to use all modern applications, plus the whole thing is complemented by LTE network support and a powerful battery.

As for the fingerprint scanner itself, it is located very conveniently on the back of the phone under the camera.

Thanks to this, it does not require special care and instantly recognizes the user’s fingerprint.

The disadvantages of the device include the relatively poor sound quality and the lack of hardware backlighting of the touch keys (which is very annoying when used in the dark).

In addition, many may have complaints about the build quality of the smartphone. They are not always justified.

But, as practice shows, given the gigantic volumes of supplies from China, the chances of stumbling upon a defective copy and fraying your nerves with a replacement under warranty are not so small.

Xiaomi’s proprietary shell, MIUI, is also unusual.

Along with many nice features, it is also famous for its considerable number of bugs.


  • Processor power: 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 with a frequency of 1400 MHz;
  • Built-in memory: the younger model has 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal flash memory, the older model has 3 and 32 GB, respectively.
  • Cameras: main – 13 MP with built-in flash and autofocus, front – 5 MP;
  • Battery capacity: 4100 mAh;
  • Price: from 8 to 13 thousand rubles, depending on memory and color (in ascending order of cost they go in the following order: gold, silver, dark gray).

Tip: Please note that externallyRedmi 3 Snot much different from other devices in this seriesRedmi3 (withoutSIn the title). The hardware of both phones is also similar in principle, but the version without a fingerprint scanner SNo.


iPhone 7

Talking about the pros and cons of the new version of the Apple phone is not the most rewarding thing.

Especially considering how easily fans and detractors of products replace and distort generally accepted criteria for evaluation.

The positive aspects traditionally include build quality, stylish design, good camera and amazing performance.

However, all this is unlikely to surprise demanding iPhone owners, but something truly new has not been seen for quite some time.

The design remains almost the same as two years ago.

The absence of a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack will definitely not please those who like to listen to music (even the presence of a special adapter in the kit does not save the inconvenient configuration).

But the weak level of the main camera (for example, you don’t even have to try to take pictures at night, nothing good will come of it), unfortunately, is not compensated for by anything.

Nevertheless, the gadget more than justifies its price, and if you are not used to throwing away money, but still want to have a smartphone that will look stylish, the P9 Lite is your choice.


  • Screen size: 5.2 inches with a resolution of 1920×1080;
  • Processor power: 8-core HiSilicon Kirin 650 with a frequency of 2000 MHz;
  • Built-in memory: from 2 to 3 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal flash memory;
  • Price: from 12 to 17 thousand rubles, depending on the amount of RAM.


ZTE Blade V7 Lite

Blade Lite is probably the most budget option in the category of phones with a fingerprint scanner.

It should be noted that a completely total reduction in characteristics did not occur.

Yes, you shouldn’t expect anything serious for that kind of money, but at the same time, the smartphone’s performance is quite enough to solve everyday problems.

The 13-megapixel main camera is quite high quality for this segment.

Thanks to the lightweight processor, which is also well optimized, the battery life of the phone is at an acceptable level.

The developers did not forget about other important functions - the device supports and operates on the LTE network.

Interestingly, the fingerprint scanner mentioned above is available exclusively in the Lite version, while the older model did not receive it for some reason.

As you might imagine, the phone is clearly not gaming-oriented, so you shouldn’t expect much from it, especially in heavy games.

Judging by user reviews, the scanner works quickly and without errors, which is a very rare occurrence for budget gadgets.

Therefore, if you need security, and not conventional cores and gigahertz, then the ZTE Blade V7 Lite is an excellent choice for purchasing.


  • Screen size: 5 inches with a resolution of 1280×720;
  • Processor power: 4-core Mediatek MT6735P with a frequency of 1000 MHz;
  • Built-in memory: 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal flash memory;
  • Cameras: main – 13 MP with built-in flash and autofocus, front – 8 MP;
  • Battery capacity: 2500 mAh;
  • Price: from 7 to 10 thousand rubles.


HTC 10

For those who are not used to saving on a smartphone and crave maximum performance for their money, the flagship from .

The device boasts a pleasant and stylish design, which stands out against the background of the same type of conveyor belt of rectangular devices with slightly rounded edges.

The modern Snapdragon 820 can easily handle the heaviest games and applications, while still delivering a rich picture in 2K resolution.

The fly in the ointment in all this splendor was the main camera.

The problem is not even in the small number of megapixels (they don’t always solve this problem), but in the quality of the entire module as a whole.

At the presentations, the developers promised almost the best camera for smartphones, but in reality we see an abundance of blur and loss of detail in any lighting.


  • Screen size: 5.2 inches with a resolution of 2560×1440;
  • Processor power: 4-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 with a frequency of 2150 MHz;
  • Built-in memory: 4 GB of RAM and from 16 GB to 32 GB of internal flash memory;
  • Cameras: main – 12 MP with built-in flash, optical stabilization and autofocus, front – 5 MP;
  • Battery capacity: 3000 mAh;
  • Price: from 27 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the amount of built-in memory.


Conclusions about phones with a fingerprint scanner

To summarize, we can say the following.

The fingerprint scanner works properly on each of the above devices.

Therefore, you need to choose based not on it, but on your basic requirements for a smartphone: price, performance, design, battery, etc.

If you are not used to overpaying, but want a phone with close to top-end specifications, then you should pay attention to Xiaomi.

If you don’t trust the Chinese manufacturer and are ready to fork out the cash, then the best choice would be the flagship from Samsung.

Well, for those who prefer iOS and Apple products, it seems pointless to advise anything other than an iPhone.

At the same time, the market does not stand still; in the following materials we will pay attention to phones with a fingerprint scanner released in 2017, which are just getting ready to conquer the buyer.

What is a fingerprint scanner?