Free game engines in HTML5 and JavaScript. Free HTML5 and JavaScript game engines Speed ​​up initial rendering with a shared style cache

The article was updated on January 18, 2018 and is completely current.
Almost every beginner is faced with the question of choosing a CMS for their website or blog. This is understandable, because it is impossible to know everything in advance. And quite a lot of different content management systems have already appeared. This review contains only free solutions. They are in no way inferior to their paid counterparts, and sometimes even compare favorably with them. After all, it is much easier to make amendments to open source code, therefore all found vulnerabilities are fixed faster. And also all new and bold ideas appear here first.

To begin with, we should conditionally divide systems according to their focus. There are CMS designed exclusively for creating blogs, as well as more flexible systems that allow you to create full-fledged websites and media portals. At the same time, blogging systems can be designed to create a whole series of projects, for example, for an entire enterprise. It is also worth noting the development period of the platform (the longer it is, the better the system is developed and contains fewer errors), the presence of a community (it will help if difficulties arise in installing, debugging or using the system), performance (not all systems are suitable for high-load projects). so, Now let's look at each CMS in more detail.

Official site .

This is one of the fairly old and well-proven engines. It is great for e-commerce and selling products online. Many plugins, such as VirtueMart, allow you to open a store very quickly and in a short time. True, to understand everything from scratch, you will have to spend a little time reading manuals, reading documentation and forums. Fortunately, Joomla has very good support and a huge community in several languages, including Russian.

The advantages of the system include the presence of the following functions “out of the box”:

  • user authentication, including through OpenID;
  • visual article editor;
  • convenient file management;
  • comment system and protection against spam in them;
  • manager of plugins and extensions.

In fact, there are many more advantages; it is very difficult to simply list them all in one article. That is why it occupies a leading position in CMS ratings and tops. But there are some drawbacks: thanks to its flexibility and many settings, a beginner will have to spend more than one day understanding all this diversity. Also, its functionality may be redundant for many simple business card sites. But it is suitable for online stores and product displays.


Official site .

Not long ago, a fairly old CMS, TYPO3, began to gain popularity on the Internet, and now it is firmly entrenched in the TOP 5. The site structure here is represented by a tree of pages. Each of them can contain standard content elements: text, pictures, tables, etc. This content management system is based on templates that you can either download ready-made or write yourself in TypoScript.

Pros of TYPO3:

  • the ability to fine-tune user rights;
  • ease of maintaining several sites at the same time;
  • ability to use extensions from TER (TYPO3 extension repository);
  • high safety requirements;
  • advanced text editor with spell check, preview, change history.

Disadvantages of this system:

  • the difficulty of editing the site structure using a template engine;
  • slow rendering of large pages with varied content (tables, pictures);
  • few ready-made solutions for online stores

Recommended for use within large industrial companies and banks. It will most likely not be suitable for young and small sites, or the costs of development and support will be disproportionate to the benefits of use.


Official site .

It is also a very popular and widespread CMS, which is used to create websites by very large enterprises, for example, Sony Music. They choose Drupal because of its wide range of functions for building both internal and external websites for the corporate network. There is a huge database of tools for managing a single user base. Well suited for organizing a system of blogs and forums. Drupal has a very active developer community, a huge knowledge base, and a live forum. You can find answers to questions about installation and deployment of sites and modules quite simply.

Advantages of Drupal:

  • excellent support from the user and developer community;
  • more than 6000 modules that facilitate the expansion of functionality;
  • Easily manage user rights, create collective blogs and forums.

Disadvantages of the system:

  • may be overly complex for simple sites;
  • total lack of beautiful and functional themes;
  • difficult to learn for an untrained user.

For business card websites, choosing this CMS is categorically not recommended, but for organizing medium and large portals where users will add their material and comment on it, Drupal is suitable like no other.


Official site .

One of the youngest CMS (development has been going on since 2004), which appeared at the very beginning of the formation of the so-called Web 2.0. The idea was to involve users in editing and adding content to the site. For example, writing reviews, reviews and even entire articles. Therefore, there is a good user registration system, site search using AJAX (without reloading the page), you can quickly expand the news feed, and a collective blog. Disadvantages include frequent problems with Russian encoding, which have not been fully resolved, although they appeared a long time ago; lack of ready-made modules and solutions for organizing a gallery, forum, or electronic store.


Official site .

If anyone still doubts that WordPress has long outgrown the “blogging system” stage, then these doubts should be cast aside. A great variety of websites are developed on this CMS, including social networks, company websites, online stores and product displays, forums, as well as simple business card sites.

Thanks to thousands of ready-made themes, plugins and even ready-made assemblies for various needs, WordPress takes a well-deserved place in the TOP 5. There is an active community of developers that generates lessons and information materials.

Advantages of WordPress:

  • large developer community and well-structured documentation;
  • thousands of free plugins and themes for the site;
  • convenient admin panel.

Disadvantages of WordPress

  • the starting functionality immediately after installation is quite modest, you need to supplement it with at least 4-5 plugins;
  • After a simple installation, some security improvements are needed.

In fact, this is one of the simplest and most beginner-friendly systems. It allows you to create websites without understanding anything about programming (read mine). Highly recommended as your first CMS. In the future, if its functionality turns out to be limited for you, then you can easily transfer the site to another engine of your choice.
[In most cases, the top ones are occupied by these 5 CMS, which I reviewed in this article.

When answering the question “which CMS to choose for a website,” you should pay attention to the fact that popular engines are constantly under attack. Their code is open for use by everyone, including not entirely honest people who can look for vulnerabilities in it and use them for their own selfish purposes. The danger can be avoided if you promptly update the engine to the latest version. At the same time, if you use a less common content management system, then if difficulties arise, you may have nowhere to find help and can only rely on yourself. Take this factor into account as well. Good luck!

Hello, Habr! I present to your attention a translation of the article Inside a super fast CSS engine: Quantum CSS (aka Stylo) by Lyn Clark.

You may have heard of Project Quantum... This is a project to significantly rework the internals of Firefox in order to speed up the browser. Piece by piece, we are implementing the developments of our experimental Servo browser and significantly improving other elements of the engine.

The project was compared to replacing an airplane engine on the fly. We are making changes to Firefox component by component, so you can evaluate their effect in the next release of the browser as soon as it is ready.

Note translator: there are a lot of illustrations under the cut. All of them are clickable (for viewing in higher resolution). If you come across translation inaccuracies and other errors, I will be grateful if you report this in the comments or in a personal message.

And the first major component from Servo - the new CSS engine Quantum CSS (formerly known as Stylo) - is now available for testing in the nightly build of Firefox (translator's note: in the comments they suggested that it is already in stable 55). The layout.css.servo.enabled option in about:config is responsible for enabling it.

The new engine embodies the best innovations from other browsers.

Quantum CSS takes advantage of modern hardware by parallelizing work across all processor cores, resulting in speedups of up to 2, 4, or even 18 times.

In addition, it combines modern optimizations from other browsers, so even without parallelization it is very fast.

But what exactly does a CSS engine do? First, let's look at what a CSS engine is in general and what its place is in the browser, and then we'll look at how Quantum CSS speeds up the whole thing.

What is a CSS engine?

The CSS engine is part of the browser's rendering engine. The rendering engine takes the site's HTML and CSS files and turns them into pixels on the screen.

Every browser has a rendering engine. Chrome has Blink, Edge has EdgeHTML, Safari has WebKit, and Firefox has Gecko.

To digest files into pixels, they all do roughly the same thing:

1) Parsing files into browser-readable objects, including DOM. At this stage, the DOM knows about the structure of the page, knows about the parent relationships between elements, but does not know what those elements should look like.

2) Determining the appearance of elements. For each DOM node, the CSS engine figures out which CSS rules to apply. Then it defines a value for each CSS property. Styles each node in the DOM tree by attaching the calculated styles.

3) Determine the dimensions and position for each node. Boxes are created for everything that needs to be displayed on the screen. They represent not only DOM nodes, but also what might be inside them. For example, lines of text.

4) Drawing blocks. It can occur on several layers. I imagine it like old hand-drawn animations on several sheets of translucent paper. This allows you to change one layer without having to redraw the others.

5) Combining layers into one image, having previously applied the necessary composer properties to them (for example, transformations). It's like taking a photograph of layers combined together. This image will then be displayed on the screen.

That is, before starting to calculate styles, the input of the CSS engine is:

  • DOM tree
  • List of style rules

And so, it defines styles for each DOM node in turn, one after another. A value is assigned to every CSS property, even if it is not set in style sheets.

I think of it as filling out a form where all fields are required. You need to fill out this form for each DOM node.

To do this, the CSS engine must do two things:

  • Select the rules that should be applied to the node (selector matching)
  • Fill in all missing values ​​with standard values ​​or inherit parent values ​​(the cascade)

Selector mapping

To begin, we select all the rules that apply to the node into a list. Since there may be more than one matching rule, multiple definitions of the same property are possible.

In addition, the browser itself adds some standard styles (user agent style sheets). So how does the CSS engine determine which value to use?

This is where the “specificity rule” comes to our aid. The CSS engine creates a table of definitions, which it then sorts into different columns.

The rule with the most specificity wins. Based on such a table, the CSS engine enters all the values ​​​​set in it into the form.

The rest are calculated through cascading.


Cascading makes CSS easier to write and maintain. Thanks to it, you can set the color property of body , and know that the text color in the p , span , li elements will be the same (unless you override it yourself).

The CSS engine checks for empty fields in the form. If a property is inherited by default, then the CSS engine goes up the tree and checks whether the value of this property is set on the parent element. If none of the ancestors of the value defines it, or it is not inherited, then the default value is set.

So now all the styles for a given DOM node have been calculated, the form is filled out.

Note: Sharing Style Structures

The form described is slightly simplified. CSS has hundreds of properties. If the CSS engine stored the value of every property for every DOM node, it would quickly use up all available memory.

Instead, engines typically use style struct sharing. They store values ​​that are commonly used together (such as font properties) in another object called a style structure. Further, instead of storing all the properties in one object, calculated style objects contain only a pointer. For each property category, there is a pointer to a style structure with the required values.

This saves both memory and time. Nodes with similar styles can simply point to the same style structures for common properties. And because many properties are inherited, the parent can share its structure with any child nodes that do not override their own values.

So how do we speed it all up?

This is what a non-optimized style calculation process looks like.

There's quite a lot of work going on here. And not only at the moment the page first loads. And again and again, as you interact with the page, when you hover over elements or change the DOM, styles are recalculated.

This means that CSS stylesheet computation is a great candidate for optimization... And over the last 20 years, browsers have tested many different optimization strategies. Quantum CSS tries to combine the best of them to create a new super-fast engine.

Let's look at how it all works together.


The Servo project (from which Quantum CSS came) is an experimental browser that tries to parallelize everything in the web page rendering process. What does it mean?

You can compare a computer to a brain. There is an element responsible for thinking (ALU). Near it there is something like short-term memory (registers), the latter are grouped together on the central processor. In addition there is long-term memory (RAM).

Early computers could only think one thought at a time. But over the past decades, processors have changed, now they have several ALUs and registers grouped into cores. So now processors can think several thoughts at once - in parallel.

Quantum CSS takes advantage of these benefits by separating style calculations for different DOM nodes across different cores.

It may seem easy... Just split the branches of the tree and process them on different cores. In reality, everything is much more complicated for several reasons. The first reason is that DOM trees are often uneven. That is, some cores will receive significantly more work than others.

To distribute work more evenly, Quantum CSS uses a technique called work stealing. When a DOM node is processed, the program takes its direct children and splits them into one or more "work units". These units of work are queued.

When a core has completed all the work in its queue, it can look for work in other queues. This way we distribute the work evenly without the need for preliminary evaluation by passing through the entire tree.

This will be difficult to implement correctly in most browsers. Parallelism is a notoriously difficult task, and the CSS engine is quite complex on its own. It also sits between the other two most complex parts of a rendering engine - the DOM and markup. In general, it is easy to make a mistake, and parallelization can lead to rather difficult-to-catch bugs called “data races.” I describe these bugs in more detail in another article (there is also a translation into Russian).

If you accept edits from hundreds of thousands of contributors, how can you apply concurrency without fear? That's why we have Rust.

Rust allows you to statically verify that there are no data races. That is, you avoid hard-to-catch bugs by not allowing them into your code in the first place. The compiler simply won't allow you to do this. I will write more about this in future articles. You can also look introductory video about concurrency in Rust or this one a more detailed conversation about "job theft".

All this greatly simplifies the matter. Now there is almost nothing stopping you from implementing CSS styling calculations efficiently in parallel. This means that we can approach linear acceleration. If your processor is 4-core, then parallelization will increase the speed by almost 4 times.

Accelerating recalculation using a rule tree

For each DOM node, the CSS engine must go through all the rules and perform selector matching. For most nodes, the corresponding selectors will likely not change very often. For example, if the user hovers the mouse over an element, the rules corresponding to it may change. We need to recalculate the styles for all of its children to handle property inheritance. But the rules corresponding to these descendants will probably not change.

It would be nice to remember which rules match those children so you don't have to match the selectors again... And the rules tree, coming from previous versions of Firefox, does just that.

The CSS engine selects selectors that match the element and then sorts them by specificity. The result is a linked list of rules.

This list is added to the tree.

The CSS engine tries to minimize the number of branches in the tree, reusing them whenever possible.

If most of the selectors in the list match an existing branch, it will follow it. But it may reach a point where the next rule in the list does not match a rule from an existing branch. Only in this case a new branch is created.

The DOM node will receive a pointer to the rule that was added last (in our example, div#warning). It's the most specific.

When recalculating styles, the engine performs a quick check to see if a change in the rules of the parent element can affect the rules of the child elements. If not, then for all children, the engine can simply use a pointer to the corresponding rule in the tree. That is, skip selector matching and sorting entirely.

And so, this helps save time when recalculating styles, but the initial calculation is still labor-intensive. If there are 10,000 nodes, then selector matching needs to be done 10,000 times. But there is a way to speed this up too.

Speed ​​up initial rendering with a shared style cache

Imagine a page with thousands of nodes. Many of them will follow the same rules. For example, imagine a long Wikipedia page... The main content paragraphs should have absolutely identical style rules and absolutely identical calculated styles.

Without optimizations, the CSS engine must match selectors and calculate styles for each paragraph separately. But if there was a way to prove that the styles for all paragraphs were the same, then the engine could simply do the job once, and from each node simply point to the same calculated style.

This is what a generic rules cache does, taking inspiration from Safari and Chrome. After processing the element, the calculated style is stored in the cache. Next, before starting to calculate the styles of the next element, several checks are performed to see if anything from the cache can be used.

The checks are as follows:

  • Do 2 nodes have the same ID, classes, etc. If yes, they will comply with the same rules.
  • Do they have the same meaning for everything that is not selector based (like inline styles). If yes, then the above rules will not be overridden, or will be overridden in the same way for both.
  • Do the parents of both point to the same object of the calculated styles. If yes, then the inherited values ​​will also be the same.

These checks were implemented in early versions of the shared style cache from the very beginning. But there are many small situations in which the styles will not match. For example, if a CSS rule uses the:first-child selector, then the styles of two paragraphs may not match, even if the checks above say otherwise.

WebKit and Blink give up in such situations and do not use a common style cache. And as more sites use these modern selectors, the optimization becomes less useful, which is why the Blink team recently removed it entirely. But it turns out that it is possible to keep up with all these updates and the overall style cache.

In Quantum CSS we collect all those weird selectors and check if they apply to a DOM node. We then store the result of this check as ones and zeros for each such selector. If two elements have an identical set of ones and zeros, we know that they are an exact match.

If a DOM node can use styles that have already been calculated, then essentially almost all the work is skipped. Pages often have many nodes with the same styles, so a shared style cache saves memory and really speeds things up.


This is the first major technology transfer from Servo to Firefox. We've learned a lot about how to bring modern, high-performance Rust code into Firefox core.

We're thrilled to have a large chunk of Project Quantum ready for beta use. We will be grateful if you try it and, in case of errors, report them.

About Lyn Clark

Lin is an engineer on the Mozilla Developer Relations team. It works with JavaScript, WebAssembly, Rust and Servo. He also draws code cartoons.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about such a thing as a website engine or, scientifically speaking, a CMS (content management system).

Essentially, these are programs for a web server that greatly simplify the creation and maintenance of a website. Well, the website itself will allow you (if you create it yourself and don’t spend money on its promotion).

If you want to add your resource to this rating, then do not use the corresponding button on the right above the table.

By the way, if you think that it will be a little difficult for you, you can look web studio rating, located on the same resource. There you can see the projects created by this studio by clicking on the link in the “Works” column.

This is roughly what the statistics look like on the engines used by RuNet users (here not only Joomla, but all popular CMSs in general) in the context of which version of the CMS is used - new or outdated:

On Joomla, in addition to regular websites, quite a lot are created, thanks to the existing store extension called .

Probably the easiest free engine to learn is WordPress. Of course, it is mainly used for a rather narrow niche (creating and introducing blogs), but if desired, it can be used to implement websites, forums, and galleries. But first of all, WordPress is a very functional blogging CMS.

the site runs under the control of WordPress (but this is a secret, because the engine used and its version must be hidden, judging by the Yandex advice voiced above). I wrote and continue to write about the subtleties and nuances of working with this engine in the section, and about extensions for it in the section.

Judging by the CMS speed graph above, WordPress is racing, but I personally didn’t feel it. In general, WordPress can be made to run fast without creating an outrageous . True, this will take a little time, but your blog can become very fast and very easy. I wrote about the increase in the column of the same name.

Now my blog is hosted on and with a load of 20-25 thousand visitors per day, I am still pleased with the speed of WordPress, especially after finalizing the template and optimizing everything that can be optimized. Although, when using a large number of plugins, without and without additional optimization, WordPress becomes a rather heavy monster.

It is clear that there are still a lot of free CMSs that are used for various purposes. This is the same Drupal or DLE (DataLife Engine), and for many cases their use will be justified, because an ideal CMS does not exist, but WordPress and Joomla mentioned just above are the most popular. The reason may be their fairly simple design and clarity for novice users.

Which paid engines are the most interesting?

Another example that can be given as a not very expensive and fairly fast paid CMS is S.Builder. To understand how to create websites on this engine, most likely, it will not take you very much time, because... it has a fairly low barrier to entry (as they say, it is intuitive). This system is written for the end user - absolutely unprepared and with no experience in webmastering (it can work in Word and that’s fine).

S.Builder is quite flexible and you can do almost everything with it, but, say, unlike Drupal (which can also do almost everything), with S.Builder you can do all this without getting into the code at all (there is a powerful module designer according to your needs).

Well, as I already mentioned, this CMS is one of the fastest engines and holds the load quite well, although it is also written in PHP. This is most likely due to the good cleanliness of the code (it was written from scratch) and good caching performance.

You can try S.Builder for free both online and offline. In the first case, you will need to go to the “Demo version on-line” page and they will create a temporary site on this CMS, where all the modules will be available for “trying out the pen”. If online testing does not suit you, then you can download from the “Download CMS” page a fully functional and absolutely free offline version of this engine (as if you were) - “Trial version of CMS for installation on a local computer.”

Finally, I want to give you the opinion of a professional optimizer from the very well-known SEO company Ashmanov and Partners, who gave a fairly detailed answer to the question - Which CMS is better?:

P.S. Sometimes you want to know what engine does this or that site run on?. It turns out that this can be done quite simply and elegantly. In the article I just mentioned such a plugin - Wappalyzer. A very interesting thing.

Which engine should you choose for an online store? This is the question most aspiring entrepreneurs ask. There are so many platforms that it can sometimes be quite difficult to navigate. This review will look at the best CMS. The user will be able to choose the most suitable engine for his web resource.

The best CMS systems

Most companies offer websites on platforms that are more familiar and easier for them to work with. Often these engines do not meet customer requirements. In order not to encounter platform limitations, you need to know the best CMS for creating a website. Choosing the right engine ensures the success of the web resource. There are 2 categories of platforms: commercial and free products.

The first type of engines was created with the aim of making a profit from the sales of licenses and add-ons. These systems lead in quality of work and popularity. Almost all useful modules are paid. Beginning entrepreneurs cannot always afford to purchase the best CMS on a commercial basis. Free engines were created for them.

System "1C-Bitrix"

This platform is the best CMS for an online store. Why did she get so popular? The engine works with an extensive 1C database. If desired, the user can set up bonus programs for buyers and specify different rates for legal entities. The platform is used to create large portals, information resources, as well as other services.

Websites made on this CMS stand out among other websites due to the quality of their work, a large number of additional modules, reliable protection against hacker attacks, and the ability to share rights between several administrators. The system requires considerable investment. Therefore, it is recommended to use the 1C-Bitrix platform exclusively for creating large projects.


This system is the best CMS for an online store among free products. More than 150 thousand websites on the Internet have been created using this engine. The platform is provided in three editions. The community edition is free. The admin panel is very convenient.

If desired, you can differentiate user rights. Interface in Russian. Answers to your questions can be found in the developer community. The user has access to options for generating detailed reports and adding discount coupons. The client can work with the 1C database.

Products are imported into Yandex.Market. There are various product filters. If desired, you can send advertising messages to customers and connect social networks. The developers offer clients to create an affiliate program for their online store. An administrator can manage multiple projects from one account.

Disadvantages of Magento

The disadvantages include the lack of integration with Russian payment systems and delivery services. This problem can be solved by installing paid modules and editing existing ones. When launching an online store, you will need to use the services of an experienced programmer.

The engine consumes a large amount of server resources. The platform should only be used to create large online stores. Modules useful for e-commerce are paid. Some of them are greatly overpriced.


The platform ranks third in the ranking. The product is distinguished by its quality. If a user is looking for the best CMS engine, then he should pay attention to Joomla. The client can expand the extensive toolkit with the help of additional modules and plugins. High security of working with the service is ensured.

The user has access to options for connecting multi-level authorization for administrators and dividing the rights of moderators. Changing the appearance of the site is carried out by using a ready-made template from an extensive catalog. If desired, you can create a custom layout. Many clients believe that this is the best CMS for a store because it allows you to customize many elements. Websites based on this engine have a flexible structure.

Additional components for Joomla

Developers are constantly releasing updates. Initially, the platform was created for corporate web resources, blogs, and business card pages. Now the engine works with online stores and social platforms. To add products to the site, you need to download an additional component. The most common scripts are VirtueMart and JoomShopping.

If necessary, additional modules are installed. Using VirtueMart, the user can integrate the site with the 1C database, connect popular payment systems, and configure the import/export of products. The additional component is suitable for launching small and medium-sized online stores. VirtueMart is not used when creating large portals, since it does not have the necessary functions and a proper security system.


This platform is aimed at complex websites and professional programmers. Working with the software requires experience and appropriate training. The system synchronizes with partner sites. The user can choose short addresses, use template themes, and create web resources with similar elements (a single user base). Multi-language translation function available.

The engine is suitable for large online stores and communities. In other cases, the costs will not be justified. To use the platform, you must install Ubercart. This additional component is practically no different from the VirtueMart script. The best free CMS Magento and Joomla took first place in the ranking only because they are slightly more common and less difficult to learn and customize than Drupal.


This platform can run on almost all servers and interact with different browsers. The software is distributed under a license. The engine is used to create websites of various types. The platform is also an application development environment. It is not demanding on server resources.

Installing and configuring the engine is not difficult. Disadvantages include low prevalence in the CIS countries and the lack of necessary functions to launch a full-fledged online store in these territories. Many users indicate that when working with the engine, problems arise with the security of web resources.


Commercial or absolutely free CMS - which is better? The OpenCart platform is an example of how free software can exceed customers' wildest expectations. This engine is the most suitable solution for small projects. The platform is easy to install and configure. The engine is not demanding on server resources.

Using a huge number of modules, you can add almost any required functionality to your online store. Developers from the Russian-speaking community will help resolve any issues that may arise. If desired, you can use the built-in module installer. Initially, the platform was not focused on the CIS market. Now you can find assemblies with additional functionality.

The developers have updated payment and delivery methods and added various filters. The most popular assemblies include ocStore and MaxyStore. The client can always create his own version from the necessary add-ons. The user has access to the function of specifying keywords and meta tags for each product separately. Disadvantages include system freezes when there is a large number of products, as well as the high cost of many modules.


The developers created this platform in 2007. The engine is suitable for small and medium-sized online stores. Just like OpenCart, the PrestaShop platform has impressive functionality. To work with Russian payment systems, you will have to add additional modules. The engine is absolutely not demanding on server resources.

In 2011, PrestaShop was voted the best free e-commerce platform. Unlike OpenCart, the engine does not have official developer support. Therefore, there are not as many additional modules as users would like. The basic version of the platform uses more resources than OpenCart. The cost of additional modules is much lower than in Magento.


The platform features a responsive design and cost-effectiveness. The client can choose the language to work with, set template themes, and track statistical information such as data based on the average bill.


Continuing the topic of “the best CMS”, we should mention this engine. The platform is simple, understandable, but at the same time functional. No technical knowledge is required to operate the engine. Even professionals will be satisfied with the simple interface. Answers to your questions can be found in the instructions.

The platform was created for blogs, news resources and other portals where you need to quickly add information. Plugins to expand functionality can be purchased at an affordable price. The developers offer more than 10 additional components for creating an online store using the WordPress engine. The most popular is the WooCommerce plugin. It is very difficult to launch a full-fledged online store based on it.

You can add no more than 100 product cards that do not require updating. The platform is easy to learn. The system is suitable for beginners who have a blog on a WordPress website. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the lack of integration with 1C, Russian payment systems and delivery services. After installing the plugin, a conflict with the template may occur.


The platform provides the opportunity in a mobile version. Responsive design supported. The best CMS should have good functionality for search engine promotion and website integration with useful services. This engine meets all the requirements. The interface is intuitive.

The platform works with the 1C database and electronic payment systems. When working with the platform, there is no need to use complex technological solutions. The interface can be divided into two: for users and developers.


The engine is not demanding on hosting and servers. This platform is the best CMS for SEO. The user has options for creating short page addresses, specifying meta tags, etc. The engine works great with web resources with high traffic. The platform works with the 1C system.

The license cost is 6 thousand rubles. The client receives a fairly functional platform with the ability to expand functionality by installing additional modules.


When choosing the best CMS, many users note the advantages of this engine. Software creators offer clients a wide range of tools. The platform is distinguished by its convenient organization of Internet marketing, good form of working with orders, SEO optimization of resources, integration with 1C and the Yandex.Market service. The user has access to options for creating adaptive design and simply adding material.


This platform is called universal. The engine is suitable for creating professional resources of varying levels of complexity. The developers offer more than 60 additional modules that expand functionality. The user can launch a high-quality website of almost any type.


An online web page generator is a great solution for beginners and experts. Using the engine, you can create a business card website or a small store. Some users simply add materials to present a product/service. Clients can take advantage of a convenient editor, as well as hundreds of templates in LPStore.

The user has options for connecting a new domain and synchronizing the site with useful services. If desired, the layouts can be redone. The developers also provide tools for SEO optimization.

HTML5 along with CSS3 and JavaScript gives the developer ample opportunities to create games using 3D, animation, Canvas, mathematics, colors, sound, WebGL. One of the most obvious advantages of HTML5 is its independence from both the platform and, in general, the hardware.

Upon closer examination, you can identify the additional capabilities provided by the engines: simplification of some common tasks or loading of resources, formatted input, physics, sound, bitmaps (of course, there are not many of these). There are also rather poorly designed engines, and there are also those that provide the developer with a 2D level editor and debugging tools.

It is assumed that most engines serve to reduce the time required to develop a full-fledged game. However, many developers prefer to create their project completely from scratch in order to better represent its structure. There are few JavaScript-HTML5 engines that are truly worthwhile, but they can also have one big drawback: they are no longer supported or are close to being discontinued. Therefore, when choosing an engine, choose those products whose support will last for quite a long time.

So, here, in fact, are the engines themselves.


Ideal for implementing retro-style 2D sprite arcade games and puzzles like Sudoku. It has a ready-to-use self-running game loop. Mouse and keyboard supported. It is well documented, and the only drawback can be considered the lack of sound support.


Cross-browser open source, written entirely in JavaScript. Built from the ground up to be as flexible as possible, it has an extensive API and uses the latest features of modern browsers. This framework is designed to do everything for you: your idea - its implementation using the most commonly used tools.


JavaScript and CSS are used to create the page. Together they work quite confidently and harmoniously. Designed for beginners learning the basics of video game programming. It will be easier for you if you already have some CSS skills.


2D HTML5 graphic engine in JavaScript ported from iPhone. Allows you to quickly create 2D games and graphic applications that can run on all modern devices without installing additional plugins.