Windows can't connect to the System Event Notification Service. Windows can't connect to the service. How to fix it Can't connect to the service

The error “Windows cannot connect to the System Event Notification Service” is caused by failure of system services and system components. The cause of the failure may be virus activity, hardware conflict, or software incompatibility.

After the error appears, many system services stop working correctly. The ability to log into the system under the accounts of other users is disabled. This is one of those cases when it will be easier for a user logged into the system under an administrator account to fix the problem. Despite the system warning that the error “prevents regular users from logging in,” sometimes Windows prevents you from changing a regular account to an administrator account.

A common cause of the error is damage to system files as a result of virus activity. Some methods to fix the problem require rolling back Windows to a restore point and doing other things that can damage or delete files on your computer. Before you begin solving the problem yourself, you should save all important documents and files and create a restore point (instructions are included).

Ways to solve the problem:

Using the cmd.exe command line

The “Cannot connect to the service” error can be fixed using the netsh winsock reset and route -f console commands. These commands reset Windows network settings to default settings, which allows you to get rid of the error and restore system and network functionality. Resetting the settings will not eliminate the cause of the problem: viruses, hardware or software conflict.

After eliminating the error, you will need to spend time finding and eliminating the cause of the error. An alternative option is to roll back the system to one of the restore points when a virus infection or other malfunction has not yet occurred.

The following actions must be performed as an administrator (account):

  1. Click Start -> Accessories -> Command Prompt or Start -> Run -> enter cmd.exe in the window and press Enter.
  2. Type the command route -f and press Enter. The command will only be executed if you have administrator rights and will clear the routing table of all unnecessary entries. All important network and hub routes remain operational.
  3. Type the command netsh winsock reset and press Enter. The command resets one of the key system processors - Windows Sockets.
  4. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect. It's a good idea to bookmark this page in case the notification about Windows being unable to connect to a service bothers you again.

The Windows Sockets handler is modular and multitasking, and viruses and other applications can be embedded in its activities. This mechanism is necessary for the system so that applications can access the Internet quite simply, avoiding unnecessary interaction with drivers. A wide variety of handlers can be built into Windows Sockets; antivirus programs use it to intercept and scan traffic for threats. If an error occurs at some stage of packet processing, the user will receive non-working Internet, application crashes and the following error:

Can't connect to Windows service
Windows cannot connect to the System Event Notification Service. This issue prevents users with limited rights from logging in.
A user with administrative rights can view the system event log to determine the cause of problems.

Restoring a system from a checkpoint

If, after using console commands and restarting the computer, the error continues to appear, and the cause of the problem cannot be found, you can roll back the system to one of the latest restore points. To use restore points, you must have them previously - this feature is disabled on many Windows XP and 7 computers.

Windows will prompt you to select a checkpoint and tell you what data will be deleted or restored. In any case, before starting the recovery process, it is advisable to save the most important files on removable media. It wouldn't hurt to check your files for viruses, especially if the system event service error started appearing after your computer was infected.

Ways to run Windows recovery from a checkpoint:

  1. Method 1: Click Start, type Recovery in the search bar and select System Restore from the options that appear.
  2. Method 2: Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Backup and Restore, click at the bottom of the screen Restore system settings or computer, and then click on the Start system restore button.
  3. Method 3: Click Start, type rstrui in the search bar and press Enter. Or enter the same command in the Run menu (Win + R).
  4. Method 4: Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System -> System Protection and click on the System Restore button in the window that opens.

Regardless of which method of starting the recovery system is selected, Windows will prompt you to select a checkpoint. It often happens that automatic archiving on a computer is disabled, and the user himself did not make backup copies.

In this case, in the recovery and archiving section in the Control Panel you will see something like this:

Even if this is the case, it is still worth trying to start the recovery process. In the “Restore system files and settings” window, you need to select the “Select a different restore point” option to view all available archives.

Windows automatically saves checkpoints after critical system updates and in a number of other cases. When restoring the system from a checkpoint, another restore point will be created with the original state of the files and system. In other words, the system can be rolled back later, but it is still better to have backup copies of files on external media.

Scanning the system using sfc /scannow

You can diagnose the system by entering the command sfc /scannow in the control panel. In order for Windows to replace missing, damaged, or deleted files, the drive (or other removable media) must be running the same version of Windows as the one on the device. This applies not only to the version of the system itself (XP, 7, 10), but also to the service pack (SP). It is best to use the disk from which Windows was installed on the computer.

To start a system scan you need:

  1. Launch command line. To do this, enter cmd in the search bar in the Start menu, or in the Start -> Run window.
  2. Type the command sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  3. Wait for the system diagnostics to complete.

Depending on the files recovered, Windows may require you to restart your computer after the system scan is complete. The result will also be shown: whether errors were detected at all, whether they were eliminated, or whether other problems arose during the scan.

You can run a system check without an installation disk. If there are no errors, then the system will not need to restore any files. If errors are found, but the Windows installation disk is missing, then there will be no place to replace the damaged files. You will see a message that reads: Windows Resource Protection has detected corrupt files, but is unable to repair some of them. The path where you can view the verification log will also be indicated.

Using Windows Repair Free

You can try to resolve the error connecting to the system event notification service using the free version of Windows Repair. Before running the program, you should create a restore point in case of unexpected problems.


  1. Open Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore.
  2. Click “Create a recovery point”, then “Next”, enter the name of the point to be saved and click the “Create” button again.
  3. Wait until the restore point is created, download Windows Repair Free or Windows Repair (all in one) from the official website.
  4. Install the program on your computer and launch the application.
  5. Open the Step 2 tab.
  6. Click on the Do It button to check the disk. The computer will automatically restart.
  7. After restarting the PC, open the program again, open the Step 3 tab and start the next step by pressing the SFC button.
  8. After this, you need to go to the Start Repairs system recovery tab and start the process by clicking on the Start button.
  9. The program will prompt you to create a restore point - you should answer “No”, since the backup was performed in advance.
  10. Next, you need to check the following two items on the left side of the window:
    1. Remove Policies Set By Infections
    2. Set Windows Services To Default Startup
  11. Click on the Start button to start the scanning process. The computer should not be used at all while scanning is in progress.

If none of the above methods helped solve the problem, you should use another method - disconnect all unnecessary devices from the computer. For example, an error can be caused by simultaneously connecting a microphone, headphones and a music center to the PC. If the devices are not connected at the same time, the System Event Notification Service error does not occur.

The error “Could not connect to the Windows service” can occur for various reasons. The System Event Notification Service and Group Policy Client may stop working. The consequences of such unsuccessful connections are different, but almost always lead to system inoperability.

Many users have a problem when the message “Windows cannot connect to the System Event Notification Service” starts appearing in the tray. This prevents regular users from logging in."

At the same time, the computer begins to load slowly or does not load at all, freezes, a black screen appears when logging in, programs start and open very slowly, while the CPU shows 100% load, but does not load anything specific. Windows recovery may also not work. In general, it becomes completely impossible to work on a computer.

In most cases, such problems occur due to damage to the registry keys with Winsock settings for various reasons. It can become damaged due to incorrectly installed software, viruses, incorrect settings and incorrectly installed updates. There may be other reasons.

How to fix System Event Notification Service error

The first thing you can do is try to roll back the system to its previous state. To do this, go to Start, open Control Panel, select System and Security - System Restore.

Select a restore point that appeared before the error about connecting to a Windows service started appearing, and start the process. But in some cases, this may not work due to system problems or missing restore points. Be sure to check the system with an antivirus and a garbage cleaner. This can help.

If the problem persists, then open the command line and write: “route -f”, press Enter, on the next line write “netsh winsock reset”. Close and restart the computer.

If it doesn’t help, open the command line again and enter the commands sequentially:

  1. ipconfig /flushdns
  2. nbtstat -R
  3. nbtstat -RR
  4. netsh int reset all
  5. netsh int ip reset
  6. netsh winsock reset
  7. netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

And we reboot again.

You can also try opening Network and Sharing Center and click on “Change adapter settings.” Next, right-click on “Local Area Connection” and select Properties. Opposite “Client for Microsoft networks” there should be a checkmark; if it is not there, check it and reboot again.

Not often, of course, but sometimes users of Windows-based computer systems encounter an unpleasant situation. The system reports that Windows cannot connect to the service responsible for some process. Let's look at the most common errors and the corresponding methods for correcting them.

Windows can't connect to the service: possible situations

It is believed that among all the errors that arise, the most significant failures that need to be corrected are two main ones: the inability to start the system event notification service (second name - SENS) and the system component responsible for installing any type of software on the system. It is not difficult to guess that in the second case we are talking about the Windows Installer service, although not only this component, but also other types of installers can be used as an installer.

In the first situation, the problem is that when the notification component is disabled, the system simply restricts the rights of a user who is not logged in under the Administrator account. This also applies to problems caused by the Windows Installer service being disabled. Hence the simplest conclusion: these components must either be turned on or restarted.

The simplest method to fix a crash

So, let's look at the simplest situation. If the user knows exactly at what point the failure occurred (everything worked fine before), you can simply try to restore the system. Please note that we are not talking about the reasons that caused the failure or change in settings due to viral influence. Threat screening is not discussed. The user must understand that this is a primary safety concern.

To perform a system rollback, go to the “Recovery Backup Center” and use the appropriate section. In this case, if there is no checkpoint in the presented list, you need to expand the list through the line showing all available points (use another rollback point). We select the time preceding the first message that Windows was unable to connect to the SENS or Installer service and roll back the system (the reboot will occur automatically).

Troubleshooting problems with the system event notification service

This problem is almost the most common. Viruses and some programs installed on the system could disable Windows services or change their startup parameters or settings. We assume that there are no viruses in the system, and recovery does not help.

To fix this problem, you will have to do a complete reset of some settings of this system component, which will require you to run the command line as Administrator. This is done by typing cmd in the “Run” console; a quick call is made by using the Win + R keys. The following should be entered on the command line:

  • route -f;
  • netsh winsock reset.

To be sure, the above two commands are used, but in most cases you can only enter the second one. After the commands are executed, you will need to reboot.

Problems with the Windows Installer service

With the installer the situation is somewhat more complicated. There can be two scenarios for the development of events: either the user does not have administrative rights, or the service is simply disabled.

For the first situation, the most logical solution would be to log in to the system under an administrator account or assign administrator rights to the current account. However, this solution may not work, and the system will again report that Windows cannot connect to the installer service. This only means that the component itself is in an inactive state.

Troubleshooting installer issues

Now let's see how to start the Windows Installer service (the solution is applicable for all services and problems with their disabled state). In this case, although we are talking about a specific component, understanding this issue may be useful in the future when correcting other errors.

You can also access the section for managing these components in the “Run” menu by typing the command services.msc in the console line. You can also enter this section through the computer management menu.

After logging in, look at the right side of the editor, where local Windows services are located. Here you need to find the line with the name of the component you are looking for (in our case, this is the Windows Installer) and look at the set startup type. The value must be set to manual type. If it is different (usually the automatic type is set), double-click to open an additional settings window. On the corresponding tab, select the desired value from the drop-down list, and then save the changes made. In principle, in most cases there is no need to reboot the device, but to be sure, it is better to perform a full restart and then see how the system behaves.

You could also try changing similar settings in the system registry, which, in general, duplicates the parameters set in this section. But this method is more labor-intensive and time-consuming, and in the absence of special knowledge, it is better not to go into the registry unnecessarily.

Correcting errors using an automated utility

Finally, if the troubleshooting methods described above did not help, which also happens quite often, and the notification that Windows cannot connect to such-and-such service appears again and again, you can use the automated fixes offered for download and install from the official Microsoft support page.

In this case we are talking about a small program called Microsoft Fix It. Another method to resolve the problem would be to download the installer installation distribution from the same resource and then integrate it into the system. True, it should only be done by an administrator, perhaps even through the command line.


Finally, it is worth noting that only the two most common situations and the simplest methods for eliminating problems that have arisen were considered here. In some cases, when using the command line to reset settings, there may be many more commands used, and after executing them you will still have to delve into the network settings. This solution was not considered only because it is much more complicated and simply will not be useful to most users. In the simplest version, one command is enough, maximum two. Additionally, it would be possible to check the integrity of system components using the sfc /scannow command, but, as practice shows, it is used, so to speak, just in case.

By the way, for some reason, according to statistics, such problems most often appear in the version of Windows Vista, which is already criticized for the fact that even with installed updates it still remains unfinished and “raw”.

Today, the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Having constant access to the global network is a necessary condition for comfortable work, communication, and entertainment. Over time, for greater user convenience, wi-fi routers and wireless adapters replaced the wired network. However, sometimes, instead of the declared convenience, one trouble may await you - an error like: “The Windows system is unable to connect to the Internet via a wi-fi connection.”

Causes of the error “Windows cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network”

This error appears on the monitor screen immediately after an attempt to automatically (or manually) connect to the Internet, which is a notification window about connection failure.

There are several reasons for this error, the most common of which are:

  • freezing of Windows OS or router service commands;
  • incorrect entry of the “network key” (password) when connecting;
  • faulty wireless wi-fi adapter drivers;
  • Internet connection settings failure in Windows.

Solving the problem: first steps

No matter how trivial it may sound, the first thing you should do is check the serviceability of the network connection of the router (router), as well as the Wi-Fi adapter to your PC (laptop). If all indicators are lit with a stable green light (power, Internet signal status), then try rebooting the router and then the computer. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to the next steps.

Checking the “network security key”

The next, relatively simple solution is to check that the “network security key” (password) is entered correctly when trying to connect a wireless connection. Even if you are sure that the password was entered correctly, it is still worth checking it in the router settings. To do this you will need to follow a number of steps:

The following instructions will be shown using the example of a SAGEMCOM brand router, however, the settings in each router are the same, only the appearance of the settings windows, subcategories and the names of individual items may differ.

  1. Open any Internet browser and enter the IP address of your router into the line (the factory sticker with information is usually located on the back of the router). Typically this address comes in two types: or In the authorization window that appears, enter your login and password (by default, you must enter the word “admin” in both lines).

    If you enter the wrong username/password, a page with the error “401 Unauthorized” will appear.

  2. Go to the “Security” settings item (it is always located in the category called “Wireless Network Settings” or “WLAN Settings”).
  3. Find the line with the words “WPA/WAPI/PSK Password” and look (check) the “network security key” written there. If the key is the same as the password you entered, then move on to the next solution to the problem.

    In the “SSID” settings field, you can also select the required connection from all existing ones on your PC

Video: setting up a “network security key” through the router parameters (using the example of “D-Link”)

Sometimes a technical failure of the router may occur, which leads to incorrect saving of the “network security key” settings, so the author of this article advises re-entering the “WPA/WAPI/PSK password”, applying/saving it and then rebooting the router/computer.

Installing (updating) the wireless wi-fi adapter driver

Like any electronic device, a wireless wi-fi adapter needs to constantly update its driver. An outdated version or its complete absence may lead to problems connecting to the Internet. Therefore, to solve it you need to do the following:

  1. From the Start menu, open the Control Panel setting.

    "Control Panel" on Windows 10 can be found under the path "Start" / "All applications" / "System"

  2. In the window that appears, select “Device Manager”.

    "Device Manager" can also be launched using the Windows search bar

  3. Find the “Network adapters” category, select the model of your wireless wi-fi adapter by right-clicking and click on the “Update drivers” line.

    Update drivers by selecting the appropriate function in the context menu

  4. After this, automatic driver updates will begin. When finished, restart your computer.

Video: methods for updating and installing drivers for network equipment

For optimal operation of the Windows system, it is necessary to regularly update drivers, not only for the wireless wi-fi adapter, but also for other devices. Therefore, the author of this article recommends using special utilities (for example: “Driver Reviver”, “DreverPack”, “Driver Booster” and others) to scan the OS for outdated drivers, with their subsequent automatic updating. Thanks to such utilities you will save your time.

Setting up a wireless connection

It happens that the cause is a failure in the wireless connection settings. To restore settings you need to:

  1. Open “Control Panel”, go to the “Network and Sharing Center” settings item.

    You can also open the Network and Sharing Center settings window using the Windows search bar

  2. Select "Change adapter settings".

    By clicking on the “Network” icon you can get detailed information about Internet devices connected to your computer

  3. Next, right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon and click on the “Properties” menu.

    If there is a red cross next to the wireless connection, then there is a problem with its settings

  4. From all components, select the line “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4), go to “Properties”.

    A network with Internet Protocol version 6 is more modern, but in Russia all well-known providers use protocol version 4

  5. In the protocol properties, place markers next to two parameters: “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.”

    Even if both markers are in the right places, still reconfigure and resave the parameters again

  6. Close the Network and Sharing Center settings and connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Diagnose and resolve network problems

If the problem with the Wi-Fi connection remains relevant, then it is worthwhile to automatically diagnose network problems using the appropriate Windows tool.

  1. You must again go to the Network and Sharing Center settings panel (via the Windows Control Panel), and select the “Troubleshoot” item.

    The Troubleshooter tool can also be launched by right-clicking the Network icon (on the bottom taskbar of your desktop)

  2. In the menu that appears, select the line “Internet Connections”.

    Additionally, you can diagnose the “Network adapter” category

  3. Then follow the prompts and wait until the diagnostics are completed, followed by eliminating the errors found.

    By clicking on the “Advanced” menu, you can configure automatic/manual elimination of found errors

  4. After the procedure, restart your computer and try connecting to the Wi-Fi network.

Finding a solution by viewing the Windows event log

If not a single method of solving the problem could help, then you have a “special case”. To identify the cause of the problem, you should use the Windows event log. This will help you find out the code of the system error that has occurred for further steps to eliminate it. For this:

The “Event log” can also be found through the Windows “Control Panel” in the “Administration” tab

  • In the window that opens, in the left column, go to the following path: “Utilities” / “Event Viewer” / “Windows Logs” / “System”.

    By selecting the entire “Windows Logs” folder, you can find out the general statistics of the number of events

  • Then, select the “log filter” tool located on the right side of the window. In the filtering settings window, you must mark all sources associated with the Internet connection, such as:
  • In the filtered list of events, find those that conflict with the system (marked with a red icon with an exclamation mark). Click on the error and find the line “event code” in the description.

    It is necessary to find all errors (the event codes of some of them may be repeated)

  • Thanks to this code, you can find out the causes of a system malfunction on the Internet for further solutions.
  • To search for solutions to “special cases” using “event codes,” the author of this article recommends using the official Microsoft support website ( Since it has an extensive database of existing “Windows error codes” (in particular related to network connections). You just need to use the search engine on the site by entering the “event code” of interest.

    To search for a solution to a problem using the “event code”, you can use the site’s search engine

    Most errors associated with connecting to a wireless wi-fi network are either the lack of installed drivers for the wi-fi adapter, or a failure in the settings of the Internet connection itself on the PC. In addition to “manually solving” these problems, you can also use the built-in Windows tool, “System Diagnostics,” to automatically find and fix problems that arise. To solve “special cases”, an “event log” is provided, thanks to which you can obtain additional information on all faults for their further solution.

    The error “Could not connect to the Windows service” can occur for various reasons. The System Event Notification Service and Group Policy Client may stop working. You can also very often see this message on. The consequences of such unsuccessful connections are different, but almost always lead to system inoperability.

    Many users have a problem when the message “Windows cannot connect to the System Event Notification Service” starts appearing in the tray. This prevents regular users from logging in."

    At the same time, the computer begins to load slowly or does not load at all, freezes, a black screen appears when logging in, programs start and open very slowly, while the CPU shows 100% load, but does not load anything specific. Windows recovery may also not work. In general, it becomes completely impossible to work on a computer.

    In most cases, such problems occur due to damage to the registry keys with Winsock settings for various reasons. It can become damaged due to incorrectly installed software, viruses, incorrect settings and incorrectly installed updates. There may be other reasons.

    How to fix System Event Notification Service error

    The first thing you can do is try to roll back the system to its previous state. To do this, go to Start, open Control Panel, select System and Security - System Restore.

    Select a restore point that appeared before the error about connecting to a Windows service started appearing, and start the process. But in some cases, this may not work due to system problems or missing restore points. Be sure to check the system with an antivirus and a garbage cleaner. This can help.

    If the problem persists, then open the command line and write: “route -f”, press Enter, on the next line write “netsh winsock reset”. Close and restart the computer.

    If it doesn’t help, open the command line again and enter the commands sequentially:

    1. ipconfig /flushdns
    2. nbtstat -R
    3. nbtstat -RR
    4. netsh int reset all
    5. netsh int ip reset
    6. netsh winsock reset
    7. netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

    And we reboot again.

    You can also try opening Network and Sharing Center and click on “Change adapter settings.” Next, right-click on “Local Area Connection” and select Properties. Opposite “Client for Microsoft networks” there should be a checkmark; if it is not there, check it and reboot again.

    If this problem still persists, you will have to reinstall the system.

    The service on gadgets does not connect

    Everyone's favorite gadgets appeared in Windows 7, but Microsoft stopped supporting them and one day, instead of the usual gadget, for example, the weather, a message will be displayed that it was not possible to connect to the service.

    In some cases, simply restarting the application helps, but over time it may stop working completely. To do this, click on the cross in the corner, then right-click on any free space on the desktop and select Gadgets, then drag “Weather to the desktop”. Also, to solve problems, you can change the city to another and then return to the current location again.

    You can try to revive the weather gadget. First you need to close the application (click on the cross in the corner of the gadget). Next, go to My Computer, open drive C, select the “Users” folder, in it click on the folder with the user name and sequentially open: AppData-Local-Microsoft-Windows Live-Services-Cache.

    The AppData folder may not appear. To make it visible in Windows 7, press Ctrl+C and select “Tools” in the top menu that appears. Next, select the tab "Folder properties" and choose "Show hidden files and folders". In Windows 8, this can be done in the top menu by selecting the View tab. This should resolve the error issue.

    Windows can't connect to the Group Policy Client service

    When loading, a Group Policy Client connection error may appear. This may prevent users other than the administrator from logging in. And if there are several computers connected to one network, then this problem can be very annoying. There may be other consequences.

    First, you can try to enable the service manually. To do this, go to the control panel, select System and Security, then Administration and Services. Find the Group Policy Client, right-click and select enable. But this method does not always work.

    You can try to roll back the system to an earlier state. Also check if all updates are installed.

    The problem may disappear when you reboot, but this will not go away.

    To fix the problem, you can try the following:

    1. log into Windows under the Administrator account and call the line “execute Win+R” – in it we write regedit.exe;
    2. The registry editor will appear in it, open the folders sequentially HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Microsoft-Windows NT-CurrentVersion-Svchost;
    3. create a GPSvcGroup section in it (right mouse button);
    4. in the GPSvcGroup section we create two more parameters:
    5. DWORD (32 bits) name AuthenticationCapabilities value 0x00003020 (12320) DWORD (32 bits) name CoInitializeSecurityParam value 0x00000001 (1)
    6. Let's reboot.

    The most extreme method to correct the error is to reinstall the system.