Mint for VKontakte: the most delicious publics and groups. Application from the App Store. Mint - news from VKontakte Download the mint application for Android

Mint for VKontakte is a social magazine in which users can constantly send photos, videos, music, tips and articles that interest them. The magazine is intended for owners of mobile devices with pre-installed Android OS and is easily accessible to readers at any time of the day or night. Unlike other mobile magazines, VK Mint does not contain marketing messages and does not require a username or password to access it. Reading can even be in “Invisible” mode.

The magazine will be in demand by young people interested in the outside world, the latest in the fashion world, new musical compositions and films. Any enthusiasm-based information can be collected in the pages of the magazine without being bothered by annoying advertisements. The application for Android OS has a nice graphic design.

The desktop theme is green with a luxuriously designed background and highly readable, eye-catching fonts. Manage the functions of the application as simply, conveniently and conveniently as possible. The user can easily select topics that interest him, and any useless material can be easily sent to the trash.

Due to its small size, this application does not take up much memory in the Android device's phone memory and simply flies on older models of mobile phones, phones and tablets. How to get only certain information on your own device? — Create the correct filter parameters.

Choose only those topics that deserve attention, read only what interests you, find the latest jokes, anecdotes, the most luxurious photos, the latest announcements anytime, anywhere. Join a huge army of subscribers.

Features of Mint for VKontakte: VK public pages for Android:
  • Summary of telephone content from well-known social networks and VKontakte companies
  • absence of boring posts and distracting advertising on
  • "invisible" mode (you will always be offline for other VKontakte owners)

Screenshots of Mint for VKontakte: VK public pages for Android

Remember the times when your VKontakte feed only contained posts from friends? Then the groups had the opportunity to post to their subscribers’ feeds, and off we go – all kinds of groups appeared: from recipes to cars, from films to fashion... Those who are subscribed to several actively writing groups could encounter the problem of feed congestion, where rare posts from friends are now get lost in the endless river of content from groups and public pages. The developers of the new MINT application tried to solve this problem.

MINT allows you to transfer VKontakte subscriptions to a separate feed with a very nice simple design, if desired, hiding them from the main VKontakte feed, where only posts from friends will remain. You can always return publics back with one click, but I’m not sure that I’ll ever do this - I’m already used to the convenience of not only having a place to look through and like the posts of the groups I’m subscribed to, but I can do this without losing track of the posts friends and events in their lives.

There is another problem: the groups you once subscribed to are already fed up with. Someone even deleted their VKontakte account because of trash in their feed. MINT will also seem interesting to this category of users: without requiring a login, the application allows you to read the content of carefully selected most interesting VKontakte groups, which the developers, for ease of selection, have divided into categories: “Animals”, “Art and Design”, “Psychology”, “Men’s Magazine” etc. Publics for the application were selected as follows: for each of the groups with a large number of subscribers (more than 100 thousand), an abundance of original content and a small percentage of advertising posts, the user engagement index was calculated. Only groups whose posts are liked, reposted and commented on most actively were included in the MINT.

I was pleased with the MINT interface - simple, nothing superfluous. Comments, likes, etc. are hidden by default, the content is placed in focus. The developers are especially proud of their algorithm for displaying pictures, and for good reason: I like it more than the one used in the official VKontakte application.

– a program that allows the user to view only those news that he selected before. At the very beginning, when you first turn on and configure the application, it asks you to indicate those news sections that may be of interest to you. You should cancel them and go further, after which the application will display in the news feed only those news that you have marked in advance. This allows the application to create a personalized news feed for you that is only interesting to you. This method can be called innovative but not new, because there are already many applications using the same principle.

However, this does not detract from the quality of this application, because the formation of the sources themselves is different for all applications, and therefore the quality of the content selection differs like day and night. Therefore, we recommend this application for active use every day. After all, it will be much more interesting for you to read only those news that will be formed from your categories specified in advance. We can say that this is a new format of logs of the future, because displaying information that is tailored to each specific user is not an easy task. To do this, you need to have a huge number of sources from which you will take information.

This application takes it mainly from social networks, or rather their groups with various directions. You can say that all posts are simply reprinted from there to this application. You can use social networking apps to view the same information, but it’s up to you to decide what to do. Therefore, we can only say that this program is high-quality, fast and entirely in Russian, which allows it to achieve success among mobile device owners.