Retri paladin WWII 3.3 5 pvp guide. WotLK Retribution PvP (last edition): Archive: outdated paladin themes. An overview of the Retribution specialization and its place in the current meta

Retri fell is a strong and popular class for PvP combat mode. He wears plate armor and is guided by the magic of light, crushing his enemies with two-handed weapons. A large set of spells and abilities truly make this class an excellent assistant in the arena and battlefields, as well as an excellent damage dealer. We hope this guide will help new players master this class in PvP mode, and experienced players learn something new.

Like any other PvP guide, we’ll start by choosing a race for paladins in the retribution branch. Everything is very simple here and many players don’t have to rack their brains over this issue.
For the Alliance, one of the best choices is always Human, his racial trick “Everyone for himself” will allow you to take into your arsenal an additional trick, which will give a useful increase in characteristics. The second choice for the Alliance are Dwarves, these red-bearded brutal men have the “Stone Form” ability, which increases armor by 10% for 8 seconds and removes all effects of bleeding, poison and disease.
There is not much choice for the Horde; on Lich, only Blood Elves.

Build for Retri Pal 3.3.5 PvP

Let's start with a universal set of talents for a retro paladin in PvP; with this build you can go to the arena, regardless of the class or spec of your partner:

The second build for the Retro Paladin 3.3.5 PvP differs from the first in that it is more suitable for the arena, since this set takes “Justification” for an additional debuff on the target after the “Divine Storm” hit.

The third build is suitable for solo play, as well as for battlefields:

Characteristics of Retri Pal 3.3.5 PvP

  • Force- this is the main characteristic, there is no cap, the more the better, but do not forget about the following characteristics
  • Sustainability— res is very important for any class, namely for a retrik this characteristic is equal to 1100 units, otherwise you will be torn apart
  • Accuracycap is 5% for PvP, if you don’t hit, then what’s the point of swinging an ax at all?

Charks for retri pal 3.3.5 PvP

  • Head - Magic Mark of Suffering - requires exalted status with Knights of the Black Blade
  • Shoulders - Great Ax Inscription - Requires Exalted with Sons of Hodir
  • Honor - Enchant Chest - All Stats VII
  • Cloak - Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Speed ​​II
  • Wrists - Enchant Bracers - Assault II
  • Gloves - Enchant Gloves - Crusher
  • Belt - Eternal Belt Buckle - Adds a Colorless Socket
  • Pants - Icescale Leg Guards
  • Feet - Scroll of Enchant Boots - Assault II
  • Weapon - Berserker or Mongoose

Sockets for retri pal 3.3.5 PvP

  1. Meta socket - Diamond of the Cruel Landlord(+21 Agility and +3% Critical Damage) or Chaotic Skyflare Diamond (+21 Critical Strike Rating and +3 Critical Damage)
  2. Red stones - Embossed Crimson Ruby+20 to strength
  3. Blue stones - Royal fearstone(+10 to strength and +15 to endurance) or Tear of Nightmares(+10 to all characteristics)
  4. Yellow stones - Inscribed Ametrine+10 to strength and +10 to critical strike

Note! As a result, you should be able to match the colors to activate the meta-socket; fill all other slots, regardless of the color match, with Embossed Crimson Ruby; if you lack stability, you can leave a little room for the Unchangeable Eye of Zul.

Symbols for Retri Pala 3.3.5 PvP

Large glyphs for retrick 3.3.5 PvP

  • Symbol of justice- increases the damage dealt by the Judgment spell by 10%
  • Glyph of Vengeance Seal— While the “Seal of Vengeance” or “Seal of Corruption” spells are active, your skill increases by 10
  • Seal of Righteousness Symbol— Increases the damage of the Seal of Righteousness spell by 10%
  • Symbol of banishing evil— reduces the casting of the spell “Cognition of Evil” by 100%, but increases the CD by 8 sec.
  • Hammer of Justice symbol— Increases the range of the Hammer of Justice spell by 5 meters.

Small symbols for retro pala 3.3.5 PvP

  • Symbol of the Blessing of Kings
  • Symbol of the wise
  • Blessing of Power Symbol

Analysis of the attacking and defensive abilities of retri pal 3.3.5 PvP

Let's now look at the attacking and defensive spells of the rpal, consider the situations in which it is better to use certain spells.

Attack Spells

  • Justice of Wisdom— everything is clear from the description, it will regenerate your mana. Its use will be appropriate against healers who have a lot of defensive spells that absorb incoming damage.
  • Justice justice— you can’t do without it if you play against classes such as Rogs, Druid cats or Mages, against classes that can and practice invisibility.
  • Justice of the world— if the situation does not allow the use of the two previous skills, then take the justice of light as a basis, it will periodically restore your HP.
  • Hammer of Wrath— switch to the hammer when the enemy has less than 19% health left, this will allow you to finish off or greatly remove the enemy’s HP.
  • Divine Storm- This is the most powerful spell in a paladin's arsenal, best used after justice.
  • Consecration— this AOE ability will be appropriate if some enemies managed to hide from you in invisibility.
  • Exorcism- a damaging ability, best used when the Art of War talent triggers, when Exorcism can be applied instantly.

Defensive Abilities

  • Sacred Shield- this spell should always be on you, in some cases it can save your life, do not forget to update it, as it can be dispelled.
  • Divine Shield- this is the well-known BABL, for which they hate retry fires)) Use it wisely, either to save your skin, or for a burst.
  • Divine Protection- reduces all incoming damage by 50% and shares AC with divine shield

Support skills

  • Cleansing— dispel allows you to remove control from a friend, and also removes various debuffs
  • Hand of Freedom- thanks to this ability you can leave the stun and remove all slowdowns
  • Hand of Protection- reduces all incoming physical damage by 100%, will be useful in those moments when the melee breaks down on the caster
  • Hand of Sacrifice— if your partner is being played in the arena, you can redirect 30% of the damage to yourself, thereby saving your friend’s life.

What seals are best for a paladin to use in PvP?

  • The retrik has a lot of seals, each is good in its own way and plays a specific role in a given situation; let’s look at it in more detail.
  • Seal of Righteousness— this seal allows you to inflict additional damage to enemies from light magic; this seal should be worn on the paladin for most of the battle.
  • Seal of Light- thanks to this seal, your retrik will replenish health when it deals damage to an enemy, mainly suitable for playing in the arena.
  • Seal of Wisdom- if you have injected all the mana and there is nothing left to hit, use the seal of wisdom; when you deal damage, you can replenish some of the mana in order to switch to another seal and again crush the enemy with hellish damage.
  • Seal of Vengeance— a good seal for a 1x1 game.
  • Seal of Obedience- suitable for mass battles when you are surrounded by 2-3 enemies.
  • Seal of Justice- useful if the enemy starts to run away from you; when using the Seal of Justice, there is a chance to stun the target for 2 seconds.

Bis gear for retri fell 3.3.5 PvP

At the initial stage, you are unlikely to be able to get top-end PvP gear for your retrieval paladin. But don’t give up, over time you will be able to buy and get the gear that a retreater needs when playing PvP, so you need to know the BIS list in any case. A little advice - try to get 1100 res first, since in the arena rpal is the number one goal in most cases. The items included in the encore list are described below.

Full set A8:

  • Head - Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Helm
  • Shoulders - Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders
  • Gloves - Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets
  • Chest - Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece
  • Pants - Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Legguards

Nonset a8:

  • Wrists - Wrathful Gladiator's Bracers of Triumph
  • Belt - Wrathful Gladiator's Girdle of Triumph

The rest of the things can be taken PvE:

  • Neck - Onyx Warrior Necklace of Ahn'kahara - Lady Deathwhisper 25 ger
  • Cloak - Flowing Shroud - Rotface 25 ger
  • Feet - The Approach of the Apocalypse - Halion 25 ger
  • Rings - Ashen Ring of Limitless Power (Exalted with the Ashen Alliance) and Ring of Rotting Sinew - trash TsLK
  • Scribe - Scribe of Courage (if using Seal of Corruption) or Scribe of Three Truths
  • Trinki -
  • Interruptbar- allows you to track CDs for interactants.
  • Afflicted- shows the different CDs of your opponents in the arena

Setups 2x2, 3x3 for retri 3.3.5

Based on the skills discussed above, one thing is clear, you can play with many classes in 2x2, below is a list of more successful combinations:

  • Rpal + Hunt - one of the best setups for playing 2 damage dealers, unrealistic burst and good control, quite often found in the arena
  • Rpal + Rsham - one of the best setups, coupled with a healer, Burst from a shaman, the survivability of each class will allow you to climb to the top of the arena rating
  • Rpal + Horns is also a powerful setup due to the large amount of control and wild damage
  • Rpal + DCpriest - DC is a good assistant in damage control, and also a healer, a good setup for these classes
  • Rpal + Enkh shaman - also a burst setup with good survivability

3x3 setups:

  • Rpal + horns + DCpriest - an excellent setup for aggressive play
  • Rpal + Avar + Rsham/DC/Rdru - one of the most old setups that has existed since the days of BC, in such a setup problems can arise against casters
  • Rpal + Fmag + DC - improved control in the team
  • Rpal + Adk + DC - powerful damage and survivability, but not without drawbacks - if the priest runs out of mana, the battle will end very quickly

Macros for Retri Pala 3.3.5 PvP

1. Hand of freedom to your partner:
/cast Hand of Freedom

2. Sakra to a partner (Hand of Sacrifice):
/cast Hand of Sacrifice

3. Flash of light on a partner, use during an instant cast of the spell:
/cast Flash of Light(Level 9)

4. Partner dispel:
/cast Cleanse

5. Hand of protection for a partner:
/cast Hand of Protection(Level 3)

6. Changing a two-handed weapon to a one-handed weapon with a shield:
/equip one-handed weapon is yours
/equip your shield

7. Focus stun:
/cast Hammer of Justice(Level 4)

8. Focus sap:
/cast Repentance

Hello friends, today we will look at the pvp guide for retri pal 3.3.5, many people think that you don’t need to have a lot of brains to press 3 buttons, but I want to disappoint you, playing as a retrik will be comparable to playing the piano. So, let's go!

For the alliance we take humans (people) for their racial ability to fight and mastery of swords and hammers;

For the horde there are no options, here we only have a blood elf, but also with a good ability - silence.

For a paladin in the Retribution branch there are two build options:

The first option goes through the def, it will be standard for us (Here we have an improved camp, a shield and we must use a helmet instead of a fist):

The second option will be used to inflict maximum damage on opponents, since here we improve the fist, reduce the effect of fear on us, but the disadvantage is that there is no shield and an improved stun:


Large characters:

Banishment of evil, Symbol of the seal of righteousness, Symbol of justice.

Small characters:

Glyph of Blessing of Kings, Glyph of Undead Sense, and Glyph of Blessing of Might.

Caps and characteristics for Rpal

Here are the main characteristics for retri pala:

Accuracy – we need to score 165 units, I don’t recommend taking it lower;

We need to get Crete around 40%;

RPB (armor penetration) – we won’t need it;

We need to get resiliency to approximately 950 units;

AP (attack power) – from 6000 to 6500+, but this will be with full body kit.


For us, the most basic characteristic will be strength, so we take stones +20 to strength. We will also take +10 to strength + 10 to race lanes in the yellow slots, because we will use PVE gear.

We also stick a special gem into the paladin for +10 to all characteristics and +10 to strength and + 15 to endurance in order to activate the meta-socket. We put it in the color bonus to get more characteristics.

We set the meta socket to 21 to the crit indicator and 3% to critical damage.


Hands – set the glass to 44 attack power;

Head - 50 to attack power, 20 to res;

Shoulders – 40 to attack power, 15 to res;

Cloak - 22 agility;

Chest - 20 to resiliency (or +10 to all characteristics, if there is no normal PVE body kit);

Wrists - 50 attack power;

Belt – buckle with an additional socket;

Legs - 40 to resiliency and 28 to stamina, or 75 to attack power and 20 crit;

Feet - 32 to attack power;

Shield - 12 to resiliency;

One-handed – we must have several one-handed weapons, one for defense (we put “Draw Blood” on it) the second for healing (+63 to spd);

Two-handed – here we put “Berserk” (battle frenzy).

The most profitable professions are blacksmith and jeweler, since these are 2 additional sockets and 3 reinforced stones.

Macros for retry pala

Give freedom to your partner:

/cast Hand of Freedom

We give sakra to our partner:

/cast Hand of Sacrifice

We give a flash drive to our partner:

/cast Flash of Light(Level 9)

Our partner's dispatch:

/cast Cleanse

We throw BOP to our partner

/cast Hand of Protection(Level 3)

We give the sacred shield to our partner:

/cast Sacred Shield(Level 1)

Def (put on one-handed weapon and shield):

/equip My one-handed device
/equip My shield

We give the camp by focus:

/cast Hammer of Justice(Level 4)

We throw Sap on focus:

/cast Repentance

Best setups for a paladin

Here we will analyze the top setups for retricking.

2x2 with heals

Rpal+DC – good control, double dispel, purge and powerful damage.

Rpal+Rsham – good control, totems, purg.

2x2 with dd

Rpal+Roga – good control, powerful damage.

Rpal + Frost Mage - good control from the mage, healed, but the damage is mainly done by the retrick.

Rpal + Pvar - a very powerful combination, gives reflex, wild burst, many stuns.

Rpal + Avar – wild burst, minus healing from the var and a little control (sup, fir and stun).

Rpal + MMHunt – wild burst, excellent control, healed from being killed.


Rpal+MMHunt+DC – double dispel, control and powerful damage.

Rpal+Arms+Khpal – double dispel, good control, powerful damage.

Rpal + Pvar + DC - double dispel, a lot of stuns, and good control, as well as wild damage (you will one-shot).

In general, the retrick can find a bunch of playable setups, here we have named the most popular ones, but you can experiment.

The subtleties of playing in the arena as a paladin Retribution

You must instantly dispel your teammates and remove control from them;

Try to throw any control at you;

Switch weapons to heal better and faster, or simply to defeat the enemy (for example, a warrior);

Don’t forget the “Wrath of Heaven” ability, as you can stun DK’s pets, and even control the dikey himself when he is under lichborne;

Don’t forget to turn on “Sense for Undead”, since we put a glyph on it and it gives +1% damage to undead;

Do not use Holy Oath if you are playing against a mage, as he can obscure it;

Make a switch of your manuscripts (from DD to heal and vice versa);

Yuzaite sang “Hand of Vengeance” so that you could quickly enter the battle;

Try to gain control with sacra (Sap from the horn, sheep from the magicians, sukuba from the locks).

How best to dress the starting retri fell on 3.3.5

Or you can find any other addons for WWII 3.3.5 -

I think we have covered all the points regarding the retri pal, if you still have any questions, then ask them in the comments. Good luck playing as a retrick!

PVP guide for Holi Pala 3.3.5 - build, equipment and arena

Why does everyone think Paladin is the most popular class? Yes, because Retri Paladin is capable of delivering stable, constant damage, while he can heal and take the blow at the right time. Retri Paladin has damage output that surpasses almost all other classes in terms of competitiveness. The main feature is that playing Retri Paladin in PvE is quite easy, he is quite durable and has a lot of protection. All we have to do is learn how to deal maximum Damage and fully understand the mechanics of this class: how to pump it up, what rotation to choose, and so on. Well, are you ready? - let's go!

Here the basis will be the same as for any DD character. First of all, we need to achieve an accurate hit, then pump up the force, and transfer everything else to the background. Each characteristic of the Retri Paladin has its own cap - this is the maximum level at which, for example, the paladin will stop missing the target.

Accuracy– eight percent will be enough for you to gain accuracy to the level when 100 percent of your strikes will be accepted by the target. Any attacks, white or yellow, will always reach the enemy.

Force– is the most important characteristic, since there is no strength, then there is no damage. There is no cap for this stat, so everyone Retri Paladin in 3.3.5 PvE tries to collect as much as possible. Many beginners begin to increase attack power, not knowing that according to mechanics, one point of strength gives 2.54 points to attack power. Therefore, we only pump up Strength.

Mastery- necessary for the Paladin of Retribution in order to reduce the enemy’s chances of dodging or parrying our attacks. You won't achieve this 100 percent, but it is possible to improve your chances of hitting many times over. Typically, most damage dealers in PvE attack the boss from behind, and for an accurate hit you only need 215 skill points.

Critical hit – for Retrik this is also an important stat. When a crit hits every second hit, your DPS will go through the roof. Many people pump up Dexterity, since it also gives benefits to crit, but this is a mistaken opinion, because according to the mechanics of Retri Paladin, more than 50 units of agility are needed to get one point to crit - this is pointless.

Speed ​​rating – yes, our attacks will become a little faster, the cast will also fly faster. It is enough to collect 600 speed for the Retri paladin to seriously fail in PvE 3.3.5. There is no need to pump up your speed additionally; the bonuses that the Bis gear will give you will be enough.

Build for Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

We have found the best build option that will help the Paladin improve not only his abilities, but also his damage. The build perfectly balances such areas as damage, mana recovery and survivability. It turns out that each ability complements each other. The only thing that needs to be understood in more detail is which auras to use and in what situations.

Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvP Holy Paladin 3.3.5 PvP Proto Paladin 3.3.5 PvP

Retri Paladin and his rotation in 3.3.5 PvE

The difficulty of rotation is that there is no complexity and no system. You can stick to a certain range of spells, but still the Retri Paladin must act according to the situation. Any ability that is free at the moment is used. The only difference will be in what gear you will be wearing, and this will change the priority of casting spells. We act in raids according to the scheme given below. Where you can see what gear you need to use and how to act.

The entire mechanics of the Retribution Paladin boils down to the fact that whichever spell rolls back first can be used. In the picture, the diagram of spells is shown so that you can use them continuously, since each ability has its own CD. It is very convenient to use, which will help you make your choice.

First of all, you must learn how to get up to 5 stacks of Dota from the seal on the boss. Here it is not necessary to control mana or set large cooldowns. Typically, Retri Paladin begins his burst when the enemy hits the fifth stack. We put our “Punisher’s Wrath” through and let’s go. If you constantly use justice, which restores mana, then you should not have problems with it.

The seal of obedience should not be overlooked. Most often it is used in AoE moments. Basically, this is when there is trash in the central laboratory. The paladin receives maximum damage, and without much stacking.

"Strike of the Warrior of Light" — is pressed first, as it makes it possible to quickly complete our “Manuscript of Three Truths.” As a result, you will get to burst faster.

"Divine Storm" - works great as a filler. It is always compressed when the internal pressure drops. If you collect two pieces of T10 gear, sometimes the CD will disappear instantly.

"Justice" - choose from priority. Restores either mana or lives. It is pressed constantly and has a low CD, it rolls back quickly.

"Exorcism" — applies only in those moments when the instant proc passes.

"Consecration" - This is the first spell that should be used when everything is on CD. It is the best filler for the Retri Paladin rotation.

If you have cool enough stats and a little luck, then the rotation will proceed quite easily and in fact it will not change. In other cases, it is quite changeable and situational.

How to choose the right seal for Retri Pal

Few can correctly determine which seal is most suitable for a Paladin in PvE, and when it is best to use it. This is why it is created Guide to Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE, so that you can properly and competently level up your Pal for serious raid campaigns.

Basically, the main seal for Retri Pal will be our favorite “Seal of Corruption”. It is great not only for one target, but also for multiple opponents, for example in moments of Thrash. “Seal of Obedience” is rarely used, mainly in certain situations and with certain combat mechanics. She is most suitable for fighting Faction Champions. I don't use it in other fights.

Most people still have a question about what kind of justice to use in the game. Everything here is quite simple: if there is one more fallen in the raid, then agree and use different justice. If you don't have enough mana, it's better to use wisdom's justice. If everything is fine with your mana, then use the justice of light. It will restore your HP, which will improve your survivability.

What gear will be the best for Retri Pal in PvE?

It is quite difficult to choose encore gear correctly. Most often, Retri Pala are all run with Dark Sorrow, while the weapon does not carry bonuses of either skill or accuracy. In this regard, we definitely need a symbol of vengeance, and at least a few red stones for skill. As a result, the Expertise cap is taken quite easily.

Already dressing in purple clothes, you will immediately feel the difference in damage. As soon as you put on more normal clothes, and your GS is already 5000k+, then you can start running in the central training center. Two floors should be enough for you. As a result, the best gear will be the one with the highest level and compatible bonuses for Retri Paladin. As you already understood, these are accuracy, strength, crit and speed.

How to choose a trini for our Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

Here we can say that as many Paladins run around, so many opinions are gathered in trines. But if you take the top players, they have long had their own priorities.

“Miniature Abomination in a Flask” is considered the coolest for Retribution Paladin. It falls both at the heroic and at the simple level of the Central Commander, and if I'm not mistaken, it's from the professor.

“Sharpened Twilight Scales” is considered the second coolest trine in 3.3.5, as it has a fairly cool proc for a Retri Paladin and also a fairly short CD of up to 39 seconds.

Otherwise, you can wear any earrings and try to get the best ones, so I won’t describe the worse trinis by priority.

Stones for Retri Paladin in 3.3.5 PvE

Retri Paladin and his best symbols in 3.3.5 PvE

Here it is quite easy for us to scatter the necessary symbols in such a way that, in essence, the most useful of them will be the following:

Symbol of justice – will be mandatory, because in battle Retri Paladin constantly uses the Judgment of Wisdom or Light in his rotation.

Exorcism symbol – also mandatory, since the Damage spell is quite powerful and is included in the Paladin’s main rotation.

Symbol of consecration – can also be considered as mandatory.

Among the minor symbols, the ones usually chosen are: sense of undead and laying on of hands. By the way, who doesn’t know, the sense of undead works great in PvP, when fate comes against you, and the character himself is undead. Roga will not be able to hide from you or sneak behind you.

How to enchant our Retri Paladin in 3.3.5 PvE

Best professions for Paladin Retry in 3.3.5PvE

You can be surprised as much as you want, but even professional players need to be prompted, because they set themselves anyhow, and then cry that they don’t have the damage they would like. That's why he Guide to Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE, that it indicates exactly all aspects of the game for a given class.

Jewelry – allows you to put personal cool stones in your gear. Gives you the opportunity to make good money selling stones.

Mining– this profession is necessary for the development of jewelry. Also, by collecting ingames, you will raise good gold at the auction.

Now, instead of mining, I took Enchanting. This profession provides an additional opportunity to enchant Paladin rings.

What do we take with us on raids?

The first thing every Retri Paladin should have in their backpacks is Angelfish Fillet. For potions, you should have Tincture of Endless Fury. It lasts for 1 hour, so in a raid you will have to use it hourly.

If you are going to use your “Wings” in battle, then be sure to drink a “Potion of Speed” before doing so. This will speed up your attacks, which will give a nice bonus to your damage.
On the one hand, it’s quite easy to level up Retri Paladin, but on the other hand, if you don’t know many nuances, then you won’t be able to squeeze maximum damage out of this character. Guide to Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE is designed specifically to make it easier for you to master the mechanics of this class and achieve the maximum effect from leveling up your character. Good luck in the raids and in the game in general!

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Guide to Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE

Why does everyone think Paladin is the most popular class? Yes, because Retri Paladin is capable of delivering stable, constant damage, while he can heal and take the blow at the right time. Retri Paladin has damage output that surpasses almost all other classes in terms of competitiveness. The main feature is that playing Retri Paladin in PvE is quite easy, he is quite durable and has a lot of protection. All we have to do is learn how to deal maximum Damage and fully understand the mechanics of this class: how to pump it up, what rotation to choose, and so on. Well, are you ready? Guide to Retri Paladin 3.3.5 PvE - let's go! Guide to…


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This PvP guide will teach you how to use all aspects of the Paladin in the Retribution specialization. We'll look at class talents, honors, rotations, and a variety of other class features.

1. Specialization overview / place in the current meta

Despite its low mobility as a melee class, Retribution is a very strong spec in the latest Legion patch. A strong burst combined with its powerful damage can have a huge impact on winning the arena.

I also advise you to pay attention to (Healing)

2. Talent selection

Regular talents work in both PvP and PvE content (though they can sometimes work differently in the two environments, as evidenced by their tooltips). In other words, they are always active.

On the other hand, Honor talents are inactive outside of a PvP environment.

2.1. Regular talents

2.1.1. Level 1 (Level 15) Talents

2.2.5. Level 5 Talents

3. Racial bonuses

Racial bonuses can provide interesting PvP benefits. Here are the best races for each faction.

3.1. horde

#showtooltip /cast [@mouseover] Blessed Defense

6. Addons

Hekili is a good addon that will help you with your rotation.
Weak auras can also be used to track spell cooldowns and buffs. This addon is a good option for people who want to customize their auras.
WeakAuras is a handy addon that throws a helpful warning on your screen related to important abilities - cooldowns, durations, etc. However, it can be tricky to configure, especially if you're new to it, so we've set a base weak Aura for every spell in the game, including intelligent auras by default.


When you have an enemy healer against you and you are trying to kill the enemy, use your burst damage.

  • Make sure your goal has