How to open ports on a tp-link router. How to open ports on a TP-LINK router How to configure opening ports on a router

There is no one, and the game also has various connection problems, which means there is a high probability that you simply have the required port closed.

Only 3 villains can block important ports: firewall(antivirus), router(router for several computers) and broken through brutal virus.

1) With a firewall or firewall Windows is easiest, you just need to add an online game or / to list of exceptions(usually when you first start the firewall asks about this, you need to click “Allow”). Note: a completely disabled (especially if through the registry) firewall does not guarantee open ports; sometimes, on the contrary, all are tightly closed. There are also conflicts between security programs if installed incorrectly, which also leads to a “concrete wall” instead of a communication channel.
Typically, the firewall displays a message like this when you first launch the game:

Click "Allow access" or then go to the firewall settings in the control panel and manually add the game to the exceptions.

How to open Tunngle Port:

Checking Use UPnP can solve most of your problems. When the port is open, there will be a green smiley face in the lower right corner.
2) With a router in a more complicated way. Often the network connection of the game/program gets stuck on the router, and it doesn’t know which computer to send the data to, and as a result, a connection error appears. You need to do one of two things:

a) Enable in the router UPnP, which is used by programs to automatically open ports. (usually enabled by default). Many modern programs and games successfully use this and do not torment you.
b) Go to the control menu (usually through a browser, using the IP of your local network specified in the instructions, or you can find out by executing the file Start -> run -> cmd.exe and writing there Ipconfig. Several connections will be displayed, look there for something like “Ethernet adapter connection via local network”, in the Ipv4 address line your IP in the local network will be indicated) and find the menu there “ Port Forwarding" (for example, on D-Link DIR-120 routers this is in the Advanced -> Port Forwading menu.) Here you need to indicate the IP address of your computer (or its name) on the local network (the first is, for example, X.X.0.100, the second is X.X.0.101, etc. ) and add the desired range of ports (or one port) and save the settings.

3) Evil virus. Well, there’s nothing you can do about it, if it’s so strong that it’s ruined your network adapters, ports and connections (characteristic signs: strange errors, unexpected messages in the style of “you need administrator rights for this” or “access is denied”) then accept it, it’s conquered your system. Take it down and install a new one with the latest updates. Well, or clean it properly and rummage through the registry, restoring losses

It can test the port for openness, and also supports the UPnP function, so there should be no difficulties with it. It can also be used to test other ports.

If / is installed on several computers on the same local network, then you need to assign each program its own port!

About “white” and “gray” IP:
To guarantee the opening of the port, you need to have an exclusively white IP address.

"White" IP address is an address on the global Internet that is exclusive for each user.
“Grey” IP address – assigned purely in internal networks. Such addresses cannot communicate with white ones, so they are “hidden” from the global network using various technologies like NAT or Proxy.

So to contact you from anywhere in the world you need to have a white IP. With gray, all ports will be closed, even if you opened them in the router.

You can find out what IP you have from your provider, check this in your tariff plan or by calling tech. support and activate the service.

On a TP-Link router. The setting is carried out in the corresponding control panel. The developers have provided a special web interface for this purpose.


Let's move on to the practical part of solving the question: how to open ports on a TP-Link router?

We can access configuration settings using any browser. To do this, open page Some device models may use the combination We move on to the next stage of solving the question “how to open ports on a TP-Link router” and indicate the username and password. These parameters are set to admin. If the data is not suitable, the wizard may have changed it while connecting to the Internet. Some providers are turning to this solution for security reasons. In this case, the necessary information can be found at the bottom of the router on a special sticker or in the contract. In any case, we have to change the password. The settings will take effect after the device reboots. So, authorization was completed successfully.


Configuring ports on the TP-Link router continues by going to the status page. Here we see data about the router and Wi-Fi broadcasting, as well as the status of the Internet connection.

We need to perform port forwarding on the TP-Link router. However, we will first change the IP distribution settings within the network. The device that will subsequently use the open port should be given a constant internal address. DHCP is responsible for addressing within the network. Therefore, we go to the menu of the same name. Open the “Customer List”. This window will display a list of devices connected to our network. We look for the required element by name. We copy it to MAC.


If one device is registered on your home network, you can find it without much difficulty. There are more complex cases. Let's assume there are a large number of devices on the network. The computer name is unknown. In this case, you can find out the required address through the operating system itself. The easiest way is to use a special combination on the command line. We use Win+R. The program execution window opens. Enter cmd in it. Click OK. Enter the getmac command. We receive the necessary data.

Further customization

Now we have all the necessary information to solve the question of how to open ports on a TP-Link router. An error may occur when performing the last step above. In this case, we repeat the operation by running the command line as an administrator.

Next, open the DHCP menu. Go to the “Settings” item. This page displays the range of IP addresses. Within these limits, computers on our network are addressed. We will need this data. Open the DHCP page. We use the “Address Reservation” function. Click the “Add new” button. If this is not done, each time the computer will be assigned an updated local address, which will not allow forwarding.

In the field called “MAC address” we paste the combination that we previously copied from the command line or the list of DHCP clients. Now we are interested in the “Reserved IP address” column. Here we indicate any parameter included in the range specified in the DHCP parameters. Click the “Save” button. The added MAC to IP binding will appear in the list. However, for stable operation you will need to reboot the router. The system will issue a corresponding warning about this.

Go to the menu called “System Tools”. Click “Reboot”. Now you can open ports. To do this, go to the menu called “Forwarding”. We use “Virtual Servers”. Select "Add a new entry". Fill in the areas with port numbers. In the IP column, enter the value that was reserved for the computer.

Port forwarding is a technology that allows you to access computers and other devices on the router’s local network from the Internet. Access is achieved by redirecting traffic on certain ports from the external address of the router to the address of the selected device on the router’s local network. This redirection is necessary if you want to organize access, for example, to IP cameras from the Internet. Also, such redirection is sometimes required for multiplayer games. Configure port forwarding on a TP-LINK router you can use the function " Virtual servers"Read the article on how to do this.

Unlike the port triggering function (if you don’t know what it is, then Port Triggering on a TP-LINK router), port forwarding to IP requires a permanent IP address for the device on the router’s local network.

This does not complicate the setup, but increases the number of steps:
  1. Login to router settings
  2. Select an IP from the router pool (it's easy)
  3. Specify the selected IP and ports in the Virtual Server settings
  4. Installing a static IP on a device on the router’s network

Login to router settings

In order to configure port forwarding on a TP-LINK router, you first need to open the router settings page. If you don’t know how to do this, then use the material or login to TP-LINK. IP address of the TP-LINK router

Select the IP to which traffic from the external port of the router will be redirected

And it's very simple. To do this, on the router settings page, click on the “DHCP” tab in the menu on the left. The page " DHCP setup".Fields" Starting IP address" And " Destination IP address" indicate the range of IP addresses reserved for dynamic distribution to client devices. IPs from this range are not suitable for us.

Which ones are suitable?

My final address is as shown in the picture below.

In my case, the free range starts from to inclusive. From this you should select IP. For example, or, or, or... etc. to

Specify the selected IP and required ports in the Virtual Server settings

What do we need to do?
  1. Go to the settings of TP-LINK virtual servers
  2. Specify the required ports or select the service port automatically
  3. Indicate the IP we have chosen
  4. Select protocol (optional)
  5. Save changes

Go to the settings of TP-LINK virtual servers

On the router settings page, click on the left " Forwarding". In the drop-down list " Virtual servers". In the updated window, select " Add". We can move on.

We can move on.

Specify the required ports or select the service port automatically

Among the parameters for setting up port forwarding in virtual servers, you will find fields to fill out.

TP-LINK port forwarding settings

Service port- this is the port that your device will use on the router’s local network for the required service.

External port is the port that will be used to forward traffic to the service port.

If you don't know which ports to choose, the drop-down list will help you with this" Standard service port". Select a service from the list, and the ports will be assigned automatically.

Indicate the IP we have chosen

The selected IP address must be indicated in the appropriate field (IP address) as shown in the picture.

Select protocol (optional)

It is not necessary to select a protocol, the router will automatically decide which protocol to use. However, if you want to play it safe and specify the correct one right away. You should remember that UDP is a protocol without data integrity checking, and is used where speed is more important than the quality and integrity of the delivered data. These include streaming video, audio, and online games.

Save changes

For the settings to be accepted by the router, press the " Save" on the router settings page.

Installing a static IP on a device on the router’s network

We noted above that we need to assign the static address we have chosen to the device on the router’s local network on which the required service will hang.

This device can be anything and keep a connection to the router via Wi-Fi or cable. As a rule, these are IP cameras and video recorders of all stripes. Also often, the port forwarding function (on TP-LINK this is the “virtual servers” function) is used for remote access to PCs and servers on the router’s local network from the Internet.

I will not describe the process of directly assigning a static IP to a device on the local network. Each specific device has its own instructions for setting up IP. Here you need to search for instructions. We have already done all the other steps.

I welcome suggestions and criticism in the comments.

Opening ports on a router is not such a difficult procedure, especially if you only need to open one port. You may need this if the necessary ports on the router are simply closed. Many manufacturers close ports to protect user traffic, so opening the ports yourself is your responsibility, as are any consequences thereafter. For example, if you wanted to play an online game with friends and act as a host on your own server, then most likely you will have to open the port that this server accesses. You will find detailed instructions on opening ports on the router in this article.

How to open ports on a router for online games

If you are simply not allowed into any online game server, then it is better to resort to this method, but it is also suitable for some programs that access specific ports blocked by the router. If your goals are different, for example, opening a port for a website or hosting a server, then refer to the next point and skip this one.

This method is relatively simple as it does not require any additional information other than the port number.

Go to your browser and enter the following address in the address bar:

  • Or

A login window for managing the router will open. The default login is admin. The password is exactly the same. This data will be different if you have changed your login and password previously.

Go to the “Forwarding” tab and then “Port Triggering”.
Here you need to click on the “Add” button.

In the window that appears, write the port number in the “Trigger port” line. Leave the remaining lines unchanged, click “Save”.

Add in this way all the ports that you need to open for the above purposes.

How to open ports on a router for other purposes

  • If the simpler method does not suit you, then proceed to these instructions. First, find out your ip on the website

  • Your IP must be static, since a dynamic one will constantly change the address of the host server that you distribute to your friends.
  • Now do a little test: remove the cable from the router and connect it to your computer or laptop yourself. Go to the link and enter the required port number in the special line.
  • If the port is available, then the problem is really with the router, but if not, then contact your provider, since setting up ports on the router will not help you.

  • Re-insert the cable into the router and connect to the Internet. Enter the address in your browser and go to the router settings.
  • Select the “Forwarding” line.

  • Click “Add”.

Now enter the following information:

  • In the first line, enter the numbers of the port that you want to open.
  • You can skip the second line.
  • Next, enter your IP address.
  • Leave the “Everyone” protocol unchanged.
  • The state must be enabled.

It is better to select “Enabled” for the standard service port if you do not know exactly what value to specify.
Now click “Save” and reboot your router. The port will open and you can use it.

Routers from the well-known company TP-Link leave the factory assembly line in Shenzhen, China, configured by default and no additional ports are registered in this configuration. Therefore, if necessary, each user must independently open ports on their network device. Why do this? And most importantly, how to perform this action on a TP-Link router?

The thing is that the average user of the World Wide Web not only browses web pages of various sites, but also plays online games, downloads torrent files, uses Internet telephony and VPN services. Many people create their own websites and run a server on their personal computer. All these operations require additional open ports on the router, so it is necessary to do so-called port forwarding, that is, “port forwarding”. Let's figure out together how this can be done on a TP-link router.

Port forwarding on a TP-Link router

An additional port is registered separately for each computer connected to your network. To do this, you need to go to the router’s web interface and make changes to the device configuration. This process should not cause insurmountable difficulties even for novice users.

  1. In any Internet browser, enter the IP address of your router in the address bar. By default this is or, then press the key Enter. If you have changed the router's IP address, you can clarify it using the methods described in another article on our website.
  2. In the authentication window, enter the current user name and password for accessing the router web interface in the appropriate fields. According to the factory settings, they are the same: admin. Click on the button "OK" or key Enter.
  3. In the router’s web interface that opens, in the left column we find the parameter "Forwarding".
  4. In the submenu that appears, left-click on the column "Virtual servers" and then click on the button "Add".
  5. In line "Service Port" Dial the number you need in the format XX or XX-XX. For example, 40. Field "Inland port" may not be filled out.
  6. In the column "IP address" write the coordinates of the computer that will have access through this port.
  7. In field "Protocol" select the value you need from the menu: all supported by the router, TCP or UDP.
  8. Parameter "State" switch to position "Enabled", if we want to immediately use a virtual server. Of course, you can turn it off at any time.
  9. It is possible to select a standard service port depending on the future purpose. DNS, FTP, HTTP, TELNET and others are available. In this case, the router will automatically set the recommended settings.
  10. Now all that remains is to save the changes made to the router configuration. Additional port is open!

Changing and deleting ports on a TP-Link router

While using various services, the user may need to change or delete a port in the router settings. This can be done in the router's web interface.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to one important detail. When adding new ports or changing existing ones, make sure not to duplicate the same numbers. In this case, the settings will be saved, but none of the services will work.