What does arrival at destination post mean on Aliexpress. Logistics chain for delivery of goods on AliExpress

Singapore Post status “ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION POST” translates as “Arrived at the post office of the recipient country.” This means that the shipment has arrived in the destination country and there will be an export-import stage and customs clearance ahead. This is the longest part of the journey. Ideally, parcels pass it in 1-2 weeks. But sometimes, quite a long period of time can pass, and the status of ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION POST does not change in any way.

What to do if your parcel is stuck with the status ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION POST? When should you start worrying? How long can a parcel hang with this status?

The parcel is stuck with the status ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION POST.

At the export-import stage, you cannot influence its speed in any way. In the worst case, parcels can hang for 1-2 months. But Singapore Post very rarely loses packages, so even if your package is stuck somewhere, it will most likely continue moving after some time. Sometimes very long.

If the status of ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION POST does not change for 1-4 weeks, then it is too early to worry. If the status hangs for more than a month, then to reassure you, you can write to the seller and ask him to see what happened to the parcel. But, most likely, the seller will answer that your order is on the way and ask you to wait.

All that remains is to monitor the timer and wait until the parcel goes through all the necessary procedures. If you do not receive the shipment, you will need to open a dispute 2-3 days before the delivery deadline.

Many Russians place orders on the website online trading platform AliExpress. The product range available there is not only quite diverse, but also has very attractive price characteristics. Despite all the advantages of such purchases, they have one significant drawback - you have to wait for the purchased product for weeks and months, and the process of tracking the status of the product is no less exciting than the shopping itself. In this article I will talk about one of these statuses "Arrived at destination country", I will explain how it is translated into Russian, and also describe several related statuses of the location of the goods at this stage.

Logistics chain for delivery of goods on AliExpress

As you know, the process of delivery of goods purchased on AliExpress begins after payment for the goods chosen by the buyer. The seller books the goods, packs them, and after a few days (depending on the volume of the load) sends the goods using Chinese postal system « China Mail" (China Post).

The product itself receives "tracking number"— a number by which the client can track the location of the goods on the way from the seller to the buyer

Depending on the country and destination, the goods pass through many transit points, customs, post offices and other parts of the logistics chain. At the same time, there are situations when the goods get stuck at some point (or even at the initial stage of dispatch), therefore it is important to regularly monitor its location, and, if there is a significant delay in sending or delivery fraud, open a dispute with the seller for a refund of the money you spent .

What is Arrived at destination country

Translated into Russian, the product status Arrived at destination country sounds like “The goods have arrived in the destination country”. In our case, this usually means that the goods have arrived in Russia, are awaiting customs clearance, and then will be moved to a distribution point, from which they will be sent to the post office at the buyer’s place of residence.

At the same time, considerable time may pass from arrival in the country of destination until the goods are received at the post office (usually several weeks), so I would not recommend rejoicing at the arrival of goods in Russia (there have been cases when goods that arrived in Russia for a Russian buyer, after passing Russian customs went back to Finland to finally return to Russia from there).

Other similar statuses

After we have figured out what it means arrived at destination country aliexpress, let’s look at a few more related delivery statuses for your goods. Among similar statuses, I would also note the following:

  • “Arrived to Russian Federation” - the goods have arrived in Russia;
  • “Arrived at facility in destination country” - the goods arrived at the transshipment point in the destination country;
  • “Arrived in the sorting center” - the goods arrived at sorting center;
  • “Awaiting customs clearance and delivery to post” - the goods are awaiting customs clearance and delivery to the post office;
  • “Receive at country of destination” - the goods were received in the country of destination;
  • “Shipment arrived at destination country” - the cargo has arrived in the destination country.

You can read about other AliExpress statuses in special materials on our website (here, here, and here).

The process of choosing a particular product on the AliExpress site is quite long. There are a lot of goods. After the desired one has finally been selected and the order has been placed, the buyer is in anxious anticipation of when the seller will take the treasured parcel to the post office.

So, the parcel was finally sent, the seller gave a track number by which it can be tracked. Not all tracks can be tracked on Russian services. Sometimes you have to use Chinese. They give out mysterious statuses on English language. Let's figure out what they mean.

What does arrival at destination post mean?

This status is very often given to parcels sent by Singapore Post. Its translation from English means that “the postal item has arrived at the post office of the recipient’s country.”

However, this does not mean that the parcel has arrived at your post office and can be received. Your mail has arrived in your country. She still has several important steps ahead:

  • She must go through customs. That is, the export and import procedure will take place, as well as clearance by the customs service.
  • After this, customs transfers the parcel for delivery throughout the country. That is, the post office picks up your shipment from the customs warehouse and takes it to your office.

The speed of parcel processing depends on how quickly customs works, as well as how quickly your country's postal service picks up parcels from customs. Often you have to wait several weeks for your status to change. Especially after the holidays.

So, we figured out what arrival at destination post means. If a postal item is frozen even for a month and does not move, then there is no need to panic. All you have to do is wait anyway. According to the new Aliexpress rules, you will not be able to open a dispute earlier than 5 days before the end of the protection period.

Status arrived at destination country

Sometimes, if tracking occurs directly on the Aliexpress website, the status arrived at destination country pops up.

What does arrived at destination country mean? This status means that your postal item is in the recipient's country.

As in the previous case, its appearance does not mean that the long-awaited package is already “arriving” at your place. post office. It has arrived in your country, but has not yet undergone the required customs clearance.

After that, it is transferred to the delivery service, which will send the parcel to the delivery location. Often, after being sent for delivery, the package goes through several more sorting centers.

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Arrive at destination country- status in the parcel tracking information indicating the arrival of the postal item in the recipient's country.

However, arrival in the destination country does not mean that the order will be delivered in the coming days, since each shipment must still pass customs control.

In addition, after the above procedure, the parcel must be processed by the carrier company, which will deliver to the recipient. Often postal items transported to a sorting center, from where the order is already sent to the recipient.

Arrive at destination country

The status “Arrive at destination country” can be found in the section "My orders" on Aliexpress, where each specific order has a tracking page, as well as when trying to find out information about the location of the shipment on the website Cainiao and other services .

Under the status is always the date and time when the parcel arrived in the recipient's country. Unfortunately, the city to which the package arrived cannot be determined from the tracking information.

Literal translation of the phrase "Arrive at destination country" in Russian it sounds like this - "Arrival at destination country".