How to change the type of organization in 1C 8.3. Is it possible to change additional details and information using group processing?

How to make the title of the window display the name of the organization for 1C: Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0)


Unfortunately, it is impossible to do as in previous editions: so that the name of the current organization automatically appears in the title of 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0).

You can only set your own header with the name of a single organization, which, of course, is not entirely suitable if you have several companies in the same database. But even in this case, it will be useful to change the title from the standard one to the name, for example, of a group of these companies.

How to do it? More on this below, step by step.

1. Go to the "Administration" -> "General Settings" ():

2. In the settings window, select "Program title":

3. Change this setting to the name of your organization or group of companies.

4. Click the "Ok" button at the bottom. Ready!

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

To maintain records for several organizations in the program "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0) must be installed Full functionality or Selective functionality with installed on the tab Organization checkbox Accounting for several organizations(Fig. 1):

The organization for which records will be kept in the program is added to the "Organizations" directory:

  • Chapter: MainOrganizations(Fig. 2).
  • "Create" button.
  • Select who will conduct the activity (individual entrepreneur or legal entity).
  • Choose a tax system.

  • Fill in the organization details in the appropriate fields in the directory item form that opens. To automatically fill in information according to the state registers of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, enter the TIN code in the “Automatic completion of TIN details” field and click the “Fill” button (Fig. 3).
  • By clicking on the links “Bank accounts”, “Divisions”, etc., fill in the relevant data. This data can be filled in later, i.e. after starting work with the organization.
  • "Save and close" button.

If records in the information base are kept for several organizations (there are several elements in the "Organizations" directory), then for ease of work you can select one of them as the main one (the "Use as main" button) (Fig. 4). The organization selected as the main one is marked with a checkbox in the field on the left; it will be automatically inserted into all documents and reports. At any time, the main organization can be changed in the same way - mark it with the cursor in the list and click the "Use as main" button.

In the process of accounting, there are situations when you need to know how to change the name of a bank or its current account in 1C. This need arises when the banking structure’s details have changed, and, accordingly, they need to be changed in the 1C program. This seemingly simple procedure can cause some difficulties, so it must be performed according to clear instructions.

Bank name - how to change in 1C 8.3?
As in many others, in the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program, editing an organization’s bank details is prohibited by default. Therefore, simply making changes to the fields will not work, because they will be inactive. Before you begin making the edits, you must allow editing of this data.

To gain access and change an organization’s bank in 1C, you need to open an edit window for a specific bank in the directory. When it starts, the user must do the following:
go to the menu “All actions” - “Change form”;
in the list of form elements, check the boxes next to those items that need editing;
save the settings.

Having allowed editing, you can return to the previous window and change the name of the bank in 1C. After making the necessary changes, it is recommended to disable this feature again. This is necessary to be on the safe side and not accidentally change important details.

Changes in bank current account in 1C
In addition to the name, quite often you need to know how to change the bank account in 1C. This action is also performed from reference books. To open the form for changing an account, you need to go to “Directories” - “Organization” - “Objects” - “Bank accounts”.

A list of all bank accounts that are in the database will appear in a new window. Here you can either change the current account for the bank in 1C 7.7 or create a new one. After making the necessary changes, the account will be used not only for new documentation, but will also automatically change in all old documents in which it appeared.

In the same list you can change the bank in 1C 8.2, which will be installed by default. To do this, you need to mark the required account as the main one. Then the selected details will be automatically registered in all created documents. But, if necessary, you can always set up a different account. Therefore, in order not to perform unnecessary actions, before changing the organization’s default bank in 1C, it is worth analyzing which bank should be used most often.

Help with 1C
The Setbi company provides technical support for 1C software products. Users contact us when they have any difficulties or questions. For example, you may need our help if you do not know how the names of banks could have changed in 1C. Leave your contacts on the website, and our managers will contact you for a consultation.

Which serves to ensure that printed forms of documents display the positions and names of signing officials. It does not register the actual hiring of an employee or transfer to another position, but only affects signatures on documents.

Where can I find “Responsible Persons” in 1C Accounting? The manager, chief accountant and cashier are displayed in the “Signatures” section in the organization form (the “Main” tab):

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If the person in charge has changed, their details can be edited by clicking on the link. When initially filled out, the links will look like “Create”. The link opens a form where you need to select an individual and position. The selection is available from the corresponding directories. Please note that the name of the person in charge and the position are not the same thing.

For example, a manager may hold the position of “director,” “general director,” or “president,” a full-time chief accountant may also serve as a cashier, etc.

Information about the responsible person indicates a specific date, while the program records a history of changes. Thus, when printing documents, the display of signatures will depend on the date. Those responsible persons who are active on the date of the document will be displayed.

The 1C program also provides for other responsible persons - the head of the personnel department, those responsible for accounting and tax registers, an authorized representative, and an executor. They are available in the organization form on the “Responsible Persons” tab.

To enter or change information about the responsible person, you need to select it in the left column and click “Create”. The current responsible persons are displayed in the right column with a history of changes saved.