Information Technology Department. Mfti-telecom personal account - connection and capabilities Mfti telecom personal account

MIPT Telecom is an Internet provider providing network connection services in the city of Dolgoprudny. The company is one of the activities of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and in the early stages it provided services only to this educational institution.

This leaves an imprint on the provider's service. Clients are divided into two groups - residents of Dolgoprudny and students and teachers of MIPT living in student dormitories. For them, the volume of services provided is different, different contracts are concluded, different tariff plans, payment terms, etc. apply. This is to introduce some features when providing services in the MIPT Telecom Personal Account.

Personal account functionality

The MIPT-Telecom personal account allows you to receive complete information about the status of the subscriber’s personal account online. The following options are available to the user:

  • tracking the balance of your personal account;
  • refill;
  • viewing current tariffs;
  • tariff change;
  • connection of additional services.

A popular service is “Trust payment”. The operator provides the subscriber with the opportunity to use the Internet in the amount of 300 rubles if there are insufficient funds in the account. The service is automatically activated for subscribers with unlimited traffic. Clients on other tariffs can activate the service in their Personal Account.

After connecting the Trust Payment to use the Internet, the subscriber must pay an amount not less than the monthly subscription fee.

In the Personal Account, Subscribers have access to electronic payment receipts from the fiscal data operator. They can be sent optionally in the form of SMS messages or by e-mail.

Registration in the account

The MIPT-Telecom company provides Internet access services with a subscription fee of 250 rubles/month. with a speed of up to 100 Mbit/s, IP television - up to 139 channels, with the ability to view 29 of them for free. You can connect additional and combined packages, as well as the “Multrum” service, which makes it possible to watch TV programs from four devices. In addition to the standard set of services, MIPT-Telecom offers others. This is the possibility of renting equipment - routers and TV set-top boxes, providing a static IP, connecting an additional email address, setting up Internet access, testing connection speed, installing equipment and laying communication cables, and much more. The MIPT Telecom personal account is available to the company’s clients.— official website of MIPT Telecom


How to register a personal account at MIPT Telecom? An application for services is made from the company’s website, section: “Connect”. Here you need to indicate the area - the MIPT campus or the city of Dolgoprudny. If you are a student or employee of an educational institution, click on the appropriate tab and place an order. If problems arise, call the company number. Another section contains applications for connecting residential/non-residential premises, including private property.

In the form that opens, each client additionally provides the following information:

  • Name and contact phone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • Street, house, apartment, entrance.

Enter additional information and go through anti-spam protection. Read the terms and conditions of the offer agreement. Submit your application.

In the same column of the site, located on the main page, there are links to access the payment service and the Online Assistant program, accessible only from the MIPT-Telecom network. If you have problems, use it to find answers. The “Personal Account” tab is located under the “Connect” section. This service is designed to provide the subscriber with constant access to its services and prompt contact with company representatives.

Selection committee

“Admission System” is a powerful tool for automating the business process of the admissions campaign - a comprehensive software solution that allows you to perform its main tasks.

The system is designed to organize the enrollment process from submitting documents to loading applicants’ data into the university’s internal information systems.

Project Description“Admission System” is a powerful tool for automating the business process of the admissions campaign - a comprehensive software solution that allows you to perform its main tasks. The system is designed to organize the enrollment process from submitting documents to loading applicants’ data into the university’s internal information systems. The UX interface allows users to easily navigate when working with the system on any device, including mobile devices. The system provides the ability to flexibly configure the business process of submitting and processing applications, uploading data to FIS, generating enrollment orders and transferring data to the 1C system. Thanks to this, the system can easily be adapted when admission rules change and when introduced into the admissions campaign of any higher education institution.

The developed system automates the following business processes:

  • submission of all documents (online and in person)
  • processing and verification of documents and applications for admission by PC editors
Having been checked for correctness by editors, applications are reviewed by the dean's office with subsequent confirmation, refusal, or recommendation for admission to another faculty. At the final stage of consideration of the application, admissions committee administrators conduct an interview and issue a final recommendation.
  • crediting the results of the Unified State Examination and internal exams
  • enrollment of applicants in bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programs of a higher educational institution
  • restoration and transfer of students from other universities
  • obtaining operational and final statistics
    The functionality for generating statistics allows you to receive, in a matter of seconds, up-to-date information about the progress and results of the admissions campaign, namely: the number of applications, scores by major, scores by faculties, orders for reinstaters and transfers, statistics on RSOS Olympiads, lists of all those enrolled, etc.
  • daily upload of data to FIS Unified State Examination
  • loading data on those accepted for training into the main information systems.
    The “admission system” is synchronized with internal databases, which allows you to help recovering students and applicants entering the next level of education fill out the data already stored in the IS database of the educational process. Thus, the system provides quick access to any information about the applicant, and also allows you to monitor the competitive situation and the priority of applications.
    The developed system automatically takes into account all the nuances of the rules for admitting applicants and various conditions for admission, allowing the applicant to choose not only the educational direction, but also a list of achievements that will be taken into account when considering the application. Equipping the system with automatic checks of information input for correctness and pop-up tips makes filling out fields as fast and convenient as possible. The applicant's data is displayed in his personal account, with the ability to edit and track the status of consideration of the application for admission.

Technical solutionsThe reception system was developed on the Bitrix ORM platform. During the development, the following technical solutions were used:

  • OAuth authorization with the ability to automatically fill in the applicant’s contact information from sites such as:,
  • Dynamic pull-up of RSOS data and the database of schools and universities from the VK database (
  • During development, the Dadata service ( was used to process the residential addresses and permanent registration entered by applicants.
  • A visual tabular interface has been implemented, setting up the applicant's application path depending on the application parameters, with the help of which almost any path can be configured without interfering with the system code.
  • Automation results

    • Increasing the speed of data collection and processing of applicant applications
    • Reducing the time spent on admissions staff
    • Minimizing human errors
    • Organization of instant access to any information necessary for the operation of the recruitment campaign
    • Possibility of automatic systematization and long-term storage of admission campaign data

    Personal Area

    The “Personal Account of Teachers and Students” project provides quick access to the main services and information sources of the learning process at MIPT. A convenient and intuitive interface allows you not only to easily navigate when working with the system, but also to receive timely notifications during the educational process.

    Description The “Personal Account of Teachers and Students” project provides quick access to the main services and information sources of the learning process at MIPT.

    A convenient and intuitive interface allows you not only to easily navigate when working with the system, but also to receive timely notifications during the educational process.

    Automated business processesStudents are provided with online information about the current implementation of the curriculum, grades received for the entire period of study, class schedule and retake schedule. Employees receive personnel information, and teachers are also given access to information about the teaching load distributed to them by department. Also, owners of personal accounts can pay for tuition and accommodation in a hostel online.

    To account for the extracurricular work of teachers, an online service has been implemented for filling out individual plans by teachers and distributing the bonus fund to heads of departments based on the entered plans.

    A service for recording students’ extracurricular achievements has also been implemented to build a rating and functionality for distributing the department’s bonus fund based on individual teachers’ work plans. Adaptive layout ensures convenient viewing of information on any device.

    Automation results

  • Reducing the time spent on training department staff
  • Organization of instant access to any information necessary for training and work
  • Possibility of automatic systematization and long-term storage of student and teacher data

  • Settlement system

    The Settlement System implements a simplified, automated process for submitting requests for settlements based on user preferences.

    Process descriptionThe Settlement System implements a simplified, automated process for submitting requests for settlements based on user preferences. The developed system is a comprehensive software solution that allows you to easily and simply perform the key tasks of the settlement process. The functionality of the system is designed to collect and store data on the distribution of places among faculties and dormitories, as well as the registration of potential employers and the conclusion of contracts. The system can be used not only by students, staff or teachers, but also by temporary residents or applicants. The intuitive and user-friendly interface of the system makes it easy to navigate when making a request and provides full information about the check-in process and the rules of living in the hostel.

    Automated business processesThe developed system automatically accepts user requests for access to a personal account, where they have the opportunity to fill out a form and indicate their preferred settlement option. The employer indicates:

  • Desired hostel
  • Desired room
  • Desirable/unwanted neighbors
  • Attitude towards smoking

  • After receiving requests, the convenient functionality of the system allows administrators to quickly process questionnaires and distribute tenants to rooms and beds. Work in the settlement system is built in two spaces:
  • current settlement
  • planned settlement

  • The space of the current settlement is unchangeable and at any time reflects the current state of the settlement structure and concluded agreements. The space of a planned settlement is a tool for preparing the settlement and making changes to the current structure. In case of any changes in the planned settlement or in the tenant's data, a new draft agreement or additional agreement is created in the settlement system, which, if necessary, undergoes an approval procedure before conclusion.

    After the conclusion of the contract, the corresponding change moves from planned to current. The distribution of places in dormitories is carried out in several stages:

  • Collection and processing of information about previous settlements
  • Formation of faculty commissions on settlement for the next year
  • Formation and distribution of quotas among faculties and dormitories

  • Before concluding a contract, the system checks the status of the resident and checks the transport accessibility of his housing to MIPT. Agreed upon draft agreements are available in the commandant’s office for printing and conclusion with residents.

    Technical solutionsBased on the developed project, a number of technical solutions were introduced. The system was equipped with version control of settlement agreements. Information about concluded, planned contracts and additional agreements is stored in the register of contracts. The register of contracts contains information about the type of contract with the tenant, its number, conclusion and expiration dates, bed space, payment procedure, included family members, as well as the version of the contract and its current status.

    Also, automatic geocoding of the addresses of those settling in (both permanent registration and actual residence) was used. Based on these data, the nearest metro station and the approximate travel time by public transport between the addresses of permanent registration/actual residence and the educational buildings of MIPT are determined. Similarly, based on the geocoding data of the addresses of the base departments of MIPT, their transport accessibility in relation to the MIPT dormitories is determined and on this basis the priority of accommodation in any dormitory is determined depending on the student’s base department (based on the travel time by public transport from the dormitory to the base department) .

    Automation results

  • Increasing the speed of data collection and processing of settlement requests
  • Reducing employee time spent
  • Distribution of places taking into account the wishes of employers
  • Ability to store contracts and additional agreements
  • Possibility of automatic systematization and long-term storage of data on a settlement in different years
  • Navigation The main page of the site is equipped with a pop-up navigation menu that allows you to access all sections of interest:

  • basic information
  • Scientific research
  • education
  • life on campus
  • information for students
  • information for applicants
  • media section
  • work at MIPT
  • Also, this menu contains a site search function and links to higher education institution accounts in major social networks.

    Content The main page of the site is a publication of the latest discoveries of MIPT scientists and laboratories in scientific activities and the most current news in the field of education and life on campus. In addition, there is access to an introductory video about MIPT. In the basic information section, the user can get acquainted not only with the history of the creation of Physics and Technology, specialized areas of study or the course of development of the university today, but also with the teaching staff, partners in terms of international cooperation, as well as with the latest events and news related to MIPT. The scientific life section provides full information about MIPT laboratories and collaborating research centers, main areas of activity, publications and researchers. The education section describes in detail possible training programs, presents major disciplines and existing faculties of the university. Also, the user can familiarize himself in this section with the rules of admission and the services offered. The information section about the campus will tell you about living conditions in MIPT dormitories, food services, medical care and student organizations. All other sections of the navigation menu provide the necessary contact information with the relevant MIPT department for the purpose of familiarization and further cooperation.