Responsive jquery gallery with preview. Fotorama - responsive jQuery gallery, installation and configuration. Fullscreen slideshow with HTML5 and jQuery

Image galleries and sliders are some of the most popular jQuery formats. Thanks to them, you can add the necessary amount of visual content to your site, while saving valuable space.

Galleries and sliders make the page less busy, but still allow you to add all the images you need to convey your message. They will be especially useful for online stores.

In today's article, we have collected the best jQuery image galleries and sliders for you.

To install them, just add the selected plugins to the head section of the HTML page along with the jQuery library and configure them according to the documentation (just a couple of lines of code).

Choose which of these elements fits perfectly into your project.

1. Bootstrap Slider

Bootstrap Slider is a free, mobile-optimized image slider with touch and swipe scrolling. It will look amazing on any screen and in any browser. You can load images, videos, text, thumbnails, and buttons into sliders.

2. Product Preview Slider

Product Preview Slider embodies the full potential of jQuery and fits perfectly into any interface. You will also be pleased with the quality and cleanliness of the code of this plugin.

3. Expandable Image Gallery

Expandable Image Gallery is an amazing plugin that turns into a full-screen gallery with one click. It can be used for the “About Us” section or to view information about products.

4. Fotorama

Fotorama is a responsive jQuery gallery plugin that works for both desktop and mobile browsers. It offers a variety of navigation options: thumbnails, scrolling, forward and back buttons, automatic slideshows, and bullets.

5. Immersive Slider

Immersive Slider allows you to create a unique slide viewing experience similar to the Google TV slider. You can change the background image to be blurred to keep the main photo in focus.

6. Leastjs

Leastjs is a responsive jQuery plugin that will help you create an amazing gallery. When you hover the cursor over the image, text appears; when you click, the window expands to full screen.

7. Sliding Panels Template

This plugin is ideal for a portfolio. It will create blocks of images arranged horizontally (vertically on small screens) to which the selected content will be linked.

8. Squeezebox Portfolio Template

Squeezebox Portfolio Template offers motion effects for your portfolio. When you hover over the main image (or block), anchored elements appear.

9. Shuffle Images

Shuffle Images is an amazing responsive plugin that allows you to create a gallery with images that change on hover.

10. Free jQuery Lightbox Plugin

Free jQuery Lightbox Plugin will help you show one or more images on one page. They can also be enlarged and returned to their original size.

11. PgwSlider – Responsive slider for jQuery

PgwSlider is a minimalistic image slider. jQuery code is light, so the loading speed of this plugin will pleasantly surprise you.

12. Scattered Polaroids Gallery

Scattered Polaroids Gallery is a stunning slider with a flat design. Its elements move chaotically when switching images, which looks amazing.

13. Bouncy Content Filter

Bouncy Content Filter is an ideal solution for portfolios. This plugin allows users to quickly move from one category to another.

14. Simple jQuery Slider

Simple jQuery Slider lives up to its name. This plugin combines elements of JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. The default demo only allows text to be loaded, but if you make a few changes, you can add visual content as well.

15. Glide JS

Glide JS is a simple, fast and responsive jQuery slider. It is easy to configure, and the plugin does not take up much space.

16. Fullscreen drag-slider with parallax

This amazing jQuery slider with the ability to load images and text is suitable for any website. It will delight users with a slight parallax effect and slow text appearance.

I spent a long time choosing the topic for today’s topic. As a result, I noticed that we have not yet made selections with image galleries. I think it's a great topic because galleries present on many sites. Frankly, they are all not very attractive. Taking into account current development trends jquery, html5 etc. I thought, after all, there must be much more attractive solutions than those that I had encountered before. So. After spending a day, we managed to find a huge number of scripts. From this whole mountain, I decided to select only, because I love, as you already noticed from previous posts.
Image gallery applicable not only in case with photo albums. The script can be used, I think it would be even more correct, as portfolio for photographers, designers etc. Jquery effects will help attract the attention of visitors and simply add elegance to your site.
So. Collection for your attention jquery image gallery plugins for the site.
Don’t forget to comment and remember, so as not to lose this collection, you can add it to your favorites by clicking on the star at the bottom of the article.

Free, lightweight, responsive image gallery, in which all effects and transitions are made using css3. Ideal for creating a photographer's portfolio website.

S Gallery
Attractive Jquery image gallery plugin. The animation works using css3.

Original plugin for creating an image gallery. The miniatures are shaped like rhombus, which is very popular at the moment. This form is made using css3. The only drawback of this gallery is the lack of a lightbox in which the photo would open in full size. That is, you will need to screw in the lightbox plugin. This script generates an adaptive grid of images in the shape of a diamond.

Modern image gallery using Jquery, css3 and html5. We are all used to the fact that when you click on a preview, the full image opens in a lightbox (pop-up window). The developers of this plugin decided that the lightbox had already become obsolete. The images in this gallery open below the preview. Watch the demo and see that this solution looks much more modern.
Smooth Diagonal Fade Gallery
A modern image gallery in which previews are distributed across the entire screen space. The script can scan a folder with photos on the server, that is, you do not need to insert each image separately. Just upload the pictures to a folder on the server and specify the path to the directory in the settings. Then the script will do everything itself.

Gamma Gallery
A stylish, lightweight, responsive image gallery with a Pinterest-style grid that has become very popular these days. The script works great on both desktop computers and mobile devices with any screen resolution. An excellent solution for creating a web designer portfolio.

The plugin is adaptive image grid. When you click below, a larger photo and description will appear. Good for creating a portfolio.

jGallery is full-screen, responsive image gallery. Effects, transitions and even style are easily customizable.

A simple but very effective image gallery plugin. This is exactly the solution when you need to create a photo album. The plugin supports albums and has a very cool flipping effect.

Mosaic Flow
Simple, adaptive Pinterest-style grid image gallery.

Another stylish gallery with a Pinterest-style grid filtered by category. Works in browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE7+, Android browser, Chrome mobile, Firefox mobile.

Excellent free image gallery using JQUERY, 5 and CSS3. It has a very attractive appearance and will undoubtedly attract the attention of your visitors.

A simple image gallery. When you click on the preview, the full image opens in a lightbox.

blueimp gallery
Flexible gallery. Capable of displaying not only images in a modal window, but also video. Works great on touch devices. It is easy to customize and it is possible to expand the functionality using additional plugins (See the next plugin).

Hi all! In this article we will look at, how to make a beautiful and conveniently sortable gallery using JQuery.

A beautiful, conveniently sorted gallery is a wonderful thing for your website that will delight you and your visitors. Today we will look at a very easy to install and configure library plugin JQuery– Filterizr.

Despite the ease of use, the plugin is quite lightweight and effective. Let's take a closer look at it.


To see how the plugin works, go to the official website, and here it is in front of you!

You can choose to sort by city, nature, industry, sunrise, sunset or show all photos (default). There is a button Shuffle, which will allow you to shuffle the images. Buttons A.S.C. And DESC sort the pictures in ascending and descending order, respectively. If you want to find an image by position or description, select the desired item in the drop-down list and enter your query in the search field. When you hover your mouse over the image, the picture turns from black and white to color.


To download the library, click the button Download or use NPM:

Npm install filterizr

The plugin is already configured out of the box, but if you want to override the defaults, you can either:

1) Pass an object with parameters to the constructor JQuery

Var filterizd = $(".filtr-container").filterizr((
// options

2) Rewrite the parameters using setOptions() method in object Filterizr.

Filterizd.filterizr("setOptions", (
// options


Default parameters:

Options = (
animationDuration: 0.5,
callbacks: (
onFilteringStart: function() ( ),
onFilteringEnd: function() ( )
delay: 0,
delayMode: "progressive",
easing: "ease-out",
filter: "all",
filterOutCss: (
opacity: 0,
transform: "scale(0.5)"
filterInCss: (
opacity: 0,
transform: "scale(1)"
layout: "sameSize",
selector: ".filtr-container",
setupControls: true

More detailed instructions and descriptions of each parameter can be found at

Today we'll look at the jQuery Flipping Gallery plugin, which allows you to create cool image galleries with very original transitions. In the example there are 5 types of transitions using this plugin. The plugin is really very easy to use, so anyone can fully use it.

An example can be seen here:


We'll take a closer look at how to create a menu from Demo 2, with the menu appearing in the top left.

HTML part

First you need to connect the jQuery library, which you can download here, and the Flipping Gallery plugin, between the tags :

1 2 3 4 5 6 <head > ... <""> <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""> ... </head>

Then we arrange the images. You can add as many images as you like:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <div class = "gallery" > <a href = "#" > <a href = "#" > <a href = "#" > <a href = "#" > <a href = "#" > ... </div>

And to add a description for images (as in demos 4 and 5) you need to use the attribute data-caption:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <div class = "gallery" > <a href = "#" data-caption = "Very" > <a href = "#" data-caption = "cool" > <a href = "#" data-caption = "gallery" > <a href = "#" data-caption = "using" > <a href = "#" data-caption = "Flipping" > ... </div>

JS part

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $(".gallery") .flipping_gallery (( direction: "forward" , selector: "> a" , spacing: 10 , showMaximum: 15 , enableScroll: true , flipDirection: "bottom" , autoplay: 500 ) ) ;

Let's look at what each method means:

  • direction— a method responsible for how images will appear. If “forward”, then the image from the beginning will be placed at the end, if “backward” - vice versa. The default value is “forward”.
  • selector— a selector by which we select images; it can be changed as desired.
  • spacing— sets the distance between images in perspective.
  • showMaximum— sets the number of images that are visible to the user. You can use at least 100 images, but only the first 15 will be shown, which is very convenient and does not load the browser.
  • enableScroll- You can view images using the mouse wheel.
  • flipDirection— determines where the image will slide: “left” - left, “right” - right, “top” - up and “bottom” - down. By default it slides down.
  • autoplay— gallery autostart. It is specified in milliseconds, i.e. How long will it take for the images to change?


You now have a stunning gallery to use when posting your photos.

In our collection of scripts you can find small but very useful and functional plugins for your website. Turning to the means jQueryGallery, easily organize your digital photo gallery with a nice design, scrolling, zooming, thumbnail viewing and many other useful features. There are both strict solutions for professional websites, and bright ones with animation and other special effects for entertainment projects.

By means jQuery images can be viewed without reloading the page and without increasing traffic flow. The presented plugins allow you to optimize the loading of images in real time and present the gallery in a convenient and user-friendly way. Thanks to the ease of settings and many available solutions, your own jQuery photo gallery can now look exactly the way you want. The presented scripts have been tested on different platforms and have excellent compatibility.