An example of selecting keywords for Yandex Direct. Training in Yandex.Direct: selecting words for contextual advertising How to correctly collect key phrases in Direct

Detailed instructions on how to quickly and easily collect keywords for contextual advertising.

Contextual advertising is an ad on the search results page that a user sees after entering a specific search query. These ads respond to his request and are placed at the top and bottom of the page - either in Yandex or in Google.

This is an effective promotion tool that brings quick sales to a business, helps make the brand more famous and attracts warm and hot traffic to your website. Contextual advertising works provided that the campaign is set up correctly and the right keywords are selected.

Keywords are phrases that potential clients use to search for your products and services. And, of course, the advertiser’s task is to show their ads in the advertising results of search engines specifically for these queries.

The first stage in launching any advertising campaign is just collection of key queries. You can approach this process in different ways. Some people spend months collecting as many keys as possible, and do it manually. Some people use automated services.

The latter greatly facilitate the work of collecting semantics and save a lot of time. But you shouldn’t blindly rely only on programs and think that smart scripts will do everything for you. You will still have to work with your hands and head, but much less.

Today we will tell you how to collect keywords for contextual advertising using free service

From the very beginning, let's understand a little theory: what keys exist, which ones you need to collect and why.

How to choose effective keywords

What is the basic principle of contextual advertising?


  • Enters a search query.
  • Sees several ads in the search results that meet his search query.
  • Follows the link in the most attractive ad.
  • Orders a product or service that is presented on the landing page (the one where he ended up by clicking on the link).

For the scheme to work and you really get a high conversion percentage, you need to meet several conditions:

  • choose the right keywords – those by which users are searching for your product. They are looking not just to read about what it is, but precisely with the goal of buying it;
  • The topic and content of the ad must meet the user's request. And also - contain a tempting offer, USP, which is no longer in other advertisements;
  • the page that the user lands on must contain the answer to the user's search query and correspond to your ad.

Link " Request - ad - landing page"should work in a comprehensive manner and convey your offer to the target audience. Then contextual advertising will bring results.

But it all starts with keywords. It is the selection of search queries that are used to create an advertising campaign that is the key to its success.

What does the advertiser pay for? For a user clicking on your ad, for clicking on a link. Thus, the primary task is to make sure that clicking on the link is as cheap as possible, and the answer to the search query is as relevant as possible.

What are the key queries?

Every niche has keywords that most advertisers use - these are hot, high-frequency keywords. For example, “order pizza.” This query is most often entered by potential clients in the fast food and fast food delivery niche. Of course, everyone who cooks and delivers pizza wants to show their ad using this keyword. As a result, the auction heats up, and the cost of a click for such a key request is very high.

At the same time, there are keys that are entered less frequently - mid- and low-frequency ones. Transitions for such requests are much cheaper, however, their number is significantly reduced. But if you collect more of these keys, you can get the required amount of traffic at an affordable price.

Therefore, it is important to find keywords that are inexpensive and at the same time provide a high CTR (click-through rate) due to an exact match to the user’s interests.

Main factors for selecting keywords for contextual advertising

  1. Cost per click. Low-frequency keys are cheaper than high-frequency ones, but high-frequency ones are more effective. Therefore, it makes sense to collect different types of keys, but it all depends on the niche.
  2. Click through rate. You need to choose keywords that will ensure the maximum number of clicks on your ad due to the high relevance of the user’s needs - as a rule, these are low-frequency keywords.
  3. Key conversion– how many conversions you can get using this request. Nobody will give you the exact answer. But Google Keyword Planner will tell you the approximate number of conversions based on your budget.
  4. Elimination of negative keywords. – these are the words and phrases for which the display of your advertising is undesirable. For example, by choosing the “kitchen” key to display advertising, you can attract to the site those who simply love the series of the same name and want to watch funny pictures. To prevent this from happening, you need to add “series”, “show”, “comedy” to the negative keywords. There are words that need to be added “by default”: “download”, “abstract”, “free”, “do it yourself”, “film” and the like.

How to collect key queries?

There are two ways to collect keywords for contextual advertising - manually or using automated services.

Each search engine offers its own keyword selection services. In Yandex it is Wordstat, in Google it is Keyword Planner.

Where you decide to promote is the best service to collect keywords. But this will require a lot of routine manual work from you. You need to initially make a list of basic queries that best characterize your product. Then, based on these queries (masks), collect the rest. It takes a lot of time, requires perseverance and attentiveness.

It is much easier to collect keys using automated services. One of these, designed to make your work easier, is .

Let's look at how it can help you quickly gather keywords for your advertising campaign..

Selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords (Ads) in the interface

С is a free service that will help you quickly collect keywords for contextual advertising, create relevant ads and manage your campaigns.

Registration takes literally two minutes, after which you can immediately get to work.

By default, you are taken to the so-called Master account, from which user accounts are managed. There may be several of them.

You can add keywords to campaigns from your user account. To go to it, click on the “Go” button:

Then go to the Media Planning tab. This is where you can start working with keywords.

First you will need to fill out the details in a simple form:

You need to add the address of the site that will be advertised, select a system - Yandex or Google (or both at once), set the geography of promotion - in which countries or regions you are going to promote.

“Automatic correction of phrases with negative keywords”cross-checks words (automatically, of course) while they are added to the media plan. This feature will save you from unnecessary headaches and save a lot of time.

"Automatic fixation of stop words"will place the “+” operator, thereby forcing search engines to take prepositions into account. Without this operator, search engines do not take into account prepositions. As a result, they read the keyword “buy an apartment in Odessa” as “buy an apartment in Odessa,” but for us these are already two different keys! has two modes for selecting keywords: manual and automatic.

In manual mode, you simply enter keywords. The service will tell you the approximate cost of a click, the price charged, and predict CTR and budget. All you have to do is “Add to the media plan” the words that suit you:

Manual work can take an unreasonably long time. The solution is to use automatic selection.

Automatic selection of keywords in is carried out:

  • based on the site content;
  • based on competitor analysis;
  • using statistics counters that are installed on your website.

Automatic word selection is very easy to start. After you have filled out the form (indicated the website address and everything else), you need to click the “Start new selection” button.

This way you will start automaticselection of words based on the content of your site– it is enabled by default:

The robot will immediately begin analyzing the content of your site. As a result of the analysis, he will select and offer you about 100 key phrases.
But looking only at the content of your site is short-sighted. It wouldn't hurt to parse thosekeywords used by competitors to promote. has a separate function for this:

The system itself will offer you a list of competitors. You can add sites you are interested in and/or remove unsuitable ones. You can even find your competitors in search results by typing in keywords of interest and analyzing ads. will collect competitors' keywords. You can view them by clicking on the “Show competitor words” button:

The third option for selecting keywords iswords from statistics counters.

To work with this function, you must have one of the counters on your website: Google Analytics, Liveinternet or Yandex.Metrica. Based on site statistics collected over several months, the system will offer an optimal list of search queries that brought users to your site. To collect keys using statistics counters, you need to give the system access to them. Select the “Words from statistics counters” function and click “Connect”:

The system will request access:

Specify the required counter and click “Grant access.” You will be transferred to your Yandex account, where you need to allow the application to receive data:

As a result, you will see a table with a list of words that users used to visit your site. There will also be data on the number of conversions for each key query, failure rate, depth of views, time on the site. Based on this data, you can select the most effective keywords and add them to your media plan.

How to analyze the data received and choose words for an advertising campaign

The service did the main work for you - it collected and displayed key queries in a table. Now analyze the collected data.

Each list contains:

  • keyword frequency according to Yandex Wordstat;
  • approximate cost per click;
  • conversion forecast;
  • budget forecast;
  • forecast of the amount written off.

To decide whether to add a word to the media plan or not, open and look at the forecast for positions, click on the name of the position next to the selected key, and you will see detailed information:

Make this job easier by clicking on the column header and choosing the same position for all words (for example, if being in first place is important to you).

If the word suits you, mark it with a tick.

For convenience, use filters. You can filter queries by any parameter or word.

Then transfer all the marked words to the media plan or add them to manual selection. In manual selection, you can break down queries into low-frequency queries.

After adding words to the media plan, add negative words by clicking on the minus icon next to the selected query.

A window will open in front of you in which the system will offer variants of phrases with highlighted negative keywords. Check the box next to those phrases for which you do not want to be shown:

As an example, let’s consider a campaign for a website selling granite tiles. In this case, concrete tiles or chip tiles will not be sold. Visitors who may come to the site based on these queries will not be targeted. Anyone looking for thickness does not intend to buy - he is simply interested (maybe a student is looking for data for a course paper). That’s why we minus these words.

That's not all. The service has a tool that will help you automatically adjust positions to your desired budget or required number of transitions:

By clicking on the “Fit to budget” button, you can set the desired amount or number of transitions. Moreover, you can do this both for all words and for individually selected ones:

Once you've finished working with keywords, you can upload the data to an Excel file or create ads by clicking on the appropriate button:


Collecting semantics is an important stage in preparing an advertising campaign. You can select keywords for contextual advertising manually - using Google Keyword Planner or Wordstat from Yandex. But this will require a lot of strength and patience from you. Even a small campaign will take at least a couple of weeks to prepare.

It’s much easier to use - it will save you a lot of time by quickly collecting a pool of key queries based on the site’s content, competitors’ sites or from statistics counters. All that remains is to analyze and select the most “tasty” and interesting keys for you.

Another tool, the keyword clusterer, will help you organize the collected semantics. Read about how to work with it.

Get the maximum reward* in the first month of working with - use the promo code key.

*Offer valid for affiliate program participants. Terms of the affiliate program and requirements for participants.

Where to start working with Yandex Direct?

What came first - the chicken or the egg? This can be debated endlessly. As for the Yandex Direct system, everything is more stable here.

Any invariably begins from collecting keywords!

Keywords- these are the words for which your ads will be shown. And the more such words there are, the higher the chances that a potential client will come to your site.

Keywords (or queries) consist of a certain number of unique words: from 1 to 5.

For example, " fridge" is a single word keyword query, and " buy a refrigerator in Moscow inexpensively" - four words.

Prepositions and conjunctions are not taken into account when selecting key queries.

Key queries can be roughly divided into 2 groups: basic and nested.

Basic request- a target request consisting of a unique combination of two words for which you want to advertise.

Subquery is a keyword consisting of 3, 4 and 5 words that contains the base query

Let's say you sell televisions.

Your basic queries will be:

  • buy TV
  • new TV
  • TV Moscow
  • LCD buy
  • LCD Moscow
  • and so on.

Your subqueries will be:

  • buy TV inexpensively online store
  • TV new discount Moscow
  • TV set Moscow store
  • LCD buy inexpensively
  • LCD Moscow delivery
  • and so on.

At the first stage you need to collect minimum 100 basic queries.

There are several ways to collect key queries proven technicians. Here is one of them.

Reactive Keyword Collection Method

You will need MS Excel or a similar function and a table of 5x5 cells.

Action plan:

1. In the first column, write down 5 one-word queries that describe the product being sold as accurately as possible;

2. The remaining four are single-word queries associated with the product (service);

Important! Different parts of speech and synonyms are different words)

* Indicate geography if necessary for your business area.

** Selling supplement is almost always relevant.

3. Now move all the words from columns 3, 4 and 5 to column number 2 and, using the multiplication function in MS Exel (or macros), multiply the queries from the first column with queries from the 2nd column.

In the end it should be at least 100 two-word combinations. These will be the very basic queries that will form the basis of your advertising campaign.

It's really simple and fast!

What are these empty green cells in the table?

We decided to leave them to you. Let's just say this is a practical task to consolidate the material.

Whatever you don’t implement today, you will never implement. This fact verified by numerous seminars.

Create your table now! And check the MRS in practice.

After that, you or the Key Collector program and work through each basic query in depth to get several thousand keywords for your first campaign.

You have the keywords for your Very First Advertising Campaign!

At a basic level.

What section of knowledge does the article cover:

Information collection → Strategy → Initial analytics setup → Selection of keywords→ Keyword sorting → Ad development → Advertising campaign development → Data analysis → Optimization → Scaling → Support

What topics will we touch on: coverage map, multiplication, parsing,

You may have noticed that before selecting key phrases for the site there are 3 more points, since we don’t have materials on them yet, we will present them in the abstract:

  • You need to understand who your buyer is and what queries they will enter into the search.
  • The general concepts of the strategy can be gleaned from the first part of the article “How to make a landing page for free in an evening?”
  • Install the Yandex Metrics and Google Analytics code on your website, set up goals

The article assumes that you already understand the concepts: Wordstat, impressions, clicks, negative keywords, cross-negative keywords, keyword match types, word frequency, relevance. And if you don’t understand it, you can find them on the Internet.

How to choose key queries? There are many techniques and tools for collecting keywords: downloading from counters, collecting from competitors’ sites, generating from YML, searching for similar TOP phrases, automatically selecting keywords based on your site in search results, and others. We will talk about the main methods, or more precisely about

Theoretical block

We know what a keyword phrase is in wordstat, it has a frequency (impressions per month), this is the average number of requests for the last 3 months and 1 month a year ago. All the phrases below are incoming requests, that is, requests that contain the phrase we entered in different declensions and numbers. You can also study the frequency of your request by region and seasonality in the “By region” and “Request history” tabs.

Consider keywords as segments of one infinite array from which we want to select those segments that will be relevant to our site. For example, in the picture below, the red intersection contains the most targeted queries, and the green intersection "mathematics school" contains queries of a broader type, and there is also a query "school", which contains 99% of queries that are not relevant to us.

So this is where I'm going with this? We will manually sort all incoming phrase requests "mathematics summer school" And "mathematics school", A "school" we won’t take it, since we don’t want to sort 99% of requests in order to find 1% of our own.

The matrix is ​​needed as material for composing key phrases (segments). There is no need to add every possible word to the matrix. For example, we will not add the words “2016”, “buy”, “weather”, since we do not take a segment for manual sorting “mathematics summer school buy”, it will already be contained in the segment "mathematics summer school", as an incoming request. Experience is needed to determine which words should be added to the matrix and which should not.

You may also have noticed that the segments "mathematics summer school" And "mathematics school" intersect, therefore we must subtract from the query "mathematics school" word "summer". There are negative keywords for this, but more on that later.

I cannot describe the entire process, since there are infinitely many nuances, but I can tell you the key points, following which you will move in the right direction.

  1. We compose segments from the matrix. Open and enter the first word from the first column "camp"- we see that more than 70% of incoming requests are not suitable for us. Along the way, we are looking for new keywords and expanding our matrix, but keep in mind that if you add a new good word, it can be used in previous segments.

    How do you identify keywords, in other words, what are users looking for when they enter a specific query? Type it into Yandex and look at the search results; as a rule, the first positions contain exactly the information that is interesting to users.

  2. You will say that the audience that enters “children’s camp” might be interested in our offer, but no, there are no more than 5% of potential clients in this segment, therefore, the cost of the client will be so high that we will not be able to compete with ordinary children’s camps.
  3. Because on request "camp" more than 70% not relevant keywords, then we begin to truncate the audience by adding clarifications from other columns, for example in the phrase "mathematics camp" almost all internal queries are suitable for us, which means we add them to segments for subsequent processing; we need to do this operation with each keyword, starting from the general “camp” and narrowing the segments to the particular “children’s”, “Bulgaria”.

    As a rule, in each segment there are words that do not suit us, for example:

    We add these words to the search bar with a minus symbol and click “Select” again to get the same list of keywords, but without the negative keyword content.

  4. To avoid confusion, we search one by one and add keyword segments in a separate place to the right of the matrix, as in a template. We add negative keywords to each segment.

    Remember about the intersection of segments, at this stage we need to carry out a cross-backing track between the segments.

    Thus, we get a coverage map; looking at it, we clearly understand what keywords our ads will be shown for.

  5. Now we need to get a list of keywords from this map, for this we will resort to the multiplication method. We use the service, but you need to understand it a little.

    The essence of the key multiplication method is to avoid manual work.

    In the template field we immediately have 4 variables, if we want to multiply 2 columns, then we need to leave only the variables %(a)s and %(b)s, and remove %(c)s and %(d)s. If we want to multiply 3 columns, then we need to remove only %(d)s - the number of variables is equal to the number of columns.

    We need to multiply each segment one by one, take the first one and distribute the words into columns in the service

    Click the “Generate” button and get the result:

    math camp
    math camp
  6. Next, on a new sheet we create columns for each segment and distribute the keywords in them after generation.

    Keyword parsing - collecting incoming queries, similar to entering a keyword into Wordstat and copying all incoming queries.

    You may notice that we now have a column of “negative words” next to each group; there we manually transfer words for cross-negotiation of our segments and general lists for each segment, for example:

  7. Now you need to collect incoming requests (further parse) for each group, there are 3 options:
    • manually copy from
    • use, but you will have to manually filter and remove negative keywords
    • keycollector is undoubtedly the best, but most complex option

    We use We take each keyword from each group one by one, add negative keywords to it and insert it into wordstat

    Please note that we select the "all regions" option to get more average statistics.

    We have a list of incoming requests on several pages, we copy requests up to 50 impressions per month

    And insert it into our table on the same sheet under the segment.

Do you understand everything? Have questions? Should we make a video on this topic?

When choosing keywords, Yandex Direct and Google AdWords start with the widest possible list of possible phrases that your potential clients enter.

All people enter different key queries in Yandex and Google

Let's say you sell Mercedes cars.

Different people will write in the search “business class cars”, “mercedes s class 2014” or “buy Mercedes Gelik”, but they are all your potential clients. And it would be good for us to have each of these queries in our list of keywords.

That's why, the more requests we can collect, the better(but without fanaticism: for the first launch you).

How to choose the right keywords for Yandex Direct?

We have a 25-point checklist for this. At each point, you need to write out all the key options in a separate text document. Or a mind map, whichever is more convenient for you.

1. Your own head
A business owner knows his audience like no one else. The first thing to do is sit down and think about how they might be looking for you. Set aside at least 15 minutes for this. This is where queries may pop up that the rest of the checklist won’t help you find.
2. Interview 10 people (brainstorming)
As we already said, everyone thinks differently. So ask 5-10 people how they would search for your products or services? You will see query options that never occurred to you. If possible, gather people in a group and collect the list through active discussion.

Only after this, go through the following list. Each of the points has a chance of prompting you with a huge variety of new key queries.

3. name of the product/service(Mercedes S Class 2015)

4. name of the product/service group(German cars)

5. your website(

6. competitor’s website or related queries(BMW business class)

7. parts of speech(order – order)

8. places of production or purchases(Mercedes dealer)

9. specialists(mercedes seller)

10. product brands(mercedes sls amg)

11. company brands(mercedes-benz)

12. nomenclature lists

13. mistakes(mersedes)

14. translit(Mercedes Benz)

15. translation(Mercedes)

16. regions(Mercedes in Ufa)

17. cognates

18. synonyms

19. Abbreviations, slang and professionalisms(gelding Tseshka Brabus)

20. guests

21. abbreviations(AMG)

22. word mergers(mercedes benz)

23. problem(need a good car urgently)

24. cause of the problem(rollsroyce is falling apart what to do)

25. your own head again. Now you think more broadly and can come up with something else

Example of keyword selection for Yandex Direct

We have a file with a large list of different possible queries, which is the base. With its help, selecting Yandex Direct or Google Adwords keywords becomes much easier.

An example of what can happen: a mind map for scenting offices. I deliberately posted a fairly small map.

Hello, blog visitors!

As you understand, my articles will be in the form of lessons dedicated to one or another Internet marketing tool. In this lesson we will analyze such an important stage of setting up contextual advertising as selecting Yandex Direct keywords (). This is a very important process that needs to be approached very focused, because by collecting the wrong requests, you doom the advertising campaign to collapse, and put your wallet on a cruel diet.

Okay, let's get to work!

Keyword grouping.

A keyword or phrase (search query) is a word or phrase thanks to which the search engine understands which pages or sites to show in the search results.

Let's start selecting Yandex Direct keywords with the question of grouping. The fact is that each request has its own frequency of impressions. For example, “iphone 6s” has 233,334 impressions per month, that is, approximately 233,334 people request something in Yandex with the name of the smartphone. There are “keys” with a lower frequency of impressions per month, up to 1 impression.

So, queries are divided according to the frequency of impressions into three groups:

  1. High frequency (HF). Have a frequency of 2000 impressions per month or more;
  2. Mid-frequency (MF). Frequency - from 500 to 2000 impressions per month;
  3. Low frequency (LF). Frequency - 1 to 500 impressions per month.

Each group of requests will bring you traffic of different quality. So HF will bring you a lot of traffic, but it is not a fact that it will be of high quality. MF queries are the most common in all niches (topics); advertisers receive the bulk of their traffic from them. Low frequency queries also bring in the majority of high quality traffic.

But you don’t need to focus only on frequency. The fact is that key phrases are divided into three groups according to the likelihood of purchase by “temperature”:

  1. Cold. Probability of purchase is low;
  2. Warm. The probability of purchase is average;
  3. Hot. The probability of purchase is high;

Let's look at each group.


“Hot” ones include search queries containing so-called selling consoles: buy, price, cheap, to order, and the like. For example:

  • buy iphone 6s;
  • buy a case for iphone 6s;
  • iphone 6s price;

That is, when using “hot” requests, the likelihood of a sale increases significantly. The person who asked such a key phrase is already ready to buy and is looking for and comparing various options where it is more profitable for him to make a purchase.


They define the user as interested in purchasing a product, but not yet ready. “Warm” requests contain clarifying phrases, for example:

  • iPhone 6s in Moscow;
  • how much does an iphone 6 case cost?
  • where to buy iphone 6s;

They will give you the main traffic. For the most part, “warm” queries have a frequency of 500 to 2000 impressions per month (IM), and the number of impressions per month is not small.


The probability of purchase, as I wrote above, is low, that’s why they are cold. It may seem to you that you shouldn’t use such “keywords”; few people will buy anyway. But he will buy it. “Cold” requests have a high frequency of impressions per month, which means they will bring quite a bit of traffic, it’s up to the site. As he sells, so will they buy.

Example of cold requests:

  • iPhone 6s;
  • cases for smartphones;
  • smartphone display;

How to collect keywords?

Let's start selecting keywords. This can be done in two ways: manual and automatic. Learn more about each method right now. Let's start with manual.

Manual selection of words in Yandex is carried out in the Wordstat service (

This method is quite simple, and, most importantly, free. Google has its own similar tool, but it is more functional.

How to work in Wordstat?

Step 1. Keyword masks.

A keyword is a keyword or phrase that describes your niche, product or service.

The mask should consist of 1 - 2 words.

For example, the word "iphone 6s" is a mask. Just enter it in the line and see all the requests, then add them to the list.

Step 2. Collect all the key phrases you need.

Now just collect all the keywords that, in your opinion, can bring you profit and quality traffic.

On this screen I have highlighted those search queries that can bring us profit.

Advice: See the small rectangle on the left? So, this browser add-on is Yandex Wordstat Assistant. Link:

This add-on greatly facilitates the selection of Yandex Direct keywords. Just click on the plus signs, then click on the copy icon in the add-on block:

After adding a request, a minus appears in place of the plus sign, by clicking on which you can delete the unnecessary one.

This is how words are selected manually for Yandex Direct.

Automatic collection method.

You can also automatically select keywords for Yandex Direct using parser programs. The most popular parsers: (paid parser, 1700 rubles), Magadan (free), Slovoeb (free).

Naturally, KeyCollector has extensive capabilities (), but its free analogues are significantly inferior to it in terms of functionality and speed.

When working with the parser, you just need to enter masks, start the process and wait. Then it checks what the parser has collected and that’s it.

Today I will show you how to work with the Sloboeb parser.

Parsing in Slovoeb.

1) First of all, we need to create an account in Yandex for parsing. The fact is that Yandex blocks accounts that vehemently send requests for information. I think there will be no problems with this;

2) Now you need to enter the password and login for your new Yandex account in Slovoeb. Go to settings, click on this icon:

3) Then go to the Yandex Direct tab (1). In the Yandex account settings field, enter your login and password (2). Enter the data like this: [email protected]:password. Save. Be sure to put a colon between your username and password.

4) Create a new project

5) Then you need to enter masks and start collecting requests. To do this, click on this button.

Let's start collecting

6) We are waiting for the collection to end. Here you can see the frequency for a particular request.

7) Now you need to download all queries into an Excel file. To do this, click on the export button, it is located here:

The file will be in csv format.

Great! Now you can automatically select Yandex Direct keywords.

Selection of keywords in Slovoeb using several masks.

To do this, follow the 5th paragraph of the instructions above.

1) We hammer several masks into the window. Check the box “Do not add a phrase if it is already in other groups” (1). Click on the group distribution button (2).

2) We begin collecting search queries.

Then do everything as described in the instructions above.

Collection of negative keywords.

A necessary step in collecting keywords is collecting the so-called . Without collecting negative keywords, you doom your advertising campaign to failure, since sooner or later the traffic becomes so polluted that the advertising results in only losses.

Today you learned how to select Yandex Direct keywords manually and automatically. We also learned how keywords are divided. I hope you found this lesson useful.

In the next lesson, we will look at programs that will help you save several thousand rubles and make your advertising more effective.

See you!

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