What posts on Instagram are interesting to subscribers. Learning to present information correctly: what is a post on Instagram? Why be a blogger

Ideas for Instagram posts are becoming an increasingly expensive commodity in the information society over time. We offer blog site readers a selection of simple and elegant solutions for organizing their activity on the social network.

Every active Instagrammer has experienced a creative crisis at least once. No ideas, no beautiful implementation - sheer boredom. Sound familiar? No one is immune from this, but do not rush to give up. To avoid falling prey to the fickleness of your muse, it is recommended to think ahead about your content.

Easy ideas for photos on Instagram

Let's discuss the coolest Instagram photo ideas. What could it be?

  • Introduce a permanent “Daily Stories” section into your Insta profile. These photos can be posted both in Stories and in the feed - the choice is yours. The most important thing is to choose suitable photographs for each idea/thought/mini-story.
  • Share your interests and hobbies with your audience. Show subscribers and guests of the page how you cross-stitch or conquer another peak in mountaineering equipment. This will allow you to get closer to the audience. Take beautiful photos and inspiring captions.
  • Post-acquaintance. It is logical to assume that such a publication should be one of the first on the page. Yes and no. Different versions of such posts can be repeated periodically. This is relevant if you are an active Instagrammer/blogger and the number of your followers is growing rapidly. New users may not know about you. And it’s not a fact that they will want to scroll through the entire feed to the very beginning. Introduce yourself in an original way, adding interesting facts about yourself.
  • Share interesting life hacks that you use personally (in school, at work, in self-care, in communicating with people, etc.). Only advise what can really alleviate a particular problem. Don't push nonsense. Your reputation stands behind it. These are really effective ideas for Instagram.
  • Demonstrate the process of creating a drawing/clothing/decoration if you sell paintings or hand-made goods. These Instagram photo ideas really work.
  • Carefully study questions from subscribers in the comments or in Direct. Find out the most popular ones. Dedicate entire posts to these issues. Write in detail and in an original way. Show your attitude to this or that moment. Add a photo that expresses the desired “emotion.”
  • Tell us about your friends. This is especially important if they appear frequently in the content on your page. Users will be interested to know about the close circle of their favorite blogger.
  • Variety of angles. Let's say you want to post a photo of a beautiful building. Don't choose the best shot of an architectural project. Take photos from different angles and publish them as a carousel.
  • Ideas for photos on Instagram: children's photos. Share unique footage from your childhood with your subscribers. It always touches us, provokes activity and simply lifts the spirits of those around us. Tell a funny/embarrassing/sad story under your post.

Other ideas for a blog on Instagram:

  • Quotes. Everything is very simple here: they should be in moderation. Author's photographs with beautiful text inscriptions are cool and still fashionable.
  • Take several similar photographs (in color, design, mood), combine them into a collage.
  • Take a photo of your workspace. Provided that Mr. Chaos does not reign there. Firstly, such photos will show your personality. Secondly, it can inspire other people to restore cleanliness and order.
  • Ideas for photos on Instagram can be different. What about animals in the feed? They are cute, beautiful, photogenic, unpredictable, playful. This is someone who loves to pose naturally in front of the camera. Sometimes pets get so many likes that people never dreamed of.
  • Remember how it all started on Instagram? Yes, yes, we are talking about food and drinks. It's coming back into fashion again. The only difference is that now such content has become real art. You can display photos of finished dishes, or add “carousels” of step-by-step frames.
  • Highlight a particular life hack that you love most in your post. Teach your followers something useful. They will appreciate it.

What other ideas do you have for Instagram posts?

  • Play sports and “infect” others with it. Talk about the benefits of walking and running. Hold a large-scale flash mob. Social networks are here to stay, but it wouldn’t hurt to think about health. Promote a healthy lifestyle. Add cool dynamic pictures, discuss training with friends and followers.
  • Don't know what to publish? Visit an interesting place. This can be either a city excursion or a trip abroad. Even in transport you will find something to show the audience. If your photos on the road are not of the required quality, publish them in Stories. This is completely acceptable.
  • Good morning. Share with your subscribers how your most ordinary day begins. What's the first thing you do? How do you cheer up early in the morning? What do you like to eat at this time? The more new and interesting facts from life, the better. Just don't talk about everything in one sitting!
  • Take a photo in the “View from the window” style. Cool Instagram photo ideas require variety.
  • Take a photo with your main inspiration. Who makes you rejoice, smile, move forward and never lose heart? Tell us more about this person.
  • Add a memorable photo from your favorite cafe/bar/restaurant. Write what connects you with this place. Perhaps fans from your city are looking for a cozy and atmospheric place where they can spend pleasant leisure time.
  • Write a recipe for your favorite “yummy” treat, be it a cocktail, dessert or baked goods.
  • Instagram selfie ideas. Let's repeat what we've covered: where did it all start on the social network a few years ago? Yes, yes, not only from food and drinks in the feed. Selfies were very popular among Instagrammers. It may not be the trendiest content right now, but it can be posted for variety.
  • Photos with nature also get a lot of likes and comments. Don't forget this.
  • Body parts and other objects. Take an original photo with a flower on your palm or face. The same can be done with a camera or a book.
  • Wear a smart hat that covers part of your face. It will look amazing!
  • Take photos of your drawings and crafts.
  • Shoot content in mirrored rooms. You can get a very unusual result.
  • Treat your followers to “Before” and “After” photos. Below the post, tell us how you process your photos.
  • Notice interesting details. This is not given to every person walking down the street. But everyone who looks at your new photo will notice it.
  • “The color of the mood...” Do your friends support the tomfoolery? Then dress up the whole group in clothes of certain shades. It will look cool! As you can see, ideas for an Instagram account know no limits.

Ideas for Instagram photos for girls

We bring to your attention cool Instagram photo ideas for girls.

  • Style. Show/tell us what clothes, jewelry and shoes you wear. What colors do you prefer in clothes? Inspire others and help them choose bows.
  • Flatley. Arrange your favorite things in a beautiful order. Show me what you carry in your purse. Take care of the aesthetics in the frame.
  • Pose with flowers. This will add a mood of freshness and sophistication to the photo.
  • Do you like product photography? Use beautiful textures and colors for the background. Instagram photo ideas for girls should be full of surprises.

What photos are popular on Instagram

To get a lot of likes, comments, and shares, you need to create content that is aesthetically pleasing, original, and authentic. What users of the social platform prefer:

  1. Thematic blogs;
  2. Insta profiles of travelers;
  3. Motivational pages;
  4. Family profiles (content in the style of “mother and children”);
  5. Animals.


The muse has left - no problem! Take photos in advance, plan content in advance. Get inspired by other users' accounts. Take an example from your competitors, but do it even better! Learn to notice what others don't pay attention to. Take pictures of everything that deserves the highest rating.

I am glad to welcome you to the blog site.

It seems quite strange, but questions like: “How to make a post on Instagram, How to write posts on Instagram,” etc. are quite common, in fact, for this reason I decided to write this article.

Many people are just now starting to master the social network Instagram, some for business, some for the soul, and some to create their own personal brand. And therefore, the question of how to write and post a post on Instagram is quite relevant today.

To begin with, of course, you need, after which you need to fill out your profile and publish your first post on Instagram.

How to add a post to Instagram

We open our account on a smartphone; unfortunately, it is not possible to add a post from a computer or laptop; all actions on this social network are available only from a mobile phone or tablet; in general, you can only work with it using the “Instagram” application.

The first thing we see after clicking on the application icon is the feed of user publications; along the bottom bar there are several buttons that allow us to perform certain actions with our account.

In this case, we are interested in the button that is located exactly in the middle and looks like a plus sign (+)

After clicking on this button, select a photo or picture for our future post and click the “Next” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

After which it becomes possible to use a filter, which can slightly change the display of the photo, add brightness, make it darker or even black and white, in general, you can poke around and leave the option that suits you most.

In the future, I recommend not using standard Instagram filters, but using third-party applications for better photo processing. A beautiful account and a beautiful feed always means increased attention to your profile. I can give you little advice - try to publish photos in the same style, i.e. using the same processing, with the same filters!

Let's look carefully at the picture below.

We write our own text for the post.

Please note that Instagram by default publishes text in one very large paragraph, if you want to break sentences into several lines, then place a symbol on each new line, preferably just a period (.) to make your text look more attractive and readable, an example can be seen in the picture below...

Naturally, don’t forget to register.

How to delete a post on Instagram

And now it’s the other way around, I’m answering the question “How to delete a post on Instagram.” Everything is much simpler here.

Open the post you want to delete. Tap on the three dots and click “Delete”.

Well, that seems to be all, if you have any questions regarding working on Instagram or another social network, please leave comments below and I will answer your question in as much detail as possible.

In the next article I will write about the content plan for Instagram, very often you can encounter the problem, “What to publish?”, it seems like there are no photos and no ideas for a post... but activity is always needed anyway! Therefore, we need a clear plan of what and when to publish.

Thank you and see you again.)

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After reading this article to the end, you will learn how to make a selling post on Instagram, namely, write text for it and design an image. We will describe step-by-step actions, following which you will get the desired result - applications and sales.

So, let’s proceed to a detailed presentation of information that will facilitate promotion, including with the help of “SocialKit” ( ).

Selling post on Instagram: step-by-step instructions

Photo design

This is perhaps the most important aspect for a social network like Instagram. Rest assured that the majority of potential consumers will simply scroll through a low-quality and unattractive photo from an aesthetic point of view.

Therefore, when designing a photo, it is extremely important:

  • First criterion- all images must be of high quality. At the same time, it is not necessary to involve a professional photographer; a modern smartphone with a good camera is enough.
  • - demonstration of products in use. We do not recommend using classic, familiar photographs of a product item on a white background. Create a picture where you can see the process of using the product; in practice, it will look like this: if you sell women’s clothing, then it should be worn by a beautiful girl, and not hang lifelessly on a hanger. And it’s even better to sell not a separate item, but an entire image.

  • Third criterion- emotions. The most difficult to translate into reality, because in order for the photo to be alive and convey the necessary emotions, it is important to know your target audience very well, their problems and desires.

Do I need to use filters?

Try to minimize the use of filters, and if you use it, it is better to choose one option so that all images are in the same style.

To get high-quality product images, it is enough to use good lighting or take pictures in the daytime.

Text on photos and stickers

Is it worth using? Rather yes than no. The lion's share of images in the news feed do not have any inscriptions, which means that a photo that displays an excerpt of a text message will somewhat increase the interest of a potential buyer in the products offered.

Important: The letters must be large and ideally matched to the color palette of the photo. You should not use all sorts of flashy slogans, like: “Promotion!”; "Sale!" - it's rather repulsive.

In the example above, there is text on the image itself, plus an intriguing beginning of the post.

Of course, most clients do not want to be photographed so that you can advertise your product, but there will be those who agree and these photographs must be published. Joyful and satisfied customers are the best advertisement for any business.

Selling text

After we have properly designed the photo for the post and have completely captured the client’s attention, now we need to gently push him to the next step with the help of selling text.

When a user sees a post in the feed, he is shown only the beginning of the text under the photo (up to 90 characters with spaces), this means in these 90 characters we need to write the “salt” so that the reader clicks on the “more” button and reads the post to the very end .

What could it be? A unique selling proposition, discounts, promotions, etc., however, this should be done very carefully. Example: "Only until the end of October, a month of fitness for only 2999 rubles ».

Alternatively, you can start your sales text by answering one of the questions:

  • What is unique about this offer?
  • Why should I buy from you?
  • Why is it more profitable to purchase goods now?

Examples: " Only we have the iPhone 8 before anyone else in the city!” or “Tea that promotes weight loss - more than 1000 positive reviews ».

Another way is to identifyproblem/pain/needclient and propose a solution (AIDA model).

Example: “Are you still looking for your lover? Spending warm summer nights in the company of your cat?

Fill out the form on our website and we will select the right man who wants to meet you.”

Call to action

After an intriguing start and description of the product, there is a call to action. Examples:

  • Leave a comment “I want price” under this post and we will send you our wholesale price.
  • Call ______________ now to secure the price listed in the post.
  • Go to the site - the link is in the profile (never put a link to the site in the text of the post, it will still not be clickable and will only be annoying).
  • To sign up for the service, write to direct.

The main thing is not to forget to indicate in your profile description your phone number, email/store address, and a link to the resource where your product is located in the assortment ( And ).


To attract as many customers as possible, use hashtags - you can use 30 hashtags for each post.

In practice it will look like this: We sell vegetable products. In your sales post, demonstratively post a ready-made dish that includes this vegetable set. The client wants to see the result, let’s not be greedy and give it to him.

It is better to select the list of hashtags that you will use yourself or using the SocialKit program. Plus, create your own exclusive hashtag, e.g.#vegetables_from_company_name.

Examples of writing and designing selling posts

Are you thinking about increasing your sales through Instagram? Then you need to publish high-quality selling posts. We have already described the structure of compiling such posts above, now let’s look at some illustrative examples.

Example 1.

Task:create a sales post for a children's clothing store promoting a promotion.

Photo- visualize the proposal. For example, 3 things for the price of 2. Place in the picture things that are relevant right now: down jacket + pants = boots. Indicate the time of the promotion in the text on the image.

Post text- we write about children, but for parents. The emphasis is primarily on the benefits of the proposal.

Call to action- we say that you need to buy right now, because the promotion period is limited.

Unfortunately, the lion's share of posts contains precisely this kind of content, although in the case of a campaign there is no need to be clever.

Example 2.

Task:write a post to attract clients to a photo shoot.

In this example, we will try to make the sale more veiled and not so obvious; we will not sell “head-on”.

Photo- post one of the best works (which previously received the most likes or positive responses). Choose a job based on the topic; if you want to attract clients to a wedding photo shoot, we take a photo from a wedding; if for New Year’s, we take a photo from a New Year’s photo shoot. We do not place text on the photo.

Post text- use storytelling. Tell a story that is related to photography; if there were difficulties, emphasize that it took effort to create this cool photo; if everything went smoothly, then on the contrary, tell us how everything went well from the very beginning and how it ended the client was happy with the new photos. In general, the idea is clear, remember the situation that preceded the photo and present it in a favorable light.

Call to action- we use a shortage trigger and indicate the time periods when you can get to a photo shoot, in what space it will take place and how much it will cost.

It’s better not to use ready-made versions of selling posts published by competitors - write your own.

Unfortunately, Instagram does not yet have a function that allows you to pin one post at the very top so that it does not drop down in the feed. But now you can fix it any way .

If you don’t have time to write posts yourself, then seek the services of a copywriter - you can order text for an average of 100 rubles.

The best time to publish selling posts should be determined statistically - publish the post and see the response within 1-2 hours after. But the greatest activity and the most desirable time for publications is: morning - a person wakes up and looks at social media. networks, lunch - what else to do at a business lunch and evening - while watching the series you can also look at instagram.
To automate new publications, use the function in SocialKit. And if you want not to miss a single comment, after publication, set the comment tracking mode in our program.


Track feedback, there are several ways to do this:

  • indicate a separate phone number in your Instagram profile;
  • add UTM tags to links;
  • correlate the time of publication of each post and the number of calls within a few hours after that;
  • If you are reading this post, you have long ago set up a business profile on Instagram, which means you can view detailed statistics for each post.

Advice: Don’t focus solely on selling content on Instagram. Diversify your content, thereby increasing the number of interested users and attracting new subscribers.


In order to create an effective selling post on Instagram, you need to:

  1. Present your product/service using a high-quality image.
  2. Write a selling text for a post that can interest a potential buyer and encourage him to take the next step (comment, call, request a price list).
  3. Add at least 30 hashtags that are as close as possible to the target audience.
  4. Track statistics.

By following the above recommendations, you will be able to create selling posts, thereby , and subsequent analysis and , will make each new publication even more effective. Which will definitely affect the increase in profits.

If you are an active user of social networks, and we have little doubt about this, then you have probably come across posts that you can’t help but pay attention to. Which catch the eye and stand out among thousands of “not like everyone else” posts. Remember the sensational Yota advertisement. These are the types of posts we’ll talk about today, but first, let’s look at what an Instagram post is and what people eat it with.

Do you remember this advertisement?

A post or publication is what you see in your feed, that is, photo and video materials from different people on different topics. Those. all entries published by Insta users are posts.

  • Log into your account and go to your feed (click on the house in the lower left corner).
  • Next, you will need to click on the square with a plus sign inside.

  • A camera will appear in front of you through which you can take a photo or select something from your gallery.

  • After selecting an image, the application will prompt you to edit it using different filters.

Signs of quality content: how to make a post interesting?

In fact, it is not as simple as many people think. Many people simply post everything, thinking “the more, the better.” This decision will not be correct either for a personal or for a work account. Let's start with a work account. Before you start promoting your business on Instagram, you need to know something about this social network.

So, people don’t go to Insta with the goal of purchasing something or spending money on some service; first of all, they are here looking for relaxation, entertainment, enjoying beautiful photos, etc. Let's give an example: let's say you sell a product and decide (to be sure) to publish 40 posts with your product in one day. Do you think you will get clients? Of course not! After all, this needs to be done gradually and deliberately.

Let's start looking at the best posting options:

  • Publish informational posts. In them, subscribers will learn useful information, and the likelihood that new followers will appear is much greater. In general, this type of post is for educational purposes. After all, everyone loves to learn something new, especially if the information is presented easily and clearly.
  • Product advertising. We need to pay special attention to this. It is necessary not just to advertise the product, but to present it to potential customers in a high-quality manner. Take photographs of the product with people, ideally when using it, but it depends on what you are selling, of course. You can tell a story about how this product helped someone, etc. If this is something for the home, then shoot this item in the interior so that people have an idea of ​​what it will look like.

Also in advertising posts you can organize promotions and competitions, offer sweepstakes and much more. Moreover, now you can pin up to 10 photos or videos in one post. Buyers won’t have to rummage around, they can simply scroll through one carousel post and see everything. In general, pay special attention to this, ask subscribers to write their opinions and listen to them.

  • Entertaining posting. Here you publish something that can cheer up both you and your subscribers. These could be jokes, funny stories, etc. This category also includes live broadcasts.

How to make a post popular?

At the beginning of your profile promotion journey, the question arises of how to quickly increase the number of subscribers, likes, comments, etc. To resolve this issue, we recommend using the online service. The interface is extremely simple, works for the most popular social networks, the cost is different for everyone, but not exorbitant. indispensable for all businessmen and bloggers.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

According to statistics, two of your competitors appear on Instagram every minute. Just kidding, there are no such statistics. But new blogs really appear very often. These include personal pages and representative offices of companies of various sizes. Not all of them become successful, but by 2018 the competition has become very serious. It's hard to get ahead using old methods unless you're a celebrity or a well-known brand.

Now, in order to get promoted, you need to create comprehensively beautiful and engaging content. This means that even stunning photos are no longer enough to gain subscribers into your networks. In this article we will tell you how to develop your account so that it becomes popular.

We have prepared another interesting article -. Want to lead the community, including Instagram, and receive maximum return? Read!

How to start an interesting Instagram

The basis of any blog is its idea. You must determine for yourself why you will spend time, effort and resources on your profile.

  • You have a project or company. In this case, you run a representative store. The emphasis will be on the image of the company.
  • You are a private specialist and are puzzled by building a personal brand. Here the process will be slightly different.
  • You haven't chosen a topic yet and want to make money from advertising.

In the first two options, there is already a direction in which posts will be created and the target audience is known, which makes the task a little easier. For those who have not yet decided, we have compiled a list of what is interesting to people on Instagram.

What you can blog about:

  • Lifestyle. If something unusual is happening in your life, you know how to write with humor and excitingly - shoot a photo series from your everyday life.
  • Various types of travel: extreme, hiking and all-inclusive.
  • Moving to another area, notes about the peculiarities of living in another country.
  • Wine, books, movies, TV series. Individually or in one account.
  • Politics, social issues, educational posts about human rights.
  • Gardening, landscape design, floristry.
  • Education. Online lessons on a subject you know well. Russian and foreign languages ​​and popularization of science are excellent.
  • Style and beauty. How to dress, make up, beauty secrets, natural remedies.
  • Pets. Usually these are beautiful and funny stories about the lives of pets. But you can also add care tips.
  • Cooking, proper nutrition. There are a lot of such blogs, but if you are an expert in your field, be sure to try to tell about yourself.

In fact, there are a thousand more topics. Write down on a piece of paper what interests you and what you can talk about for a long time and with enthusiasm. Perhaps nothing will immediately come to mind. This doesn't mean there's nothing to write down. Think about what you like and what you are willing to learn. Then choose a few of the most consonant directions and create test posts. Test what was easiest as an account concept.

Once you've chosen a direction, it's time to determine your target audience. Who will read you? Gender, age – insufficient data. Think about what will unite these people. For example, jewelry lovers may belong to completely different groups. Some of them love minimalism and brutality, while others care about atmosphere, magic and the history of the rings. The texts and visuals for these target audiences will be exactly the opposite.

Interesting design for a blog on Instagram: information about yourself, photo for your avatar and other points

When you know the direction of your activity and the needs of your target audience, it will be much easier to create a beautiful profile. To do this, you can leave your current account or register a new one. First of all, pay attention to the brand name. It plays a big role, since it will be used to search for you. The word or combination should be memorable, preferably short.

If this is a sales page, mention the field of work or company name. It is better to name your personal account by your last name. A blog that is written for advertising should also reflect the chosen topic.

Rules for creating an interesting name for Instagram

Go to edit your profile by clicking on the corresponding button next to your avatar. Further actions will be performed in this mode.

  • You can use the Latin layout, numbers, underscores and dots in the middle of the nickname.
  • You cannot enter the words like and follow.
  • Remove the first letter from the name if it begins with a vowel.
  • Come up with a shortened or foreign colloquial form.
  • Add a short word in English.
  • Name by last name or by a combination of the beginning of the first name and last name.
  • Combine with your specialty. For example, a psychologist or makeup artist.
  • If you represent a company, then a domain name or the name of a company or project will do.

Replace your avatar. It should be suitable for your field of activity, reflect the content of the blog and externally match the chosen publication style. Also pay attention to the clarity and composition of the photo. A good frame is one that will catch the reader’s eye and contribute to opening the post.

Under the profile photo there is a “header” - a description of the page. This is one of the important components of an engaging account. You have 150 characters to tell someone about yourself so that they understand what they will find here. And he stayed.

This information block can be located on the right, in the center, line by line or with a space between them. Typically the following information is included:

  • Username/brand name.
  • A succinct description of the blog content.
  • Characteristics of the company. For example: the best resort in Russia.
  • Contact details.
  • Link to another resource.
  • Working conditions (delivery, discounts).

The easiest way is to write all this in Notepad or Notes. Use space, enter. Then copy the result to the desired column in editing mode. Add an emoji to one or each item. Choose those that make sense. It looks neat and draws attention. Look at this example. It has everything you need.

Interesting ideas for designing photos on Instagram

Images must be of high quality and preferably unusual. Learn the rules of composition and working with light, practice every day, look for unused angles for any shot. For example, shoot a clearing of flowers in close proximity to plants. This way they will not merge into one multi-colored carpet and will look beautiful.

Post in the same style.

Come up with an element that will be present in each picture. It could be a color, a small object, a signature, a pet. There are apps that can help you plan such content: Plann + Preview for Instagram, Inpreview, UNUM, Snug for Instagram. If the same design seems boring to you, try to find several options and alternate them with each other.

A chess tape is created in the same way. Where two shades or text and visual information alternate. This feed looks especially good on selling and educational blogs. See what it looks like among popular bloggers.

The next technique of a unified style is changing the photo frames. Choose a suitable shade to frame the edges of the photo or make it circular. Such accounts stand out from the usual square formats. Applications that will help you implement your idea:

  • Instafit.
  • Whitagram.
  • Diptic.
  • Frame Swagg

Six More Tips

  • Create pictures with no more than five colors.
  • Choose light shades. There should be only one dominant.
  • Make collages. To do this, you need to download the Layot program. Instagram itself will offer you this action when you go to +, to the gallery. The icon you need is in the middle.
  • Film everyday work if your company produces some goods itself.
  • To post two, three or more photos at once, use the carousel tool. Click + at the bottom of the screen to select several.
  • Subscribe to blogs with beautiful visuals and browse, take away successful details, ideas and recycle them.

How to make Instagram interesting with Stories

Stories are small sketches from videos or photographs that are stored for 24 hours and then disappear. They show moments from the life of a project, a company, or your own. Record your thoughts, walks, whatever. This format is very popular among advertisers. Readers also love it, it diversifies the materials.

How to record stories

Go to the main profile page, find the avatar with a blue plus (upper left corner) and select the type of post. You have the opportunity to make a carousel of pictures or a series of beautiful, short videos. Experiment with the functionality. In Stories it is very easy to create polls, votes, and add emojis. In addition, you can broadcast live, trying on various Gif animations, and write a text message. To do this, in Story mode, click on the corresponding icon.

Other options:

  • Superzoom. Enlarges the selected object and adds dramatic music.
  • Boomerang. The video plays several times. Stickers and text are often added to it.
  • Reverse entry. He sketches the other way around, in reverse order.

Filters for photos and videos are also available in stories. Don't overuse them. Avoid posting too rich and bright publications.

  • Post useful information.
  • If the Story is selling, immediately provide a link to the product.
  • Inform about sales, remind addresses.
  • Contact readers and ask questions.

How to write interesting posts on Instagram, example

We've covered almost all the key factors for an engaging blog. There is one more left that directly affects popularity. In 2018, texts on Instagram are no less useful than unusual and beautiful photos. It is important to format them correctly - make indents between semantic blocks, add emoji as an emphasis on a certain fragment. And of course you need to be able to tell a simple, succinct, exciting story.

A few tips to help improve any recording:

  • Use a catchy opening. It should intrigue, surprise, and provoke a desire to argue. Anything as long as the user reads to the end.
  • Place the key piece of information in the first paragraph.
  • Ask at the end and invite discussion.
  • Limit the number of hashtags.

An example of informational and selling texts from a tea store account. The profile is maintained on behalf of the rhinoceros, which is in each image (another technique of uniform style).

An example of a survey on Instagram for a company offering car sharing services and information about new items on the menu from a pastry shop-cafe.

Interesting topics for posts and polls on Instagram

What to do if an idea for a note doesn’t come to mind? Take advantage of other people's content. No, you shouldn't assign it. It is enough to find out what other bloggers are writing about today and consider this issue from a different point of view or come up with a related one. If inspiration still doesn’t come, look at the selection we have prepared for you.

  • Take a photo of the “Product of the Day” and consider its benefits.
  • Reply to user comments.
  • Get busy debunking myths related to your field.
  • Post sketches from the lives of your employees.
  • Congratulate you on the holiday, wish you a good day, good night.
  • Tell us about discounts and promotions.
  • Write an expert post.
  • Address controversial issues of our time (especially if they relate to your activities). But remain neutral and be polite.
  • Ask your subscribers how they are doing. Don't forget to reply to comments.
  • Provide links to useful instructions, lessons, videos.
  • Share your stories: the creation of the project, funny incidents, achievements.
  • Hold a competition, flash mob, marathon.

Interesting topics for surveys on Instagram

It’s convenient to ask questions both in a regular note and in stories, live. The difference is that the second format has functions for something similar to voting - with buttons, animation, emoji, stickers. This may seem more exciting to the audience. Ask anything. Then you can write a post based on the answers.

To make such a survey, go to stories, select the desired photo from the gallery. You need the first icon of the three in the top right corner. Select "Poll", enter text. Several design options are available. To get into editing mode, just click on it. Leave the answers as “yes, no” or change them using the keyboard.


  • What city are the readers from?
  • What blogs do they subscribe to on similar topics?
  • What book to read/hotel to book/image processing tool to download.
  • What is missing from the notes or pictures.
  • Share the problem and ask for your opinion.
  • An attitude towards some significant event, an attitude towards a product.

Polls are an important option that increases profile engagement and other popularity indicators.