What do hackers do? Who is a hacker? Stealing code data

Word hacker comes from the English “hacker”, “to hack”, the latter is translated as “hack”, “shred”.

Previously, a hacker was a highly professional computer specialist who solved computer problems in an unusual, non-standard way.

In other words, he was a computer genius who had a creative approach to solving intricate, complex computer problems and could quickly correct errors in programs in a non-standard way.

Times change. Now the meaning of the word hacker has changed and ordinary users consider a hacker to be a computer hacker.

Along with the word "hacker" there is the word " cracker”, which in English is written as “cracker”, “to crack”, translates as “to split, break”. But among ordinary users, the word “hacker” has become widespread precisely in the understanding of a computer burglar.

Wizards, as well as geniuses, are good and evil. Likewise, hackers in the modern sense of the word are good (white) and evil (black).

White hat hackers find flaws in computer programs, report them, and help fix them.

Black hackers also look for vulnerabilities in programs, but having found them, they use these vulnerabilities for personal gain.

Hackers engage in hacking for a good purpose, or for the sake of self-interest, sometimes just for the sake of “sports interest”, just to hack. Let's look at this phenomenon (what hackers do) from different angles.

There is an idea that hacking is compulsive programming, a mental disorder, so to speak, manifested in an irresistible desire to install the latest, most modern version of this or that software on your personal computer.

Such behavior can be called computer addiction, as a result of which a person stops reacting to others and becomes indifferent to everything except the computer. According to statistics, this behavior is typical of people who have worked in programming for about ten years or more.

There is also the right to exist version that hacking can be called a certain group of people or community passionate about developing, improving and hacking programs. This phenomenon arose quite a long time ago, with the advent of early microcomputers and user groups united by common interests.

Now hackers are people who are engaged in network hacking, creating various virus programs and other activities that sometimes turn into outright fraud, prosecuted by law.

Benefit from hackers

Sometimes hackers are people who have extensive knowledge in the field of computer technology and who are true professionals in their field. For such people, hacking brings a lot of pleasure, but it also requires a lot: responsibility, patience, and sometimes restrictions on freedom to ensure personal safety (almost like intelligence officers).

And, for example, some large software development companies specifically employ hackers on their staff so that they look for vulnerabilities in the programs developed by such a company. There is a known case when Google specially organized a competition among hackers to hack its software for the purpose of subsequent modification and protection. And this is far from the only example of this kind.

People become hackers for various reasons. Such activities should bring moral satisfaction and/or material benefits. Being a hacker, as I wrote above, does not mean only being a hacker and a pest on the Internet. Many hackers use their knowledge in areas such as music, games, etc.

It is believed that a hacker should always be visible, but not advertise his personal data: first name, last name, address, etc. That is why real hackers are quite easy to distinguish from the so-called “crackers” who try to imitate them.

Crackers are constantly visible to users and because of this they often get into trouble with the law. Hackers try not to have any cooperation with crackers. However, ordinary users do not distinguish between hackers and crackers.

Punishment for hacking

In accordance with the law, severe punishment is provided for computer hacking, forcible destruction of information data, and the production and distribution of malicious programs, which is almost equivalent to war crimes. In war it’s like in war! In the Russian Federation, hacking is punishable by large fines, up to imprisonment, under two main “hacking” articles:

  • Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “Illegal access to computer information” and
  • Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “Violation of the rules for operating means of storing, processing or transmitting computer information.”

Some hackers therefore try to register their IP addresses, by which they and their malicious activities can be identified, found and stopped, in third world countries where there is no corresponding legal framework, thereby hoping to avoid liability.

[Dedicated to everyone who
starts with the terrible win32 trojans:]

Hacking is knowledge,
it's thinking about whether you have enough
self esteem to learn
program or master assembler, this
challenge yourself.

You can't become
hacker overnight, although no one ever gave
precise definition of the word “hacker”. Who are they?
Administrator who gives full-shell to ftp users
privilege? Or someone who can
program in most languages? A
maybe someone who can assemble blue/beige/black boxes
with your eyes closed? Are these people hackers? Because
what can they do? But will they? For example, maybe
serve as an experienced system administrator
– he has knowledge of who will
trying to get into his system. Know
your enemy. Do system administrators hack?
In most cases, yes. Why not? They have
less incentive to do so (scandals,
lawsuits, job loss), but, as it were,
whatever it is, it's still good

Then a hacker is someone who
smart enough to study and learn
properly. This is the one who can
penetrate most computers
systems without making unnecessary noise (not in all
cases, of course).

If you can save
activity until 3-4 am, figuring out something
or learning new information, then you are definitely on
the right way.


First of all, put
get yourself a decent operating system. Like me
I already said, know your enemy. If you are
you have something against SunOS 5.7, then get it
get yourself a copy of this operating system (quite
difficult;). Although it's much more fun to hack
windoze boxes.

When was OOB first revealed?
many “hackers” started using this:
it’s so easy to type cc winnuke.c and see
timeouts throughout IRC and killed Windows users:] (What
well, in one night...). Don't be like them, you
you can get stuck in a routine, get carried away
sitting on IRC for many hours, talking about these
“cool” hacks, think about them, but you don’t
you'll do something else. (though still
there may be new acquaintances on IRC, with such
aka “hackers” :)

Operating system,
the one I recommend is Linux. Study at
it’s much easier for her because they are open to you
all the insides of the operating system, and you can
just examine the sources for
vulnerabilities found by someone and
overflows that lead to DoS (Denial Of
Service – denial of service)

Open source allows
you code addons, modifications for
basic system functions that are very
useful. Of course, your coding skill should
reach a certain (high) level
before you can even understand five
source lines. Some people think
game hacking - finding a solution to a problem,
which is suitable in a particular case. IN
In principle, this is the essence of hacking.

Problem: the target is hidden
behind the firewall. Solution: write a Trojan that
after launching through a well thought out
inline JavaScript will send password/port/login
to the left email account somewhere on Yahoo.

Obviously that's all
very difficult, but no less fun.
Programming is also a problem, but
also solvable :) If you can, then learn C. Yes,
many can, but if you can’t, then no problem:
master the principles and fundamentals using more
a simple language such as Visual Basic or Pascal.

These languages ​​were created
to learn programming on them. Although
they have now progressed into something
more than that, I don't believe that there are people in
actually coding in Visual Basic :)

As soon as you place
Linux (it's not difficult, manuals for this subject
at every step) and start trying to code,
then you will need info. I always find
something useful at www.technotronic.net.

Of course you should
gain some fame, you
you can do this by looking for vulnerabilities with
subsequent writing of exploits for them.

I sometimes think about
pomposity, and this applies to everyone who
finds exploits and then reports them...
especially reports them to Microsoft. If you are
I found another bug in IIS 4, then just
use it.

Don't think for a second
that you can't. Microsoft is
the most exploited object of all time and
peoples:] The developers are so crazy
that the quality of the code leaves much to be desired
– this is already a tradition.

They tell us (in rare cases)
cases) that they are simply participating in some kind of “competition”.
I wonder with whom? My personal opinion is that this
just pulling out the next portion
cash from user wallets,
purchasing Upgrades. UPgrades? Rather Sidegrades
case with Microsoft, i.e. movement to the side, and
not upward, towards progress.

As soon as you purchase
the required minimum knowledge, don’t start doing it
nonsense that you can talk about later
greatly regret it. If you have a cable modem
or some other permanent connection with
Network, then don’t even think about any hacking
from your box. You must learn
cover your tracks well enough, just
remember that the telnet connection is via a box somewhere
in Germany it's a damn good idea
even if you can't stand the lag.

Well, we can say more
a lot and I will definitely return to this

Example program (C++):

#include using namespace std;

int main()

cout<< "I"m l33t"

Answers to questions on how to become a hacker

Hello friends! Today we will look at an equally interesting question: how to become a hacker. And if you are reading this article, then you will find interesting information that I have prepared for you. But I want to say right away that under no circumstances will I teach you coding, hacking, or anything like that.

In this article we will look at the basic and main points. You will find out who a hacker is, what he does, what skills he must have, what disciplines he must know, and if he doesn’t know, then study it as soon as possible, and also, we will consider the issue of the legality of this activity and what penalties follow for it.

Who is a hacker and what does he do?

A hacker is a person who is professionally equipped with knowledge of programming, managing operating systems, bypassing security system algorithms in order to increase security, a designer of the protection of personal and confidential information within companies and enterprises, a software developer.

Some people consider themselves hackers, but in fact they do not have the knowledge and skills that they should have. Such people do more harm than good. There are also people who try to use their knowledge and skills for personal gain. What are we talking about?

The fact is that having certain knowledge in the field of programming and decryption of systems, a person sees the vulnerabilities of a system and tries to bypass its security algorithms in order to get some benefit from it. In most cases, this benefit is cash. Such people, who are accustomed to hacking various systems and stealing digital information as part of their activities, are called crackers.

A cracker, also known as a “hacker,” is a person who is professionally equipped with personal equipment, as well as knowledge in the field of programming, and is exclusively engaged in hacking software products, websites, stealing information, and writing virus programs.

This is where some confusion arises. Nowadays it is customary to call people who engage in hacking or theft – hackers. But this is a misconception for many. And this article was written so that you understand the difference between a “bad” and a “good” programmer and developer. To consolidate: tech steals and breaks - crackers, those who develop and protect - hackers. For information, our entire Internet, also known as the World Wide Web, was developed by hackers, as well as network systems.

But crackers can also develop protection. After all, they write bypasses for security algorithms, which means it won’t be difficult for them to write their own security system, or a system that will confuse the traces of a hack in order to make it as difficult as possible to detect the location of the hack, i.e. where the system was attacked from.

In order to understand how to become a hacker, you need to dedicate some time and understanding to this section. To become a hacker and be a professional in your field, you need to have certain qualities, without which it will be very difficult for you. If you decide to choose this direction, then I recommend that you take my recommendations, which I will write to you later, very seriously.

The most important skill is analytical thinking. If back in your school years you were inclined towards mathematics, towards solving complex equations and problems, then in order to follow the path of programming and become a hacker you need to go to college at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. This will help you gain a strong foundation and strengthen your analytical skills. Here you need to learn, if you plan to “sit on a stump”, then it’s better not to.

Self-education is the main, and in my opinion, key skill. You will need to study many disciplines on your own. For example, English. You need to know it as native, or at least technical English. The structure of computer networks, the basics of operating systems, or better yet, read books on in-depth study of operating systems, as well as their programming. Books on security and software design, as well as cryptography.

You also need to master encryption methods for various systems at a professional level, and simultaneously study programming languages, but only for the area in which you plan to work. If time permits, you can study the programming languages ​​that are used to create websites. I think this skill will also be useful.

Always on trend. Read the latest news in the world of information technology and the blogosphere, topical books and magazines, constantly update your software, visit forums and sites for hackers, chat live with other hackers and programmers, share your thoughts and listen to what others say, but Don't always use advice in your work.

I hope I was able to give you the answer to the question of how to become a hacker, but I would like to add a little. You will have to constantly study, for a very long time. It can take years, 5 to 10 years, to become a professional in this field. Everyone develops differently. But the poem does not end there either. In order not to lose your grip, you will constantly need to feed your knowledge with new ones. I have already spoken about this.

To appear in the eyes of people as who you think you are, you must believe in what you do, in who you are. This must be your attitude in life, otherwise people will not take you seriously. Faith generates self-motivation.

Value your time and the time of other people. There is no need to invent another round wheel to solve any problem; the solutions already exist, they just need to be found. On forums and during live communication, do not ask stupid questions, only ask essentially ones if you seriously cannot cope with resolving the issue.

Don't waste time solving simple and monotonous problems. Design systems that will help you solve them. There is neither the desire nor the time to get bogged down in boring, monotonous events. Do what you are meant to do - solve new complex problems in order to develop in this direction.

Share your experience. Try to write open source software solutions. So that your colleagues and other hackers can use them, read them, see how the logic is structured, take something into their arsenal, somewhere tell you how to do it better. Also take part in testing already written programs by hackers just like you. Help them and don't be left out. This will affect your overall reputation.

A computer or laptop is your tool, which sometimes becomes dull and needs to be sharpened or repaired. Based on this metaphor, I want to say that your computer needs proper care, otherwise you can become a master without a tool. And your knowledge will be useless. Purge, replace hardware and software in a timely manner, and keep an eye on its appearance.

Don't hack for fun. You shouldn’t cause people such inconvenience just because you want to prove your superiority to others or to yourself. You need to clearly understand why you are doing this, and that for such things you face serious punishment, in the form of imprisonment. It is better to hack the system and inform its author about this vulnerability and the possibility of eliminating its causes.

So that you understand that all this is for a reason, that all this is not a joke, and you may be punished for hacking and unauthorized possession of information or causing harm. Let's look at articles that may not be in your favor, and for which you may receive time.

The most popular article is 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, fraud. Yes, you can be accused of fraud if you in any way deceive people, the system for the sake of profit and obtaining a financial and information component. Punishment: 120 thousand rubles, or the amount of wages for a year, compulsory work for up to 360 hours, correctional labor for a year, or imprisonment for two years.

Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: property damage, abuse of human trust. Punishment: 300 thousand rubles, or the amount of wages for two years, or arrest for two years plus a fine of 80 thousand rubles, and there is a lot more, you can read it.

Article 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - collection of confidential information that has any commercial secret, as well as banking or tax secrets: theft, bribery, threats. Punishment: 500t.r. or wages for 1 year, correctional labor for two years or forced labor for one year. The article has several points, I will not describe them all here. I think that's enough.

Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: counterfeiting and sale of credit and payment cards in general, unauthorized transfer of funds, documents, production of programs for the purpose of stealing funds and information. Punishment: forced labor for five years or imprisonment for six years and a fine of 100 to 300 rubles.

Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - unauthorized access to information stored on a computer. Punishment: 200t.r. or wages for one and a half years, or imprisonment for two years or correctional labor for a year.

Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is the creation, use and distribution of software created for the purpose of blocking, destroying, modifying and copying information located on a computer, as well as aimed at bypassing or destroying computer security systems. Punishment: imprisonment for four years or forced labor for the same period, or imprisonment for 4 years and a fine in the amount of 200 rubles.

These are just some of the articles that you can receive for “bad behavior” or excessive curiosity, or for your courage in which you will be while hacking any system or computer. So think about whether it's worth engaging in illegal activities, or being a law-abiding hacker who does good and helps people instead of harming them.

Believe me, your knowledge can be useful to attackers who can pay you a substantial amount for certain actions. But you can also earn the same money by testing, fixing errors, and searching for vulnerabilities in systems. Your knowledge will not go unnoticed. Therefore, it's up to you. You already roughly understand how to become a hacker, but what path to choose after that is up to you to decide, and a lot will depend on this decision, including your life.

Where should you start if you want to learn how to control program codes and cryptographic traps? How do you become a hacker? After all, they can easily break into someone else’s computer, cracking several passwords along the way. There is nothing strange in the desire to become a hacker, because everyone at least once wanted to look at someone else's mail or account.

Who are hackers?

So how do you become a hacker? First of all, you need to understand what is meant by this term. It should be noted that hackers have nothing in common with various types of attackers who steal money from bank accounts and attack a variety of resources in order to block user access to them. Naturally, modern computer experts have lost their status as highly qualified IT specialists. In connection with recent events, they began to enjoy a bad reputation among ordinary people.

But before this term hid real computer geniuses who were able to correct codes in programs based on their own non-standard algorithms. Therefore, having asked the question of how one becomes a hacker, one should realize the goals that will need to be achieved by mastering this not entirely simple and rare profession. It should be taken into account that at the present stage there are various kinds of restrictions in the laws. And you cannot ignore them, as this will entail responsibility. In addition, software fraud is already the cause of a large number of scandalous stories. And the main characters in them are precisely the hackers, who, however, can only lay claim to the laurels of thieves of other people’s money and secrets.

Learning programming languages ​​is required

Do you still want to answer the question of how one becomes a hacker? Then you should understand that without appropriate preparation nothing will be achieved. The career of a respected expert in the field of computer technology and software should begin with the process of learning programming languages. At the present stage there are quite a lot of them. It should be understood that there are languages ​​that allow you to communicate directly with personal computers. With their help, you can find solutions to various kinds of problems. In order to create stand-alone programs, modern tools are used. At the same time, network programming is a separate branch of program codes with commands that will allow you to structure documentation. With their help, you can also administer a wide variety of processes on the Internet.

Trying to figure out who a hacker is, it should be noted that there is another category of languages. We are talking about mechanisms for designing various software platforms in compact devices (mobile phones). In this regard, when making a choice in favor of a certain field of activity, it is necessary to select the appropriate programming language. This is where you need to focus the most attention.

Even simple instructions require knowledge

Naturally, in order to hack email, at the present stage you can use step-by-step instructions. However, they will not allow you to understand who the hacker is. And the principles of operation of different programs, as well as the intricacies of data transfer on the Internet, will still need to be studied. In this regard, you should first try to study the terminology characteristic of the environment of hackers and programmers. It is through specific terms that you can communicate with computer specialists without fear of amateurs who do not have sufficient knowledge to understand a special “language”.

Need to learn operating systems

How to become a hacker? Lessons through which you can study this area of ​​​​activity will require a lot of time, effort and desire. What else is needed besides learning the terminology and programming language? You should learn to read operating systems. Unix/Linux is considered a hacker family. A fairly important feature of Unixes is the openness of the code. You can read how the operating system was written. There is an opportunity to study it thoroughly. You can also make attempts to change something. In addition, Unix/Linux is Internet oriented.

Requires internet and scripting knowledge

To become a hacker, you need to understand how to use the World Wide Web. You should also understand the principles of writing HTML. The Web is a serious exception, a great toy for hackers. As politicians have said, the Internet has the power to change the world. And only for this reason it is necessary to learn how to work with it.

If you have not yet learned a programming language, writing HTML will help you acquire some useful skills. They will come in handy when mastering program codes and the principles of writing them. In this regard, you need to learn how to make at least home pages. You should also try XHTML. It is more neatly designed compared to classic HTML.

Technically, the World Wide Web is a complex of computer networks. However, at the present stage it is a fairly important communication medium that can be used to perform a variety of tasks. It should be understood that Russian hackers are required to know English. This is due to the large amount of information that is only available in this language.

There should be no monotony

Being a specialist in the field of computers, programs and the World Wide Web is a great pleasure. However, this will require maximum effort. Accordingly, motivation is necessary. To be a hacker, you need to enjoy the process of solving problems while honing your skills and training your intelligence. Specialists of this level never get bored of studying a lot of languages ​​and programs for a long time and painstakingly, and the work does not seem monotonous to them. They do what they like.

How to become a hacker? A set of programs (operating systems, programming languages, open source, etc.), knowledge of English, the desire to comprehend something new - all this will help in achieving your goals. But what else should you remember?

  1. We must not forget that in order to become one of the best in your business, you only need to solve the most difficult problems. You don't have to have too much self-esteem. You just need to set goals for yourself and develop day by day. If something was not clear today, then tomorrow you should try to understand the complex issue. If a new skill was not learned, then most likely the day was wasted. You shouldn't do yourself any favors.
  2. Not all computer specialists are the same. There are those who are only interested in making a profit. There are those who strive for knowledge and information, sometimes breaking the law. But all celebrity hackers have different goals. This is what allows them to achieve significant heights in their profession.
  3. As a beginner, you should not try to hack large corporations or government agencies. It should be understood that the people who are responsible for the security of these systems most likely understand their business much better. It should be noted that such specialists will not respond promptly even when an intrusion is detected. They will first wait until the hacker seriously attacks. In other words, a novice can feel safe after a hack by continuing to investigate systems, for example, for vulnerabilities. And at this time specialists are actively luring them into a trap.
  4. It is necessary to constantly improve by studying specialized literature.


Based on all of the above, we can draw a conclusion. We must constantly study a variety of disciplines, languages, literature, and the Internet. There aren't that many hackers. Therefore, in order to become one of them, you must initially prepare yourself for painstaking and long work, first of all, on yourself. And yet, if since childhood you have not liked solving logical problems, then you should try to find another activity for yourself that does not require brainstorming, maximum perseverance and serious patience.