Repost this vk entry as. How to repost on VKontakte and what is it? Why can’t you repost from a VKontakte group?

First things first

Every day in the news feed we see many interesting, funny or educational posts that we would like to save on our wall. Also, our friends often ask us to repost some news. But we don’t understand them and often blush for it. So, let's find out what a “repost” is. This is copying someone else's post onto your wall. The post can be taken from the page of another user, group or public page. Why do people copy records?

  • Just for fun (came across a funny picture or a clever idea).
  • For advertising purposes (for example, if your friend opens a store and uses social network wants to attract potential clients).

How to repost “VKontakte”?

There is another way to repost “VKontakte”. Again we find an interesting entry and move the cursor over the heart located under it. A small dark window pops up in which we need to click on the “Tell Friends” link. The post will appear on our page instantly. In fact, both methods lead to the same consequence. Which one to use is up to you to decide.

Cheating reposts on “VKontakte”

In order for a post to be popular and fulfill its function (as a rule, it is an advertisement for something: a service, a company, a product, etc.), it needs to be distributed to as many users as possible. How can I do that?

Now you know how to repost on VKontakte. We hope this information will be useful for you and your activities on the social network.

Hello, dear readers! All of you have probably seen enough of your friends’ beautifully designed VKontakte pages: there are some posts, pictures, videos, etc. there. and want you to have something similar.

Before moving on to practice and explaining how reposts are made, I would like to tell you what it actually is. Let's look at a few terms.

A post is your own entry on your page or the page of your group. You arrange it yourself.

A repost is a post you have copied from someone else onto your wall or the wall of your group. IN automatic mode You can repost posts from user walls or from group walls. You can also do this with comments or simply with articles on third-party sites.

We’ve figured out what it means to repost, and now let’s pay attention to the screenshot and see what reposts look like on the page of an ordinary user:

Now let's move on to practice.

How to repost a post from a user or group wall

There are two ways to do this.

Method 1.

We are looking for a post you like. We move the cursor over the heart or click on it, but do not move it away. We have a small window at the bottom of which there is an arrow with the inscription “Tell friends”. Click on it and the post will instantly appear on your wall.

Method 2.

While this is a more advanced method, a window appears in which we can choose with whom we will share this recording.

If you just want the publication to appear on your wall, then select the first item “Friends and subscribers”.

You can also add to this post and write some comments to it. Naturally, this comment will appear on your wall too. This way you will repost with your text

For everything to work out, you must be logged into VKontakte at this time and perform all actions in the exact browser through which you logged into your VKontakte account.

In this case, you can do the following. Usually, on almost all sites, at the bottom of each article there are social networking buttons, with which you can share site materials in different social networks. networks. We find the button that is responsible for VKontakte and click on it (the location and appearance of the buttons on different sites, of course, may not be the same).

You can also write your comment or addition to the article. You can do this in a text field.

You can also select an image that will be displayed next to the link to the article using the arrows.

If you don’t want any picture at all, then simply uncheck the box next to “Add an image”

After everything is configured, click on the “Submit” button

After all the manipulations have been completed, something like this appears on your wall:

How to repost a comment to your wall

We find a comment we like and click on the “Like” button at the bottom of the comment, a window pops up in which we click on “Tell friends”

"VC". In fact, this is quite an interesting and simple activity that can help many users. In addition, we will look at what it means to repost on VK, and also learn how to create them. There are several options for the development of events. We will consider all of them now.

What is this?

But first of all, let’s try to figure out what reposting on VK means. Maybe this is a completely useless thing, invented for entertainment? Then there is no point in talking about her.

In fact, the feature we are reviewing today has become very useful for modern users. Reposting means “rewriting” a post from someone’s page on your wall. Very helpful. Especially if you are a housewife looking for new cooking recipes on a social network. You can take this or that record in one fell swoop, and then place it on your own. This way you will never lose her. So we figured out what reposting on VK means. Let's now try to figure out how to implement the idea.

Create an entry

So, the first step we will be required to do is to create the necessary record. Or find her at all. If you want your post to be able to be placed on the walls of other users, then you will have to do a little magic on its birth. Otherwise, it will be enough to simply find any post on a social network that interests you, and then think about how to repost it on VK.

In general, if you are thinking about our topic today, it should be noted that all records can combine many different objects. That is, you can repost not only “naked” text, but also music, films, videos, pictures, animation, and so on. Whatever your heart desires. Now that you have found something that interests you, let's look at how to repost on VK.


As a matter of fact, all these “rewrites” will not take much time from the modern user. Just a few clicks and you're done. The main thing is to know where we need to click.

So, if you have found the interesting post you need, now the first thing you have to do is “like” it. Without this, you will not be able to understand how to repost on VK. Why do this? After all, a “like” on a social network is a sign of your approval of a particular post. In cases where a user wants to post a post on his wall, this means that he approves of it. So we'll have to check in. After this, we will have an excellent opportunity to rewrite our information.

Get to the point

Let's now talk to you in more detail about how to repost on VK. In fact, we only have one simple step left to do. Absolutely any user who can read can also handle it.

Take a close look at the window of the post you like. There, in the lower right corner, near the heart, you will see the inscription “tell your friends.” If you click on it, you will complete the task. After this, go to your profile - you will notice that the top entry will be the one you just “reposted”. In addition, this recording may develop a “horn” over time. It will be located near the inscription “I like”. Now we will find out what it is.

About the "mouthpiece"

So we have explained to you what reposting on VK means, as well as how it can be done. As you can see, the task is not particularly difficult. However, sooner or later you may see a small speaker icon next to any of your posts (or reposts). What is this?

In fact, there is no need to be afraid of this icon. This is just a sign that your post has also been reposted. The more people have overwritten the data for themselves, the larger the number next to the speaker will be.

If you want to see who liked your recording so much, you can simply move your mouse cursor to the “loudspeaker” icon and wait a little. After a couple of seconds, you will see a small window with avatars. If you click on the inscription “go to the list of shares”, a window will appear in front of you in which all users who have reposted your post from your page will be displayed. In cases where this is done, for example, from a friend’s page, the person will not appear on the list. Very convenient and useful. Let's now try to figure out how you can deal with this issue using a mobile application.

From a mobile phone

To do this you need to use special utility For mobile devices. It helps users work on the VKontakte social network. After you launch the application and log in, go to any page where there is an entry that interests you. In other words, find a post to rewrite for yourself.

Once the matter is completed, take a close look at the recording window. In it in the lower right corner you need to find the inscription “tell your friends”. Click on it - the post will appear on your page, and a like that you gave automatically will appear under the post.

If you don’t want to “scorch” yourself, then you can then click on the “I like” line again. The like will be removed, but the post will still remain on your page. In addition, after you post a post, its title will contain the address of the source page or group. This way, users will always be able to understand where you originally got this or that entry from.

As you can see, reposting is not that difficult. The main thing is to know what to do and where to click. Reposts can be deleted (like regular posts), but cannot be edited. Now you know how to repost on VK.

Many social network users use reposts. This is a very convenient option that helps spread any kind of information. Depending on the specific social network, the algorithm for reposting actions may differ. However, even a beginner should not have any difficulties using this option.

What does the word repost mean?

Reposting allows a social network user to copy a post they like to their page or community page (of which they are an administrator), or send it as a personal message.

Important features of this option include:

To get started, download the Instagram reposting app.

The program will allow you to post photos of other users on your page with a link to the original source to avoid copyright problems. Most of these apps are free, but they may include the name of the program used in the repost. Step-by-step instruction repost on Instagram:

  1. Open the application, enter your Instagram account details, if you are afraid for their safety, read reviews and comments about the selected program in advance.
  2. Find the post you want to post on your feed (the program provides a search similar to the Instagram application).
  3. Once you select a photo, a Repost button will appear. The position and appearance of the button itself may vary depending on the specific application. Mostly it has the shape of a square with two arrows, the ends of which rest against each other.
  4. In the same way, you can create a nested hierarchy: repost on repost or repost.


  1. Hover your mouse over the tweet you want to share.
  2. Click the Retweet button.
  3. A window will appear on the screen with the tweet that you are going to post to your account.
  4. Confirm or cancel the retweet using the appropriate buttons.
  5. After this action, the tweet will be sent to all readers of your page as a retweet.


  1. In the news feed or group, select the required entry.
  2. Click on the post text to expand the post to full screen.
  3. A “Share” button will appear at the bottom, click on it.
  4. A window will pop up on the screen where you can add a comment and check the box so that the note appears in your profile status.
  5. Click on the “Share” button again and the post will appear in your friends’ feed.
  6. Unlike the social network VKontakte, a post cannot be sent as a private message or to a group of which you are a moderator; you can only send a copied link to the post after opening it.


  1. Find the post you are interested in, click the “Share” button.
  2. From the drop-down list, select the place where you want to post the post: your own timeline, the timeline of one of your friends (you must specify a name), a page that you manage, a group of which you are a member, or send as a private message.
  3. In the second drop-down list, select the audience that will see the repost, among them: friends, friends of friends, all network users, only me, or your own settings.
  4. In addition, in the window you can add a comment, location, tag friends, attach stickers, and so on.
  5. After you have completed all the post settings, click the “Publish” button


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Almost each of us has our own page on a social network, the most popular and well-known of which is VKontakte. This is where you probably heard the words “repost” or “repost”, which are very popular among local guests. What it is? Let's look into this issue together.

In fact, both expressions mean the same thing. Repost or repost - posting a post from a friend, any other person, community or group on the wall of your page. In other words, the expression can be called copying. Thanks to reposting, some posts become extremely popular among society, which directly depends on the number of reposts.

Absolutely any content can be reposted. Most often this is some kind of recording or image, although sometimes there may even be a video recording or some kind of composition. In general, this does not matter.

In order for you to understand what exactly we are talking about, we will show you an example. Today's popular community “Overheard” will be used as a group.

So, choose any post that you like. Let's say the choice is made:

On the right side, under the entry, you see a heart icon. Hover your mouse over it and you will see this:

If you just like a post, nothing will change. In order to repost, you need to click on the “Tell your friends” link. This way the entry will appear on your page.