Errors in the 1c program. The most common 1C errors and methods for correcting them. Trying to write where you need to choose

More recently, starting with version, in the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program, the developers added a new type of operation Correction of own error to the document “Adjustment of receipts”. Now the document allows you not only to register corrected or adjustment invoices received from the supplier and make corresponding adjustments in accounting, but also to correct technical errors made by accounting employees. In this article, using a specific example, we will look in detail at how you can correct for accounting and tax purposes an error made when entering information from a primary document into the program.

Let me remind you that in order to be able to use the documents Adjustment of receipts and Adjustment of sales in the program, you must enable the Correction and adjustment documents checkbox in the program functionality settings on the Trade tab.

Let's look at an example

The organization "Rassvet" applies the general taxation regime - the accrual method and Accounting Regulations (PBU) 18/02 "Accounting for calculations of corporate income tax." The organization is a VAT payer.

In January 2016, when entering into the program the primary document presented by a third-party organization with an act of provision of services, the accountant-operator made two mistakes. Firstly, he indicated the incorrect cost of the service, and secondly, when registering the invoice received from the supplier, he made a mistake in indicating its number. The act of provision of services received from the supplier is registered in the program using the Receipt document with the transaction type Services. In the “Amount” column of the tabular part of the document, instead of the correct 6,000 rubles, 5,000 rubles were indicated.

The received invoice is registered in the “footer” of the document by indicating its number and date. Instead of the "real" number 7, the number 1 was indicated.
Expenses for the purchased service in accounting are classified as general business expenses (account 26). The document Receipt with the above errors and the result of its implementation are presented in Fig. 1.

When carrying out the document in accounting and for profit tax purposes, I took into account the cost of services without VAT on the debit of account 26 “General business expenses”, allocated on the debit of account 19.04 “VAT on purchased services” the amount of VAT presented by the supplier in correspondence with the credit of account 60.01 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors." The document also formed an entry in the VAT accumulation register presented, which is the basis for generating entries in the purchase book.

Consequently, as a result of an error when indicating the cost of a service in accounting and for profit tax purposes, the amount of expenses was underestimated, the amount of VAT claimed was underestimated, and the debt to the supplier was underestimated.

The Invoice document received is generated in the program on the basis of the Receipt document and, as a result, contains the incorrect amount and VAT amount.

The invoice document generated with the wrong number is shown in Fig. 2.

In the program, the amount of VAT can be deducted either using the regulatory document Formation of purchase ledger entries, or directly in the Invoice document received, with the Reflect VAT deduction in the purchase ledger by the date of receipt checkbox enabled.

The result of posting the document Invoice received is shown in Fig. 3.

The document, when posted in accounting, accepted the VAT amount for deduction and created an entry in the Purchase VAT register (in the purchase book), respectively, with an underestimated VAT amount and an erroneous invoice number.
The purchase book for the first quarter is shown in Fig. 4.

The cost of the service was paid to the supplier only in the next quarter. The Payment order document was created based on an erroneous Receipt document.

The posting of the corresponding document Write-off from the current account created upon receipt of an extract from the current account is shown in Fig. 5.

Finally, as a result of reconciliation of mutual settlements with the supplier, this error was discovered in the second quarter. VAT reporting for the first quarter has already been submitted.

Let's first remember how such an error in accounting and tax accounting should be corrected.

In accordance with clause 5 of PBU 22/2010 “Correcting errors in accounting and reporting,” an error in the reporting year identified before the end of that year is corrected by entries in the relevant accounting accounts in the month of the reporting year in which the error was identified.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 54 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if errors (distortions) are detected in the calculation of the tax base relating to previous tax (reporting) periods, in the current tax (reporting) period, the tax base and tax amount are recalculated for the period in which the specified errors (distortions) were made. .

True, there are exceptions to this rule. In accordance with the same paragraph of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer has the right to recalculate the tax base and the amount of tax for the tax (reporting) period in which errors (distortions) related to previous tax (reporting) periods were identified, when the errors (distortions) led to to overpayment of tax.

As we have already said, as a result of an error, the amount of expenses was underestimated. Consequently, for the purpose of taxation of profits, the tax base (profit) was overestimated and, accordingly, this led to excessive payment of tax. Therefore, corrections for profit tax purposes can be made in the current reporting period, as in accounting.

But in order to figure out what to do with VAT, we will turn to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1137 of December 26, 2011. In accordance with clause 4 of the Rules for maintaining the purchase book, if it is necessary to make changes to the purchase book (after the end of the current tax period), the cancellation of the entry on the invoice, adjustment invoice is made in an additional sheet of the purchase book for the tax period in which they were registered invoice, adjustment invoice, before corrections are made to them.

To correct the error we described, we will use the document Adjustment of receipts and select Correction of our own error as the type of operation.

On the Main tab, you need to select the basis - this is the receipt document in which the error was made, which we will correct (in our case, this is the document Receipt (act, invoice) No. 1 dated 01/11/2016). Just below, when you select the basis, a link to the document being corrected, the Invoice received and its details, is automatically displayed.

We need to correct the incoming number (the new value is 7). On this tab, you can choose where the adjustment will be reflected: only in VAT accounting or in all sections of accounting (we want to make corrections in accounting, in income tax accounting and in VAT accounting). You can also select accounts to record income and expenses.

The completed Main tab of the Receipt Adjustment document is shown in Fig. 6.

If, to correct an error, it is necessary to correct some total indicators, then you may need the following bookmarks: Products, Services, Agency services.
Since in our example an error was made when entering an act of service provision into the program, we will use the Services tab and indicate the correct price - 6,000 rubles.
The Services tab of the Receipt Adjustment document is shown in Fig. 7.

When posting the document in accounting, it will reverse the erroneous entry for VAT deduction (Dt 68.02 - Kt 19.04) in the amount of 900 rubles and create the correct entry in the amount of 1,080 rubles. Additionally, it will allocate on the debit of account 19.04 the missing amount of VAT presented by the supplier (180 rubles), increase on the debit of account 26 “General business expenses” in accounting and tax accounting the amount of expenses for the service (1,000 rubles) and, accordingly, increase on the credit of account 60.01 the amount of debt to the supplier (1,180 rubles).
The postings of the Receipt Adjustment document are shown in Fig. 8.

In addition to postings in accounting and tax accounting, the document will generate entries in VAT accumulation registers.
In the register of VAT presented (VAT amounts presented by suppliers) the receipt for the correct amount of VAT will be recorded, and since this amount of VAT is directly recorded by the document in the purchase book, its expense will immediately be reflected.

Two entries will be created in the Purchase VAT register. The first entry is a reversal of an illegally deductible VAT amount with an erroneous invoice number. And the second entry is the deduction of the correct amount of VAT on the invoice with the correct details. Since the corrections are made in the previous VAT tax period, the generated records will include the attribute of an additional sheet and the corresponding corrected period will be indicated.
The documents generated by the document Adjustment of receipt of entries in the accumulation registers are presented in Fig. 9.

Also, when posting a document in the program, a new Invoice document will be created (registered) with the explanation “correcting your own error” (see Fig. 6). This document can be viewed in the list of documents Invoice received. The erroneous and corrected documents are shown in Fig. 10.

Form of the corrected document The invoice received contains the date of correction and a link to the document being corrected. Also in the document form there are values ​​of the details of the invoice received from the supplier before the error was corrected and after it was corrected (Fig. 11).

Let's, to check the correctness of our actions, create a purchase book for the first quarter - the tax period in which the error was made.
We will indicate the required period in the report we generate. In the report settings, enable the “Generate additional sheets” checkbox and specify the generation option – for the current period.
The Purchase Book report settings are shown in Fig. 12.

Let's look at the additional sheet of the purchase book.
As expected, the additional sheet indicates the number of the additional sheet, the tax period and the date of preparation. Column 16 of the tabular section shows the total amount of VAT for the tax period before drawing up the additional sheet.
The additional sheet contains, as we expected, two lines: a reversal of an invoice with an incorrect number and amounts, and a corrected entry with the correct invoice number and correct amounts.
An additional sheet of the purchase book for the first quarter is presented in Fig. 13.

In this short article I will try to put together the typical mistakes that novice users of 1C Accounting 8 make. Most of these errors have nothing to do with accounting itself and are mainly associated with inattention or poor knowledge of Windows. However, there are others. Below is a list of the most common “rake” that users never tire of stepping on in my 1C Accounting courses, despite multiple repetitions.

"Curve" document date

This error so It is common that it is discussed in a separate article. Put the correct date on the documents!

Closing windows with a cross with or without reason

Similar to the previous paragraph, this is included in. Don't forget why you initially opened one window or another!

Trying to write where you need to choose

As everyone knows, in 1C Accounting there are fields intended for choice meanings. Such fields are indicated by a button with an ellipsis, the letter T, or a down arrow on the right side of the field. Here are two examples.


The down arrow button is for selecting from a drop-down list. The button with an ellipsis in most cases opens a separate window for selection, where you need to select an object. The button with the letter T opens a window in which you need to select Object type.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

If a field has a selection button, you should select rather than type. Below is the window that appears when you try to write where you need to select.


There are exceptions to this rule, which we consider in my courses on 1C Accounting 8. But in general, I can recommend following the rule: you see a field with an element to select - choose!

Trying to type in a table field where there is no cursor

If you need to enter data into a row cell of the tabular section, then make sure that this cell is active (as in Excel), otherwise the quick search will work when you try to enter text! An example is given below.


This was an attempt to print text in a selected cell without activating it. It should have been done like this.



Table sections can be long!

If the tabular part of the document does not fit into the size of the window, then a scroll bar appears at the bottom of the tabular part, as in the figure below.


This error is from the same series as missing fields. About the hidden part of the table Often forget. Pay attention to the arrow in the figure - it shows that you need to scroll the window and fill in what is hidden (in the example given, almost half (!) of the table is hidden)

Double click to edit element

... does not work when the window is open for selection! If the window is open for selection (easily identified by the presence of the Select button), then use F2 or the edit button on the toolbar!


Pressing a button belonging to to another window.

Below is an example of what NOT to do.


The required button is underlined in green, and the button belonging to TO A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WINDOW!

This is exclusively a problem with the Windows interface (problems with the ability to determine the boundaries of windows and other objects) and 1C Accounting ( "I'm just learning!!!") nothing to do with it! Of course, sometimes you can accidentally miss the mark with your mouse while thinking about something. But when this happens over and over again, isn’t it time to study the operating system interface?

For greater persuasiveness, I present the same picture in which the BORDERS necessary The windows are outlined with a green line. Arrow pointing to correct button is attached.


In 1C Accounting 8.3, windows open in separate tabs, so this problem is less common there (at 1C, did they also notice the problem?), but it has not completely disappeared.

In fields with numbers, zeros after the decimal point are the fractional part

These are, as a rule, pennies in amounts. There may be other fractional numbers. Below is an example in which an employee’s salary turned out to be too small :)


In the above example This is not twenty thousand, but twenty rubles!

Accountants often have to deal with the message “Error loading 1C metadata”, which causes active alarm, since most inexperienced accountants simply do not know how to fix such an error, how to make the program work again without problems.

The essence of the error is that the required file is missing from the database.

First of all, you should understand that the message “Error loading metadata in 1C 7.7” occurs in cases where the software, when launched, cannot directly detect the metadata file itself in the infobase.

This problem can also occur when this file was accidentally damaged. By the way, accountants who ignore the rules for correctly shutting down a PC often have to deal with such damage. Of course, sometimes external factors provoke this when the power suddenly goes out.

Especially incorrect shutdown provokes such a failure if the databases are located on removable media. Of course, if this removable media fails, you will not be able to use the metadata recorded on it. The possibility that the problem arose as a result of virus software entering the PC cannot be ruled out.

Ways to resolve the error

If you witness the message “Error loading metadata in 1C on Windows 7”, put panic aside, concentrate and start figuring out how to solve the problem that has arisen. Believe me, if you follow the recommendations, this problem will not seem so scary and incredibly difficult for you.

Of course, you must understand that not just one corruption, but several at once can lead to a metadata error in 1C 7.7. Only due to the fact that the program initially loads the md.file, when it detects its corruption, it signals this with the message “1C metadata error.” You simply cannot find out immediately about other malfunctions of database components, since the program simply does not notify you about it.

Unfortunately, you could even provoke such a terrible problem for you with your own hands. This often happens when there is a desire to rewrite the md.file using a copy. This is a catastrophic mistake for the program, so it is not at all surprising that it begins to “revenge” the accountants for their inept handling of it. If you want to rewrite information, it is unacceptable to make a copy.

Algorithm of actions

In order not to further harm the program, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of experienced users. If an already damaged information base is discovered, do not rush to take any action until you have made a sector-by-sector copy.

If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to easily restore the database later. Unfortunately, those who ignore these tips may lose the opportunity to fix a system failure. So, if an error occurs in loading metadata in 1C Enterprise, first check whether the program itself sees the path to the infobase.

Even if he sees it, do not rush to move on to the next steps, check the correctness of the indicated path. Sometimes, during a system failure, the path becomes incorrect; of course, the program cannot use the information base, for this reason it will not load correctly. Unfortunately, if the path is correct, it means that the problem is still more serious, but it can be dealt with.

Let's start looking for the causes of the problem if the software sees this file, but cannot read it. We suggest that you open Windows Explorer, and then try to create an exact copy of the configuration file, placing it on a different disk space.

If even with such actions an error message appears indicating that the file cannot be read, then there is a high probability that your disk on which the database is saved is simply damaged. Sometimes this happens when a removable disk has protection that limits read permissions.

Unfortunately, quite often accountants are faced with the fact that a file can be read, but it turns out to be damaged due to a virus attack, incorrect shutdown, etc. So, before proceeding further, it is very important to make a backup copy and place it on another disk space.

It’s good if accountants periodically create a backup copy, then it’s enough to unpack this copy and replace the damaged file with this copy. If there is simply no such “saving” archive, use the “friendly” help of the GComp utility. This utility helps to unpack the configuration file, and then successfully pack it in the same way, restoring the functionality of the program.

We also recommend viewing the file name using any HEX editor. If you find that it has nothing in common with Compound, it means that someone “ate it with a huge appetite.” In most cases, after a virus intervention, it is no longer possible to do anything with such a file.

If your program had a standard configuration installed, then look for the same one on the Internet, after completing a successful search, simply replace it. Of course, if the file contained extremely important information, it is better to entrust all these manipulations to professionals who, in most cases, will be able to return what you lost to you.

It is important to understand that when deciding to restore metadata yourself, the risk of fatal failures is much higher than in the event of a system failure. For this reason, take a responsible approach to solving this problem and strictly follow all instructions to get the satisfaction of an excellent result.

There are situations when, when working with 1C 8.3 or 8.2, you get the error “DBMS error: Internal error in dbeng8 component.” Of course, its description is not as informative as we would like it to be.

In this case, most likely, the structure of the internal storage of tables in the database of the application solution you are using is broken. Don’t despair, the error can be treated and if you use all our advice, you will most likely be able to fix it.

Please note that before proceeding with the methods below, Necessarily. You shouldn't create unnecessary problems for yourself.

In cases like this, as with fixing anything, it's always best to start from simple to complex. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is install the latest version of the 1C platform. If you are already using it, or for some reason do not want to update, you can simply replace the “dbeng8.dll” library, taking it from the directory with another installed program, both on your PC and on another.

In our case, it is located in the “D:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\\bin” directory, since this is where the platform itself is installed.

Testing and correction in 1C

Often, the method of updating the platform does not always help, since the error lies in the database itself. In this case, with a very high probability, it will help you.

Using the configurator

Solving the problem in this way is done from the configurator. Go to the "Administration" menu and select "Testing and fixing...".

In the preliminary settings form that appears, remove the flags from the items “Reindexing infobase tables” and “Recalculation of totals.” These add-ons will not play a role in correcting our error, but will only increase the data processing time.

After clicking on the “Run” button, the program will start the process of testing and correcting the information base, which can take quite a long time. Upon completion, you will be presented with a full report.

Utility "chdbfl.exe"

This utility is an analogue of testing and correction and is intended for file information databases. No need to search on the Internet where to download it. This utility is included in the delivery of the 1C platform itself and is located in the same folder as the library referenced by the error we are correcting.

In addition, you need to find out where the information base in which you received the error is located. Select it in the list of information bases, and at the very bottom of the window, this information will be available to you.

Now let’s open it itself and in the “DB file name” field, select the file “1Cv8.1CD” from the directory whose address we just found out.

We need not only to carry out diagnostics, but also to restore the functionality of the information base. In this regard, in this situation, it is necessary to set the flag on the “Correct detected errors” item.

These and some other methods are also discussed in this video:

1C Enterprise stream format error is one of the most common errors that arise when working with 1C programs. From the publication you will learn how to fix a 1C Enterprise 8.3 stream format error without contacting 1C administrators or partners, using proven methods.

You are working in the 1C program, everything is fine, but here it is unknown why a small form appeared with the notification “Stream format error” and with the options “Quit” in the program or “Restart” the program. Restarting, of course, leads to nothing, the error appears again...

...from the publication you will learn:

Stream format error 1C Enterprise 8.3 is one of the most common in 1C:Enterprise work and at the same time one of the least informative. A window pops up with an error message and no additional information about what is broken and where and how to fix it. Therefore, to correct the 1C stream format error, we will begin by calculating the reasons for the appearance of this error, so that we can better know the “enemy” in person.

Why does a 1C Enterprise 8.3 stream format error occur?

To find out the reasons for the 1C 8.3 stream format error, it is necessary to consider the data area of ​​the 1C platform. Here I would like to note that the 1C platform during operation uses:

  • HDD, on which temporary settings files, logs, service and user information are saved during operation of the 1C platform;
  • net(in the case of network work), through which data packets are exchanged with other computers or network servers (in the case of the client-server version of 1C Enterprise).

Moreover, the 1C Enterprise platform constantly uses these resources.

Now imagine that there was a power surge, so part of the network packet was distorted and was recorded in an incorrect form, or the electricity was turned off and the data that was written to the 1C cache was partially recorded, what will happen in this case?

The first step is to make a copy of the 1C information database in case the working database is damaged when it is corrected.

An effective way to fix a 1C Enterprise 8.3 stream format error for 1C file databases

If you are working in the file version of 1C Enterprise, have become a victim of this scourge, then I want to offer a way to get rid of it, which works in 78% of cases.

  • To do this, you need to go and delete all files and folders, EXCEPT DATA FILE 1Cv8.CD . The operation requires skill, so be careful not to overdo it! 🙂

You can see the path to the 1C Enterprise 8.3 database directory when you start the program - it will be located at the bottom of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 launch window.

Don’t worry about the deleted files - these are all service files that will be created anew in the correct format the next time you start 1C Enterprise 8.3.

  • If the proposed method does not help, then the chdbfl.exe utility is provided to correct file databases in 1C Enterprise 8.3. Check the structure of your database using this utility.

1C 8.3 stream format error still persists? Badly! Read on.

Standard steps to correct stream format error 1C Enterprise 8.3

Detailed publications have been written on these topics, so I have nothing to add here. Read the articles and do everything exactly as written.

If, after performing manipulations with the database, a “stream format error” still appears, in this case, try another proven method:

  • upload your database with the *.dt file, create an empty 1C database and load the previously uploaded *.dt file into it. An article about will help you with this operation.

At this step, the 1C Enterprise 8.3 stream format error can be corrected in 94% of cases. But what should I do to eat if I haven’t slept???

Non-standard ways to fix a stream format error 1C Enterprise 8.3

Before this, all the standard operations to correct this error were carried out, and if by this point the error has not been eliminated, then you will have to get creative. This process is also called “dancing with tambourines” or “shamanism”... Therefore, if you have not “danced” before, then the 1C Enterprise 8.3 stream format error can be an excellent match for you. So let's continue:

  • Try loading the *.dt file in the new database created on another computer. This will eliminate the possibility of incorrectly functioning hardware or programs on the computer where the base is located.
  • Uninstall (namely, REMOVE via Add or Remove Programs) the 1C platform and install it again, preferably the newest version. We exclude incorrectly working executable files of the platform that could be damaged by viruses or “crumbled” sectors of the hard drive or other means.
  • Update the configuration for the next release or load the current configuration from a *.cf file with complete object replacement.
  • Disable your firewall and antivirus software. There is a possibility that the executable file was detected in suspicious activity by the antivirus and was quarantined or remained under strict control with blocking of “dangerous” actions. In any case, we exclude the option of antivirus quarantine.
  • Delete temporary files on your computer. They are located in several places:
  1. In the user profile, to search, enter %Temp% in the address bar of Explorer.
  2. In the folder C:\Windows\Temp
  3. Sometimes on the C:\Temp drive
  • Another method was once used when nothing helped - they created a complete initial image of the database and then untied it from the RIB, making it independent. We got the same base by passing the initial one through the RIB mechanisms (like through a meat grinder 🙂).

A couple more ways to fix the stream format error 1C Enterprise 8.3

There are a couple more ways with a hacker approach:

  • load the *.dt file into the client-server database (if the database with the stream format error is client-server, then do it on it, having first made a copy) and clear the file from all records in the table " configsave» via the software console.
  • The Tool_1CD utility checks the stream format. Download this utility and check the stream.

The methods for correcting stream format errors described in the publication have been tested in practice - they work!

I hope I haven't forgotten anything. If something else suddenly comes to mind, I will definitely add to the publication.

Good mood to all readers! Let the stream format error bypass you!!! 😉

If you don’t understand something about the question of how to fix the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 stream format error, then you can ask a question in the comments to the article or on.
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1C stream format error - correction method