How to create your own blog. How to create your own blog How to make your own personal one

The process of creating a website is an interesting and... uncomplicated task. But many people think on the contrary, to make a website yourself you need to be a good programmer and know “a bunch of everything.” Yes and no! In fact, everything is much simpler. With the help of modern online tools, you can create a high-quality project and make a profit from it. You just need a little patience and delve into this process...

Once upon a time I was a “newbie” in this area and did not know how to create my own website from scratch. However, I began to look into it and it turned out that it is quite simple if you carefully read the information on this topic. Especially for beginners, I have made step-by-step instructions and I hope that you can create your own website today!

You won’t be able to master the material in one fell swoop - bookmark this page so that it is always at hand. The section is quite voluminous in content, so study the information sequentially and you will definitely be able to make a new website on the Internet with your own hands.

This guide will describe in detail the process of developing a project from scratch: we will look at methods of creating websites, their advantages and disadvantages, and we will make a website in a reliable hosting company Regru. But first things first.

Why do you need to make your own website?

Why do you need to make a website? The reasons and goals are different for everyone, most Internet users create websites to:

  • make money on it, for example, using contextual advertising and other methods;
  • provide yourself with search traffic, for example, for an online store or your business outside the Internet;
  • and other goals...

Of course, there are many more goals for making your website and they can be classified according to the functions that the Internet resource will perform. This means that having your own website on the Internet is a necessity for a modern person.

It doesn’t matter what prompted you to take this step, another thing is important: to know where to start, what and how to do. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to create on your own from scratch, fill and promote Internet sites not only for yourself, but also for friends and acquaintances, and maybe site building will become your online business and real work on the Internet.

Terms and their definitions

Promo code for a 5% discount on services from Regru: 6189-DC7A-1575-6678

Now let's move on to the step-by-step instructions...

To make a website yourself, you must follow the following steps of the instructions yourself:

  • Step 1 - choosing a theme for the site (what will your site be about?);
  • Step 2 - domain for the site (how to come up with a name, check and register);
  • Step 3 - order hosting, select a control panel and delegate a domain;
  • Step 4 - selecting and installing a CMS for the site (which engine to install, recommendations).

Step 1: Selecting a theme for the site

A lot depends on the theme of the site: this includes its name (domain name) and the installation of a suitable template. In general, you need to approach the choice of the direction of your resource responsibly. After all, if you choose the wrong goal, you can be left without future visitors, which means all the work done is down the drain.

Do you already know what your website will be about? No? Here are a few simple principles to consider when choosing a theme for your web resource:

  • it should be interesting to you;
  • you must understand at least a little bit about it and understand something;
  • If you can write at least a little in this niche yourself, then that’s very good.

Most popular topics: business and finance, cooking, medicine, beauty and health, construction, entertainment, real estate, accounting, psychology, personal blogs about everything in the world or about something specific.

If the issue has been resolved, then move on to the next step of the instructions.

Step 2: Domain for the site (how to come up with a name, check for availability and register?)

Have you already decided what name your future project will bear? Do this before you start creating your website.

Coming up with a name for your website, especially for beginners, can be difficult. Here are some tips and tricks on how to do this:

  1. The domain name should be simple, memorable and, if possible, short - up to 7-10 characters and correspond to the theme of the web resource (but not necessarily), for example, for an automotive website - "" (4 characters excluding, "" (8 characters), "" (10 characters) and so on;
  2. For blogs, many people like to use their last name in transliteration - “”;
  3. It is allowed to use hyphens and numbers, as in the examples above, or you can even use “”, but this will not add beauty. It is advisable to use this technique when the domain is already occupied;
  4. Determine the target audience of the site, that is, the national domain zone, for example, for Russia -, for Kazakhstan -, for Ukraine -, or use a general purpose domain -, I think you understand the meaning;
  5. It is advisable to refrain from using Cyrillic characters in the name of the name, such as “mysupersite.rf”;
  6. Use English words, not transliterated Russian. For example, which name looks better, “” or “”?;

All that remains is to check if the domain is taken and register it.

2.2. Checking a domain name for availability and registering it

Check your domain name for availability on this page Register and if it is free, register it. Or click on the button below.

What to do if the domain is busy? It is possible that this could happen - I came up with a beautiful name, but it is already taken and I am left scratching my head again. In this case, “play around” a little - additionally use suitable prefixes (good-, fast-, pro- and others), hyphens and numbers.

If you still find it difficult to come up with a name for the site, then generate it here: Namegenerator.

Bottom line: what was done to create the site?

Let's summarize. So, what steps did we take to create our website ourselves?

  1. decided on the method of creating a website and chose the most popular one - a website on paid hosting;
  2. registered with the reliable company Regru;
  3. came up with a domain name and registered it;
  4. bought hosting, decided on a control panel and registered DNS for the domain;
  5. installed a free engine.

What to do next with the site?

I hope that the step-by-step instructions were useful to you and that you were able to achieve positive results on your own: create a personal website from scratch. True, this did not reduce the work, but on the contrary, it became even more. There's still a lot to do, so you won't get bored!

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments.

Website creation FROM and TO

The first book in Runet, which describes the full cycle of website creation: from design to placement on the Internet!

The book describes in detail the process of creating a real-life website with many illustrations and code examples.

Start learning website building today!

Get the book for free!

Good luck to you, Patience and Good Luck!


    • 1.1. Determining the theme of the future site and choosing a name
    • 1.2. Choosing a domain and hosting services
    • 1.3. Development of the technical component of the site: how to create your site from scratch or install an engine
    • 1.4. Website promotion and content
    • 2.1. The target audience
    • 2.2. Geotargeting
    • 2.3. Site objectives
    • 2.4. Site platform
    • 3.1. Content Creation
    • 3.2. Design development
    • 3.3. Website layout
    • Question No. 1. How to find reliable and experienced performers?
    • Question No. 2. Where can you learn how to create professional websites?
    • Question No. 3. Is it possible to learn how to create websites for free?
    • Question No. 4. How much income can you achieve by creating websites?
  • 5. Conclusion

Developing your own website can pursue one of several goals: advertising services, creating a blog or selling resource, providing important information, opening a useful system or service. Different goals determine the complexity of the project and the costs required to make the launch of the site possible. Read in more detail about the classification of sites by types and types

In order to figure out how to create your own website, you will need to find out what hosting and domain are, learn how to use technology HTML And CSS maybe even learn PHP, JavaScript And MySQL. Required knowledge determined by the complexity of the project.

This article will tell you in detail how to create your own website (blog) yourself for free from scratch and raise it in search results using SEO promotion.

Creating websites yourself - guide and instructions

1. “How to create a website” - where to start

Any development begins with the emergence of an idea, on which the success of the future project depends. If it is original and interesting, it will benefit both the creator and the visitor.

Usually people create a website about what they do best. This is something you should pay attention to when developing an idea.

1.1. Determining the theme of the future site and choosing a name

Simultaneously with the emergence of an idea, it is worth choosing a topic, since these things are interconnected.

The same rule applies here - you need to choose the area in which you have accumulated the most experience. However, you can try yourself in a new direction if it seems quite profitable and interesting.

Having figured out the idea and theme, you need to choose a name. It should be brief, make it clear what the site is about, and be original. The name is not always identical to the domain (web address), but can also repeat it. The originality of the name is easy to check at the next stage.

1.2. Choosing a domain and hosting services

Domain - the name of the site, its address on the Internet, consisting of two parts: titles And domain zone.

The domain name size should not exceed 15 characters, otherwise there may be problems with site indexing by search engines.

You also need to decide in which zone the site will be located ( .ru, .com And so on). This also affects the speed at which the resource appears in search results.

For sites in Russian, it is logical to choose .

There are other well-known zones that are not tied to language or country:

  • .net- sites whose content is connected to the Internet.
  • .biz- projects dedicated to businesses.
  • .info- informational resources.
  • .com- commercial project.

When choosing a domain, you should check its compliance with unspoken rules that make it easier to enter the domain name in the address bar:

  1. The name is easy to remember and original.
  2. The name is simply typed in Latin. What makes the set complex is the presence of hissing letters and the letter “Y”.
  3. There are no hyphens in the domain.

Now let's talk about hosting.

Hosting - hosting a website on the Internet, a service provided hoster(hosting company).

In short, hosting is required to ensure uninterrupted 24/7 access to your website.

As a rule, ordering hosting costs novice website builders about 500-1500 rubles in year. The cost of hosting partly depends on how large the site will be.

In addition, the load on the site affects - in order to withstand the influx of visitors, additional capacity will be needed.

Hosting may cause problems with indexing, so you need to choose trusted companies.

It is worth paying attention to the following components:

  • price,
  • hosting provider reputation,
  • fast response support service,
  • quality and variety of services offered.

In some cases it makes sense to order domain from one company, A hosting services - from another.

For example, if the hosting company offers favorable conditions, but does not have sufficient reputation. In this case, if any problems arise, the transition to another hosting will be painless.

1.3. Development of the technical component of the site: how to create your site from scratch or install an engine

If you have the necessary knowledge, you can create a website yourself for free from scratch, but many errors may appear, and development by yourself will take a long time.

Alternative to this - installing a paid or free engine, using the capabilities of which you can quickly configure the site architecture.

The second option is also useful because many templates have been developed for popular engines that help reduce the time spent developing the structure and design.

Sample - the ready-made “backbone” of the site, onto which all created content, that is, content, is pulled.

1.4. Website promotion and content

Content can be write on your own or order copywriters, the main thing is that he is unique, useful, well structured and error free.

Not only texts are used, it is very useful to create unique graphic information: screenshots, graphs + video materials.

Website promotion is carried out in two ways: independently or through order SEO from professionals.

Neither option provides a guarantee, but the second path brings results much faster.

Key points when creating a future website - what you should pay special attention to

2. What should you pay attention to when creating a website?

To avoid having to redo a lot after launching the site, you need to pay attention to four things right away:

  1. the target audience;
  2. geotargeting;
  3. website platform;
  4. site tasks.

2.1. The target audience

If the site is not useful to those for whom it is intended, then the traffic will be zero. In some cases, determining the gender and age of most of the target audience is quite simple.

For example, a website for sewing children's clothing will be in demand in women 20-35 years old, and the online spare parts store will be visited more often men 20-50 years old.

Knowing your target audience, you need to fill the site with content in such a way that it is interesting to this particular group of people.

2.2. Geotargeting

For people offering certain services, it is especially important where exactly site visitors live.

For example, a window installer is not interested if potential clients are in another region or even in another country; he wants people from his locality to visit the site.

For this reason, some sites optimize for the queries asked by residents of a particular city, this is called geotargeting .

This also includes the language in which the site will be maintained. Some resources have been translated into foreign languages ​​and are aimed at audiences from all over the world.

2.3. Site objectives

Having decided exactly how the site will generate profit, it will be easier to decide on its type.

Are you planning to sell the product? Will do online store or promotional site. Will there be tutorials on the site for making wooden figurines? Then it’s worth creating information site or blog. Thus, it is necessary to decide what and how the site will offer.

The objectives of the site must necessarily include the formation of a positive image of the company, the resource itself or the person.

2.4. Site platform

The platform for creating a website means the hosting on which it will be located, the domain zone used, as well as the CMS or designer.

Step by step guide

3. How to create your own website for free - step-by-step instructions + video

After the webmaster has decided on the site’s objectives, chosen the engine and site type, there are three more steps left:

  1. content creation;
  2. design development;
  3. layout.

Then all that remains is to buy a domain and hosting, transfer the site to it and launch it.

3.1. Content Creation

All content of the future site can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. text information;
  2. photographs and images;
  3. video recordings.

Not all sites use video in their work, but it can be useful. There is a well-known technique in SEO when a topical video from YouTube is added to an article.

The lion's share of the work almost always involves writing. You can entrust this task to a copywriter or do it yourself. In most cases, the usefulness of a resource depends on the text, especially if it is an information site.

Keep in mind! You cannot simply copy information from another site - this risks deleting all pages from search results.

All articles must be unique (See the article about text uniqueness) and not contain obvious errors, because search engines even look at this. Another requirement for texts is that they must be relevant to a given topic, that is, correspond to it. This is determined by the presence of keywords in the article.

In online stores, the graphic component is especially important; colorful photographs of products will be needed.

3.2. Design development

When determining how to create your website and what it will look like, a prototype will help - a graphical layout that reflects the structure and location of the main elements of the site.

Design is of utmost importance to attract users. It should look modern, but not be intimidating with a riot of colors.

It’s worth deciding in advance where the menu and gallery will be located, and what size the header will be. The layout marks the areas in which the text will be located; at the same stage, it is worth choosing the main font.

It is important to decide on the range of colors: will they be bright or dull, light or dark.

After working through these points and sketching the prototype in "Photoshop" you can start layout.

3.3. Website layout

Based on the layout, a website template is created. The point of layout is for the site to look as it should in any browser and on any platform, but adjustments may be required.

At this stage, the site takes on a finished form:

  • content is added;
  • links are provided;
  • site functionality is configured.

At the end of this step, the resource becomes completely ready to be transferred to hosting and launched.

To complete the final steps you will not need any special knowledge, just follow the instructions for the CMS or use the program "Filezilla".

Layout will require knowledge of CSS, HTML and the use of appropriate applications.

There are many programs for editing and viewing code, but for most problems you can use "Adobe Dreamweaver" And "Notepad++".

Watch the video: “Your website on the WordPress engine in 1 Hour 38 Minutes. Step by step guide!

Questions and answers

4. Frequently asked questions about website development and creation

Beginning website developers often ask similar questions, and here are the most pressing ones:

Question No. 1. How to find reliable and experienced performers?

To find competent copywriters, designers, layout designers and programmers, you need to study their portfolio, read existing reviews, read their blogs, if any.

It’s good if the performer is officially or. This gives certain guarantees.

Question No. 2. Where can you learn how to create professional websites?

Beginning website builders are offered courses that can be found in every major city. However, technologies are constantly being refined and improved, SEO optimization rules are changing, so ultimately many things will have to be learned on your own.

Question No. 3. Is it possible to learn how to create websites for free?

The Internet is full of free training courses that provide very specific knowledge.

The best place to start is with HTML and CSS. Then you can move on to programming or try your hand at using a CMS. Computer graphics skills will also come in handy.

Question No. 4. How much income can you achieve by creating websites?

The amount of earnings from website development is not limited, and therefore can even be 10000$ per month. Ultimately, it all depends on experience, talent, reputation and availability of orders.

So, you decided to create your own website, you came up with a theme and what will be on it, but you don’t know how to do it. It's actually not difficult now. Creating a website yourself is much more profitable than ordering it from a Web studio; the price can range from thousands to several tens of thousands of rubles (everything will depend on the design and content).

Here are the main ways to create a website:

- choice of topic and structure

- coming up with a domain name

— choice of hosting

- selection of website engine

— filling it with articles

The first step is to decide on the theme of the site, what sections and items it will consist of. You don’t need to make a website about everything, you should cover one topic that you understand and that will be of interest to the reader. When we figured this out, we come up with an original domain name for the site. Domain– the name of your website, no two are alike on the Internet, all domains are unique. Then we move on to selecting hosting - a “home” for your domain, so to speak. Hosting– this is when the provider provides rental of disk space to host your website. They are paid and free. By the way, when choosing hosting, you can also select a domain there. After the domain is hosted, we move on to the main work on the site: choosing an engine and filling it with content (text, articles and images). If everything stated above is more or less clear, then it is not clear what a website engine is?!

First, let's figure out what a website page consists of and how it is structured. And it consists of html code(from the English “Hyper Text Markup Language” - hypertext markup language) and structures CSS(Cascading Style Sheets - cascading style sheets). On any site, right-click and click “Source Code” or “View HTML Code”.

This kind of “abracatabra” should open up.

In fact, this is how the site consists from the inside. This is the internal filling (html code) and the skeleton (CSS) of the site. In order not to manually create a website in HTML, there are engines, because a novice web master will need more than one month to thoroughly understand the html code and CSS tables. Using engines allows you to reduce time and increase productivity when developing a website. But at least superficial knowledge of html code is needed, for example, to intervene in a design that you don’t really like. Here are the most popular engines: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, DataLifeEngine, PHP Nuke etc. My website is powered by WordPress.

So, let's summarize. To begin with, we choose an interesting topic, think about what the structure of the site will be, choose a domain name and place it on hosting, then install the engine and start working.

These are the main points for creating a website.

Let's look at how I created my website. I won’t dwell on the choice of topic, everything is clear here. With the name, I had to think about how it would be original and memorable. on his story. It is imperative to check a new domain before registering if you want to create a completely clean website. Some abandoned sites have a bad reputation with search engines, perhaps due to their subject matter and therefore it is better that your new domain name does not coincide with the names of such sites. Then I chose . Hosting and domain cost me three hundred rubles. The domain is provided for a year, but I pay about one hundred and fifty rubles for hosting every month. Although you can buy everything for a year. and selected the necessary template for our engine. A template is the appearance of a website. WordPress also has standard templates, but I didn’t like them. After that, having understood WordPress a little, I began filling the site with content.

OK it's all over Now! It's actually not difficult, the most important thing is to start. If, for example, something is unclear, I go to a search engine, type in what interests me and take the information in a video or text version.

The most important thing to understand is that all problems are solved as they arise.

With the development of Internet technologies, more and more opportunities for earning money and developing your business appear online. Simple and uncomplicated schemes involve creating a source of targeted traffic, in other words, a constant flow of customers.

One of the main sources of traffic is your own website, which today can do a lot. If you create and configure it correctly, it can not only attract buyers, but also do more than half of the routine work for its owner.

The question arises of how to independently and for free learn how to create websites that would bring customers to your business and automate the sales process. The answer is obvious - you need to read our step-by-step instructions for beginners on creating a website from scratch, which even a “dummie” can understand. In just seven steps, we will tell and show you how to create your first professional website using the WordPress engine.

Let's get started! When the task of developing and creating your own website arises, the owner probably already has a specific goal, the main tasks that will be solved with the help of the site have been identified. If the user’s goals and objectives are vague and he is in doubt, then we think that after studying the types of sites and their functionality, he will certainly make his choice.

Step 1. Selecting a category and type of site

The first step to creating your own website is choosing a category and its type. Surely, before deciding to create his own resource, the user sets himself a specific task and understands for what purposes he needs the site.

If we analyze existing web resources on the Internet according to their main purposes, then all resources can be divided into two large groups: commercial and non-commercial. The main goal of commercial sites is to make a profit. Therefore, in this article we will consider the issues of creating a website for commercial purposes. Our readers are no exception to the rule and most often the question is about creating a commercial resource.

Main types of sites

Having understood the focus of the site, let’s begin to study their main types. It should be noted that such a division is conditional and we need it so that the reader understands how he can realize the tasks assigned to him. For example, one user wants to create his own business card website to advertise his services, another wants to write articles and then make money from advertising, a third wants to open an online store to sell his goods through it, etc.

First, let's figure out what types of sites there are, and what goals and objectives they perform.

  • Website - business card- a small website with several pages with general information about the organization. Most often it contains the following information pages: about the enterprise; about goods and services; Contact details.
  • Corporate website- an extended version of the business card website. This resource has many pages and sections. The main sections contain the following information: about the company; about goods (services); company's news; vacancies; contacts.
  • Online store- an online counter where the user can see a picture of the product of interest, its description, price and other characteristics. Most often, it is equipped with the following functionality: moving goods to the cart; payment for goods by electronic money or card, etc. There are also resources that form an application for the product of interest, and the rest of the work is carried out by the store manager.
  • One page site- created to sell one exclusive and functional product. As a rule, such sites are called landing pages, which means “landing page”. This is a good way to create an Internet business from scratch, but it will require significant investments in contextual advertising. You can create a one-page page yourself or using a special site-designer for landing pages, which we will talk about later.
  • Blog- is an online diary of an author or group of authors. Typically, the material on such a site contains a personal opinion and approach to this or that information. The main goals of a blog most often include: creating a personal brand; earning money from advertising and selling information and affiliate products, etc. One of the options for creating a blog is the free platforms or Subsequently, it is possible to purchase your own domain name and place the resource on a separate hosting.
  • Forum - website, creating for live communication, discussion of issues on a specific topic. This type of site is created for a narrow topic for discussion. For example: a car forum, a forum on making money on the Internet; women's forum, etc. The main difficulty lies in its further promotion. To make a profit from such a resource, you will need to work a lot on its promotion.
  • News site- a site with media news, often its traffic exceeds a thousand people. Typically, such sites publish news from a city, country, region, etc. on a daily basis. The site is one of the most popular types of content.
  • Information resource- similar to a news site, since this type of site must be updated on a daily basis. The difference is that the information resource is more practical in nature. Here you can find information on a specific topic. Information resources are niche-specific, for example: cooking, personal growth, financial literacy, information business, etc.
  • Internet service- automates processes and allows you to solve some user problems. For example: mailing by e-mail, accepting payments, online calculator; analysis of site positions, etc. An Internet service can be created as an independent site or be part of the functionality of another type of site.
  • Web portal- combines interactive services containing a news feed, articles and narrowly thematic sections. They are also called city portals, the most common sections are: goods and services, forum, real estate, car market, etc. Such sites require a large number of workers, specialists to create it, and subsequently manage it. Therefore, such a site is not suitable for personal purposes, but in any case it is useful to know about its existence.

So, having considered the main types of sites, we can now decide what kind of site we need. It should be noted that the functionality of one specific type of site can be both narrowed and expanded.

For example, you can create a business card website, and later turn it into a corporate resource or link an online store to it. All additional functions and tasks can be solved independently, or with the involvement of specialists.

Selecting a category for the site

Choosing a category is a very important point when creating a website. You can view existing categories on the website Let's say we decided to create a project for our beauty salon, in which we provide a large number of services. A website is needed to attract target customers. In addition to services, it is planned to sell related perfume products for body, face and hair care.

After looking at all existing categories, you can make a choice towards the “Goods and Services” category or take the “Enterprises” category. It will also be important to indicate the country and city, which will indicate the geography of the resource. All these specified parameters contribute to faster promotion of the resource.

Step 2. Selecting a technical solution to create a website from scratch

The technical side of creating a website is the most difficult, as it requires certain knowledge. Before starting to create your website from scratch, a beginner needs to know about the technical side of the issue. We have already understood how the type of site affects our main goal. Now let's look at some technical aspects, without which it is impossible to create your own resource.

In many cases, the goal and main tasks that the site creator sets for himself rest not on one type of site, but on its multifunctional capabilities, which will help in the future in automating the process.

There are many options for creating a website, they are divided into paid and free methods. Let's talk about the most popular free methods: using a website builder and CMS (site engine) website management systems. Many beginners do not understand what is different between them.

Designers are created for newcomers to the Internet who do not want to delve into difficult moments or learn programming languages, but want to create their own website and manage its sections independently. The most popular designers include Wix, uKit, etc. Many of them allow you to create each of the types we discussed above.

It is worth noting that the site builder is limited to many functionality:

  • you cannot edit the source code;
  • there are difficulties in promoting in search engines;
  • design and functionality settings are limited;
  • it is possible to use a separate second-level domain, but not always;
  • There is no way to transfer the site to another hosting.

Another thing is creating a project on popular engines, which are not as difficult to use as they seem at first glance. Having mastered the simple steps of using them, the website creator has many additional options: change the website design, edit the code, change hosting, etc.

The most popular engines on the Internet are: WordPress, Joomla, InstantCms, phpBB.

WordPress is a very popular and modern platform, at the initial stage of its creation it was intended for creating blogs. Today it is a multifunctional platform that can accomplish almost any task. Eighty percent of existing sites on the Internet are created on this platform.

  • Joomla- a more complex platform. There are many possibilities, from a simple business card website to an online store.
  • InstantCms- well suited for creating city portals, social networks, etc.
  • phpBB— suitable for creating forums.

There are other platforms that we will not talk about in this article. It’s not for nothing that we noted the weak points in creating a website using a website builder. For our readers, we advise you to learn how to create professional websites that can be further modeled, added functionality, and you can do this yourself without the involvement of qualified specialists.

Therefore, next we will choose the WordPress engine and teach our readers how to create professional websites on this platform from scratch and without investment. WordPress is a very simple platform, does not require programming skills, is similar to simple office programs, and there is a lot of information on how to create and improve your website. Moreover, all the information is free and of sufficient quality.

Step 3. Register hosting and domain name

Before you start creating your first professional website, you need to register a domain and buy hosting services.

Hosting service - provides placement of our information on the company’s server, which has constant access to the Internet. There are several criteria for choosing a good hosting company.

Hosting selection criteria

  1. Stable working. In order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the site and its availability on the Internet, you need to choose a trusted hosting company.
  2. Ease of use. When choosing, you need to look at the site navigation; it should be simple and understandable.
  3. Support service. Hosting services are often offered by foreign websites. Therefore, it is important that the support service can answer questions correctly and quickly.
  4. Cost of services. A very important parameter for a beginner. Before purchasing a service, we recommend monitoring and comparing prices. For the first site we will need minimal capabilities; the tariff should not exceed 100 rubles per month.

As an example, we will consider the hosting services of Sprinthost. Ideal for beginners. Very user-friendly interface, optimal tariff plans and prompt support service. The company has been operating on the market for a long time and has proven itself on the positive side.

Hosting registration

The first thing you need to do is choose the company's tariff plan. The company offers 3 tariff plans to choose from.

For us, as beginners, the first tariff plan is suitable, 3 GB on an SSD disk and three sites. If in the future we want to increase the parameters, we can easily do this. We click on the blue order button and we are transferred to the registration forum.

Important! Almost all registration forms for hosting companies are identical. They require you to enter your e-mail, name, phone number, agree to the rules, and then follow the instructions for correctly filling out your personal data.

So, we enter the data, check the box where it requires I agree to the processing of data and click get an account. Next we follow the instructions. We check our email, immediately after registration we receive a letter with a login, password and invoices for payment. If you pay for the service for the whole year, there will be a significant discount. So, we have registered hosting, let's move on to domain registration.

Domain registration

The next step is to register the domain (name) of the site. All resources on the Internet have their own name, in other words, address. The site name must have the following basic characteristics:

  • Originality - the domain must be unique, so before you register it, you need to check it for availability.

Important! The sprinthost website has a special service that checks domains for availability.

  • The length of the site name characters should not exceed twelve characters.

There are domains in both Russian and Latin. Most often, users use Latin.


The beauty salon decided to create a business card website. Register a domain: We check the domain for availability. We see that the name is available for registration. Another thing a beginner needs to know is that the name consists of two parts (second-level domain).

Important! Know about domain levels. There are 2-level ones, those that we discussed above, and 3-level ones. The level is separated by a dot. The third level often indicates a subdomain of the site.

The first part is the name salonverra. The second part is the "ru" zone, indicating in which zone your site is located. We also see that there are many zones and their choice may depend on certain factors.

Most often, zones divide sites according to their purposes and territories.

  • RF- Russian Federation;
  • ru- Russian-language Internet;
  • biz- indicates the business theme of the site,
  • info- information portals,
  • net- sites dedicated to the topic of the Internet.

If the owner of the resource lives in Russia and has decided to promote his goods and services in Russia, then it is better to take a domain in the ru zone. The cost of registering a domain in for one year is 178 rubles.

Important! The domain name is registered with the IFO of its owner. We correctly indicate the owner’s passport details. Each year you must renew your registration for another year.

When registering for hosting, the owner has two options: first, he registers for hosting and links his existing domain to this hosting, or he immediately registers both the domain and hosting at the same time.

Step 4. Install the WordPress engine

The WordPress engine is one of the most popular website administration tools, which is why we recommend that beginners master the skills of working with it. The task of our guide is to teach newbies “dummies” to create websites from scratch and tell them step by step about the algorithm of actions.

So, the next step in creating a website is to install WordPress. We go to the control panel of the hosting company, in our case it is Springhost, in the additional section:

Advanced -> Install Applications -> Install WordPress.

We see that the hosting offers us several CMS platforms to choose from; the first one is WordPress, which is what we will install. After clicking the install button, the engine will be installed automatically, no additional actions are required. Some training materials advise downloading WordPress from the official website and then uploading it to your hosting. In our case, this will not be necessary. After installation, if the program version is not up to date, you will be able to update it automatically. After the WordPress installation process is completed, data with login and password from the administration panel will be sent to us by email.

Important! After registering WordPress, the owner has an additional administrative panel. The first panel is hosting, through it we will pay for services, renew domains, change tariff plans, work with the database, etc. The second is the administrative panel for managing the content and content of the site. Through this panel we will manage the content of the site, fill it with articles, pictures, and edit the appearance of the site.

Thus, for each individual site created on the WordPress engine, a new administrative panel appears to manage it.

So, let's go to our email and check the data. Usually you receive a login, password and a link to enter the control panel by email, which looks like this: http://your domain name/wp-admin. As a result, after installing WordPress we get our first website. All that remains is to customize it a little, give it a beautiful appearance and fill it with the necessary material.

Step 5. Install the design (theme) for the site

You can use several approaches to setting up a template for a future website, it all depends on the goals and objectives that the user sets for himself. Design installation approaches can be divided as follows:

  1. Using free themes (templates). A significant advantage when using Word Press is that this engine has many ready-made solutions (design themes). All you need to do is enter the query “Free WordPress themes” into the search bar of your browser and the search engine will display a whole list of sites where you can download the template you like for free and install it on your website. You can download the file with the design you like in zip format, and then simply go to the WordPress administrative control panel and install it in the theme (design) management section, and click on the activate button.
  2. Use of paid themes (templates). Paid themes can also be found through a search engine. They differ from free themes in that they are more original and improved. Although at the initial stage of working with the site, you can use the free version of the template or install the basic version.
  3. Use a basic ready-made solution. With this option, you take a theme that is already built into the administrative panel, since this theme is constantly being improved in accordance with new requirements.

Important! When choosing a theme for a website, you need to make sure that the version is suitable for mobile devices. This affects the promotion of the resource.

How to install a new theme

Let's say you chose a theme and downloaded it to your computer. To change the design. You need to log into the administrative panel of Word Press and select the appropriate section of the control panel.

Go to the section Appearance -> Themes -> Upload new -> Activate themes.

A path appears in front of us, take our downloaded file, install it and activate it. It is recommended to set up the design after filling the site with 5-10 articles.

Important! Every free (paid) website design can always be adjusted to suit you, change the header, and customize the functionality. In order to properly customize the appearance, we recommend adding 5-10 articles, pictures or videos to the site.

Working with themes or templates, which is part of creating a website from scratch, can be done using basic templates that are already present in the interface in the themes section. Theme management begins with the menu appearance, themes, here you can see all the themes that are uploaded to the hosting in the specified folder appearance, themes.

Step 6. Filling the site, creating categories and pages

One of the important stages of creating a website is filling it with materials. In order to choose the right materials for our resource, you first need to understand the layout of the template we have installed.

What is important for a beginner to know about website layout?

In the previous lesson, we downloaded, installed and activated the theme (design) of the site, now our task is to learn how to manage it competently. To do this, we must study the main sections of the site and customize them for ourselves.

IMPORTANT! Any design has the following blocks: Header, footer, news block, site bar.

In the figure we showed the layout of the site for better understanding. It's important to note that not every layout has a right and left site bar. More often it is located either on the right or on the left.

The figure shows 10 sections of the site, let's figure out how you can manage these sections through the site.

The figure shows an example of a site:

  1. Header - the header of the site, it indicates the name of the site, a brief description, and a logo.
  2. Site menu - pages are indicated, most often about the site, author, contact information, etc.
  3. News block - site articles, most often the first 10 articles are visible on the main page, you can customize up to 5 articles yourself.
  4. Website bars are those sections that are located on the right, left and below the news block; you can configure them yourself in the appearance, widgets section.
  5. Footer is the footer of the site.

How to properly manage website sections?

There are several ways to manage your site. It all depends on the chosen theme (design) of the site. Let's take a closer look.

The first thing you need to do is change the name of the site to your own. Header (header) - the site header can be managed through the section: Appearance -> Editor -> Header.

Look in the code for the name of the site, which is indicated in the new, just installed template, and change it to your own. There is another option for adjusting Appearance -> Configure -> Site Properties.

You can manage the main page of the site through the menu: “appearance -> customize”. The main page can display both posts and a permanent page, for example about a company. Site bars are managed through the menu: Appearance -> Widgets.

Example. If you have installed a theme and an announcement of articles is installed in the right site bar, then you can, for example, change it to an RSS feed, just hover your mouse over the desired widget and, while holding the left mouse button, drag the bar, which is located on the right side in the widgets section, to the site we need.

Articles and site posts

So, we've sorted out the general settings, now it's time to start publishing pages and posts. Site pages are usually displayed in the site menu; you can also display them in the site bar by installing a page widget. Most often, the pages are informational in nature: about the company, about services, contacts, etc.

The creation and publication of a page is carried out through the menu: Pages -> Add new. Next, write a title and insert the text prepared in advance, click publish on the right. Identically, records are created. Go to the section: Posts -> Add new.

We insert the text we need, if a picture is required, then insert the picture by clicking on the add media file button. You can publish an article immediately, or you can post it later, that is, set a specific time for publication.

Important! All published articles are usually divided into sections. Rubrics are managed in the rubrics section.

Site headings are a kind of chapter of a book. If the author is engaged in commercial activities and has several types of services, then you can create your own separate section for each type of service.

Step 7. Install additional plugins

Now we have reached the last final step. We already have a ready-made website, but its functionality does not always meet all the requirements. We will talk about them in this section. Let's talk about plugins.

Plugin (from the English plug-in - connect)- These are additional modules that add functionality and features not available in the basic version of WordPress. Plugins, in other words, additional programs are added by specialists; they are mostly free and require special skills.

What plugins should a beginner install on a website?

There are many plugins and within the framework of this article we will not be able to talk about them all. Therefore, we will talk about the three most necessary ones.

One of the main plugins that needs to be installed is a plugin that will optimize the site for key queries. The fact is that when an author writes an article on his blog, the search engine indexes it and shows the result as a list in the site’s search results. The machine ranks (searches) site articles by title, description and keywords. The filling form is located under the article; after installing and activating the plugin, the user will also have it.

To do this, you need to install a plugin called: All in One SEO Pack. It will help search engines understand what the article and the site itself are about.

Plugin installation process

In order to install the All in One SEO Pack plugin, you need to go to the section: Plugins -> Add new. In the search, you need to enter the name of the plugin you want to install and click the install button. As a rule, no additional settings are required.

After the plugin has been installed, a special All in One SEO Pack section will appear in your control panel. In the general settings section, you will need to fill in the name of the site, its descriptions and main keywords that indicate the subject of the site.

In addition to the plugin discussed, we recommend installing: Google XML Sitemaps - site map for faster indexing. Antispam Bee - protects your website from automated spam. You can also find plugins for quickly adding articles to social networks, subscribing to comments, protecting RSS feeds, etc. The user himself decides which plugins he will additionally need.

Thus, we learned how to create your own website for free from scratch for dummies in 7 steps. Of course, the article may seem incomprehensible to a beginner, maybe somewhat complicated, but to prevent this from happening, you need to go through the steps of creating a website and apply all the described techniques in practice, then the result will be positive.

Creating a website using the WordPress engine takes a total of one to two hours. The only wait occurs when the domain name is registered, sometimes you have to wait for it to be activated. The wait can take up to twelve hours and after that you can start creating the site.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Usually the first question that a potential webmaster asks himself is how to create his own future website without investing money. It’s understandable, who wants to spend money (pay for an engine or for full-fledged development) when the prospects for this project are not at all clear.

At the same time, many people at first mistakenly believe that the main thing in a website is to make everything look beautiful, convenient, functional, creative and I would like to say “Wow!” But a website is not a painting, and its artistic value is not significant. first of all, the content (see more), and the shell in which it will be enclosed is secondary.

But the shell (engine, design, structure) is nevertheless also important, because a bad decision can hinder the development of a potentially successful project. In my opinion, the best option is a free engine like Joomla or WordPress, because these are practically professional solutions that are distributed absolutely free. But it’s up to you to decide - below I’ll outline all the options with their pros and cons.

In any case, making a website yourself using these free engines (or inexpensive paid ones) is not something prohibitively difficult, especially since you will use the materials and links from this article, providing yourself with a handicap relative to the webmasters starting with you :)

Create a website yourself and for free

Once again I want to repeat the main message that I gave in the introductory part - neither that site is good, one that is beautiful, and one that has something to read (or watch, if graphics and videos are a prevalent part of the content). It’s better to study interesting content on a white page without much navigation than to wander around in confusion through a super beautiful and well-thought-out web project with completely empty and useless content.

It's like a library with very wonderful shelves, a convenient catalog, a good librarian, but containing books that are of no interest to anyone (and in small quantities). It would be better if the books were scattered on the floor, but whichever one you take is a masterpiece.

Although, ideally, everything should be good on the site (as in a person) - the content, the design, and the presentation. This is the formula for success - simple in formulation, but damn difficult to implement, because the devil is in the details, and there are so many of these little things that even reading about them is tiring, let alone following them.

Didn't scare you? Otherwise, you won’t read further, thereby worsening the behavioral characteristics of this article :) Do you still want to plunge into all this? This is commendable, because the one who walks will master the road, but at the same time it is better if someone suggests the least thorny path, based on their experience. It's true, isn't it? Then let's get to the point.

Three pillars on which the site stands

So, first you need to understand that the site will have to:

  1. Place yourself somewhere. Usually, hosting is used for this (special data centers with, where you will be provided with space for files and a database, and will also provide continuous access to the site via the Internet for everyone). Although at the development stage you can use and, but then you still can’t do it without hosting. I advise you to read my article about that.
  2. The website must also have a name (domain) and this is a very important point, because changing the name will be more difficult than, say, changing hosting. read the article linked to (it is clear that at first it will be difficult, but at least go diagonally to be on topic).
  3. Well, few people now enter the text of articles directly into Html files, and therefore your resource should have some kind of content management system ( CMS— an administrative part where you can add article texts, edit them, sort them by categories, insert pictures and videos. Also, a CMS is usually also responsible for the appearance of web pages (themes/design templates are used), functionality (various additions to the engine) and navigation, which is also very important. Online designers also use a CMS, if that’s the case.

All of these components are important in their own way, and each of them will affect not only the cost of creating a site (and owning it), but also its future success with search engines and visitors. Let's consider two extremes. For example, You can create a website absolutely free if you use:

  1. Free hosting. Oddly enough, but this happens. For more details, see my article about. Personally, I started with this, and when prospects began to emerge, I switched to paid hosting.
  2. Free domain. This is also possible, but in most cases it will be, which is not ideal for promotion. It is possible, but in rather specific domain zones and with your rights to this name not very clear.
  3. Free CMS. There are more than enough of these too, and the best examples can be . In fact, it is not so difficult, for example, thanks to this free course - even a beginner can make a website on WordPress from scratch and start making money on it.

You probably know the opposite of the absolutely free option. This just unfasten the dough immeasurably (or moderately) to someone who will buy everything, connect it and do it for you. After some time, you will receive everything ready for use (turnkey, as they say). All that remains is to add content, although you can buy it or hire a content manager for this task.

Start creating a website here

I’ll tell you a secret that the truth (the option with the optimal price/quality ratio) lies somewhere in the middle. Finding this middle is your main task at the moment. Therefore, I will give advice on each of the points (brief or not):

  1. Hosting - forget about it for now. You can even train on a local server or on free hosting. In online constructors (read about them below), you won’t have to bother with this at all. Then the problem of choosing a hoster will confront you in all its glory, but this is not a matter of first necessity.
  2. Domain - it is very important to make the right choice first. This is the name of the site (albeit a technical one), which means the fate of the entire project partially depends on it (what you call the boat...). Therefore, I will outline the disposition in order and provide links to where you can read more about this:
    1. . There are a lot of sites (in the world, and in RuNet in particular), and all their owners want to get a short and sonorous name for their resource. Your task is to find something suitable and not yet occupied by anyone in the domain zone that you choose. Usually they take it for Runet. You can do this right here by entering your expected name in the form below:

      For RU and SU zones, only combinations of Latin characters and some valid characters (,,,[_],[-]) can be used. Usually, words in a domain name are not separated by anything, i.e. If this option is already taken, and you really want to, then you can use a dash as a separator, but not an underscore, because it is not particularly visible and users may get confused. You can still look for options, but it will be more expensive.

    2. . A very important point after choosing a name. There are a dozen official domain name registrars on the RuNet, among which you will have to choose. Don't forget that a domain is essentially your website. If you lose it, you will most likely lose your resource. Therefore, register it only with trusted registrars (I use the oldest of them), and also indicate your real data, because in the event of force majeure, this will help restore your rights to the domain.
    3. When registering a domain, I advise you to take advantage of the option from . There will be such a checkmark in the settings when registering a domain. This may save you in the future from unnecessary problems with scammers, ransomware and other scammers.
    4. It makes sense to use it only for a test (to learn, for example, how to change it from your registrar, to transfer a site to another hosting) or for resources whose further fate will not be important to you. IMHO.
  3. CMS (content management system) - you will have it anyway, because somehow you will have to add materials to the site. Even if you order creation from a studio, they will have their own CMS (or one of the publicly available ones). The same applies to online designers. It is important to choose now the best option for you, because then transferring a website to a new engine will be a rather difficult problem. The entire next section is devoted to this very problem, so I’ll stop talking here to save your time.

To gather scattering thoughts into one heap, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the generalizing one. It’s a bit difficult, but if you force yourself a little, understanding will come (I wrote in some detail).

How to make your own website - 4 main ways

But let's first answer the question raised in the title. In my opinion, there are three or four main approaches that allow you to create a full-fledged web project:

  1. Do everything yourself - from the engine to the design
  2. Leave everything to the studio or freelancer
  3. Use a free online designer (or a paid one, if desired)
  4. Use a free and paid ready-made website engine (CMS - content management system)

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each of these methods, because a lot depends on this choice.

Create your own website (entirely with your own hands)

You need to understand that this includes a whole range of work: develop a design, write an engine script, add modules, think about security and take into account much more. And if you get an excellent result at the end, then your place is not among webmasters, but among the creators of website engines :)

A completely independent option for creating a website has its advantages:

  1. You can do everything for free
  2. While working on your website, willy-nilly you will have to thoroughly study, study, get acquainted with PHP and other technologies necessary for the development of modern Internet projects. That. you will become an expert in this field.
  3. You will know inside and out exactly how your engine is structured and how it works, because you will actually assemble it yourself, piece by piece. You will clearly know and imagine how something can be added to it, how to improve it, etc.
  4. The engine you create yourself will be an example of expediency and will not contain absolutely anything superfluous, which cannot be said about general-purpose products

Now let's move on to cons creating a website from scratch (and from a complete one), only on your own:

  1. You will need a huge amount of time to study all possible web project development (Html, CSS, PHP, etc.)
  2. Relying only on your own strength, you most likely will not be able to add all the modules that you would like, which implies another disadvantage of this option for creating a web project - its limited functionality.
  3. Non-professional design - you can spend time and thoroughly understand all the technical aspects of developing websites from scratch and writing engines, but to make a professional design you need to be an artist at heart, and this is not given to everyone.
  4. Resources created by yourself, as a rule, have a rather low level of security, because making a secure engine is an order of magnitude more difficult than a regular one (you need deep knowledge in quite specific areas).

Order a website from a professional web studio or from a freelancer

By the way, there is also a big question about who is better to order from - a studio or a freelancer (you can read the link). The studio will charge more, but that means more professionalism in the execution. Although a freelancer can ideally do the same thing (or even better), but for less money. In general - depending on your luck.

Let's note first pros this way to create your web project:

  1. High-quality and unique design - a professional designer from a web studio with a good reputation and portfolio will most likely make you a very high-quality template, which in turn will have a positive impact on your
  2. High level of security - professionals will make sure that your resource is very well protected from hacking. In any case, the level of security will be much higher than when developing a website yourself from scratch.

Now let's take a look minuses a website made by a professional web studio or a good freelancer:

  1. The creation will cost you a pretty penny, and that’s putting it mildly. For example, just for developing a unique website design for my blog, one very good studio asked me for 80,000 rubles. Well, the complete creation of a website from start to finish will cost you at least twice as much.
  2. You will no longer have all the information about your engine and its structure, as you would have if you had developed it yourself from scratch. If there is a need to refine or expand the existing functionality, you will have to pay the developers separately for this.
  3. When ordering the creation of a web project in a professional studio, you will need to first draw up technical specifications, which can take a lot of time and effort to develop.

Create a website in a free online builder

A very attractive option. Free (in the database), simple, fast, clear and understandable even to people in the humanities. You don’t need to buy a domain, mess with hosting, or invest money. I moved the mouse a little, corrected the basic design theme and went ahead to publish the imperishables. There is only one step left until success and worldwide recognition...

When I made my first website (at the beginning of the 2000s - this is, in fact, a secret and I haven’t mentioned it yet, so keep quiet), online designers (except for the now deceased) essentially did not yet exist. Therefore, I used a design program where all the elements of web pages were laid out using the “grab with the mouse and drag and drop” method. I don’t remember the name of the program, but that website worked great and even successfully solved the tasks assigned to it (though not for long).

Since then it has appeared a whole scattering of online constructors with a very attractive appearance, easy to use and mostly free (the database is sufficient to create a business card website). Let me list those that are currently in the news:

  1. Yukoz- the oldest website builder in RuNet, part of , which also took Yandex People users under its wing after its closure
  2. Moguta.CMS— online store in the cloud
  3.— online store in five minutes
  4. Yukit— an excellent designer of landing pages, business cards and online stores
  5. Google My Business— a free website in just a few minutes, which will be a priori tailored to the requirements of the search giant
  6. Vicks- bourgeois designer adapted for RuNet

Let's take a look at advantages of creating a website in such a constructor:

  1. Low barrier to entry - even a humanities student can easily figure out what’s what and quickly whip up something digestible and beautiful
  2. A large number of ready-made designs that can be modified with mouse clicks or simply dragging objects
  3. All problems and confusion that arise are usually resolved in real time with the help of the service’s technical support
  4. You can get everything for free - space for a website (hosting), a domain name, and technical support.

Now we smoothly move on to cons:

  1. Not everything in online constructors is free, especially if you plan to create a project for business
  2. Ease of working with design and functionality sometimes has a downside - the code of web pages is too littered (heavy). Therefore, when testing this or that constructor, look at the source code of the pages to see if there is any garbage there. If you yourself don’t understand this, then ask a knowledgeable person to do it (you don’t need to ask me).
  3. Free domain and hosting have a downside. Third-level domains are not very well ranked by search engines, so you will have to buy a second-level domain if you want to be successful. Free hosting can significantly slow down (especially not only in online builders), but this can only be determined by trying.

Make a website on a free or paid CMS (engine)

It is very large and I tried to fit everything that I had accumulated over the years of working on this engine (and earning money) there. I won’t even write anything else here so as not to clutter up your screen.

How to create a website on Joomla

But in any case, both in the new and in the old version, the capabilities of the site can be increased by , which are distributed both free and on a paid basis (again, you need to carefully look at what version of the engine you are downloading the extension for). And, of course, you can find a lot if you want.

In general, if you have never dealt with content management systems like , then I advise you to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of its operation using the link provided. The admin panel will allow you to add articles without having any knowledge of Html and Css, and you can also make all the necessary changes in Joomla settings, install extensions, templates, etc.

Extensions can give us great opportunities, created by third party developers for this free engine. As I said just above, extensions for Joomla (and they are divided into three parts - modules, components and plugins) are paid and free.

Let's give here a list of free extensions, which I consider to be one of the best and necessary when creating websites of various topics and types, but you will make the decision about using them or not using them yourself:

  1. - this is a component that allows you to perform automatic functions, which is simply necessary to improve the indexing of your project by search engines. You will need to add a link to the map that Xmap allows you to create in and .
  2. — this component allows you to make your website links easier to understand for users and more attractive to search engines. JoomSEF allows you to automatically generate page URLs by transliterating article titles. Its plugin will also allow you to set the correct Title, which is very important for successful self-promotion of a web project.
  3. - an amazingly convenient free component for creating your website, literally in one click. I advise you to definitely familiarize yourself with its capabilities - you won’t regret it.
  4. - a photo gallery for Joomla, which allows you to easily create and, or insert several images into an article with the ability to enlarge them by clicking the mouse. Probably the best of the free galleries.
  5. - a component that allows you to turn your website into something like a blog, adding the ability to comment on articles. There are many settings and rich functionality that you will have to figure out on your own by studying the article given just above the link.
  6. - another free and very useful component that allows you to turn your site into a blog, catalog or portal, with the ability to easily add articles by your users. Moreover, when creating material, they will be able to add galleries, videos, files for downloading and much more to articles.
  7. — includes a component, modules and plugins for an online store for Joomla. It is quite difficult to learn and master, but it allows you to create an online store from scratch. A unique thing of its kind, although imperfect.

It's easy to create a website, but it's more difficult to make it successful

In general, this article was inspired by letters from readers who asked to write in what order to study the articles published on the site. At first, I did not dare to write it, because there was not yet enough material on all the intricacies of the work, but now, I think, it’s time to organize everything that will allow me to answer the question - how to create your own website absolutely free.

So first of all, you need to understand that free doesn't mean that someone will do it for you, you will have to work hard and rack your brains. Secondly, making an Internet project based on a free engine does not mean at all that it will turn out to be somehow fake or toy. To make a professional project, it is not at all necessary to use a paid CMS. As confirmation, I would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with.

How and where to attract visitors

The engine on which you are trying to make a free website is not so important (you can just as well order its creation for money), and the appearance of your future project is not as important as many novice webmasters think. The main thing that can make your website popular (), necessary and profitable is. It is he who rules the roost, but content is different from content.

When filling out a future project, it is very important to take into account the wishes of your future readers, and for this you will definitely have to plunge into the topic of SEO (try to make sure that Yandex and Google like your resource). And not just SEO. There is also SMO (social media), from where you can also.

Yes, there is another way to create a regular audience for your project - make RSS subscriptions available. you can find out from the link provided, and you can also see how to organize on your project. In addition, it would be a good idea to get acquainted with the capabilities of the service. Well, you shouldn’t ignore the recent trend - . As I already wrote.

Do you want to make your website visited and profitable? Then immediately after you create it, study all the materials available to you on free promotion and promotion.

What needs to be done to optimize the resource

If, after installing the engine, you immediately start writing articles without taking into account search engine optimization, then you will thereby give a huge head start to your competitors or associates. I advise you to first familiarize yourself with the materials on, and also watch lessons on the topic (I tried to sort them in order of study order).

What you should do immediately:

  1. (so they know)
  2. Add it to and
  3. connect (to know about visitors, about their actions, about the queries they enter in search engines): Ya. ,
  4. Set up backup on your hosting, or better still duplicate it manually ()
  5. Connect your site to be aware when it becomes unavailable and take the necessary measures to restore it (call your host).
  6. When you have free time, think about it on your website.
  7. Close external links (leading to other sites) in (add this attribute to links). The WP-NoRef plugin does this for me (it is possible that it is already outdated). Well, set it up.
  8. Come up with and - an icon visible in Yandex search results and in browser bookmarks/tabs.

As you can see, everything couldn’t be simpler. It's surprising that this scares so many people. Why did it happen? Strange.

Before writing articles (adding content), be sure to create a semantic core for them, carefully studying and selecting the most suitable ones. I also advise you to read my publication on the topic (it saves a lot of time). And on top of that, there’s some useful stuff (to make your head explode) - .

Earning money on a free website created

In fact, a website created on a free engine can become the main one (like a website for me). And with the right approach, the time you spend can pay off handsomely and become. But you shouldn’t count on the fact that the project you made literally yesterday will immediately begin to generate income, because it is unlikely that the tangible moment will come earlier than a year after the launch and constant work on your project.

After I managed to create my first website (on a free hosting, for example) and promote it to an acceptable level myself, I had the idea that it would be nice to somehow compensate for the time and effort spent. In general, the topic of making money comes up at a certain stage for every webmaster, and so that you don’t have to solve it yourself, I can give you some advice from my own experience.

If you want to earn money before the site gains sufficient traffic for the context (about 500 uniques per day) or cannot cross this threshold at all, then the most appropriate thing for this period will be to carefully sell links from the site. The same method can be recommended for monetizing abandoned, minor and not very necessary projects that you don’t get around to promoting.

I would recommend exchanges like, GoGetLinks and RotaPost. It is also very convenient to work with article exchanges like MiraLinks and WebArtex - there they will give you ready-made articles with unique content that you just need to place on your project. What’s remarkable is that you will also get paid for this work. This is my favorite way to monetize. It also appeared recently, you can try it.

Affiliate programs can also be a very good help in making money. I wrote about it in a separate large publication, which I definitely recommend reading. There are affiliate programs for almost any topic. Another thing is that out of a hundred tried, it’s good if a dozen produce exhaust. And it would be absolutely wonderful if a couple of them turn out to be very profitable. The names of the winners of this race can only be known through experience.

You can also try banner advertising (preferably from direct advertisers without intermediaries - as the project develops, they will contact you themselves). Well, no one canceled advertising articles. This service is in demand and quite well paid. Go for it. But before you start, you need to gain a bit of authority so that you have something to squander later.

You will most likely have to withdraw the first money you earn on the site either electronically (it says here), or electronically, or. In the last two services, you can link a plastic card to your account (wallet), with which you can then pay in stores and on the Internet without commissions.

Because at first your earnings will not be very large, then these funds can not be withdrawn into real life, but used to pay for hosting, Internet, cell phone or anything else that can be paid for with them.

I hope that in this publication I was able to do the main thing, namely answer the questions: how to create your own website for free, how to promote it yourself and how to start making money on your own project.

Here we have not considered all the technical and organizational issues that a webmaster has to solve. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you watch the video from the Yandex webmaster, where they reveal very clearly the basics of launching a website and possible mistakes, which can ruin all your efforts:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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