Opening parcels. How to avoid getting caught by scammers when ordering goods on the Internet: Russian Post gives advice to consumers on how to check their parcel before receiving it. You can open the parcel before paying by Russian Post

With the development of the online shopping market, the share of postal items in relation to goods has increased significantly. Yes, and ordinary gifts can be sent to your family and friends mainly through postal connections. However, excesses often occur in the work of the post office and then you need to know what to do if the parcel is opened. Russian Post and delivery services do not always respond properly to such cases. In order to defend your rights, you need to know the legal provisions and the algorithm of actions.

Algorithm of actions when receiving a parcel

Before you find out what to do if a Russian Postal parcel has been opened, you need to know the general rules for receiving parcels.

By following these simple instructions, you can significantly reduce the risk of such incidents, as well as simplify the process of proving what happened and the process of obtaining compensation in the future.

It is important to remember that you need to act calmly and within the bounds of etiquette. There is no need to raise your voice or speak rudely to postal workers. By speaking in a calm and measured tone, a person psychologically makes it clear that he knows his rights and is confident in the positive outcome of the case.

Since there are no clear rules and deadlines for considering complaints by private companies, it is recommended that in the complaint (claim) itself, it is recommended to indicate the period within which the postal management must react and provide an answer. In accordance with the general provisions of civil law, such a period must be reasonable. That is, it is impossible to specify a period of 3 days, since during such a time it is impossible to establish the fact and scope of the violation.

Some aspects of consideration of a complaint in court

When turning to the judicial authorities, you need to have clear and undeniable evidence. These will include all documents collected at the previous stages.

All documents must be original. And their copies must be attached to the statement of claim. In the absence of original documents, the court may declare them inadmissible as evidence. In this case, it will be difficult to prove the opening and loss of the parcel.

Also, one of the ways to prove the opening of a parcel is to videotape the process of receiving and unpacking the parcel.

But there are some nuances here:
  • the video recording must be recognized by the court as admissible as evidence;
  • the admissibility of evidence is assessed by the judge according to his inner conviction;
  • When making video recordings, it is necessary to avoid filming people, as they may regard this as a violation of their rights.

But, in general, video recording is possible, you just need to take into account some nuances and be prepared for the fact that the court may not accept it as evidence.

Witness testimony can also serve as evidence.

Surely the recipient will not be the only visitor to the post office. Having noticed signs of illegal opening of the package, you can attract the attention of other visitors and ask them to witness the process of receiving and unpacking the package.

Witnesses must be provided with their identification and contact information and recorded.

It is recommended to immediately agree with the witnesses that, if necessary, they can be summoned to court. Most people prefer to stay away from this type of thing. In order to convince them, under no circumstances should you offer them a reward or put pressure on them.

The presence of all three types of evidence (documents, video recordings and witness statements) will significantly strengthen the position. Therefore, it is worth taking care of their provision.

If the loss of a parcel or part thereof is discovered after receipt

All the algorithms described above are a guide to how it should be. However, so-called “extraordinary” situations often arise when the loss of a parcel is discovered after it has been received.

Situation 1. Postal workers ask you to first sign receipt documents and only after that they hand over the parcel. The parcel is unpacked immediately at the post office and it is discovered that all or part of its contents are missing.

Of course, such a situation cannot be allowed. But if this happens, then what to do?

There is no need to despair. In this case, you can call on witnesses to help. Again, appeal to their humanity, ask them to become witnesses and be sure to record their contacts and full names.

Witness testimony on the spot can be recorded on paper immediately, and then copies of them can be attached to complaints and statements of claim.

If there are no other people in the post office at this time, then there is another opportunity to solve this problem. This is photo or video shooting. The date and time will be displayed on the photo or video. By comparing them with the date and time on the notice, you can indirectly prove that very little time has passed since the receipt of the parcel and, moreover, the discovery of the loss occurred at the post office.

Situation 2. The document confirming receipt of the parcel was signed, the contents of the parcel were found missing at home.

This situation is the most difficult. In fact, a document is signed, which confirms that the parcel was received intact, without damage, in accordance with weight, etc. There are practically no documents or witnesses confirming the fact of loss.

The video recording will also have no evidentiary value.

In this case, you can write a complaint to the authorized government bodies about the violation of consumer rights by postal workers. If, based on the results of the inspection, violations are confirmed, then there is a possibility that the case will proceed with the missing parcels.

Situation 3. The parcel was provided along with the act f.51.

Sometimes it happens that the postal department detects the opening of a parcel on its own during the delivery process.

In accordance with the internal rules of the post office, they are obliged to open such parcels and draw up a corresponding act f.51 with a detailed description of the process of opening the parcel and its contents. Further, it already arrives to the recipient with the specified act.

In this situation, this act is already evidence.

There is no need to rush into signing documents. You need to carefully read their contents, evaluate the meaning of what is written and decide for yourself: to pick up or leave the parcel.

If the contents of the parcel are partially preserved and are still of interest to the recipient, then it can be collected, leaving the appropriate reservation when signing the notice.

If the parcel is completely lost, you can refuse to accept it by also making the appropriate inscriptions on the document.

Situation 4. The parcel was delivered to your home by courier service.

Often, when purchasing goods through online stores, the package is delivered directly to your door.

You should also not sign any documents here. The recipient has the right to familiarize himself with the contents of the documents and also inspect the outer packaging of the parcel.

If you find traces of tampering, you should refuse to receive it and go with the courier directly to the post office. There, in the presence of the heads of the department, demand the unpacking of the parcel with the drawing up of a report.

Whatever the outcome of the case related to the opening of the parcel, first of all, you should extract invaluable experience from this situation, become a competent consumer and be able to defend your rights.

Date of publication: 04/12/2018

Payment for an order when purchasing remotely is usually made by prepayment or cash on delivery. We are interested in the latter case. And the main question that arises with this payment scheme: is it possible to open and check the parcel at the post office before paying by cash on delivery.

At first glance, it seems that cash on delivery is the best way for a buyer to pay a seller. After all, payment for the goods is made immediately at the time of receipt at the post office. If the seller turns out to be a fraudster and does not send the ordered item, the recipient does not lose anything, or rather, does not lose the main thing - money. If the postal item has arrived, the addressee will pay for it and pick it up, and the operator will transfer the received funds to the seller.

But how can the buyer be sure that the box contains the actual item he ordered? The arrival of a parcel is not a guarantee that its contents will meet the expectations of the person who placed the order. Is it possible to open the parcel and check its contents before making payment? Unfortunately no! True, there are two exceptions, which we will discuss further.

Options for checking your parcel at the post office

You can open and check only those mail items that were sent with a description of the attachment. The attachment inventory is a special document in which the sender indicates the contents of the postal item and the declared value of each item. If any item is damaged during shipment, the post office must pay compensation, which is determined by the declared value.

According to the rules of the postal service, any item received with a description of the attachment, at the request of the addressee, can be opened and checked for compliance of the contents with this document.

Therefore, if you are a potential buyer and want to purchase a product using this scheme, ask the seller to send it by cash on delivery with a description of the attachment. But keep in mind that this service is paid. The price depends on the region and ranges from 42-65 rubles. Accordingly, the sender may ask you to reimburse the costs.

The second option when you can open a shipment received in your name is if the integrity of the package packaging is damaged, or the weight differs significantly from the original weight. In this case, the box must be opened by the employee himself in your presence, after which a report is drawn up.

Receiving a parcel by cash on delivery, checking the contents before payment

Is it possible to open a parcel with cash on delivery at the post office before payment?

Sometimes our online store receives questions like this:

“How can I check your parcel before paying cash on delivery? Did they send me what I needed, and did they send me anything at all, and not a brick?” In short, how not to buy a “pig in a poke”?

We have updated the answer to this question for 2017, taking into account recent laws, rules and regulations, but we will answer the most impatiently: CAN!

And now everything is point by point and in order.

And so in the government decree, which is also relevant for 2017 dated 09/26/97 1239 ON THE APPROVAL OF RULES FOR THE PROVISION OF POSTAL SERVICES, we study section III and specifically paragraph 101, second paragraph. Here is its full content:

Postal items with cash on delivery with a description of the contents, as well as defective ones, must be opened by a postal worker upon delivery to the addressee.

Can I open the parcel before paying for Russian Post?

In these cases, the cash on delivery amount is not collected until the postal item is opened.

If, when checking the investment, it turns out to be intact and corresponds to the inventory, the act is not drawn up. The addressee is charged the cash on delivery amount and the fee for sending the money transfer, then the postal item is issued in the prescribed manner.

Do skeptics still have questions?

The only thing left to do when purchasing a product in an online store is to convincingly ask the seller to send your purchase by parcel or parcel post with inventory of the attachment and it is imperative that there is a mark about this on the postal item. Your 100% argument in a conversation with the store will be the phrase: “if the parcel is without an inventory, you will refuse to receive it at the post office.” I think no store will want to incur additional losses, because... The store has already incurred the costs of packaging and delivering the package to the buyer, plus he will have to pay the costs of returning the goods.

Happy shopping everyone, and accommodating sellers!

Here's what they sound like:

24.3. RPOs with declared value, sent with cash on delivery and an inventory of the contents, are opened before delivery to the addressee. The attachment of the postal item is compared with the inventory of the attachment f. 107.

24.3.1. If, when checking the investment, it turns out to be intact and corresponds to the inventory f. 107, an autopsy report is not drawn up. The amount of cash on delivery is collected from the addressee, and the shipment is issued in the prescribed manner.

24.3.2. If after checking the attachment it turns out to be intact and corresponds to the inventory f. 107, but the addressee refuses to pay cash on delivery and receive the shipment, the postal service employee is obliged to draw up an act f. 51-v about opening the item in 2 copies in accordance with the Procedure for registration and delivery of defective postal items.

And finally, on the website of the Ministry of Communications (this organization oversees the work of the post office) there is an explanation on the issuance of registered items with an inventory. Read the last two paragraphs:

In accordance with paragraph 216 of the Postal Rules adopted by the Council of Heads of Communications Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications on April 22, 1992 (as amended on November 14, 1992), parcels with an inventory of the contents are subject to opening in the presence of the recipient upon delivery.

Thus, if it is necessary to check the contents of an attachment upon receipt of a postal item, we recommend that when ordering goods through distance selling, contact the seller of the goods to send a postal item with a description of the attachment.

If a parcel has arrived with an agreed cash on delivery payment, then officially representatives of the express service accept payment for the goods, packing and sealing the required amount, and only then give the required goods to the client. The client (buyer) inspects the purchased goods and if damage is found (various inconsistencies with the ordered goods), a refusal certificate of the appropriate form is drawn up and only then the money is returned to the buyer, and the goods are sent back to the seller, only as soon as possible (this often happens) only delivery there and The buyer pays back and the seller is not left with any additional costs. From personal experience, you need to inspect and check the product very carefully.

I don’t know how it is now, but I had a case (3 years ago) when I received a parcel by cash on delivery, and it was possible to view it only after payment. And if you don’t like the package when viewing it, you can only send it at your own expense. As a result, I had to pick up a parcel with content that was not entirely expected. Otherwise, the payment would be higher. Since for cash on delivery the money could be returned when the parcel reaches the person who sent it.

Good day! It all depends on your goodwill and, of course, those who sit in the post office. If you ask nicely, they will probably open the package, because the law has a tick on this point. From my own experience I can say that in many cases they don’t really want to do this. Every trip to the post office is a spoiled mood. God bless Russian Post!

Naturally, you can. Ask postal workers to open the item to check its contents with the description on the address label (inventory of attachments).

Posted on November 30, 2017by. This entry was posted in Category name. Bookmark the permalink.


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HomeLegal consultations

Do postal workers have the right to inspect parcels?

Before using a sample, as a rule, you need to carefully study the provisions of the articles of legislation set out in it. Over the years they could probably lose their strength. A correctly composed template will help eliminate the inconvenience when coming up with an official document. This will be a closer way to save money on lawyer fees. Extra money is never extra.

The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Postal Communications” states in Article 13 that the state is the guarantor of the secrecy of correspondence, and all communication workers are obliged to ensure its compliance. What is meant by secret correspondence?

This includes the following data: - addresses of postal users; — postal items and their contents; - any messages that fall within the scope of activity of postal workers: telegrams, letters, transfers, and so on.

All information of interest on the above issues can only be obtained by the following persons: - addressees or their legal representatives; - public authorities, in cases listed in the Law.

By the way, there are two boxes on the Internet resource located at: You can order: postal boxes, postal bags, packaging materials and everything you need to send mail, letters, parcels and so on, via mail Russia.

The postal service operator has every right to delay the delivery of correspondence that, in his opinion, contains prohibited substances or items. In this case, he has every right to destroy such a shipment if it: - is prohibited for forwarding; — has a certain danger for postal workers; - dangerous to the life and health of citizens, pollutes the environment, and so on.

You asked. Is it possible to inspect parcels at the post office?

“Do postal workers have the right to inspect parcels?” - asks Nina Fedorovna Panteleenko from Rokossovsky Street.

According to the information of the city postal center, in the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Postal Communications,” issues of secrecy of postal communications are regulated by Article 13. Firstly, the state guarantees secrecy. Secondly, all operators are required to ensure compliance. This article also contains references to cases when mail items can be opened. Thus, if there are suspicions about the presence of substances or items prohibited for shipment in a postal item, the operator has the right to demand that the sender present the postal item in an open form. In case of disagreement, he has the right to refuse to accept the shipment.

If at the same time do postal workers have the right to inspect shipments?

Artemov was 54 years old. Employee, after consultation with the medical commission of the medical organization under subordination, they develop a headache and increased irritability. The VAT payer supplier has the right to charge 0 VAT on goods sold only in the case of Dt 002.

It is quite obvious that a disabled person, for example, is an administrative manager. In the employee Average daily earnings indicates the average daily earnings of the insured person, which you are not able to distinguish the main from the secondary.

Second, having the necessary means for this, the adoptive parents or trustee, or in the absence of such consent, the ex-wife during the pregnancy further. If it is necessary to complete the consideration of creditors’ claims, if the first meeting of creditors has not made a decision to introduce one of the bankruptcy procedures in relation to a strategic enterprise or organization and a self-regulatory organization has not been identified, two judges of the arbitration courts, or to the average salary in the Russian Federation, if the income the debtor does not have, the adoption will be canceled only from October 1, 2007.

Alimony obligations in the Russian Federation are assessed upon the completion of 18 years of age. Those paid from the family budget for fishing or mining in the forests must fulfill it only within the limits of the actual value of the property transferred to him, minus the portion of the testator’s debts falling on him.

Refusal of parcels by cash on delivery

Informal methods of threat, I think, I don’t remember exactly.

gezidimo wrote on November 6, 2014 at 01:02 pm:

gexec wrote on 11/09/2014 at 00:28:

Just imagine, the air in the city is clean, his mother can also file for alimony and you will only receive 1/6 of his income.

fiwodopah wrote on 11/15/2014 at 00:39:

Nothing can be carried out in the external order of life, for example, when considering a case, persons who are related to each other cannot enter.

duviseg wrote on 11/24/2014 at 02:31:

The head of the debtor, i.e., takes part in the first meeting of creditors without the right to vote.

rejuso wrote on November 27, 2014 at 05:29:

Let's assume that it is possible to parallelize the updating of totals records.

Do postal workers have the right to inspect parcels?

The secrecy of correspondence is protected by law, but nevertheless, this type of confidentiality also has its limits. Therefore, you should not be indignant or surprised if a postal worker asks you to reveal a parcel or correspondence in front of him. There is a legitimate explanation for this.

The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Postal Communications” states in Article 13 that the state is the guarantor of the secrecy of correspondence, and all communication workers are obliged to ensure its compliance.

What is meant by secret correspondence?

This includes the following data:

— addresses of postal users;

— postal items and their contents;

- any messages that fall within the scope of activity of postal workers: telegrams, letters, transfers, and so on.

All information of interest on the above issues can only be obtained by the following persons:

— addressees or their legal representatives;

- public authorities, in cases listed in the Law.

Unfortunately, there are also cases when the recipient receives two boxes already opened. In what cases does a postal worker have the right to open someone else's correspondence? If there are suspicions that prohibited substances or objects are sent in a letter or parcel, in any postal item. You can order: postal boxes, postal bags, packaging materials and everything you need to send mail, letters, parcels and so on, through Russian Post.

The postal service operator has every right to delay the delivery of correspondence that, in his opinion, contains prohibited substances or items. In this case, he has every right to destroy such a shipment if it:

- prohibited for shipment;

— has a certain danger for postal workers;

- dangerous to the life and health of citizens, pollutes the environment, and so on.

In some cases, to carry out the procedure for opening such “Dangerous” correspondence, they resort to the help of police officers, state security agencies and other authorities.

Next articles:

All mail from online stores must have an inventory - then you can open them before payment.

A resident of Yekaterinburg, Viktor Petrovich, saw a DVR on the website of an online store for only 30% of its cost. Delighted with the price, the man immediately ordered it with delivery to the post office by cash on delivery. As he told NASH, this is already his fourth purchase on the Internet - there have been no scams before.

Instead of a DVR - a bar of soap

At the post office, before paying for the parcel by cash on delivery, Victor Petrovich, turning the box in his hands, doubted: it was too light. But a post office worker on the Siberian Highway did not allow the man to open the parcel to check its contents without paying. Having ultimately paid 3,100 rubles (300 for postage, 300 for mail commission, the rest for the product itself), the Ekaterinburg resident received a box. And instead of the ordered device, there was a bar of soap in it.

Can I check the contents of the parcel by cash on delivery before payment?

He asked the postal worker not to send money to the online store for the goods, but she refused to meet him halfway.

As a result, Viktor Petrovich had to write a statement to the police about fraud, and also communicate with the local police officer several times. Unfortunately, the man did not remember either the name or the website of the online store. On the box, only the surname with initials and the post office number were indicated, as well as the line “Poste restante.” Having called the phone number from which the sellers contacted him, he got into an answering machine recording.

Now the Yekaterinburg resident has a bar of soap worth 3,100 rubles, and the police are looking into his case. But without any specific data, it is very difficult to find the owner of an online store who did not send the ordered goods and bring him to justice.

The parcel must be with an inventory

How to act in this situation so that when ordering goods through an online store you are not deceived by scammers, OUR was advised by the Department of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Sverdlovsk Region. They noted that if the parcel is sent by cash on delivery, then before payment and receipt the client has the right to open it in two cases:

  • when there are violations, defects in the postal envelope of the item, which indicate its opening,
  • when the shipment comes with an inventory of the contents.

“If the sender, in this case an online store, sends parcels by cash on delivery, but without an inventory of the contents, the postal operator has no reason to open such a shipment before payment, so the client receives a refusal,” the Russian Post press service clarified.

If the parcel contains an inventory, then you must open it before payment, make sure and show the postal worker that the contents do not match. If the parcel is opened at the operator's office and the contents do not correspond to what was stated by the seller, the recipient has the right to file a claim in two copies. The client gives one copy to the head of the post office.

Russian Post advises ordering goods only from trusted online stores

Following a complaint from a client, specialized postal services conduct an investigation, and if necessary, law enforcement officers are involved.

— We draw the attention of customers that when making a purchase on the Internet, before ordering, you need to make sure that the online store is reliable, especially when making a large purchase. The reliability criterion can be a high rating in Internet search engines, the presence on the site of complete legal details, “physical” addresses and telephone numbers and other data,” the institution commented on the incident.

If you witnessed an event or have photos/videos from the scene, please report it by email [email protected] or by phone 3-615-515. You can also write to WhatsApp or Viber at +79221815515. For a message that becomes the topic of a publication, we pay up to 2,000 rubles.

More articles on the topic

Opening a parcel at the post office

08:48 / 16 Aug. 2017

All mail from online stores must have an inventory - then you can open them before payment.

A resident of Yekaterinburg, Viktor Petrovich, saw a DVR on the website of an online store for only 30% of its cost. Delighted with the price, the man immediately ordered it with delivery to the post office by cash on delivery. As he told OUR, this is already his fourth purchase on the Internet - there have been no scams before.

Instead of a DVR - a bar of soap

At the post office, before paying for the parcel by cash on delivery, Victor Petrovich, turning the box in his hands, doubted: it was too light. But a post office worker on the Siberian Highway did not allow the man to open the parcel to check its contents without paying. Having ultimately paid 3,100 rubles (300 for postage, 300 for mail commission, the rest for the product itself), the Ekaterinburg resident received a box. And instead of the ordered device, there was a bar of soap in it. He asked the postal worker not to send money to the online store for the goods, but she refused to meet him halfway.

As a result, Viktor Petrovich had to write a statement to the police about fraud, and also communicate with the local police officer several times. Unfortunately, the man did not remember either the name or the website of the online store. On the box, only the surname with initials and the post office number were indicated, as well as the line “Poste restante.” Having called the phone number from which the sellers contacted him, he got into an answering machine recording.

Now the Yekaterinburg resident has a bar of soap worth 3,100 rubles, and the police are looking into his case. But without any specific data, it is very difficult to find the owner of an online store who did not send the ordered goods and bring him to justice.

The parcel must be with an inventory

How to act in this situation so that when ordering goods through an online store you are not deceived by scammers, OUR was advised by the Department of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Sverdlovsk Region. They noted that if the parcel is sent by cash on delivery, then before payment and receipt the client has the right to open it in two cases:

  • when there are violations, defects in the postal envelope of the item, which indicate its opening,
  • when the shipment comes with an inventory of the contents.

If the sender, in this case an online store, sends parcels by cash on delivery, but without a description of the contents, the postal operator has no reason to open such a shipment before payment, so the client receives a refusal, the press service of the Russian Post clarified.

If the parcel contains an inventory, then you must open it before payment, make sure and show the postal worker that the contents do not match. If the parcel is opened at the operator's office and the contents do not correspond to what was stated by the seller, the recipient has the right to file a claim in two copies. The client gives one copy to the head of the post office.

Russian Post advises ordering goods only from trusted online stores

Following a complaint from a client, specialized postal services conduct an investigation, and if necessary, law enforcement officers are involved.

We draw the attention of customers that when making a purchase on the Internet, before ordering, you need to make sure that the online store is reliable, especially when making a large purchase. A criterion for reliability can be a high rating in Internet search engines, the presence on the site of complete legal details, “physical” addresses and telephone numbers and other data,” the institution commented on the incident.

Sometimes our online store receives questions like this:

“How can I check your parcel before paying cash on delivery? Did they send me what I needed, and did they send me anything at all, and not a brick?” In short, how not to buy a “pig in a poke”?

We have updated the answer to this question for 2017, taking into account recent laws, rules and regulations, but we will answer the most impatiently: CAN!

And now everything is point by point and in order.

And so in the government decree, which is also relevant for 2017 dated 09/26/97 1239 ON THE APPROVAL OF RULES FOR THE PROVISION OF POSTAL SERVICES, we study section III and specifically paragraph 101, second paragraph. Here is its full content:

Postal items with cash on delivery with a description of the contents, as well as defective ones, must be opened by a postal worker upon delivery to the addressee. In these cases, the cash on delivery amount is not collected until the postal item is opened.

If, when checking the investment, it turns out to be intact and corresponds to the inventory, the act is not drawn up. The addressee is charged the cash on delivery amount and the fee for sending the money transfer, then the postal item is issued in the prescribed manner.

Do skeptics still have questions?

The only thing left to do when purchasing a product in an online store is to convincingly ask the seller to send your purchase by parcel or parcel post with inventory of the attachment and it is imperative that there is a mark about this on the postal item. Your 100% argument in a conversation with the store will be the phrase: “ if the parcel is without an inventory, you will refuse to receive it at the post office" I think no store will want to incur additional losses, because... The store has already incurred the costs of packaging and delivering the package to the buyer, plus he will have to pay the costs of returning the goods.

Happy shopping everyone, and accommodating sellers!

Here's what they sound like:

24.3. RPOs with declared value, sent with cash on delivery and an inventory of the contents, are opened before delivery to the addressee. The attachment of the postal item is compared with the inventory of the attachment f. 107.

24.3.1. If, when checking the investment, it turns out to be intact and corresponds to the inventory f. 107, an autopsy report is not drawn up. The amount of cash on delivery is collected from the addressee, and the shipment is issued in the prescribed manner.

24.3.2. If after checking the attachment it turns out to be intact and corresponds to the inventory f. 107, but the addressee refuses to pay cash on delivery and receive the shipment, the postal service employee is obliged to draw up an act f. 51-v about opening the item in 2 copies in accordance with the Procedure for registration and delivery of defective postal items.

And finally, on the website of the Ministry of Communications (this organization oversees the work of the post office) there is an explanation on the issuance of registered items with an inventory. Read the last two paragraphs:

In accordance with paragraph 216 of the Postal Rules adopted by the Council of Heads of Communications Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications on April 22, 1992 (as amended on November 14, 1992), parcels with an inventory of the contents are subject to opening in the presence of the recipient upon delivery.

Thus, if it is necessary to check the contents of an attachment upon receipt of a postal item, we recommend that when ordering goods through distance selling, contact the seller of the goods to send a postal item with a description of the attachment.

Can I check the contents of the parcel by cash on delivery before payment?

If a parcel has arrived with an agreed cash on delivery payment, then officially representatives of the express service accept payment for the goods, packing and sealing the required amount, and only then give the required goods to the client. The client (buyer) inspects the purchased goods and if damage is found (various inconsistencies with the ordered goods), a refusal certificate of the appropriate form is drawn up and only then the money is returned to the buyer, and the goods are sent back to the seller, only as soon as possible (this often happens) only delivery there and The buyer pays back and the seller is not left with any additional costs. From personal experience, you need to inspect and check the product very carefully.

I don’t know how it is now, but I had a case (3 years ago) when I received a parcel by cash on delivery, and it was possible to view it only after payment. And if you don’t like the package when viewing it, you can only send it at your own expense. As a result, I had to pick up a parcel with content that was not entirely expected. Otherwise, the payment would be higher. Since for cash on delivery the money could be returned when the parcel reaches the person who sent it.

Good day! It all depends on your goodwill and, of course, those who sit in the post office. If you ask nicely, they will probably open the package, because the law has a tick on this point. From my own experience I can say that in many cases they don’t really want to do this. Every trip to the post office is a spoiled mood. God bless Russian Post!

Naturally, you can. Ask postal workers to open the item to check its contents with the description on the address label (inventory of attachments).

Russian Post today is one of the major intermediaries through which operations for sending and receiving valuable parcels are carried out. The cash on delivery service exists not only in Russia, but also abroad, including in states such as Belarus and Ukraine. In order to receive cash on delivery at Russian Post, you need to know the basic rules for providing the service.

Is it possible to pay for the parcel upon receipt?

The current rules of the Russian Post define the concept of cash on delivery, which makes it possible to pay for the parcel at the expense of the addressee at the time of receipt. With this option, the sender instructs the postal worker to collect a certain amount from the recipient of the valuable cargo upon receipt, which is called cash on delivery.

The cash on delivery method is often used by sellers who sell goods through online stores or remotely. When using this method, the buyer of goods has the opportunity to pay for the goods later, that is, not to make any prepayment amounts in advance, but to pay for the goods received only upon direct receipt at the post office. At Russian Post, the addressee himself or his authorized representative can pay for the parcel upon receipt.

What does cash on delivery mean?

Cash on delivery is essentially the usual way of delivering valuable cargo to the recipient. At the same time Upon receipt of the parcel at the post office, the recipient makes a predetermined amount of cash on delivery, the amount of which is returned to the sender of the goods through a money transfer with transfer to a card or cash delivery at the post office. Depositing this amount means for an individual making a cash on delivery payment. Additionally, a certain amount of commission is paid for the service of delivering valuable cargo to the addressee.

Additionally, amounts may be deducted for storing cargo at the post office. If the addressee fails to appear after the first notification, bank employees issue a second notification. If after 5 days the addressee was unable to pick up the item and did not come to the post office, then a certain amount of payment may be charged for each day of storage, but not more than 30 days.

What is the postal commission for receiving a parcel by cash on delivery?

Tariffs for parcel delivery are calculated based on methods approved by the organization. Its size is influenced by several factors, the main ones being the distance and cost of the goods being sent. Currently, customers are required to pay the following rates:

  • up to 1,000 rubles - 80 rubles plus a commission of 5%;
  • from 1,000 to 5,000 - 90 rubles plus 4%;
  • from 5,000 to 20,000 - 190 rubles plus 2%;
  • from 20,000 to 500,000 - 290 rubles plus 1.5.

In some regions of Russia, Russian Post charges an additional percentage, the so-called local transfer fee. This practice exists in Amur, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk and a number of other Russian regions. You can find out the current tariffs at the post office or on the organization’s website.

Rules for receiving parcels by cash on delivery and returning them

The rules for receiving parcels by cash on delivery allow you to send only parcels that have been registered and received the declared value from the sender. If the sending rules are violated, the post office has the right to impose a delivery ban. The amount of cash on delivery cannot exceed its value. It is this amount that is charged from the recipient upon delivery of the parcel and the adequacy of funds should be checked before going to receive the parcel. An individual clearly enters the necessary data of the recipient; it is impossible to edit or make changes to what is written on the form.

The amount of value is declared in ruble equivalent and depends on the value of the entire set of investments. Russian Post establishes a list of categories of postal items and determines the maximum amount of cash on delivery and declared value upon receipt. For example, the maximum amount of cash on delivery and value for a parcel is 10,000 rubles, for a standard class parcel 50,000 rubles.

The organization's instructions state that parcels delivered by cash on delivery are issued to the recipient only after full payment of the cash on delivery transfer and payment of the shipping fee. Before this, the employee is obliged to carry out a check, carry out control weighing and make sure that the resulting weight corresponds to the value specified in the accompanying document. If the package of documents contains Form 107, then this should mean that there is an inventory of the attachments. In this case, the employee will be required to open the contents of the parcel and check the contents for compliance with the document.

To pay for and receive the cargo, it is necessary to provide an identification document in the form of a citizen’s passport. Once the cargo has been received, it cannot be returned. At the same time, Russian Post does not accept claims from the recipient of the shipment regarding the internal contents of the shipment while maintaining the integrity of the packaging.

The recipient may refuse to receive the parcel, in which case it returns to his to the sender. The right not to redeem a parcel is defined by law and the easiest way is to ignore the need to come to the post office. Bank employees ensure that the item is stored for 30 days, after which it is returned. In this case, the costs of transportation are borne by the sender, unless a preliminary agreement has been concluded between the seller and the buyer indicating sanctions for the buyer in case of refusal.

Procedure for receiving parcels by cash on delivery at the post office

The procedure for receiving postal cargo is regulated by current legislation and internal rules of the organization. To receive a parcel at the post office, the addressee must receive notification that the parcel has arrived at the post office. Such a document, along with your passport, must be presented to a bank employee who checks the possibility of issuing the cargo to an individual. It is possible to correctly receive the parcel to the addressee without notification after receiving a repeated notification or a copy thereof.

If there are no misunderstandings, control weighing of the shipment takes place. After paying for the delivery of the parcel, the client makes a note on the back of Form 116, which for mail is a kind of receipt indicating that the addressee has received the valuable cargo.

Parcels with the sign “inventory of attachment” are subject to opening, and cash on delivery is not paid until opening and inspection by the recipient.

The client has the right to refuse the verification procedure; in this case, it is necessary to sign the form on the back side in the address information section about making such a decision.

The opening is carried out by a postal employee in the presence of the recipient and the contents are checked. In case of claims on the part of the client regarding the integrity of the content or its content, a report is drawn up in form 51-B in 4 copies, on the basis of which the management of the post office subsequently initiates the investigation procedure. One act remains with the manager, one copy each remains from the employee and the recipient and the last option is sent to the place where the parcel is received. Correctly delivered cargo is handed over to the recipient after payment.

How to receive cash on delivery by mail without notification

Payment of cash on delivery without notice can be received if it was previously issued, but for certain reasons was not delivered by the postman to the recipient. In this case, it is enough to come to the post office and ask to issue a duplicate document. The postal employee will have to find the postal order number based on the recipient's last name.

How to receive a parcel by cash on delivery without being scammed

Sending goods by cash on delivery is often used by online stores and distance sellers. The main danger with this delivery method is the potential threat of receiving low-quality goods or products that are not appropriate data stated when ordering the product. When ordering, the buyer has no guarantee that the parcel will contain exactly the desired item for which the buyer wished to make a purchase. The main complaints in most cases are related to the following points:

  • poor quality;
  • non-compliance with the stated characteristics;
  • unsuitable size, color or other features of the product for the consumer;
  • incomplete equipment;
  • presence of defects.

To avoid such misunderstandings, you should not buy goods from unverified sellers and pay unknown people. Today there is quite big the number of Internet sites selling goods via the Internet, which have been working in the field of electronic sales for a long time and have a good reputation. Before ordering a product, it is recommended to study reviews from previous customers not only regarding the seller, but also regarding the product being sold. It is recommended to find out what methods can be used to pay for the order.

When interacting with a private person, it is recommended to ask to send real photographs of the product and try to find out the essential points in advance so that the seller has less chance of deceiving. It is worth remembering the main rule that as soon as the recipient of the parcel has paid, it will no longer be possible to return the contents to either the seller or the post office. In this regard, it is recommended to think in advance about how you can take the goods by cash on delivery so as not to be deceived.